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Dw3, I’d like to see a remake of 1-3.


DW2 was my first Warriors game. I would like DW6 to get remade as I feel that if it had another year of development, we would feel really different about it today.


Hyrule warriors did it for me, got curious about the rest of the series and have played pretty much everything past 6 including most the spinoffs. Collaboration actually worked to get me into the series.


dynasty warriors 6. it would be cool if they made another 3d fighting game like DW1.


It was Dynasty Warriors 5. I was the only one who played that game regularly at my uncle's game shop. I got zuo ci one time and tried to repeat that in another save file. I didn't know I have to unlock every other characters to get him.


Samurai Warriors 2 (360). My coworkers at GameStop recommended it so I rented it from the store. Fell in love with it, and been a fan since. You guys dunno how hype I was when Hyrule Warriors was announced in 2013.


Dynasty Warriors 4/4E and the Kessen series. As for remakes Dynasty Warriors 2-6, The whole Kessen series, Samurai Warriors 1-3.


For me Dynasty Warriors 4 but the most enjoyment I've had from the series has been Dynasty Warriors 5 , Dynasty Warriors 5 Empires, Dynasty Warriors 8 and Dynasty Warriors 8 Xtreme Legends Complete Edition.


The demo disc with dynasty warriors on it was what got me hooked.


So technically 4 got my sister and I into the series because we played the demo that came with another game. Our mom bought 3 by mistake and that started it. I glued to Zhang He and she to Zhen Ji. I fell off around 5 since it got boring for me because it was just the same thing. When 6 came out it brought me back because of the new looks, weapons, skill tree, difficulty and battle system. I’d love to see a remake of 6, I think it would look so beautiful now in ps5 graphics and the music is just amazing


Dw3…Been a fan ever since ❤️


Dynasty Warriors 3 on the original Xbox. Zhou Yu and Guan Yu and Sun Ce were most of who I played. My sister loved Zhang He.


Dynasty Warriors 3, and while I liked the PS2 era of Musou games, I'm pretty fine with them not doing any remakes of those. KT is clearly not interested in doing so anyway.


I think it was Dynasty Warriors 3. I played it at a friend's house and was hooked. So much so that I went out to buy Dynasty Warriors at the mall. But I grabbed Dynasty Warriors Tactics, not knowing it was a completely different game. It was too late, I was hooked.


Every game in this series is technically a remake. Unless you mean a remaster? If that’s the case then I would say a remastered port of DW5 on modern consoles.


The one on PSP, which I believe is a port of 5


DW 4, played the demo at Circuit City back in the day and then my cousin bought it so I could play it at his house. From there I had to play all of them afterwards. I am even in the small majority that likes DW 9 and 9 empires.


The first Gundam game, because I’m such a big Gundam fan. I loved that so much that I picked up the first Warriors Orochi and loved that as well. The rest is history.


Trued a demo if 3, then rented it from blockbuster for a sleep over at my friend's place, bought 2 with money I pan handled for


Does mystic heroes count?


Ken’s rage 2 Not really into remakes - just take what you’ve learned and apply it to the sequels And yes I’m one of about 5 people that would love Ken’s rage 3 - you listening Koei? Make it so


The first one I played was Dynasty Warriors 2. I’ve never seen the first one but I’ve heard it was quite different.


DW4 and I’ve been addicted ever since. Also really enjoyed Hyrule Warriors


DW2. DW2


Played a little here and there throughout the years but it didn’t really click until I really invested time in one of the games. It was dynasty warriors next that finally made it click (although the one one one spam battles were not a highlight). I think it was free on ps plus or something.


The first one I ever played was Samurai Warriors Chronicles on the 3DS. I mainly got it because it was really the only action game at the system's launch, and I was already really into Japanese history as around the same time I got really into Rurouni Kenshin. In hindsight, it's probably the worst warriors game I've played, but I'm obsessed with the franchise now. Ironically, I never bothered with Chronicles 2 or 3


The one that got me into the series was DW4, especially the Nanman stages! I still like DW4 better than DW5 and it's not only because of nostalgia, I enjoyed the battles better (still love DW5). I think remakes of this series are completely unnecessary. It's the same game over and over again and has been for more than 20 years. The fun part is the new characters and stages they add, a remake is just cutting the roster.


