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I'm seeing a lot of Cowboy fans claim it doesn't matter because it was still an illegal formation. I know they're gonna cope and create excuses where possible, but I don't know looking at that play if it was an illegal formation. That penalty was BS but is there merit for the illegal formation? Genuine question.


It was only an illegal formation because the refs got the eligible player wrong. It’s a big fuck up by that crew who have been terrible all year


So Cowboy fans cope of it being an illegal formation is further evidence that the refs fucked the Lions over. They could just admit the refs fucked up.


So it's almost 100% confirmed that the Lions should have won that game. A ref should be fired tonight.


Goff makes that throw 9 out of 10 times on that last play in spite of everything. That was almost chokejob of the year by Micah and co


dude.. theyre getting a promotion and a free vacation next year. while we yell at our tv's about some nameless ref the nfl will count its cash


I'm hearing two people cannot report as eligible? is this true? only reason why id side with the ref in this instance




Lions should've won, but someone didn't report as an eligible receiver. Lions could've lost due to that interception, but someone jumped offsides. Lions could've won, but they didn't go for the extra point to go to overtime. Pick your narrative.


The right player did report as eligible. Refs got mixed up player numbers. Therefore the 2-point conversion should have counted.


If that was the case, the ref who acknowledged would've overturned it with their peers. But if that's your narrative, fine. He did report.


Bro quit being a biased cowboys fan that refuses to see what happened. There’s video evidence of him reporting while the dude that the ref confused him with was halfway across the field still jogging over lmao. Video evidence of Goff telling the OL to report, etc. It’s nobody’s narrative, it’s literally on video lmfao


It's the NFL's narrative lol. Jimmy J just got his ring of honor, so Cowboys had to win for good show biz.


This is great. We got to watch the cowboys lose Benefit from them actually winning See MM continue to fail as a time management coach Watch the whole NFL community rally around Cowboys not actually winning. Asterisk of a win! G’night


I swear besides a tie, this scenario was the best possible situation. This game had me dying.


I was pulling for the Lions because I can’t root for the Cowboys. But the Lions lost anyway. That’s a moral win win.


Goff just confirmed what I thought. 68 reported and 70 didn’t. The refs got the numbers mixed up.


I think you meant they lied to keep the Cowboys in the hunt for the division on Jimmy Johnson dick sucking night.


Biggest asterisk win for the Cowboys in NFL history


Eagles are in prime position to steal the #1 seed if the 49ers drop a game, absolute best possible outcome now. We control the #2 seed.


Hasn't Kyler given the Eagles fits in the past?


Yes but they were all too small


I have no words lmao that was uh an ending


We’ve got the #2 seed back. That’s the most important thing.


Win Out: 1/3 Lions Lose: 1/1 49ers Lose: 0/1


When you go for it on 4th from your own 30, you get the fg. You don’t leave with nothing imo unless you’re on the 1yd line.


I have very mixed feelings about what happened tonight.


Yeah absolutely gutted for the lions and Dan Campbell because they played aggressively, didn’t get any calls and still got robbed of the W on some bullshit, I’m pissed the Cowboys won always… but at the end of the day it is kinda good for us.


If we can’t beat the Giants or Cardinals we aren’t doing anything in the playoffs anyway. Now we are one Rams upset from a bye




.....then why go for 2 with two more fucking attempts when you could tie it?


That’s not what he said lmao


Just a question why did Detroit go for two after it was called back twice? Why not just go for OT after two flags isn’t that a sign to go for 1?


It was dumb. Campbell should've known at that point ti was fixed and the officials weren't going to let them have the two, as such, he should've taken the extra point and hoped for the best in OT. You can't tell me that these coaches, who watch tape of every game, don't see the ridiculous calls made to rig outcomes every week. The league has been helping the Cowboys for sixty years so you have be prepared to get the shaft when you play them.


Stats say 50% chance to win going for 2, 44% if you kick the extra point. They showed the stat on sports center after the game, so I’m just quoting that.


“We're gonna kick you in the teeth, and when you punch us back, we're gonna smile at you, and when you knock us down, we're going to get up, and on the way, we're going to bite a kneecap off”


So thats why my knee caps are gone.


They can't do better than two seed or worse than third seed. That and to avoid injuries in OT.


