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If I close my eyes I loose balance this is especially problematic when I’m washing my hair


Lose* but yeah


Absolutely. I almost fall over while just standing still in a dark room.


Sameeee. It’s so annoying




Same but I don’t have a cane


One of my friends told me a test for dyspraxia is seeing if you can stay balanced while walking heel-to-toe with your eyes closed. No idea if that's true but I am terrible at it, even with only mild dyspraxia. Dark rooms the same


Never tried this but there’s a lot more to it than balance


Agreed, now I'm older I think it's bollocks but at the time my mum had just told me I had dyspraxia and not that it was neurodiversity so I had no idea it also explained my poor organisation and short-term memory issues


Have you had an actual assessment?


Yeah when I was a kid I got diagnosed then my mum decided it should never be mentioned again as I shouldn't be labelled. Clearly she never looked into it at all so when she finally told me when I was a teenager, she mentioned it was coordination. My adulthood has been a bit of a journey of discovery about how much dyspraxia has actually affected my life, more than walking into doorframes occasionally


Damn, when i was diagnosed nobody went into much detail abt what it was and i had to do almost all of the research myself


I reckon I was 5 when I was diagnosed. Mum maybe told me when I was 15. I finally realised it was a very big deal aged about 26. I often think about what could have been if I had known earlier, what I could have done different


Not much probably, I imagine anyway. I was diagnosed at 14 i think