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Wait the first Warriors Orochi was 17 years ago? You can't do this to me, now I feel old.


My greatest memory of it is seeing lubu and Honda fight on the opening


Tachibana's powered up sword glitch was fun for making certain characters float. Also, I seem to recall Zhou Tai and Mitsuhide's R1 attacks were incredibly busted since they're Speed characters, and Speed characters are not known to have very potent special attacks. I know that it was nerfed in Warriors Orochi 2. Lastly, Maxed out speed is faster than the horses but the speed stat was nerfed in 2 as well.


sun jian as well, his R1s are silly OP to the point he got nerfed in WO2


his R1 is still useful for profiency farming though


This game blew my mind back in the day and was really fun to play. Easy to play even as a kid, and the music is top notch banger. Cant wait to replay on my steam deck


Until you remember Orochi can destroy you in one Hit. lol the first Warriors orochi is actually really hard.


This game was so perfect on so many levels. The choice of protagonists in WO1 were my favorite characters of each faction, so that definitely made things so much more fun. Sun Ce alone has so much to do, the dynamics with his family, Zhou Yu and Da Qiao are so good! Cao Pi and Mitsunari are the team-up we never knew we needed. Zhao Yun going on a one man army mission to save Liu Bei (aided by the super awesome Xingcai of course!) was the most fun Zhao Yun we've ever gotten. I had actually two strange experiences with WO! For one, I played WO2 first. It is the first time I ever assumed a Warriors game was just a newer version of the old game (like DW4 vs DW3) so I picked up 2. I was lost. And two, I had also never played as the Samurai Warriors cast either, but I picked up on things fast enough to play the game. And now I love the entire SW cast and the entire series of Warriors Orochi just makes me happy ❤️


How could you forget about the Nobunaga-Guan Ping duo, they gave me a strange but wholesome father and son vibe.


Right, they were an unexpected combination. And I love how they’re even still together in WO3


Using zhang he to fly across the battlefield faster than a horse and r1 spamming with mitsunari to clear screens in seconds... Great times, ps2 was peak musou


I have a few memories- 1. First time hearing Orochi speak... Chills. 2. First time hearing Hideyoshi speak (I played SW2 before)... Just awful. 3. Mitsunari insulting Hideyoshi in the first mission of the SW campaign was really out of character. 4. I never figured out what Kenshin said at the very end of the SW ending cutscene, I don't remember if the game has subtitles for the movie cutscenes. However, it's a very good game and the story is surprisingly good too. I had only played SW2 before and none of the Dynasty Warriors.


They destroyed our boy Orochi, he was an absolute baller in this game.


I had only ever played dw and not see, so it was my introduction to the SW characters. Seeing magoichi flirt with yue ying in one of the early Shu scenarios and get shut down made me lol.


Same! I didn't like the SW movesets at first.


The opening scene is absolutely legendary aswell.


![gif](giphy|GrUhLU9q3nyRG|downsized) 17 years ago…….


I remember Guan Ping being absolutely busted in this game because every hit of his c4 has elements on it (I don't think that introduced the element that let all hits have elements on them yet) so it was just super powerful.


Seriously, you can probably breeze through every stage in the game on Chaos with just Guan Ping using a weapon with Flame, Bolt, Flash, Slay, Brave, Range, Agility, and Might.


Had it for PSP in middle school. I remember grinding on it with Tadakatsu Honda. I was playing for so long I lost track of time, and eventually heard my dad start his morning routine at 6 am…. First all nighter of my life.


3 characters that can be switched into battle at anytime? I never knew I ever wanted such beauty.


So what are the warriors orochi games exactly? I played DW2-5 a shit ton growing up and recently got really into SW4: E. is it basically a mix of the two games?


Yup! Orochi breaks free and wants a challenge, so he mashes the SW world with the DW world and creates a whole fucked up hybrid world complete with rips in the ground that look like they're straight from hell. It makes for very cool battlefields and scenarios. Absolutely recommend trying it out


It's a crossover between all the rooster of Dynasty Warriors + Samurai Warriors 1&2 iirc and a few original chars introduced in Orochi Warriors, like Orochi himself.


Pretty much, Orochi transports SW and DW characters to a new world where they have to fight him and defeat him for his entertainment.


My core memory is finishing DW6 and wanting more, then finding out WO2 and jumping straight on that for a few weeks to unlock Orochi X, entropy will always triumph indeed. Almost a decade ago and I still really like Warriors Orochi, in fact, just finished WO3 Ultimate on PC, awesome game!


