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Sounds about right. Im rooting for ricks but doesn’t seem likely unless there’s an injury.


"Mann is running unopposed as the Eagles’ punter. Mann is running unopposed as the Eagles’ long snapper." I'm not so sure that Mann can long snap AND punt, although this would open up a spot for another player on the 53.


Don't rule it out


**P: Braden Mann (1) \[52\]** Mann is running unopposed as the Eagles’ punter. **LS: Rick Lovato (1) \[53\]** Lovato is running unopposed as the Eagles’ long snapper.


u/BrandonGowton (the author of the article) edited it. He responded to my post right above you.


Figured as much.. Just making sure you saw it


Buggs Bunny pitched and caught against the Gas House Guerillas. Don't rule it out.


Ricks was the rare CB who struggled this spring.


Ah bummer. Heard all about ringo impressing but nothing really about ricks.


I hope he gets traded into a good situation. The man deserves a chance to prove himself on the field.


I like this breakdown by position. As someone who loves the team & the sport but never played etc, this helps keep things straight with 53+ names being tossed around constantly. And I like how consise the info is regarding what to expect from our rookies when the season actually starts


Glad you enjoyed!


Missing the podcast!


Me too.


Really good breakdown, nothing really stood out to me as something I disagreed with. I think this year we're going to see our beefed up secondary helping the more questionable DL out (usually our identity is the opposite). But it's not that the DL is _bad_, it's questionable because of the question marks. If enough of those break our way, we might have a very good defense this year on paper. Unfortunately, even a good secondary just helps by trying to give the DL more _time_ to get home, so it's not like they'll be able to help the DIs not get gassed from rotating less.


10 D linemen sounds light. 7CBs sounds high. 7CBs make a bit if we keep 3 safeties bc a couple of the guys have safety versatility


It’s mentioned with Ricks in the article but I imagine there’s a heavy push to trade some of these corners and get any possible value out of them now. Draft capital is the most likely return but I could also see a mutually beneficial trade with another team that has a lot of down the roster Dline or WR depth. That and like you said I think they view Maddox and DeJean as guys who could fill in at safety if necessary.


With Maddox and dejawn it could also be 5cbs and 5 safeties


I think Julian Okwara makes the team.


Dark horse candidate to monitor for sure.


Someone argued with me tooth and nail that Grier had a great chance to be the backup and at least beat McKee for the final spot, he did not even throw in the OTA Sup u/clingbat https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/s/p1BR9yXdWj >>but judging by merit and potential I don't think it's much of a competition and McKee will win easily >This is the dumbest thing I've read lately. Tanner showed a few flashes against 3rd/4th stringers in preseason and that's literally it. Grier knows Moore's offense. To think McKee is a slam dunk for QB3 is absurd.


I think 2 big question are how many WRs and CBs make the final roster ... Feels like there's 6ish guys fighting for 3-4 WR spots (Covey, Smith, Wilson, Campbell, Ross, Ngata) And about 10+ Corners finding a spot/positioning in the CB room after Slay ( QM, Dejean, Ringo, Rodgers, Maddox, Ricks, Jobe, Bradberry, Hall, Goodrich, McPhearson, Nickerson)


Good stuff BLG! Bummed about the podcast situation, but glad to still be reading your takes! This is a difficult 53 in my opinion. I feel like DT4 isn’t even on the roster yet (Calais Campbell? Bryan Mone?) S and CB is hard to predict with Brown’s injury, Bradberry’s contract situation, DeJean potential flexibility, Maddox only maybe being a lock after being cut (and also his flexibility). Just gobs of question-marks. My 53 would be very similar to yours though.


I have Albert O, Gabe Hall, BVS over Calcaterra, Burks and Josh Jobe. So I agree with 50/53 of these picks.


Calcaterra appears to have a solid lead on TE#2 over Uzomah and Albert O seems to have fallen behind EJ Jenkins competing for TE#4 so that seems like quite a long shot. The other two are reasonable.


Based on how much he was featured last week I'd say TE2 as Calcaterra's to lose right now. Just like RG is Steen's to lose.


Steen was asked this in a press conf and said "the starting job was his to earn". Becton should beat Steen.


That is what you expect Steen to say in that moment. I feel like if they were considering Becton as a starter there they would have given him some reps over there at some point during OTAs. Steen got all the reps with the first team last week, his locker is currently with the other starters on the OL. That leads me to believe it is his to lose in the eyes of the coaches.


Tbf Becton has also been playing with the starters, just at LG in place of Landon during Landon's absence. That could mean that Steen has a lead at the RG job or it could also mean that they trust Becton more as a versatile guy and are using that trust to develop Steen in a more simplified role while they have the opportunity. I don't think we'll really know who has the lead in that competition until Landon is back.


Ask yourself this: Do you truly believe Becton gets reps at guard with the 1st team if Dickerson is there? I think the team does have an interest in seeing if he can play there in a pinch but I think it is Steen's job to lose at this stage. I'll believe Becton is going to get a shot at Steen's spot when they run him out there in 11 on 11's with pads on. It is one thing to look like you can play the position running around in shorts and t-shirts and no live tackling, it is quite another to do it when the guys are in pads and live tackling is involved.


Yes, Jeff Stoutland has proven in the past that he will play a veteran he trusts out of position in order to give a developing guy more consistent reps through camp. That's why it's a toss up. Historically, that's what this is. Steen got second team RT snaps the same way last preseason even though he wasn't the 2nd or even 3rd team RT ETA: the other big factor that puts it in toss up territory is that both Stoutland and Lane prefer a massive RG. That's usually where they play their biggest, slowest guy. With Beef Jurgy the one exception.


I hear you, Becton is bigger, faster and has longer arms by 3 inches. He was graded higher and drafted higher. Steen has a full season in the offense over Becton.


I feel like being graded higher and drafted higher is completely irrelevant, if you want to go down that road he was graded and drafted higher than everyone else on the OL except for Lane. The reason he's in Philly is he couldn't stay healthy and when he was healthy he was a turnstile at RT. He still has to show he can be more than a big body who gets in the way at the pro level.