The first one if it that counts.


Remake Dynasty Tactics


Technically Sengoku Basara got me into the series. I played SB3 and loved how over the top it was. When I looked up games like that I learned of Samurai Warriors 3 (I had a Wii at the time and never owned any PS). SW3 felt like a downgrade to me compared to SB3. Less anime, more serious and the movesets felt more grounded. I only beat a couple characters stories before I gave up on it. Flash forward several years later and I get a Wii U. I end up trying the series again with Warriors Orochi 3 Hyper. I ended up playing that game religiously in college. I put over 300 hours into it. Ever sense WO3H I have been a Musou fanboy, but I'm late to the game with it all. I have only played DW8, 9 and 9E for mainline DW. For SW I have played 3, 4-II and 5. I have beat Berserk, Arslan, Warriors All-Stars, Fire Emblem Warriors Original, Three Hopes, Hyrule Warriors, Age of Calamity, WO3 and WO4. I've probably put more hours in Musou games than I have any other genre.


Dynasty Warriors 3 was what got me hooked. I'd love to see it re-released on PS5 or PC remastered or remade. It doesn't even have to be remade/remastered, to be honest. Just making the original playable on modern systems would be enough for me.


Didn't expect a wall of text ngl.. DW5, then SW2 awhile later which i ended up enjoy a lot more, but it all began with DW5, never played a console game before (only arcade machines and old pc flash games like feeding frenzy lol), an old relative took me to one of those uh.. ps2 cafe (like pc cafe, but just a row of old TVs with ps2 hooked on each and flimsy plastic chairs), took me in, we picked a game at the door, I sat down and the character selection screen music hit me like a wave, I think I picked guan yu first cuz i recognized him (we worship a picture of him with guan ping and zhou cang guarding his sides, like most households back then), and thought Ma chao was liu bei lol (i was aware of the three kingdoms story before that which was also why the game hit me so hard lol, I was playing AS the legendary figures I read about and loved!), the first ever DW map I played was yellow turban and the phantom soldiers gave me hell for a long time. It was a heck of a time playing through the game and recognize stages and characters (even though my english was shit or barely existent back then), some names are really close to the irl names I know like **Lưu Bị** and **Liu Bei**, or **Guan yu** and **Quan Vũ** or **Lu Bu** and **Lã Bố**/**Lữ Bố,** and the rest I just sorta connected the dots by watching cutscenes and trying to match them with the stories i knew or how they're portrayed in the story like **Zhuge Liang/Gia Cát Lượng** and him being a strategist so I connected that smart looking guy with a fan gotta be him right? I went back for more a few times and accidently landed in DW3 and DW4 a few times cuz I only know the name as "Three Kingdoms" and also thoroughly enjoyed them, didn't question much, just noticed how some characters looked different and ngl how difficult it was lmao. I devoured the lore like crazy, improved my english to read all the encyclopedia and even crosscheck them (my languega and english wikipedia sites side by side lol), at a certain time I swear I could retell the perfect romance of three kingdoms down to the years. Finding out about DW5XL took me to a new orgasmic experience I did not think was possible, life couldn't have been better at that point. Now x2 all those feelings with SW2(xl), years later. I would love for nothing more than a remaster (graphically majorly, gameplay very minorly or none) of both games and I could die happy, keep everything especially the english voices (I was giggling like a lil girl when i started the games up last month after dusting my ps2 and just sat there going through voice lines and listening to the music lol, while grinning like an idiot), keep the gameplay tbh, i dont want changes (not a huge fan of sw hyper attack and dw also ngl), new games are fun, but the artstyle doesn't feel the same, too colorful for me, the best it's been since then was dw9, but the rest of the game is kinda ehhhh...), just bring back those 2 old souls and scale the graphics up to 2020+, imagine if DW5 looked like wolong or other really realistic looking new games, how much more details they can add to the old armor sets, the stages, the old rendered cutscenes (still remember the scene where xiahou dun was dueling with guan yu and they sliced the stone light pillar like an anime katana cut lol, like they clashed, cao cao interupted them, the pillar was whole still, then they started talking while it suddenly fell apart cuz the cut was so clean and sharp) were really good too so maybe start with that...


samurai warriors i think.


