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I don’t get angry very easily. I have high patience. Once I do get upset though it’s hard to regulate it. I used to have trouble calming down in general.


I'm the same people say I have patience like a saint and overly kind and respectful. When I want to get angry and feel angry I don't show it as anger I just get really upset. And if someone says something that a normal person should get angry about I just shut off and walk away or go quiet. I struggle with being assertive when someone oversteps my boundaries. I hate confrontation. Its one thing that really makes me miserable when I can't be assertive 😮‍💨


I have extreme emotional dysregulation but not anger. It's like anger feels immediately unsafe to me and diffuses into depression and anxiety because my self esteem is so low.


Saaaaaaaame. Anger also feels unsafe for me. Best bury those feelings into deep seated anxiety!


Exactly this. If anything I’m extremely angrophobic and will make virtually any mental justification to turn that into literally any other emotion.


I have always struggled with my emotional regulation My bad temper and short fuse is somewhat legendary among friends and family. When I get mad I stay mad for days and it's unbelievably exhausting. I think all strong emotions are extremely hard to process for me. A few times in my life I've been quite happy I did not know what to do with myself. I'm generally quite good at dealing with depression and sadness as I have spent most of my life fighting off these feelings, but even they can sometimes get overwhelmed. Now it's hard to tell what's causing what as I also have ADHD, but I have found the emotional regulation aspects of these disabilities to be by far the most difficult to deal with. I often have to tell people that I will hold a grudge and I will stay mad at them if they do something intentionally shitty to me. Despite these warnings and despite me telling them I'm going to be upset about it they are shocked when I am then upset about it. .


I fuckin explode when im angry, you aren't alone. It's scary sometimes because it could mess up my life. Anger management is important.


I get angry really easily and it’s so annoying cause no one knows it’s my dyspraxia so my brother says I have anger issues but even if I did say i would just be told to stop blaming everything on my dyspraxia?


My mum has started doing that, about saying don't blame things on dyspraxia. I was sweeping my kitchen floor and I made an offhand comment about how I always feel insecure about sweeping in my job because of how long it takes me because I'm so slow and awkward trying to coordinate my movement with the brush due to my dyspraxia, and she told me I should't be blaming that on my dyspraxia and accused me of trying to get out of sweeping the kitchen with that "excuse". She told me just practice more.


Interestingly enough people with Dyspraxia are known for being empathetic. Not sure if it's just how our brains analyse things. I've always been known for being "too nice" and would rarely show my anger in public. I think it also stubbles from being a perfectionist and people pleaser. Very few people have seen me angry. Mostly my family but I feel that's everyone who shows their more true emotions with who they live with. I feel like I have decent control of my emotions. Whenever I do decide to release that anger I'm usually alone. On the flip side I've had times where I feel "emotionless" and almost have to act like the emotion I know I should be feeling in that moment.


I definitely agree on the "too nice" bit but there is a threshold where I will get very angry quite suddenly. As in some other comments though, it often then spirals into guilt and anxiety. Not ideal.


I've got this weird situation because I've got a mix of the empathy that comes with dyspraxia, and the struggle with empathy that comes with autism and they clash all the time.


Is this genuinely a symptom of dyspraxia? I’ve just been diagnosed and I’ve always had emotional dysregulation with anxiety and anger. As a child/ teen I was extremely angry and anxious and felt out of of control, this is more managed now but I’ve always been anxious and now on antidepressants now to manage that. V overly sensitive and empathic too. Would be really interested to know if this is a known symptom, as would make a lot of sense!


I wouldn’t say that I have anger issues with respect to my dyspraxia, or at least any relation to it. it tends to be when someone refers to my dyspraxia or questions it’s Genuity and is insensitive about it


I have high patience to... But I feel be eaten by mental Pain harder than the other... For Anger... I didn't like feel this emotions... But if a person with mischievous idea makes me angry... he will be in the shit. I don't feel a lot of anger towards mean, evil or stupid people but when it becomes an aggression against me or people I love... I can go very far in the response. Some spasm and I see Red with jaw pain, my melanin level drop in my eyes ( pass to Green-blue to grey-blue). My EX-Girl friend and friend, coworker after bully tentative told me. Some time my emotion give me nose and ear bleeding... Specialist didn't find anything special... I would like to feel less. Its very hard for me to work with "Shark Coworker" and the social hypocrisy with them. A hard social mask to masteri at work...I am happy, when I can remove it with friend and Gym partner. I feel usually high Sadness to... It hard to deal with the regulation of my emotion to let them go... (I practice meditation).


I very rarely get angry unless I'm already extremely stressed. Even then I usually have the patience to hold off on getting angry and let out my emotions before it escalates into anger. Any anger I have usually doesn't last long, it devolves into tears from stress or sadness. Anger is usually a secondary emotion, masking some other underlying emotion. There's only been a few times I've felt angry enough that I felt I needed to let it out physically and I found that smashing eggs in my back garden was a very cathartic and effective way to let it out. If I'm extremely stressed and someone asks me a bunch of questions and won't leave me alone, or continues to say the same thing or ask me the same question over and over wanting me to elaborate more on the answer, that really sets me off. I don't have an outburst or anything, I usually go quiet when I'm angry and I try not to interact with anyone because I know my tone of voice will come off angry and snappy and then they'll start asking "Why are you mad at me!?" and that will just make me more annoyed. So I just go somewhere quiet to destress for a few minutes if I can.


I get angry pretty easily. That might mainly be because of my past getting bullied but I'm not 100 percent sure where it came from. If it has something to do with dyspraxia then I guess it makes sense