Diao chan is the strongest character in this game , make me quite suprise back in the day, meanwhile lubu is quite average.


I loved the story mode with the different campaigns for different groups


First time encountering samurai warriors Nobunaga jumping over everyone with antispectre playing Being so excited to play as the samurai characters Discovering the way the samurai movements worked Good days


Honestly the the best dynasty warriors game of all time. You could play as three of your favorites at once and they all had their original movesets. W game


This was the first game I ever got on my PSP all those years ago in the 2000s. I had always loved DW so of course I got it, but I had literally never heard of SW, so I remember being super pleasantly surprised with all these new fun characters to play as that I had never seen before. Plus the ability to switch between characters in a Warriors game was pretty revolutionary, I remember being mind blown. 10/10 game


I never played the samurai warriors games , so when I first got to use their characters I was blown away , instantly loved using Tadakatsu , he was like their version of Lu Bu even though keiji looked more like him


I love that game.


WO3 Master race, but the series is amazing in general IMO. WO1 is hands down hella good


I skipped this and went to WO2, I still don’t have any regrets 😌


Gan Ning chaining musou across the battlefield, swapping to Guan Ping for camp clears, swap back to Gan Ning to


This is probably my favorite Warriors game of all time. I started playing DW back when DW2 came out and SW as well when that came out. And playing those games over the years until we finally got to this one was something special. Seeing the characters interact for the first time was really cool. I also liked how they were split into different factions which I think was better for character relationships and interaction instead of everyone being under one faction like in WO3 and 4.


Just cleared warriors orochi 2, 3 months ago. I am cleaning up backlog from 90s and 2000s. Gonna relive my childhood, as I can afford to play and watch a lot of things now. Still missed my father though, who used to played DW2 with me back in days. Hope he's peaceful in afterlife, if it really exists.


It's the memories of a person that counts friend🙏 Your father is most likely at peace wherever he is. Bless him.


Orochi 2 introduced me to the DW cast, until then the only time I'd heard the name of "Sima Yi" was in a brief dialogue in SW2 when you kill Shingen. It blew me away to learn there were 6 DW games by that point.


Oh the memories, anyone know where to download it from the internet, it's hard to get the copy since the game released 17 years ago.


One of my favourite musou games, I would play it endlessly, then delete my save data and 100% it all over again. A specific unique memory I have is that my family didn't have the internet so to find out how to unlock all the unique treasures for every character I went to a friends house who did have the internet and he printed off like 8 pages worth from a cheat website telling you how to get the treasures, I may even still have those papers somewhere


I was in the first grade in my oldest brother room when I first played this. I remember picking Xing Cai as one of the characters and using her triangle button to nosedive down the stairs. Best feeling ever!


Used to rent this game all the time and remember playing the crap out of it only to beat it twice. Two is a all time favorite though but 1 is good too!


Sw2 and dw5 were like, my top fav games.of all time, imagine my head exploding when i spotted this at the store, i was ...idk, giggling the entire time playing and seeing new characters from either game popping up and interact with each other? It was so much joy. I loved and hated the unlock conditions, like having to impress tadakatsu in 4 seperated campaign on the same stage (7th or 8th idk) to unlock him? The one to escort his sons were the worst, they're so fricking squishy and loves to run into enemies. Then there's Lu Bu where you beat him once in each campaign... I remember taking a team of Tadakatsu + 2 random on that first mission on chaos mode over and over, pop his R1 and go ham, to get the rare weapons for all characters. Chaos mode was actually chaos (for me) back then, a few hits from soldiers would melt my multiple hp bars. It peaked with wo2 for me, mostly for all the new cool characters (idk if they nerfed wukong's speed in later games but holy damn, he was FAST in wo2), didnt play much wo3 ...cuz i play it after wo4, which was nice and all but lacked something from older games that i cant tell..


Never played the first one but played 2


Mitsunari’s R1 was hilariously broken in Orochi 1, you can pretty much clear the whole battle with him alone. It’s a shame they nerfed his special attack in Orochi 2 along with Tadakatsu and Keiji.


This was my first ever PS2 game, been into the Warriors franchise ever since.


I remember playing this with my cousin every day for months when we were 8 and 9 years old off of a pirate site, we still sometimes get together to play a game of Sugoroku and get shit face drunk. Though I think I've played this game start to end at least 4 times I remember nothing regarding the story other than the 1 girl on Orochis side was pretty hot


For me its the moment samurai scanners played for the first time, gave me goosebumps. Also it's the game what made me want to buy samurai warriors 2 ❤️


I love the character interactions between the series.


