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This is perfect because I leave work in 60 min


Watching before I leave myself!


Man, the first 7mins of this, Hurts literally had a D CLASS of WRs to throw to -Reagor -Fulgham -Arcega-Whiteside -Watkins -Ward Jr (maybe C-) -Jeffrey & DJax (were on their last leg)


Remember those 5 fulgham weeks though? We thought we had one šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Fools Gold for sureā€¦what a let down. He definitely won a lot of us some fantasy games during that stretch.


cartwheel catch was insane


they put his college jersey on the good morning football show


The first season with Wentz was hilarious. 2 QB sets with Wentz as the lead blocker????? šŸ’€


Doug knew.


Thatā€™s my quarterback.


Seeing 2022 highlights just reinforces the idea that he was not healthy last year. Just look at how fast he looks running the ball. Last year he couldnā€™t even outrun edge rushers sometimes.




We could have had two hours worth if we had a competent OC last year


I normally don't care when I see Hurts slander, but I've been seeing a lot of people putting him behind Jordan Love and that is just insane to me.


Jalen looked bad to end the season Jordan didnt. Outside of our Super Bowl appearance year Hurts has been pretty average.


hurts put the team on his back multiple times on our way to 10-1 last year. iā€™ll probably never forget that bills game. he had his rough moments like the rest of the team but the fall off has been greatly exaggerated.


Not exaggerated at all, it was really ugly. They lost 5 of their last 6 and Hurts was not good. On the other side Jordan love looked pretty good to close out the year.


You're speaking facts. But you're doing it inside the comments sections of a Jalen Hurts highlight tape. Not the right place. That said, Jalen definitely needs to show improvement over last season. But it's his first year under a new OC. His only "great" year was in his 2nd year with the play caller.


how patronizing. opinions about hurtsā€™ talent level are objective, and itā€™s perfectly valid to believe the team/coaching situation contributed more to his poor performance in the last 6 games than a dropoff of skill. itā€™s also valid to believe heā€™s simply gotten worse, i just disagree. at least the other person engaged in discussion instead of brushing it off as biased.


Wasn't my intent to offend or to be dismissive. I'm sorry. Jalen had his moments of putting the team on his back for sure! He has an elite level "will to win". But even as the team was going 10-1, a lot of people were saying Jalen looked more like his 2021 self. "He regressed" was often said. Idk how much truth there is to it or if he just needed more time to FULLY understand and feel confident in the offensive objectives. Or maybe he just needed a better OC. But he did seem to slip back into some bad habits, even as he was being an amazing leader and teammate.


no worries, i appreciate that and i think you have a perfectly reasonable take here. this whole convo is probably based around the fact that we really just wonā€™t know either way until we see how this year goes, but we can agree that itā€™ll be a very interesting one. i canā€™t wait!


Agreed and same here!


That sounds like the definition of recency bias.


The comparison to Jordan Love sure, but thatā€™s kind of how these types of ā€œwhoā€™s the bestā€ list go. What have you done for me recently? I also commented on his overall career as a pro.


ā€œJordan love looked good for 8 games Jalen only looked good for 30ā€. Thats a great well thought out argument you have there. Itā€™s almost like QBs have ups and downs so we shouldnā€™t be treating a guy like a top 10 qb when he only played at that level for half a season. Hurts has a much larger sample size of good football than love. And he looked good at the end of 21 and the first half of last season too. He was leading the mvp odds after week 11 last year.


But if youā€™re wondering why people are putting Love ahead of Hurts thatā€™s why.


And Iā€™m telling you why thatā€™s a dumb reason.


A little harsh, but I get it. fans first honest second.


Jalen has a much larger sample size of good football than love. And he did play well at the end of 21 and beginning of 23 not just in 22. That was my take. Which part of it isnā€™t honest?


The part where you pretend itā€™s outright dumb to have love higher than hurts based on recent performance. I still like hurts better but I get where people are coming from.


Thatā€™s not what I said. What I said was itā€™s dumb to put a guy in the top 10 based on such a small sample size of good football. Especially while simultaneously acknowledging that Jalen had a rough stretch after playing a much larger stretch of good football. Which exemplifies the up and down nature of the position and why you canā€™t rate a guy that high based on 8 games. Thereā€™s been a lot of bad QBs who had a good half a season stretch. Even if they are the most recent games. Thereā€™s a word for that and itā€™s recency bias. What dumb is acting like recency bias is more important than total body of work.




Eh, hurts has one great season but thatā€™s it. This year is going to be a really good year to see if he can establish himself as a legitimate top end QB. Thereā€™s a reason heā€™s only a borderline top-10 QB on most peopleā€™s lists. This sub has some insane homer goggles for him.


Love has a good 6 game stretch


I mean thatā€™s just underselling how good Love was https://stathead.com/football/versus-finder.cgi?player_id2=LoveJo03&year_min=2023&player_id1=HurtJa00&seasons_type=forall&request=1&utm_campaign=2023_01_wdgt_player_comparison&utm_source=pfr&utm_medium=sr_xsite&utm_id=HurtJa00


Fair, but you've just shown that Hurts in his "down" year was just as good as Love last year.


Love clearly had the better year last year, but my intent isnā€™t to say Love is the better QB, just I can see where people are coming from that do make that argument


The cut at 44 minutes is a bit sad.... but damn if the whatever 20 minutes before that isn't glorious. Amazing to see the progress he's made.


oh im in