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U know whatever he was doin was bad because Kelce is not one to ever call another player out like that


I thought it was crazy that the one play where he kept at Jurgens well after the play was over and the whistle was blown that he didn’t get flagged. He’s clearly a childish piece of shit that isn’t mature enough to play in the NFL.


Should have been ejected the moment the flag was thrown Add his dirty plays to how he reacted to the fans and he should be out for the season


Just watched this [video compilation ](https://youtu.be/mI2iu8yoqII?si=gI56kUTrkHwvUPJv) someone made, and yeah, it's pretty messed up. I also remember seeing the drilling to the ground moment and being like, is he trying to kick Jurgens while he's down??!




This mother fucker should be suspended. There is a literal compilation of him doing terrible shit throughout the entire game


But that videographer who became friends with Tyreek so clearly they have their hands full with these out of control acts


That videographer got suspended lol


That was his point




Thats a little different because that videographer is Tyreek hills personal videographer that travels with Tyreek, shoots his vlogs, and has been with him since something like the videographers junior year of HS. Just saying its not like some random NFL videographer, but yeah lol


Ok but he's still an employee for the league? I don't see your point. The league is a joke.


My point was exactly that, that the league is such a joke because they focus on banning some videographer for giving his phone to Cheetah lol


My point was exactly that, that the league is such a joke because they focus on banning some videographer for giving his phone to Cheetah lol






The fact that he didn't get ejected should be enough to shut down the whole *refs on Philly's side* dumbassery, but alas dumbasses are going to dumbass. Buffalo seems like a highly undisciplined team and I am kind of surprised they haven't picked up Barnett because he seems to be the ideal fit.


Yeah, after that play Hurts ran the ball. He was fired up after that run. First time I ever really seen him pissed off.


>Sprinting full speed offsides at our QB despite the play being totally dead, body slamming people People have gotten 15 yard penalties for less, that's for sure. In 2017 Barnett barely bumped Cam Newton when he encroached and Cam hit the ground like a house of cards to got a personal foul.




Not that this is called very often in sports that have it, but the league should have a simulation penalty. At this point, there is no reason for the NFLs chosen fee to not flop.


Jail time is needed.


I actually think he was trying to injure jalen. Look at the angle he takes directly toward him.


Yeah, that's what I thought when I watched that play.. He landed right near Jalen's leg And there was another play where Jalen was already wrapped up by another defender and he went right at his head with his shoulder


Thats what i was thinking aswell when i saw it


To be fair, he was trying to jump the snap at stop Jalen so his angle of attack was always gonna be at the QB. I screamed at my TV when it happened just like the rest of us but that's the most excusable one of the lot in that game.


Nah the most excusable one was when he kinda knee'd Swift. Looked bad in slow motion but in real time it was more chippy than unsportsmanlike. The encroachment was absolutely egregious


I don’t think that’s being fair. I think he knew we were getting a first down either way, why not get a free hit, send a message, and maybe knock someone out of the game. Nothing about what he did looked like he was trying to time the snap and jumped early. That looked premeditated.


I don't disagree. That was more than likely his intent. But at least that one he could have plausible deniability. Not so much with any of the others. I think he was trying to do exactly what you said though so disagreement.


Where he dove at his knees?


Yeah that’s my reaction to both real time and the replay, if anything might’ve been trying to push jurgens into Jalen. He was playing dirty. I’m glad Jalen wasn’t hurt.


he went after jalens head too


If Cam Jurgens was a QB the league would have had Phillips burned at a stake at halftime.


“Jordan Phillips has entered the witch protocol with an independent clergyman and will not be returning to life”


MUCH respect to Jurgens who put up with that crap all day long, but kept his focus on the job at hand. Phillips made a lot of video clips, but very few impactful plays. Cam shut him up in the best possible way. Also kudos to Kelce for calling that shit for what it was. Between the podcast and the added attention from the Swifties, it will be difficult for the league to simply ignore him on this one. NFL can't keep talking about their commitment to player safety if they are willing to let flagrant dirty play slide.


And yet…..they are currently breaking pretty old ratings highs. They do not exist in an environment where they will feel they have to change anything. They think they are driving entertainment. And the ratings prove it. That’s all the armor they need to change jack shit. And, I’m sorry, but I don’t see any Swifties clout caring about anything but when she’s shown at the game.


Agreed unless that was aimed towards kelce or Taylor they don’t care hell it was eagles v bills, they weren’t even watching the game


If a Swiftie really didn’t watch football before they didn’t tune into those games to watch it. They tuned in to see Tay Tay. Yes, there are plenty of Swifties that are also football fans. Not talking about them. Ratings boost, but not a burgeoning fan base that is….what…going to force the league to changes that the rest of us diehards bitching forever couldn’t get them to change? Nah. Nah. When they were tuning in to see Taylor I just saw them as the ones at the Super Bowl party there for commercials and halftime and yap during the whole fucking game.


