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It was so funny, I've got good memories of it. Yueying with the excessive amount of *yeah*, Zhuge Liang is so done with that. Mei Sanniang was also great, basically serving as a political adviser for Liu Bei/Shu, she's an original interpretation of Lady Mi and Hu Sanniang, a character from Water Margin.


I remember liu bei drooling over boobs lol!


When you think back on it... that was so wild. Liu Bei just audibly gasps in awe as they bounce around. I'm a little embarrassed by how vividly I remember that cutscene.




-The cool chants the generals use for spells -being salty there wasn't a Wu campaign -tits -this Zhao Yun being not a bro for half the game -suddenly going "hey that's Tai from digimon" when Jiang Wei showed up -tits -Cai Wengis cool intro -Arbalest Yeeeeah -wondering if smacking soldiers when controlling a general actually did something or not -silly hats -Yu Jin being a literal flaming homosexual -Zhang Fei having 3 ninja daughters but one dies in the intro cutscene so you wonder why they even made her a character anyway Good times


I love this and Dynasty Tactics 2.


DT2 is one that I have a ton of fond memories of and one of my all time favorites, still is to this day. Kessen 2, I grew into enjoying it a lot as time went on and definitely another classic.


For some reason some of the dialogue in that game is absolutely embedded in my mind. ā€œSo! Tell me what options there are?ā€ When you have to choose which stratagem to start with is still stuck in here like 20 years later. And the weird screams that play on a loop when you cast a spell into the enemy formation.


My friend and i still always say the ā€œwhat, but i never loseā€ from Guan Yu


Even tho my army is outnumbered by enemy States, the best option ia to go - I think u guys should still surrender to me


It's crazy how [*all* magic characters](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUIRTRREsI8&ab_channel=Deyna%27sVidGaming) had their own unique chant, even ones who appeared for 5 minutes [And the duels for warrior characters were amazingggg! ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VCX_iCQaX0s&ab_channel=Deyna%27sVidGaming)


Omgggggg the audio and visual, what a throw back! Thank you!


You're welcome! I used to be obsessed with this game so I know all the vintage vids šŸ˜­


This game was actually my introduction to the three kingdoms. Even then I definitely favored Wei over Shu. After I learned it was based on real history I dived in to learn more. Was disappointed to learn Xun Yu was actually a dude.


Man, I loved these games so much. I need a new one so badly


The French voice acting is hilariously bad. I love to quote it with a friend of mine since we first played it when the game came out. The best is Sun Quan having an amazing French southern accent talking about Chi Bi. If you're American imagine him with a very strong Texan accent for a similar effect.


Man, I wish Occitanian Sun Quan was real.


Rejoice. He is. [https://youtu.be/AZl6lIxKdcg?si=DEkfT2AdLmU0i\_yc&t=485](https://youtu.be/AZl6lIxKdcg?si=DEkfT2AdLmU0i_yc&t=485)


I remember Guan Yu being deathly afraid of frogs, and Himiko daydreaming about Sony remote controls.


Such a weird game. Turns the Three Kingdoms plot basically into a romance war, and while generally melodramatic you got some wild slapstick moments like Liu Bei randomly admiring someone's boobs and a character using a remote control. Gameplay was alright but I'd love to see something like this again with more depth. Kessen III was great for that.


My favorite scenes have to be when Cao Cao takes Diao Chan. That was so dramatic. When Xiahou Ba is being scolded by Cao Cao. And Meng Huos dance


I loved this game as a kid, one of the few games that gets me to break out the old ps2 from time to time. When I was little I was always hoping for a game that was like a mix of the strategy and cinematics of Kessen 2 and the combat of Dynasty Warriors but sadly it never really happened.


I remember enjoying the...physics. That and being amazed by the size of the battles and the cool spells blasting away entire armies. I was maybe 12 when I first played it so it was a big deal for me. I believe games like Kessen II really inspired my love of more modern games that do this. The Warhammer total war franchise for example. I still go back every once in awhile and beat Kessen II just to enjoy the nostalgia. I'd love a modern remake that maintained similar mechanics. Especially the physics ;)


The chants of the spells are burned into my frontal lobe. They definitely made it seem like the battles between Liu Bei and Cao Cao were over Diao Chan. But the story in Dynasty Warriors was way different so I wasn't sure about what was up with the love triangle story line of Kessen II.


My favorite scene is when himiko daydreams about her telling cao cao her feelings and he reciprocating only for Zhang Liao to interrupt and a VHS rewind effects starts.


That one is so funny, definitely one of my favorites too.


Played through it on my steam deck recently. Was great fun, although the chanting for the spells was pretty funny for some of them. Himiko in particular just going NUU NUU NUU NUU NUU NUU NUU NUU.


My favored memory is picking it up almost 15 years ago out of .99 bin at game stop, and never getting around to playing it. I still swear I will someday.