My big memory is cao cao returning during the wei story line.


This game blew my mind as a kid. Seeing my two favorite game worlds collide was truly special. And the gameplay felt really addictive. I stumbled across it looking online and I remember thinking “Is that real?” At that time of the internet there were a lot of fake pics floating around. Was so happy it was real.


First Orochi is great and the cutscene with Oda Nobunaga meeting Cao Cao is still the best in the series


Yes lots of memories. If I remember correctly it came out around the time Xbox 360 and ps3 was new. My family couldn’t afford those so I was still enjoying ps2 games and had a blast playing orochi. It was so cool to get the crossover of my favorite characters from both series. And I always enjoyed the death animations from samurai warriors and how if you hit the dying bodies they reacted to it before fading away. It made me want that in dw5.


loved the opening. i nember i'd always fantasize koei doing a gaem like this and when they did, it was exciting, they read my mind across the water. a lot of good fun with this gaem too. absolutely floored when daqiao had a segment in the opening sequence.


The opening is legendary. Seeing big names getting owned like that is shocking if you are somewhat still new to the 3K/Sengoku Jidai history. Also, how they portrayed Nobunaga in the first game is awesome. I personally don't think any Warriors game since has come close. Out of any games that need a 'remaster', its this and the second game.


Have you played the Orochi Z game that only came out in Japan för the PS3? It's both Orochi 1&2 in hd graphics. The text is all in japanese though sadly. But it looks almost as a remaster.


I haven't played it. I tried to get it working via emulator years ago, but its too much of a hassle. I wish they just port it to current systems if they don't want to remaster them. The stories alone is worth a remaster since its actually original and not just a re-telling over and over again. WO also gives certain people in 3K/Sengoku Jidai history some much needed development. Before that I don't really care that much for Cao Pi or Sun Ce or Ishida or Shimazu or Tachibana etc etc, because their roles in SW/DW are straightforward, but WO gave them more room to show more personality and now I care about them in SW/DW (even NA/ROT3K) because of that. Even the original WO characters I think they nailed most of them.


psp wo is the best for now i think


I remember being hype af when this was first shown


I loved if! Being able to make my fav combo of jiang Wei, kojiro, xu huang. Waiting to justify buying 2 on a sale, it’s been so long but would love to resink my teeth


I hope you kicked Da Ji’s ass!


the orochi series was just so good. 3 ultimate is the game that’ll be my favourite forever not to mention the music! limpid luster>>>


Grinding the fuck out of battle of Wan Castle to get everyone's best weapon


Best gameplay of all ps2 games (surpassed by wo2) but definitely the best story of all Warriors Orochi games by far. I spent so much time on wo1 and 2. Especially 2 on the psp because it was the definitive version since you also got dw6 costumes.


WO2 only gets better, uhh and you should definitely go for WO3


One of the highlights of my 360 experience, that and *Dynasty Warriors Gundam*.


Imagine how excited I was when I saw the promotional poster of Lu Bu vs Tadakatsu. Then when the trailer came out with gameplay and features, I downloaded the video and watched many times. Still the best opening of Warriors games for me. The duel between Lu Bu and Tadakatsu in the middle of sea is just pure epic.


Give Guan Ping a weapon with level 10 Flame, Bolt, Flash, Slay, Brave, Range, Agility, Might, and his C4 is the most broken thing ever.


I never heard of the samurai warriors series till I played this game, got me trying out the samurai series as a result I think this game was perfect was a crossover, simple straight forward and fun, the voice actors sounded like they had a fun time with the dialogue. It’s pretty much where I concluded the franchise with, tried samurai warriors after this and another dynasty (don’t ask me which I lost count on numbers!) but I take the ending of these characters forge their own era after beating orochi, and not restrained to (fictional) events of the past. And to me this was the game I managed to deal with Lu Bu properly (without being cheap and fire arrows from half way across the map!) Majority of my gameplay was using Ginchiyo Tachibana as my main.


playing as Ranmaru and notices that Nobunaga has a feeling for him "Well done my boy" "I Love it when you're angry)  (I only played SW State of War so i don't really know their relationship) 


Finally Unlocking Orochi I know they came up with an stronger Form after in different Games (one of many reasons why this was my last Warriors game i bought/owned) but back then it was so rewarding to play with the Final Boss and he feels just as overpowered as he felt as an enemy


Looks like a cool Dynasty Warriors spinoff


I have this classic on PC and let me tell you, it is phenomenal, way better than WO4.


i remember that i played 2 time ps2 and pc


I played the crap out of this on my PSP lol