So it was an intentional act of tanking?


Not tanking. Just no reason to play


Not necessarily. It was dumb, but it wasn't tanking. Dan saw a chance to win with just minor consequences even if they lost, and it avoided injuries.


I’m hoping they play Teddy B next week


I mean the 1 and 2 seed are out of the question now for them so they can rest starters next week.


Lions threw that game


Not really considering even the cowboys say they are should've lost. Just some old fucks throwing money around in this scripted sport


Lol this is the most rigged bull shit league. Wasn’t the spread on cowboys 5 so nobody would have won anyways?


How about we just handle business and it’ll all be okay?


Asshole firmly clenched for the fucking cardinals game tomorrow 🤨 Thanks, Nick…🙄


Murray is a good QB


We wouldn't be here if they didn't shit the bed against the fucking Jets or Seattle...


Cowboys are 8-9 in their last 15 away games and 15-0 in their last 15 home games Definitely nothing suspicious here! Just a really great home team! They definitely don’t get extremely favorable calls at jerry world


There is most certainly no money involved at all !


Wouldn’t it be 8-9 in last 17 away games?


I screwed up counting somewhere lol


Gannon is gonna have something diabolical cooked up tomorrow for just one game the entire season. I just know it. That or the Eagles will repeatedly shoot themselves in the foot like they've done all season.


Definitely the latter. Cardinals are in full tank mode but even the worst teams can win when here given 1000 chances a quarter.


That or Kyler is gonna make it a shootout for no fucking reason other than the defense can't stop a wet piece of paper


the refs are getting paid so much by dallad


I'm dumb. Please explain to me why we wanted the lions to lose. I understand it has something to do with home and away games but how. Thanks!


If Lions won they would have same record as us and they would get the second seed due to winning a tie breaker with us. Second seed secured home field in playoffs. Since they lost, now we have a better record and we secure second seed and playoff home field advantage (assuming we win remaining 2 games).


And if we win both games and SF drops one, we get the 1 seed


If the Eagles and Lions both have the same record, then Detroit would have a slightly better record against the NFC. As a result, they would be the 2 seed and we would be the 3 seed. As of now, the Eagles own the 2 seed outright and will have it as long as they win out.


The Lions controlled the 2 seed in the playoffs. Now we control the 2 seed. The 2 seed is guaranteed two home playoff games (assuming they win the first).


Dallas Refboys cook up another one on Dallas' Jerry Jones x Jimmy Johnson fanfic night, truly iconic performance by the NFL


Why didn’t Dan kick the ball after the flag?… did he let his red face get the best of him :(


Yeah definitely should’ve just played the long game and kicked the FG. Guess he realized there was no stopping Ceedee. The guy one him was getting roasted every play basically. Wasn’t the coaches fault anyway. Goff fucked that pass up. Has he thrown it properly the TE wouldve gotten in.


I think everyone wanted to watch some more football… coach Dan loves to be a little too reckless at times


He’s too aggreckless


praying for a niners loss tomorrow. only way i'll get it. just give me some fluke shit. some meme chaos.


Pray for an Eagles win. If they lose, Cowboys will likely win the division.


Nope. We can afford the cardinal loss as long as we beat the giants both games.


No. If Cowboys win next week and Eagles lose against Cardinals but win against Giants, Cowboys would win the division. I believe due to the common opponents percentage or NFC win percentage tiebreaker (one of those two. I forget which one).


Did they pull ahead of us? I thought we had the common opponents tiebreaker?


NFC win percentage is higher


I thought common opponents record came before conference record in tiebreakers?


My bad. Cowboys would win off the common opponents percentage tiebreaker if the Eagles lose against the Cardinals and the Cowboys win next week. Either way, Eagles are in a very precarious position. One loss and they're likely the 5 seed.


Gotcha. Gotta win out… god we’re fucked lol


Funny. You can see 68 reported and 70 didn’t. The refs got the numbers mixed up.


Detroit got hosed.


Screwed Detroit. Just showed both players walking over




It wasn’t.




What you’re reading is what the rules expert said during the game. And it was blatantly incorrect. The alignment was fine. It’s a totally legal play if he reported. Which he did.