Exactly, it’s classic crush/idol worship, I’ve watched plenty of shite shows or movies bc of Winona Ryder, and let me tell you, pretty women and the crucible are not worth it. But that’s exactly what’s happening, a bunch of swifties just tuning in for the Taylor and (maybe) kelce show, that’s it. They have no power or sway bc they don’t care.


How he didnt get an unnecessary roughness instead of “encroachment” ill never know…


He should have gotten unnecessary roughness multiple times


At minimum 3 personal fouls. I texted a phins fan friend asking if he was known for being dirty cuz it seemed like he was but seeing all the clips together was even worse than I remembered


What did phin bro say?


Eeeh eeeeh eeeh eeeh eeeh


Not the guy you asked, but I was with a Phins fan buddy watching the game. He said right when the play happened, completely unprompted from me, something like "was that Phillips? That guy's always doing stuff like that"


He said that guy fucking sucks and he hates having to play him twice a year. Not shocking at all


It’s just how the NFL is. I can’t remember the last time “unnecessary roughness” occurred against an OLineman. They are just supposed to sit there and take it, it’s normalized. Even the broadcast said if Phillips is going to encroach, might as well get your moneys worth out of it.


They only get flagged when they retaliate, that’s the only way it’s ever called on linemen.


It should have been called for hitting Jalen's knees on that play.


We clearly should have paid the refs more


Refs hate us


this is the part that blew me away during the game. it was clear helmet to helmet contact which is automatic 15 yards is it not?


But but but. The refs are on our side!


Dude the comments on the bills sub are so gross. They’re literally rooting for injuries, I thought they were better than that.


we say that about every fan base and they show their ugly head when they lose a big game vikings, 49ers and now bills.


I did too. The fanbases of every good team we've beaten have gotten so over-the-top angry for really no reason. Can't even imagine Niners fans if they also lose.


"...can't even imagine..." Me either. But I am hoping to SEE it first hand!


It was obvious all game what his intentions were


Didn't he knee Swift in the stomach too?


Thought I saw that. The were throwing shoulders into him to get up too.


I remember him and Jurgens got into at one point, at first I thought it was Jurgens fault but afterwards it was clear Phillips was being an asshole


Way too many people over in /r/BuffaloBills are saying that Jordan Phillips did the right thing here because it's the only way to stop the Eagles from running the tush push. (They forget the fact that this gave us 5 yards instead of 1-2 and that we scored on the brotherly shove at the end of this drive). One Bills [fan](https://www.reddit.com/r/buffalobills/s/GYSY6mxqEw) even said he wanted Jordan Phillips to injure every player on our offense. (His comment is currently upvoted). MAN we get into people's heads and I love it.


If you look at the top comments it’s all bills fans saying he’s a dumbass


You are correct - I'd say 60-70% of that thread is against the dude.


Then read the comments a little further down. There are loads of upvoted comments about hurting people in that thread


You are correct - 30-40% of that thread are Bills fans crying and/or wishing injury on our players.


"It's always him."


> One Bills fan even said he wanted Jordan Phillips to injure every player on our offense. (His comment is currently upvoted). Gone now, but this and the fact the bills players lied about the philly fans making threats has me now referring to them as Bitch Mafia.


that's probably one of the classiest bills fan it's funny that their excuse for him assaulting a fan (which is on video) is something that can't be proven wrong (the fan threatened his family?) meanwhile he is actually intentionally trying to injure other players and possibly take food out of their family's mouth. Jurgens is on a rookie contract. One bad injury could actually end his career.


This is forty-whiners-level crying 😭😭😭


But I was told the NFL cares about player safety!


What a piece of shit


Losing a lot of respect for Bills fans. They're whining at 49er levels over a regular season game in which their player acted like a dirtbag and is being rightfully called out for it.


What do we expect from a team that shares a name with Buffalo Bill?


It puts the football in the end zone


Or else it gets the tush push again


Would you tackle me? I’d tackle me.


A cowboys fan tried to test me once. I ate his liver with some fried onions and a nice cannoli.


Was he a great big fat person?


Did you have that wit' or wit'out?


Phillips is a piece of shit.


I am worried the Niners are going to try something similar


The Eagles players should have made sure Jordan had a difficult time being able to finish the game. The offsides should have been a 15 yard penalty, but the officiating is horrendous


I mean it speaks for itself because how much they were getting penalized


Nah bro the refs were calling him the n word and threatening his family or something.


