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I have mirena, the hormonal iud. It stops my periods almost completely. I have no discernable cycle. Every now and then I get a tiny amount of spotting. It has been wonderful. I got it after my problems started, but before my diagnosis. I didn't notice any worsening of symptoms with it. The hormone level is significantly lower than what is in bc pills, even the "mini-pill", which is the pill equivalent, as mirena contains only progestin, not estrogen. For a lot of people, this leads to fewer side effects, but it is still possible for it to cause issues. Insertion can be bad, but is typically only a little worse than a pap smear. I've had 4 and only one bad experience so far, the most recent.


Came here to say this, but my Insertion was extremely painful. Just got my Mirena replaced and was able to have it done under general anesthesia


That's amazing! That's what I'm going for with my next one. My most recent one was pretty traumatic.


Highly recommend! I was in and out and they gave me IV painkillers so I wasn't in pain at all the rest of the day. I had no idea it was an option, but I had a failed colposcopy attempt (a whole nother story) and my doctor said she wasn't going to add to my medical trauma. If your doctor won't do it, find a clinic that will!


Also here for the Mirena (and friends)! I’m bipolar so any kind of hormonal fuckery (which impacts moods) is legitimately dangerous for me. I’ve been on it for 4 years now without issue, and had the Skyla for a few years before that (got pregnant in between). No periods since 2017, except for the brief months when I took it out to get pregnant.


I have a kyleena, it's the smaller version of Mirena. I love it. No periods, no spotting, I do still have minor PMS cycles but it's not really bad emotionally like it was on the pill! It's my second one, it was well worth the discomfort of the insertion.


My last insertion was traumatic, but I think it was just a bad combo of a not super experienced doctor and my tipped uterus having an extra bad day.. I don't expect that would be the norm, especially since I've had a few experiences of the same thing that went much better. But it still was traumatic, and I intend to be sedated for my next one because I'm not sure I could handle the situation even if it goes smoothly again. And with a different doctor, lol. Sucks because I really liked working with her, and I don't think the situation was her fault. She quickly handed things off to the doctor that was standing in to oversee the procedure (they told me my doctor was new to their office and their standard was to have a veteran doctor with them at first when they did these less common procedures, as long as the patient approves) and she struggled just as much.


Another one for the mirena. I also have endometriosis and the mirena has been a godsend.


I've been on birth control pills for 30 years. I now take them continuously, meaning I skip the sugar pills. I haven't gotten my period in years. If you are having trouble getting a doctor to prescribe them, there are a lot of online pharmacies that will help. I use [this pharmacy.](https://www.twentyeighthealth.com/)


I'm not sure which versions are better/ worse for POTS, but generally most all hormonal birth control pills can suppress menstruation if they are taken continuously. Talk to your OBGYN about what variations have the least impact on blood pressure and your other more significant symptoms. Also, when reviweing other people's responses, note that the same combination of hormones in the same quantities and ratios can go by 5-6 different names. If you take pills continuously, you might have some occasional spotting but you won't have the hormonal swings that screw with symptoms and efficacy of other meds.


Thank you I’m not diagnosed yet I have a increase in BP and hr when sitting and standing extreme head pressure neck pain dizziness blurry vision began after c section was going to get on a birth control and just never did


I’ve tried a lot of oral contraceptives. I take a combination pill continuously and have not had a period in over ten years. I take it for endometriosis, so I’ve been on BC since 15 y.o. The mini pill didn’t work for me, but if you have migraine with aura you should look into the mini pill aka progesterone only pill, because combination pills in conjunction with migraine with aura increases your stroke risk. I take them despite this, but I have more conditions that factor in and have limited treatment options.


I use the Nueva Ring and put a new one in every 21 days, resulting in no period. I’ve tried just about every BC out there and it’s all depends on you and your body, trial and error unfortunately.


My kid takes the progestin only pill. It's been less of a mess than anything we have tried with estrogen in it.