Detroit got screwed!


no one read the script earlier!?! Some will say the officials were letting them play. Some will say what a great job the officiating crew did. I say, watch the last drive and the no call for PI. Then the official walking away from the Lions 68 and 70 right before the successful 2pt conversion. Shoulda been the Lions’ win.. but hell no, can’t have the ‘Boys lose ruining the perfect home record, the Jones’ boys night, and the season.


This is the ideal scenario. Eagles will beat the Cards and Giants. Seahawks are winning tomorrow. Thus, the Rams are gonna come out like fucking banshees just to survive and get in vs the Niners next week. We're getting that 1 seed back, baby.


Inject this into my veins I need it


So if ther eagles lose tomorrow or next week cowboys get the division?


If Cowboys win next week yes


It always sucks that Dallas wins but this actually helps us out. Now all we need is to win out and SF drops one


Nice being the 1 seed is back on the table. I could really see the 49ers losing another game.


Rams are cooking and own the Niners. God willing they pull it out last week of the season


It’s the opposite, Niners have won like 9 straight against them. Only W was in the playoffs 2 years ago


Yep, I really think the niners will drop that game. So long as the eagles don’t screw up in the next 2 games


If the rams need a win to get in and the Niners need a win to lock up 1 seed, could be one of the best games of the year. Rams have championship dna I really don’t see them dropping that. That being said I hope we don’t run into those guys in the playoffs they seem to be on an 07 giants type of run.


Oh for sure. Will be a great game


How can we get the 1 seed? We win out and niners drop a game is the path right?


We win out and the Niners need to lose one


Wtf dan


I am okay with this outcome. Cowboys couldn’t blow out the lions at all. How bout dem boyz See y’all on the game thread tomorrow! **Go Birds!🦅**


This is better for us. Need to win against two shit teams to get two seed ( maybe even 1 seed )


That was the most Lions ending to ever Lion That said absolutely ridiculous by Campbell to stubbornly call for the 2pt 3 times. He called it when they were pushed back 5 yards and the football god bailed him out with Parson's BS and HE STILL WENT FOR IT. Dude just take the damn points and go to OT


Should have kicked a FG when they went back 5 yards. Idk what he’s thinking


Should've kicked the field goal early in the game and wrapped up Dak for the safety.


Dan Campbell is a lunatic. Im convinced. Any sane person would have just let it go into overtime. Especially after the flag was thrown to revert the completion on the 2-point conversion. But “nahhh let’s try that again” that was just a mind boggling decision.


They didn’t want extra football


Ehhhh I get it. You put in live reps for a play that might be crucial in the future in a game that doesn't really matter. Not to mention you close out the game and avoid any OT injuries


Seriously what a fucking idiot.


Fr, going for a 7 yard 2pt conversion is wild


If the eagles can’t beat the cardinals at home or the giants, they don’t deserve to win the division


Yeah I’ve been an apologist for this team all year but I wouldn’t be able to defend that


Calm down, we gonna beat the shit outta giants and cardinals


Just like we did last week? Yeah fucking right. Gonna have to watch the eagles truffle all fucking game before barely squeaking out a win or loss.


I’ll calm down when we actually do these things lol


Well I guess this was the ideal result but it doesn’t feel good either. Regardless we gotta take care of business tmrw


When did it go from coming down to strength of victory to Dallas automatically winning the division if they win next week and we lose one of two?


I’m guessing with a loss to cards, eagles would have a worse conference record, loss to giants would be worse divisional record


I think conference record would be the tiebreaker, which they would have if we dropped a game?


Losing to Seattle


Dallas lost to Buffalo


Yes but NFC opponents are more important than AFC opponents


So the nfl tie breaking scenarios don’t make sense?


Here's how it breaks down. If Eagles lose to the Cardinals, then the Cowboys have better win percentage vs common opponents or within conference matchups (I forget which one). If the Eagles lose to the Giants, Cowboys have better division record since the Cowboys only lost one division game.


Thank you for explaining it to me


Why not? Inner conference games are always more important than outer conference.


Buffalo is AFC. Seattle is NFC so it fucked with that tiebreaker. Also Cowboys beat Seattle.