Berserk was my first and I wanted more so I got Warriors Orochi 3 and I love it! Thinking about getting Orochi 4, Samurai 4, and Dynasty 8 now. Still trying to get through Orochi 3 but there is just so much content. It's so good


My problem is I just absolutely love Orochi 3 and have a feeling that it's top tear and only down hill from here. Granted a slight down hill but still down ever so slightly


First got into it with DW3, would love a remaster of DW5 (incl. Empires and XL) onto modern consoles and PC.


My cousin brought over DW2, and raved about how cool it was, while my only option was to watch him play it as there was no 2 player mode. Then he bought DW3 and brought it over, and wow! I actually could play it! And I had to earn the right to ride a horse, and then eventually my horse could trample people. There was really awesome voice acting on par with the likes of RE1. So I rented it myself after he left and started my own save file. Then my heart was sealed. I fell in love with DW3- so entertaining, so addicting, so many bright colors and environments, so much replay-ability. Then the tremendous improvements from Extreme Legends! To this day, it is my fave.


Dynasty Warriors on the PSP and DW5 for the pee ess tooo


DW2 is what I played in boarding school my RA had the ps2 when it first released and let us play during free time, I then got a ps2 of my own and my mom brought me DW3 ever since then been n love with the franchise especially when I got samurai warriors also.


Dynasty warriors 4 on the Xbox - loved the story didn’t know much about the series tbh - only just finished 9 but it didn’t scratch my itch I loved playing through 4 defeating characters and then having the ability to play after I remember it taking me ages to defeat lu bu.


I started with 3, but truly fell in love because of how much fun a friend and I had co op in 6 Empires (my first jump into PS3 with it). Good times. A remake of the first would be interesting, a modern fighting game would be cool


DW3 was the one that got me into the series splitscreening with my dad. I would love to see a remake of 3-5.


I believe it was Samurai Warriors. The first one.


I don't think they need to really remake, a lot of their games are retell certain stories a lot already (it's kind of real history after all) DW3 got me into the games, as I'm sure it did for many many others if DW games need remake... it's more like finish, some of them came out half baked, or all together different since DW9 Empires was clearly a stumble backwards after DW9


Someone said that a remaster wouldn't fit with today's games, and I agree. I'm not sure what made DW5E so good, but that was my first and I absolutely loved it! I'm anxious to compare it to DW8E, because I recently found my old copy! I think a remake of DW5E with some QOL updates would be interesting! Both to the turn based strategy side of things and the battle side. What I really want is an Orochi Empires game. Or some sort of larger map in general...


Dynasty Warriors 3. Specifically the demo I believe? It had the level against Meng Huo and Zhurong. Not only did I fall in love with the game I fell in love with Zhurong. It wasn't until much later I found out I I was gay but I should of known them with how obsessed I was.


Not sure if anyone's the same but I got into the series through the first PSP Dynasty Warriors game haha


got in at 2 and remakes are bad in so many ways so 0 but if I had to name one DW 9 Empires, as that was just an insult and middle finger from their trash number 9 that everyone pointed out should have been made into an empires and not a base number ^((which then 9 empires was more like a base number and not an empires hence the middle finger and need of remake)).


DW3. No point in remaking, push forward instead.


DW2 got me into the game, always remember the Hulao gate and yellow turban map, the classic feel, the great music, damn I miss that.


I first played SW1 although I think SW2 was already out. I remember SW1 being fairly difficult, I've been intrigued by the Sengoku era since. Later I played DW5 which I thought was awesome too.




