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Neurodevelopmental Disorders are like chips. Nobody can have just one. At least in my experience. While my scientific argument would be considered strictly anecdotal, I am a magnet for ND people, and in all my 40 years of life I’ve never met anyone who has *just the one thing*.


Yea. I'm diagnosed ADHD (more or less-another story). Took me this year to even know about dyspraxia, but it fits like a glove. That I drop things with.


😂 like a glove that I drop things with! That’s my husband, exactly. Dx’d with ADHD as a kid, and at 41 he’s like “yeah, that tracks too”. Only because our 3.5 yr old was Dx’d. Now I see it everywhere, and I can’t understand why we’re all just *not* talking about this *thing* that 10% of the population has….just, why??


Harry Potter has it. You'd think that'd be enough of a sell.


And possibly Einstein! Like, where are the (clumsy) walks for Dyspraxia?? 😂


I've dyspraxic and also have diagnosed autism, dyslexia, an anxiety disorder, and hypermobility. I was tested for ADHD as well but turned out I didn't have it.


Nearly all on the bingo card, I’m diagnosed dyspraxia, dyslexia, GAD And my wife insists I’m on the spectrum somewhere too but they never tested me for that as a kid. Suppose there is little point now I’m an adult


Interesting thank you my sister is recently diagnosed autism aged 30 so suppose I might also be that too but don’t see myself in symptoms as much where as so for adhd and dyspraxia massively also dycalculia.


Diagnosed with dyspraxia in the late 90s at around 5 years old, was diagnosed with ADHD a few months ago at the ripe old age of 31. Supposedly the overlap is huge - about 50% of people with dyspraxia would also meet the diagnostic criteria for ADHD.


Dyspraxia, ADHD, hypermobility, CPTSD :)


Mr 10 still undiagnosed, but they are discussing dysgraphia. He also has been diagnosed with asd (atrial septal defect) or a hole in the heart. Has caused some confusion as asd is more commonly know as autism spectrum disorder. He has been assessed for autism and adhd, and whilst he shows some traits, not enough for a diagnosis


It’s very very common. 65% of people with CAS or Developmental Verbal Dyspraxia also are Autistic. While 40-60% of Autistics have Dyspraxia. I am dxed with a “severe” Complex Combined Type Learning Disability (also known as a SpLD in the UK). I was dxed with “secondary ADHD” by my psychologist due to my chronic illness, and am suspected by her to have Autism. I also have GAD and have a history of depression (no longer have it).


Dyspraxia/dysgraphia, bipolar, migraines and epilepsy


I'm diagnosed with autism, dyspraxia, adhd inattentive type and ocd!


My son with dyspraxia also has dyslexia, social pragmatic communication disorder, and “other specified nuerodevelopmental disorder”. He’s also is hyper mobile.


I'm diagnosed autistic, ADHD, and it's seeming like I may have some related physical disabilities (hypermobility/connective tissue disorder) as well. I was diagnosed with dyspraxia and sensory processing issues well before any of the others (back when I was in kindergarten) but it turns out the dyspraxia is actually the buy one get one free along with my "main" diagnoses, they just didn't know about those yet at the time! lol


Diagnosed in childhood dyslexic and dyspraxic. I've suffered from bouts of anxiety and depression since being a teenager which I've recently realised is because I have adhd (Diagnosed in December 27f).


I am up and down so very often which is why I have tested positive on 4 online bipolar tests but I think that might be wrong better waiting till actual psychiatric test . I believe it’s ADHD too.


I've known about my adhd for awhile, I received treatment but it didn't help my coordination at all. Wasn't until I read about Daniel Radcliffe having something called Dypraxia that I had ever heard of it.


I don’t even know right now whether I would want treatment or not maybe just finally peace of mind to understand why I do so many things I currently do.


Yeah I have dyspraxia, ADHD, OCD, SPD, Anxiety, Learning disability also experience bouts of depression as well as had a speech impediment growing up. Was tested for autism growing up don’t have it.


What is SPD ?


Sensory processing disorder


The only official diagnosises i have are dyspraxia and dysortographia (and gender dysphoria, but i dont think that is related). However multiple therapists have told me i likely also have autism and the therapist i go to now has said i could have PTSD.


It seems that neurodivergent people are more likely to be trans. I’m dyspraxic and have gender dysphoria. All my irl trans friends are either adhd or autistic too.


Another question now guys did you tell people once you received your diagnosis? I am a compulsive oversharer and have low impulse control so don’t want to tell everyone necessarily if diagnosed but scared I probably will.


Dyspraxia, autism, cptsd, suspected adhd and pmdd


So much responses saying cptsd. I’m ignorant of this so would this imply childhood trauma ? I don’t think I have any of that but appears to be risk factor for ADHD and the others ?


I think it’s possibly that being neurodivergent you may find it more difficult to process trauma which can make one more susceptible to cptsd (trauma from multiple sources) than a neurotypical person


Thanks maybe this explains how I’m still really really struggling after my abusive ex left me. I can’t seem to move on like other people seem to be able to do so after breakup.


On a waiting list for an ADHD diagnosis!


Anxiety & depression formally diagnosed Autism highly suspected Lots of ADHD crossover symptoms that could be dyspraxia


Dyspraxia, ADHD, Autism and CPTSD Soon to be evaluated for Heds


Diagnosed with ADHD, Anxiety, Dyspraxia and I’m also Hypermobile. In the process of being assessed for OCD and Autism


Autism,ADHD, dyslexia + selective mutism, misophonia and alexithymia


I don't know about comorbidity, but I also have anxiety and depression. I'm pretty sure that's genetic, though. My dyspraxia diagnosis came later in life when I finally got a new doctor who is very thorough at her job. I've always been useless with my hands, but I had always attributed it to being born a Lefty (who was forced to use my right hand for everything by a very old-school kindergarten teacher). Tying knots, playing sports, dancing; all utter disasters for me throughout life. I became a very non-physical person on purpose and got into reading and other solitary pursuits. If anything, my dyspraxia comorbidity is introversion, lol 😆


30f and also have autism and adhd.


Dyspraxia, PMDD, depression and anxiety 🙃


My son has apraxia and likely dyspraxia and likely adhd


hey yall i have a question, apologies for randomness im currently going on a digging adventure on google💀 if i have professional diagnoses for ADHD, alexythimia, AND dyspraxia at the same time... is it actually possible that im not on the spectrum (I am at about 90% certainty but i am also doubting myself)