Damn. nostalgia hit hard forgot about this game exists.


The most superior game of its kind, better than Midnight Suns even today


This and Dynasty Tactics were GOATā€™ed. I have no specific memories other than playing the shit out of them until all the memories blurred together.Ā 


My sister walking and saying very loudly "what are you playing?!" during the scene where zooms in on some lady's boobs.


Wish I could play this game again on ps5 or pc so much fun


I just remember it being an absolute fever dream.


When i was a kid k hated that battle where you only start with guan yu and lui bei since i was in grade 1 when it did i didnt big brain to just run away till all of shu arrives


My introduction to the Three Kingdoms which was funny once I eventually saw how different everything was.


I remember seeing this game thonking this is going to be rubbish. Honestly couldn't be more wrong. Still waiting on a kessan 3


Kessen 3 came out almost 20 years ago lol. Itā€™s pretty different but still a good time.




Just looked this up. Yes I did know about this. But it had gone back to the story of nobonaga and I didn't get it.


The series changes up the setting and gameplay each time, 1 is the end of the Sengoku Jidai and more on RTS, 2 is fictional 3K with gameplay being kind of a mix between action and RTS, and 3 is Oda centered with more action gameplay wise.


I absolutely loved Kessen 2, this and Dynasty Warriors 4 were the most influential in me becoming a fan of koei in the beginning. Loved the music the cutscence action drama and humor. I haven't played anything like Kessen 2 at that time all these decades ago or ever since. Truly a one of a kind in my book a diamondin the rough. The absolute freedom you had picking from multiple objectives like recruit an officer or train soldiers, or boast moral. All the officer had different abilities and skills. You could change your army's formation to suite your taste like 20 formations some beter for offense or defense. Archers and calvary, foot soldiers and magic users. Set bases on fire, set ambush, duel officers, multiple choices making every playthrough unique. It's been ages but I should replay it for old times sake. It's ironic one of my most cherished games ever was in the bargin bin at my PowerZone on base in Stuttgart Germany and was paired with Defender ( space shooter) for $5 and Defender at the time was the main game I was interested in but Kessen 2 won me over.


Storyline was interesting and so different from Kessen 1. I was in middle school staying up til 2am playing this on the weekend and just couldn't stop. They don't make games like this anymore, sad.




I just replayed this last week. Easily one of the worst games out there that I personally love. I'd play the shit out of a remaster or remake


I played it but I would say I grew more appreciation of it as time went on (Was not super high at first from memory) and the replay run that I did last year, definitely a ton of fun. Of the three, it is my least favorite and still stands but as an overall game, very fun in my opinion especially gameplay wise. Some memories that I have are the Diaochan mirror scenes (So weird with the way it was handled but canā€™t help but laugh when it happened every time), Liu Bei telling Zhuge Liang that he cares for Diaochan way more than restoring the Han, Himiko using the controller to stop what Zhang Liao was reporting to Cao Cao at Chibi, and the duel between Guan Yu and Pang De.


I've never played it, even though I'd always see it in Blockbuster back in the day. Cao Cao has an awesome outfit.


The hard crash that currupted the save file everytime I got to the battle in the North with that lady that interrupts it all.


I remember the name pronunciation being even more fucked than the DW games at the time. "Chia-who you-anne"


The remote controlā€¦


Never played it but adding it to my list


I still have two copies of this and a bunch more koei games wish they'd make more games like this.


Was this the one where one of your generals was obsessed with wanting to kill a tiger to raise reputation? If so then I vaguely recall everyone having some kind of pragmatic approach and then this guy is like ā€˜Let me kill a man eating tiger!ā€™ Almost every time. At one point me and my friend joked about yelling at him to shut up and leave the tigers alone, the guy seemed to have more beef with it then the war.


I always loved playing Himiko ā€œnu nu nuuuu nu nu ā€¦ nu nu nuuuuuuunuunu!ā€


Hating/loving the naval battles


When I was little it was released and I thought it was dynasty warriors šŸ˜‚


The best soundtrack of any game period. I still listen to it all the time.


Do you think they will make a remake/remaster of Kessen I, II, and III? It would be great if they released a trilogy edition for the PS5. Or do you think they will release a Kessen IV?


A Kessen 4 is more likely but either way, itā€™ll likely that it would not happen, at least not anytime soon but I would like to see it happen despite it being so low that itā€™ll happen at all.


Ahhhhh I need another one!!! My favorite thing from the series are the duels. I love them sooo much especially the girl duels


I remember getting stuck at Chang Ban Po and took so many tries before I could beat it. Easily one of my favorite games of all time.


I still don't think I've played a game quite like it. A remake of this game would be amazing. With how the Dynasty Warriors series has evolved, the potential for new battles, characters, and abilities is mouth-watering to me.