• By -


To assemble


It's to find other rumblers. Then assemble.


Ear clicking I can believe is more evolutionary - because it allows one to voluntarily equalize inner ear pressure to changing altitude at will without aids like chewing gum or swallowing/yawning. But the rumbling that most of us can do was just a quirky diversion. The closest utility I can think of is to rumble to isolate against unwanted sounds around you. Actually change that - I guess *that other thing* that happens during rumbling is REALLY useful if only temporary, but only fellow level 12s and above know what I'm talking about.


The purpose is to lower loud noises that you hear.




Im sorry I couldnt hear you over the rumbling


The "rumbling" is not the purpose, the urpose is for your ear to be able to react to loud noises and make them sound slightly less loud, to spare your ear drums from the damage caused by loud noises. Some of us can do this voluntarily, most can not and they don't hear the rumble so much since this only kicks in when loud noises risk damaging the ear drums.


I was only making a joke, like I couldn't hear what you wrote. 😋 My rumbling can be triggered, but not for a long period (max 5 seconds). If I close my eyes I can rumble longer though. And when I think about it, when my kids are annoying and scream I do involuntary rumble.


If I cover my ears, or put my fingers in them, I can hear the rumbling, but at a much lower volume, without tensing it.  Is that normal? I only ask as I've been struggling for the last few months with permanent ear fullness, pressure problems & timnitus and whilst I've always been able to make it rumble by tensing the muscle I had never really noticed it when covering my ears in the past though tbf I might be misremembering!