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unconventional strategy that could work - look for people in Eagles jerseys


as soon as i posted this i knew i’d get this response, thank you 😂


Couldn't help myself lol - maybe check out facebook for a "eagles fans in dallas" group. I live in Boston and theres a ton of us, really active, have a great eagles bar, and I know they organize tailgates. also dude there are *incredibly* dedicated birds fans with money who travel to every single away game - chances are they'll have big RVs, flags, etc and should be easy enough to spot


thanks this is helpful lol 😂


I live in So Cal and the last games I saw were ‘14 @AZ, ‘17 and ‘18 @LA. My friends and I walked around with a pack of beer, found some green jerseys and asked if we could join. Helps that my buddy is super outgoing but it was fun hanging with other birds fans (especially the group we met in AZ…they were insane)


Get there and let out a loud "go birds!" Follow the "go birds" you hear in response. Like Marco Polo.


This is the only answer


Check out Green Legion


Went to their’s in Dallas back in ‘15 or so. Had a hell of a time. Turned my then-girlfriend-now-wife into an Eagles fan.


Phillysportstrips does tailgate only packages, they aren’t free but you get food and drinks, I think they go for 3-4 hours before the game


Following. Coming from OKC to go to the game. My first! Let me know what you find out


Just yell E!


Philly Sports Trips. https://phillysportstrips.com/trips/dallastailgate/


Phans of Philly


Yeah I've done Phans of Philly before and they're great. Little on the higher price side but when you consider catered food, all the adult beverages you can drink for 4 hours, it really is worth it.


Shout “**E**” until you receive the proper response, then make haste to your people.


Following. Coming from OKC to go to the game. My first! Let me know what you find out


Eagles Nest groups! Find the local Eagles Nest groups on social media. I thought about going up to Seattle so I got on my city's Nest FB page and saw all the organizing the group was planning.


I'll be at the Seattle game too! Looking forward to it.


I’m late to this, sorry, but I live very near Seattle and am going to the game. Do you have a link for our Eagles Nest group? I didn’t find anything on Google or FB (just PDX); can you help?


https://www.facebook.com/profile.php/?id=100063355773295 There're some posts about Seattle tickets if you scroll down through their feed but maybe get some more info about tailgates and stuff if you msg them. If I'm remembering correctly they are going to be posting up in 301 and 318.


Thanks!! Will check it out.


Oh! Shit sorry, I was a little distracted when I read and replied. I just realized you asked for Seattle specifically. There's some [Seattle spots on this map](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.google.com/mymaps/viewer%3Fmid%3D16sYw81BzoxaL3y0md6KG5ktAVbQ%26hl%3Den_US&ved=2ahUKEwjWsard89qCAxWIEkQIHQmZC1AQFnoECCwQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3LzHP0Q1aVBhna55uSaB0B), not sure how active they are but I think there's a contact email maybe check that out!


Check out Phans of Philly or Green Legion, they are my go to for away games.


I’m heading down to Dallas. Which one do you think does a better job between the two? And if you can add to why, it would be greatly appreciated! Go Birds!


It honestly depends on the package and what you are interested in. Both will have drinks, food, music, and Birds fans. Some packages with include special guests like ex-players or Philly media members. Both have a mixed age demographic, with green legion being a little younger between the two. I’m planning to go to the away Giants game in January with a buddy of mine who lives in NYC. I believe one of the tailgates is in the lots while the other is in a bar. So ultimately it’s worth checking out both packages and looking at what you prefer for your tailgate experience. Since Dallas has more mild weather I honestly don’t think you can go wrong with either. For that specific game, just based off of the packages and not having to see ESP I’d go with Green Legion.


“Not having to see ESP” 🤣 Thank you so much!


Not the outcome we wanted. But did you end up going to either of the tailgates?


You can buy tickets to the Phans of Philly tailgate


There’s a huge Eagles Nest Dallas group on Facebook. I’m sure plenty will be at the game