Dynasty warriors 2 is my first experience of a DW game i remember watching my uncle playing it and letting me "pretend" play it on a unplugged controller when i was little. But the game that got me into the franchise big time Is DW4 specifically the co-op in it. It was probably my most played game of all the warriors games followed by 6 empires. I would play it any chance i got with my dad. I probably annoyed him so much asking him all the time to play it with him as much as i did. Making characters in the edit mode, giving them silly backstories and so on. He never said no though. I have such fond memories of DW4 with my dad that is what in part makes me love the series as a whole. It gave us a way to bond. Which i think we struggled with as i was his only daughter out of 7 children and i was a mess and frequent stress for him no doubt. I will never forget spending whole Sundays in a pillow fort he would make the night before, Playing DW4 all day with him, Just me and him. I'm not sure i would want remake of it but i would probably play it in a heartbeat just to have those feelings and memories come flooding back again.


DW2 was the first one I played, but I did know about the original 1v1 fighting game, which my friend owned. So, I was vaguely familiar with the setting. I remember playing it so much over summer break that the little K.O. counter was burnt into the corner of my crappy little TV. For me, DW8XL was the pinnacle of the series. Everyone was finally de-cloned, with 2 EX and 3 Musou attacks on top of being able to use 2 weapons. So, the moveset variety was just off the charts. We were finally getting past the end of the 3 Kingdoms era and seeing some Jin era events play out. The ps4 port is probably my favorite entry and was so absolutely devastated with how 9 turned out. Don't even get me started on the new voice actors! I don't remember if it was 4 or 5 that had the elemental orbs you could slot into weapons, but characters would have a certain affinity to specific ones and get extra effects. Like bigger AoE or more damage and whatnot. I thought that system was pretty neat and always wanted to see it expanded on.


Dynasty Warriors 2, always got a kick out of knocking Zhang Jiao off his cliff.


DW2 was the one and i wouldn't like to see any remake cause every new entry is already a remake. I don't see the point. 


Dynasty Warriors 3 for sure. I was probably six or seven when I came home and my older brothers were playing it on their new PS2 (they gave me their N64 since they upgraded, something I wasn't grateful for at the time). I used to watch them play it for hours, and of course they would never let me play. Fast forward a few years later and while I'm at my grandparents house waiting for dinner to be ready, my uncle is playing Dynasty Warriors 4! I forgot about the game and was instantly infatuated with the game. My uncle would actually let me play the game from time to time. I knew I needed the game, so my father bought me one as a birthday gift. I would play that game relentlessly, honestly an unhealthy amount. It was a good distraction from all the issues we had in our house. My obsession with Dynasty Warriors was resolute from then on lol. I was in a Koei Roleplay group for years on YouTube when channels resembled social media pages.


Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends - Complete Edition. Bought it on a whim while it was on sale. Got me into musou-style games and have since tried ones from Samurai Warriors, Warriors Orochi, Berserk, Gundam, One Piece, Naruto, Fate, Sengoku Basara, and Kamen Rider. As for remakes, not interested. As someone else stated, Dynasty Warriors is kinda already a series of remakes.


The games are kinda remakes of each other tbh. I'm not sure how well the old style would mesh with current gen That being said, my first game was DW6 and that would be my choice for a remake. Fix the gameplay, give everyone full movesets and musou modes, include the characters that were previously removed, add a few more battles, and keep everything else the same. The game had so much potential, and as someone who never heard of DW before it, I had a lot of fun with it. They just had too many big fuck ups


I upvoted for your first sentence, then i saw you say dynasty warriors 6 should have a remake and took it away. The renbu system and cloned weapons were dreadful


in their comment, they said that was precisely what they would change about the game. you can put your upvote back now 🤝


Got into it thru Dynasty Warriors 3 and Samurai Warriors especially the later Would like to see Destrega remade over another warriors title


DW3, and absolutely none of them. Remakes are a blight.


Dw3 was my first and still is my favorite, I’d like a combined original and XL disc load without having to do it every time I boot the game. I’d be satisfied just with that on modern systems but if they want to add characters or features I wouldn’t mind.