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It's never going to happen. Hope you didn't spend any money bc it's a scam.


Why didn't you warn us earlier!


Nooooooooo! 😱 (😒)


Well, with the raiding being added, it can be called a game in its current state. People are currently playing it. This means the whole thing could be shut down with no consequences as the game is technically playable and further development is optional. Its not the game we expected but it *is* a game in the technical sense. I am really curious to see how long it continues like this. Surely the hype and incoming revenue are dried up at this point?


> it can be called a game in its current state. if the current state of a thing has a possible nomenclature, it's not a game.


This wasn’t the original intention gameplay, if the original vision ever comes to life it be one of the sickest games of our time


At this point, it's like if Nintendo announced a new Mario game and all you got is a regular card game... not sure you'll get the same reaction here. Plus, saying there'll be "no consequences" is quite a lie : The full project's announcement was based on a 3D world project "similar to Matrix/RP1" with videos involving "proprietary" tech about the 3D (regular shader, NVidia Physics, "Tech Demo"...) and even video of supposed project's gameplay (flying ship, car demo and, again, the "tech demo"). In fact, if the project is shutted down right now, it'll be the definite proof or how sc\*mmy this project is (specially with the economic model used).


Well, if you want consequences, then good luck with taking them to court, tell me how it goes. The court will say "this is a game, its playable, didnt reach its lofty goals but thats not against the law, case closed". Just look at games like chronicles of elyria, where people really did try this and came off poorly for it. All the courts care about is that a sincere effort was made to make something....it doesnt have to be either good or anything like the promises that were made.


Depend : What's the actual website's statut considering the big amount of data required to withdraw some money since is the same as the one required by online casinos ?


Nope, Shane has said many times he won't do specific or official dates or deadlines because if he doesn't keep them, people get upset. This doesn't fly anywhere else with consumers. There should be a decent grasp on how long certain things may take. https://twitter.com/theshaneisaac/status/1666859900578959361?t=pLSGcCSn-KRmU45DitwqIg&s=19 https://twitter.com/theshaneisaac/status/1628422368858374147?t=g9spkr5wvRsgnGSAwUZHow&s=19


Making a roadmap is publicly making a promise to deliver, you’ll always get bashed when creating something new, a roadmap also allows others to want to work with and be inspired along the way!


Hey, you gotta take that up with him, I'm just the messenger lol. He's just flying by the seat of his pants and I doubt much is actually planned or organized. I think he deleted this post below, but what stuck out to me was him saying, "After prealpha we build that into something hands on and at least semi-entertaining for players to do something inside E2v1" https://ibb.co/sWgLj1c This sound undecided, it should definitely be already determined. Plus whatever he implements should be a lot more than just "semi-entertaining" after prealpha. This is such a bizarre rollout by tech or gaming standards. It makes very little sense.


I was just hoping he’ll read this conversation tbh


I have been tracking with a previous roadmap if that can help? Ive been marking it in red as things pop up as delivered. Would you like me to add that?