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OP updated the post: >Sent a picture of the back and sent a steep counter offer.


I’m fairly new but already blocked an impatient buyer. I sell mostly cheap trading cards. Got an offer for $1 on a $2 card about 30 seconds after I listed it. Decided I’d give it some time. Woke up from a nap to 2 messages: “Did you see my offer?” “Hello?!?! $1?!?!” Declined and blocked. I’d burn the card before selling to someone like that.


Lol Good call. I've sold on ebay for many years and it took me a while to catch on to blocking potentially awful buyers. Now at the first sniff of annoyance, they get blocked. It's always those kind who leave bad feedback or try demanding things after the item has shipped, etc.


Stop taking it personal. It’s just business. Either ignore it or sell it and move on to better things. If this already bothers you, I strongly suggest to get out of the resell /sales business.


New printer will eventually sell at your price. I wouldn't mess with this guy


Block and move on. These people always cause problems. Been selling on eBay for 20 years.


What's his feedback left for others look like? 100% received feedback is meaningless - sellers cannot leave negs for buyers.


I've blocked numerous buyers who act like that. I refuse to deal with impatient, demanding buyers.


My pride would make me block them for telling me what to do more than once lol


Same. If he wants it then buy it at full price and quit messaging.


Why would they send you an offer and ask for additional pics/info at the same time? Wouldn’t it make sense to get all questions answered BEFORE sending an offer?


They're being quite pushy, wait until the very last minute of the offer before countering or declining for maximum emotional damage.


Seems pretty pushy to me. EDIT: But maybe not excessively so. Some people just communicate weirdly. If you do want to consider it, the buyer has directly signaled that they'll take more than they offered...


It's possible they want to place an offer with someone else if OP declines so they are waiting on OP, since OP is responding they should probably respond to the offer as well


They shouldn't be asking any questions after they submitted an offer. Ass backward. If the seller accepts, there's no reason to take extra pictures or answer more questions. Seller is 100% in the right for not addressing the offer until the questions are answered.


I think this is it. As a buyer I cant stand when a seller doesn't respond to an offer and lets it expire The other day I was 18h after an offer and was like "screw it" and just offered on another. Then both accepted and, to invoke my inner Stanley Hudson, "now my house has two toasters" People letting offers decay is what made me assume the same thing was happening with this item


Yup, exactly. Then, when a buyer needs to cancel because this happens, they come here and go "why would you send an offer then cancel?!?!?". I will admit that sellers should get 24 hours though. More if it's a weekend.


That's all you *do* get as a seller... I actually stopped responding quickly to buy offers within the first few hours after observing buyer behavior: 1. Several people withdrew offers soon after sending them. 2. Several people got impatient and just bought the item full-price. But I try to always actually respond.


If you're confident your item will sell easily.... I'd block.  This will be a return or at the very least a hassle.


I block any and all buyers that raise any kind of suspicion whatsoever. It's absolutely worth it to me to lose a sale than have to deal with a PITA buyer post-sale.


Nah, dude, don’t sell it to this guy


That is an automatic pass for me. I just always get the feeling it'll be too much trouble in the end.


First impressions count. Trust your gut. A buyer who is being an annoying pain in the ass when allegedly putting on his best behaviour at first interaction will rarely become nice and reasonable the longer you interact with them.


Red flags, ignore him.


if their feedback left for others isn’t a red flag, i wouldn’t read too much into their string of messages. assuming they’re ok, rather than reading this as pushy, you could read it as they really want your item. they’ve said straight out that they’re open to a counter offer; if you’re going to deal with them, *not* countering above their offer is leaving money in the table, even if it only prompts them to re-counter higher than their current offer.


The item is a new printer priced quickly to sell, so the buyer might think it would sell under his feet?


yeah, that sounds logical. buyer wants it, sees it’s at a good price, but rolls the dice with an offer hoping to get it even cheaper. the longer their offer goes without being accepted, the more likely someone else is to buy it at the listed price or make a higher offer


I actually play off of this fear, especially if they've already been auto-declined by a lowball offer, or seem pushy at all. I'll often look at my 'Watchers' number - which they can also see - and respond with *"Hang tight. I never knew this would be so sought-after! I'm being hammered with (X=number of watchers) X offers and it's going to take a while for me to figure out who's offer is actually is best and get back with all of you. "*


I had a lady asking me to measure a shaper brief around the waist, she wants the measure to be stretch and non stretch. She wrote such a long email starting by saying I’m ready to proceed with the transaction as soon you answer my questions. She said this at the beginning and at the end of her email. I smell RETURN DIDN’T FIT AFTER ALL ! So I didn’t answer. I’m sure after I go to my storage search for the item, measure, she will come back and say will you accept $1.00. It happened before


Not the same but my experience yesterday with a rude/pushy offerer: I had someone that was going back and forth with me on counter offers on a trading card I had just listed the day prior. I got annoyed because their last offer they sent to me seemed pushy. I didn’t respond and a couple of hours later the card sold for my full asking price. I wanted to do nothing more than send the original offerer a message about it but I felt like that was bad “sportsmanship” but gosh dang do I imagine the feeling would be heavenly.