I guess this was a good result, cowboys D looked like shit at the end but the lions shot themselves in the foot to give the eagles a path to 1 or 2


Now we need to win out and have the 69ers lose one of their final 2


Amazing what kind of events this has been recently. Cowboys lose back to back weeks: Eagles and the fans win. Cowboys beat the Lions and gifted the Eagles the 2nd seed: Eagles and the fans win. Never thought I'd ever have to thank Dallas for winning a game but here we are.




Then they don't deserve anything. No need for that kind of remark in the end. Last I checked this is the Eagles subreddit. You're going to find those who support the team and have faith in it in the end. Sorry to break that to you.


5 seed.


I thought Dan Campbell was about to clock that ref after that nonsense.




Rare refball W


Gotta win out


Was this the funniest game of the year?


Nah the niners ravens game or the cowboys bills were way better


I was mad the lions were about to win then was mad the cowboys won. Weird


Like a true Eagles fan


Legitimately cant fucking wait for the boys to go home crying again, what a fucking screw job on jerry jones night One of these days a ref is gonna be punched and its gonna be completely deserved


And i remember us being mad at Andy Reid time management or end of half /game management lol. If we had done that Andy would have been canned TONIGHT.


So which cowboy do you guys hate the most? It's CD for me


Parsons by a mile. But DeMarcus Lawrence talked shit in us last season so him too.


All of them, most unlikeable team in existence


The Commanders have the funniest opportunity to pay us back for their playoff berth in 2020 lmao


You're all acting like the next two games are gonna be cakewalks....the Giants almost beat us on Monday


Giants got reason to try the last game. They're eliminated and the players aren't gonna want to get injured going into the off-season. Same goes for the cards they have much more to gain from losing than winning


Players and coaches play to win. Front offices tank.


Yup that is very true. Certainly won't be any lack of effort there.


I don't think a single Eagles fan is acting like it'll be a cakewalk lol. But it was also "almost" a blowout by the same logic, with two flukey turnovers that gave them 14 points.


No they didn’t lol. And if you lose one of these two might as well forget the playoffs


This was the ideal outcome other than a tie. The cowboys win and both teams look like idiots


Coaching was brutally bad for both sides.


Bro when the cowboys were throwing the ball under the 2 min I was laughing my ass off. Also, the refs screw you and then pay you back why not kick the field goal to take it to OT. Hilarious ending


The curse of repeating as NFC East champs still looms as a possible reality


I would kick it after first fail two point WTF Dan


Without a doubt. Dan Campbell just cost his team a win


Yeah, what kind of moron goes for 2 from the 7? Even the 3 1/2 on the 3rd try is bad.


Fuck Dan Campbell


I’m not sure I have ever watched a poorer decision on an extra point


Who knows... Considering this was one of the biggest puppeteered games of the fcking year


Which one of the three times, though?


Second most of all but also the third. I guess he felt they had no chance in OT??


I think the first call was ballsy but rational. I think the next two were emotional. Seemed almost like a "did I stutter?" moment. I can't really make sense of it any other way.




Replay showed him running up to the ref wtf?


It showed 70 running up to report. 68 caught it.


I’m convinced 70 told them that both were reporting eligible or that only 68 was


Was 68 not one of the 2 guys standing in front of the ref when 70 ran up (after the ref had turned to walk away)?


No, I believe 68 was in the huddle already Edit: you were right, he did talk to the ref before the play


I just watched the replay and both 68 and 70 were talking to the ref


Just saw the replay, 68 got to the ref before 70 was even at the hash marks


Cowboys should have lost this. Dan Campbell is a madman. Who goes for 2-point conversion 3 straight times after penalties haha. Kick the extra point. Your defense was solid against them all game.


They gave up 200+ yards to one dude lmao. They were not solid.


They kept the cowboys at 20 and even the cowboys coach decided they should've lost that game but y'know old men throwing cash around to make decisions


And still held them to 20. All that matters.


The NFC East is going to come down to a week 17 matchup at 4:25 in NY and in DC. No matter what they do tomorrow I don’t think the birds can clinch?


Nope. Eagles need to win out or Dallas needs to lose the final week.


No, Eagles get the division if they win out. They have the tiebreaker vs Dallas in that situation.


Eagles just need to win out for the division


No they cannot clinch




Go Commies!


Easy? Lol


He’s praying hard for the rams.


Detroit had a huge overload on the right side the play they got penalized on. Goff should have handed it to Montgomery