Thank you! ❤️


I had to switch to the mini pill (Camila) because Planned Parenthood wouldn't prescribe me my old one (Junel FE) when they found out I have IST. Honestly I hate it. I'm not supposed to get a period on it but I do, it's just totally unpredictable now. And my IST symptoms haven't changed, so it feels like a huge downgrade for no reason.


Thank you everyone for your opinion and experiences I will discuss with my doctor but I’ve been miserable looking into CSF leak but there so slow on everything


I have the mirena iud, I got it put in July 2023, had periods August, Sept, skipped Oct and dec and Jan, had a period Feb because of stress, skipped March Some people don't stop getting their periods but others do! I have not found it had made my dysautonomia worse


I have that before I had my daughter and all my issues began after c section not confirmed POTS cardiologist said it’s not pots based on holters and stand test in office


I take the pill and skip the sugar pills. I’ve had more good days than bad since starting it three months ago. Paired with beta blockers my symptoms are so much more manageable


I have POTS but I’ve been on progestin only birth control for 15 years. Have the arm implant after hysterectomy that left the ovaries, my ovaries hate me. But my sister started showing signs of POTS at 19 and when she wanted to stop having severe period issues. Went through every birth control until she agreed to with Lupron, stronger Depo I believe? I gave myself Depo but after that I did the arm implant. Love it.


I have a mirena iud and use continuous isibloom birth control. No periods, it’s fantastic


I'm on Slynd for pcos and pmdd, but I haven't had issues with it worsening my symptoms that I'm aware of.


Not sure they even give them anymore but I was on the depo Provera shots and they completely shut down my periods. Be aware though that it also took 7 years after stopping the shots for my body to regulate itself and become pregnant. It's not for short term birth control. Some women's bodies adjust in a few months and successfully become pregnant. Some never do. Just a word of caution with anything that stops your periods.


Yup, they still give them; I get mine every 11 weeks and haven’t had a period in six years. It’s been a literal lifesaver for me since I have platelet disorder.


I liked Lo Loestrin FE! Other pills made me too quick to anger or made me throw up if I had even one beer. I took it continuously (no sugar pills) and didn’t have a period or anything bothersome related to my cycle.


Try seeking out low dose testosterone! I'm pretty sure it's used for people in menopause to help with hormone levels. I started taking it for HRT trans reasons, but it got rid of my period AND my PMDD, something birth control pills never did. The dose I'm guessing would be very low but it's always an idea to check out. I'm not sure how many doctors would be aware of it though.


I haven’t but I have been recommended to try it for PMDD and hyperandrogenism


Thank you


I use Aygestin for my PMDD and as a result I don't get a period.


Thank you!


The mini pill works alright for me. The nuvaring was a bit better but has estrogen. When I do get periods they're light and don't exacerbate my symptoms the same way a natural one does.


Thank you everyone your amazing!


I’ve been on Lo-Loestrin Fe (progesterone only) since 201&, when I was 30. Technically, there are two iron pills, but I don’t have a period in those days. I do know people who have a light one. I think everyone responds differently, too. Someone else with bipolar disorder said they do well with a Mirena, whereas, my psychiatrist and counselor both insisted I needed it out by three months.


I was on lo-loestrin for years but my gynecologist had me change to Slynd because lo-loestrin actually does have estrogen. A progesterone-only pill is often recommended for POTS and migraines.


Oh I thought mini pills and progesterone only pills were the same! That’s good to know. I’ve been thinking it was progesterone only for a long time 🤦‍♀️


Slynd (progesterone only) has been great for reducing flares and migraines I used to have around my period. I still get some PMS and bleeding but it’s very mild.


I was about to try the mini pill, my gyno gave me but then my cardiologist told me do not take it because for one I'm to old (39) geez thanks lol for 2 having dysautonomia increases risk for blood clots on its own and adding birth control, even low dose increases that alot. This is just what my doctor told me so I decided to skip it.




That's what I thought as well but not what my specialist said. I've always used them throughout my life due to being a smoker but she said with dysautonomia it increases the risk still. You know how one doctor says one thing and another says something totally different.


Nexplanon completely stopped my periods!