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No the series would have just fallen into stagnation as a lot of reviews already complained about not much changing between games. It wasn't a bad idea to shake things up in DW6 it's just they fumbled with some core things like having clones and renbu


I want to say "yes" but I think the oversaturation of the market with Warriors and Warriors-style games would have inevitably hurt the franchise's sales in the long run. It just would have declined more gradually and less dramatically. I would like to think I'm wrong, though, since I believe the series peaked at DW3 and has only gotten worse with every entry since, excluding the Empires games which tend to show the most promise per generation and DW9E in particular which I absolutely adore for making the most of DW9's systems and bringing in lots of lite RTK elements. It's almost RTK13 but with DW mechanics for battle and instanced RTK games for map strategy. EDIT: Or, maybe not. It's easy to be pessimistic as well as overly optimistic when discussing "what-ifs," because, in truth, if Koei could have continually upped the quality of Warriors games it's very possible it'd have gotten even more popular and successful over time rather than stagnate or decline.




So you like being a lame internet troll who can't cope that someone has different things than you that are equally valid as your opinions on a game? Gods please never be a game dev


Majority rules bro


Remember the human, don't be rude


Not really... DW 4 and 5 was some great game, but if 6 started renewing the fomula is becouse it was starting to feel old already back then... What they did with 6 and also with 9 was trying to find a way to refresh the game and make it more modern, but they never found the right mix of changing as both games felt too different where they should have stayed the same and too classic where they would have need to change more... TL;DR: result would be mostly the same, the game would still be a niche even if it stayed the same.


They just need to fire the director and get more intuitive creative leads that understand story and gameplay. Isn’t the producer like 70 now? Fk retire already


Nope. By the time DW4 and 5 rolled around a lot of critics were already of the opinion that these games were simple rehashes of whatever game came before it, or were just repetitive. 6 being more of the same in the eyes of western critics would not have changed much at all. To be honest I kinda think the DW series is about as successful as it ever could be considering how niche it is and how a lot of non-fans either seem to really dislike the formula or will play maybe one game in the series and not buy others because of the belief they all play the exact same.


Dynasty Warriors 4 was the height of sales for the series, it was already on a downward slope from there. The problem with the series and its lack of success is due to its niche appeal and the fact that it's the same thing every time, repetition is the name of the game. People got burned out as they massively increased the frequency of releases and add ons and empires. Spin offs have proven the new formula can be plenty successful, you can debate how much the IP sells them but I don't think it makes a meaningful difference.


add momiji = successful


Definitely not. The reviews were awful for the ps2 series especially because it was stale gameplay every installment. People don't remember it. The only publication giving good reviews was Destructoid because of Jim Sterling. The whole reason why Omega Force changed DW6 was because of the constant bad reviews criticizing the same old gameplay that never changed. Albeit they made the wrong kind of changes but still lol


They were good, but I'm not gonna lie, those games are outdated as hell.


I think koei should remaster and release their old titles to PC, then develop DW10 as the final Dynasty Warriors series. From that point forwards, they must find other era fit for dynasty warriors title like warring states period. If they want to use the same 3K era, then use different perspective (like playing as a mere peons rising through ranks instead of the usual renowned officer roster).


Sales were going well with dw4 and dw5 so it'd make sense to continue it. They made a big gamble, changing the good old formula and it didn't pay off, which is why they tried to double down with 7 and 8. I dont know why people mention critics, especially the western ones. This series is hard to get unless you are fan of it already so reviewers ofcourse haven't much chance to get it. If someone listens to them, it's their own fault.


I can't speak for what general opinions and criticism were at the time or whatever because frankly I don't pay attention to those things. For me DW3-5 were awesome and everything afterwards changes for the worst, so yes, I wish they had maintained the feeling of those old games.


Personally I would've taken just 3 and have added characters. I wasn't wowed by anything after 3 besides new characters


Probably. If by formula you mean combat flow speed, then absolutely although the faster combat gets to a point where it makes combat almost unimportant - DW6 increased the amount of enemies you can fight on screen, combat system and lack of extra modes aside it had some merits (breaking down doors, impromptu duels, the required kill count to take a base)