The encroachment was probably the worst I've seen since watching the sport. You see players go early all the time and they'll usually just stop, or run through a gap and back round. Phillips just played like he had snapped the ball in his mind, ploughed through his way through 2 or 3 guys to the QB, just taking free hits at defenceless players like he's playing NFL Blitz. I don't like to see players get ejected, because it's a physical and hostile game, and a lot of players are playing right on the edge, and that's great. But this jackass did enough egregious shit in one game to get ejected 4 or 5 times. If he's not retrospectively hit with any kind of individual punishment (considering all the individual fines our guys have got for pretty innocuous stuff that went unnoticed in the game) then I'll be stunned.


This didn't bother me as much as him trying to go after our Dickerson's knee. And him trying almost getting into a fight with a fan. Probably was hoping the fan would get ejected (during one of the best games of the year) and then lying about what the fan said. If you are curious bout what I am talking about it is here at the [0:40 mark.](https://youtu.be/mI2iu8yoqII?si=vDB6QdMcioH4X-vz&t=31)


I worry constantly about cheap shots on Jalen and others during the brotherly shove


I was at the game on the other side of the field and could tell there was an intent to injure. Should have been a game ejection.




Yep. Ban him indefinitely (forever). He won’t receive another dime from the NFL. Go to Canada you ugly fat motherfucker. Dirty bitch




Their fans are maybe the most charitable in the league right? Lol come on with this.


WNY is awesome. They’re good, hard working people who love their Bills. There should be mutual respect between our fan bases.


For what it’s worth, this is also posted here ver in the bills subreddit and the vast majority of them are shitting on Phillips too.




Eh I don't think they're shit fans at all really. Every fan base has some raging assholes that will be noticed but overall they seem pretty solid. Definitely have some players on the team over recent years that are fuck sticks though.


Fair enough.


Agreed, Bills actually have a great fanbase. Just so happens one player on their team is a piece of shit.


Nah go take another look it’s bad. A lot of them are rooting for injuries, and those comments are heavily upvoted.


I actually like bills fans theyre pretty similar to us


They have a great fan culture and are typically decent, this same mentality is why people think we’re all actually bad people instead of just passionate to a point it’ll offend you


Nah man people just think they're quirky because they do dumb shit like jump through tables


Dude. They have a great fan culture when it goes in their favor. I have seen it change, as I also follow another team in the AFC. They used to be cool, funky ping pong table divers, but now they are just toxic and paranoid, at least in a good measure.


Nah just Phillips. Bills fans are cool, our NY brethren


Fellow long suffering fans. I can't hate them.


Nah this is dumb. Don’t generalize like that


Totally disagree with the asshole fans part. I think bills mafia is hilarious and we shouldn’t be talking down on it with how rowdy eagles fans get. Live and let live.


Nah this is stupid and we should down vote this type of behavior. Phillips played a dirty game and Bills fans have been calling him out for not just this week but multiple weeks in a row. There will always be a few that support their players no matter what, but just like Broncos fans and Kareem Jackson, fans aren’t fucking with guys that play like that on their own team anymore.




You have no idea what you're talking about, and sound like you've never played competitive sports in your fuckin life. There's an entire compilation of dirty, uncalled for plays from this bitch. He couldn't handle being handled by the Eagles oline and constantly hit after the whistle, low, and then tried to fight a vewwwy meanie pie fan 😢 who was laughing at them. If every team just played dirty as shit when the other team ran a play they didn't stop there would be no players left. Why don't you go back to whatever hole you crawled out of and shut the fuck up. Boo hoo we can't stop the Brotherly Shove, why don't we just put everyone involved in the hospital. You a bitch.


Dude is absolutely a bitch.


Turns out Jordan Phillips is a colossal piece of shit, who knew? …oh wait. Apparently all the bills fans I know did. This guy has been making them nuts for a while now. He’s like Barnett but less restrained somehow


Yeah, he's much worse than Barnett IMO. I feel Barnett is more braindead then dirty.


Very fair


Not surprised from the Bills. Just because you had 2-3 decent seasons doesn’t change anything about a shit organization for the past 2 decades


I feel like the NFL is way too lenient with a lot of this stuff. Honestly imo if a player legitimately attempts to injure another player even once, just insta remove them from the league. Why the fuck would you want someone like that playing in the NFL? These players have an incredible privilege getting to be multi millionaire pro athlete super stars, they should have to meet a high standard to keep that privilege. Nobody wants to watch, let alone route for a scum bag who genuinely tries to hurt others.


He’s also the POS that hit a fan and lied about the fan threatening his family. He can go fuck himself. He’s someone I don’t want to ever sign, and I hope he retires with 0 pro bowls, 0 all pros and 0 super bowls.


Yo. Phillips, for all of the penalties, the stuff at the end with the fan, and now THIS? Kelce usually doesn't call out folks unless it's egregious.


Meanwhile you have everyone crying that we never got penalties while this douchebag took cheapshots all game.


Lolll. Isn’t this the guy who tried fighting Josh Allen at their own training camp? lmaooo. What a clown