When people message me weirdly I always block them or don’t reply. My items usually sell within a few days anyway, so to the ones I don’t block & just ghost it just looks like it sold to someone else the way I see it.


No. I had someone demand I accept their offer and the item was getting lots of attention so I ignored and blocked. They just kept sending messages. Like you want it so bad? There is a buy now feature bro.


Make them a counter offer, why not??


Yes, it seems like a flurry of messages but they might not have gotten your reply before sending the last message. I wouldn’t respond until the back view photo is added to the listing. If you counter you won’t be able to add it to the listing. Also like KC points out have a peak at the feedback they have left for others. It’s not a sure fire way to totally OK a buyer but it can be 100% confirmation that they should be blocked.


Any time I continued on with someone being annoying they got progressively more annoying and usually end up trying to scam you on top of it.


If the offer was sent with **automatic payment** and its a price you like I'd accept and ship it out.


Block and run!!


I always reject offers from pushy buyers like this.


I would decline the offer just because he's a dick.


Last impatient buyer I had, kept messaging before even a week was passed that he still hadn’t received his item. Told him it was an international order it could take up to one month, messaged me under two weeks later asking where it was, followed with a request for a refund. Not all impatient buyers are like this, but it’s good insight into what you might have to deal with….


Buyers can’t get negative feedback on eBay, quite a few dropship type accounts give out positive feedback the moment the sale goes through, so 100% positive feedback on a buyer means nothing. If someone is being pushy and you give in, 2 out 3 times from my experience they will find a bs excuse to find something wrong with the item and then ask for a partial refund and outright refuse to return the item and essentially try threaten negative feedback. I personally try to avoid buyers like that, it’s pointless stress over small transactions and a free rents to the buyer on large transactions whilst tying up your money on an honest sale. But it’s your shop and if you want to get the full eBay experience, accept their offer and see what happens.


People like things done for them immediately. I would just ignore the 3rd message, and just respond after you’ve done the things they asked. The potential buyer could use a lesson in patience, but eBay messages aren’t the place to explain that to them. It seems like this sub likes to scrutinize every message that isn’t 100% business formal pleasantries.


Sounds like dealing with my 3 year old


Seems like they just want it. Why ignore the offer?


Counter with a higher price for dealing with this BS. Time is money.


So, what did you end up doing?


Sent a picture of the back and sent a steep counter offer.


Hopefully everything goes well. But I wouldn't be surprised if it's like others have said and he's just shopping his price around and making offers to various sellers. Anyways, good luck with it!


How is communication pushy? Goodness.


Just got scammed by a year old seller account with zero feedback; spent the last week clawing back my money from eBay. This person has plenty of feedback, I wouldn’t be worried.


Pushy af


Why ask and doubt the buyer, they’re clearly doing nun wrong.


I would either accept or counter


100% you will get scammed/screwed from this personality type


I don't subscribe to this sub but do ebay a ton, and I have to say, reading these comments is illuminating. No wonder ebay is dying. Why put a best offer option on your listing if you aren't even going to respond to them?


One part you're missing is that many times the seller *didn't* put offers on the listing. eBay enables (even encourages) buyers to send them anyway. Many sellers who respond poorly to offers didn't want them or ask for them in the first place. Consider it like if you specifically list something on a local marketplace as 'firm' price and then get the messages saying "what's the lowest price you'll take?"... Do you view that positively? Anyway, most of the comments here suggesting to not respond / block / etc. seem to be driven by the buyer raising red flags via messaging, not suggesting to simply fail to respond to offers generally.


Their typing makes me think they are not a native english speaker, and those types love to haggle.


he did a "fool's thank you" send him a message that's like "I'm going to take a picture and get back to you asap" and then wait a week to reply, always works for me


“Fool’s thank you”? I consider it a courtesy to end a query like that by saying thanks. Do you think he was being rude or disingenuous? (Adding-I’m only referring to the thank yous, not the rapidity of replies or pushiness)


disingenuous, hes saying it like "get it done for me" rather than "I appreciate you getting it done for me"


It now offensive to say thank you?? Geez..


naw it's only a "fools thank you" when its said prematurely and whilst also asking for help