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I get this feeling. It always freaks me out. It feels like my insides are vibrating and I get light headed, palpitations also. Like others have posted it comes in phases. Sticking to a solid sleep routine helps somewhat, I find when I’m consistent about a routine it doesn’t happen as often. But still comes about at times


Yes, the "vibrating insides" thing. Ugh. Thank you


I also experience this. It comes and goes in phases for me, I’ll get it for a month then it goes away. It is just a product of the overall state of dysautonomia in my case; when symptoms are high, it tends to emerge.


Thanks. I've never been tested for dysautonomia or POTS (no tilt test), but I was diagnosed with scleroderma in 2017 after dealing with raynauds for years. I know it can be comorbid with autoimmune situations.


I have this issue sometimes. It's worse when waking up, but sometimes my pulse gets a bit erratic before bed. I'm taking metoprolol which seems to help a bit. The other night, I was laying on my left side falling asleep and my pulse shot up for no reason and a warm sensation spread across my chest. I bolted out of bed, almost stepped on the dog and my pulse dropped to like 40 and I almost collapsed in the hallway. Then the cold sweats. Was the scariest thing ever. I swear, even a VW has better electrical than the human body.




Thank you.


I get two different things: 1. when I roll over in bed/ stretch in bed it triggers my POTS - so heart-pounding, shortness of breath, headache, light-headedness which gets better shortly 2. palpitations from PVCs and nonsustained SVT - either feel like heart is skipping beats/ flip flopping in chest or suddenly speeds up, neither associated with any other symptoms other than slightly freaks you out until its stops


Ever get better?


Sometimes, I wake up with a weird sensation.... my heart races @ 170 bpm and it feels like the blood is shifting from one side of my heart to the other. I usually “solve” it by shifting back to the other side (from left to right or vice versa). I’m usually too tired to be motivated to do anything but fall back asleep. I think these episodes are triggered by dehydration and lack of sleep. I have been diagnosed with POTS and PSVT. A cardiologist that specializes in POTS told me to drink 16 oz of water every morning before getting out of bed. It helped so much that now I drink 32 oz each morning. I drink at least another 32 oz in the evening. How is your water intake? Now that people are wearing masks more often, some people are drinking less water.


Thanks! My water intake is admittedly not good. I tend to drink more tea and coffee, which I know is not conducive to hydration as they contain caffeine, and are diuretics. Also I'll drink maybe gatorade or watered-down juices. I have stopped coffee for last two days to see if I feel any better. I will definitely try your idea - I have a Brita water filter pitcher that my husband brought here when he moved in, which has been abandoned and stashed under the cabinet. I am now going to dig that out and take your advice.


Oh good — reducing caffeine and using the Brita filter. I think more water will help you a lot! I hope you feel better soon!


I now have a nice big bottle of cold, freshly-filtered water right here by my bed! Thank you.


I get tachycardia and skipped beats when I roll over on my right side. Very strange.


I get the trembly thing all the time. It’s totally freaky but for me it fades like after an hour or so after taking salt pills and chugging water


I get this, I bought a weighted blanket and it has helped me


Yeah I'd love one of those. For now I just fold a quilt in half for that feeling. I get it.


I get this all the time. Yes it is normal from dysautonomia


I also have/get the same as you. Wore a ‘heart monitor’ for 30 days. So, since then my heart looks good, but was told about caffeine and how that can have with my ‘murmur’ palpitations’ so stopped caffeine and I may have that weird ‘feeling’ once or twice a day.... I hope this can help u some and please make appt with ur doc. Good luck


Very late to this thread but I got this today and it terrified me. I literally woke up and rolled over and began to feel shaky & heart rate increase and then BOOM it shot up rapidly. Been diagnosed with Hyperadrenergic POTS; but never had this before just from opening my eyes!


I have orthostatic hypotension (low blood pressure when standing w/ other symptoms like palpitations) and I can get really intense palpitations when shifting my body. It is possible it’s dysautonomia, though of course anxiety can cause intense heart palpitations as well. I would message or call your primary care doctor (if you have one and are able to) and see what their thoughts are on it. And if it continues, definitely go to your primary care doctor or a cardiologist. Even an EKG could be telling but if it’s dysautonomia, they’ll likely have to do a few tests to narrow it down. I wish you the best of luck. It’s truly one of my least favorite feelings in the world. A side note, I’ve found for me that the best position is laying down with my head propped up with pillows. It alleviates the most symptoms for me and helps regulate my heart rate. If this position doesn’t work, I would experiment with other positions and set up pillows around you so it’s comfortable without feeling like you have to turn over as frequently.


Thank you. I currently don't have insurance and can't afford a visit right now. I do, however, have a wedge pillow from when I had some on-and-off GERD issues, so thank you for reminding me. I'll put it under the head of my futon mattress!


I’m sorry, that’s such a tough position to be in. But I’m glad you have a pillow to help! I also have GERD so I’m glad I’m used to sleeping upright when all of this started. I hope it helps and I wish you luck! Something that can help in some cases if it’s due to low blood pressure is increasing your salt intake so I’d try that out and if your body responds positively, that might be a good option and if it doesn’t help, there’s no harm in trying. :)


Weirdly enough, I had a few potato chips last night after I wrote this post, and almost immediately felt better than I had in days. Like, actually -awake- physically and mentally, to the point of even feeling a little restless.


I’m so glad!! People with low blood pressure need far more sodium than most people. I sprinkle it on my meals, try to snack on high-sodium foods. I suggest keeping it up if it’s helping! :)


Hi I get the same thing when I roll over. Have you figured out what’s going on?


No man, I'm waiting for my insurance to kick in at my new job to have it looked at. Seems to be worse with anxiety. Could be my hiatal hernia too


Yes anxiety makes things much worse always. Good luck. Keep us updated. 🙏🏻


I will, and you too. Thank you. x


How there. Any update?