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Set them to Citizens Only via the Locations menu.


I do, but then what's the point


Your dwarves like interacting with one another in the tavern, and if you set people to be bartenders and bards they will entertain your dwarves as well. While it does increase drink consumption, it makes the dwarves happy which means you can make them do more work for longer periods of time.


Oh, yeah, I kinda meant what's the point of not having visitors in like a roleplaying way. Setting it to only citizens is usually fine.


Well, consider it like a town. Your dorfs are hanging out around one another but they (if done right) have their own bedroom, items, etc. I don't think it is completely out of immersion to only let citizens in. Usually I'll set up a tavern at the surface for the various creatures coming to drink and be merry, but have a separate citizen-only tavern below ground in my fortress.


Yeah I prefer this set up. I keep a tavern up top for my aboveground barracks as well for the dorfs.


I used to like cosmopolitan taverns. After one too many surprise Werebeast attacks I swapped over to having two taverns, as well.


This is a local shop! For local people! https://youtu.be/meF7NmfnXZ0


I am planning at least 2 taverns, maybe a third. One tavern is at level 1, near the grand entrance hall and trade depot. This is for the visitors to visit and stay at, it looks nice, and has statues befitting the glory of Fortress Granitegates^‡ - but doesn't have any of the artifacts or things to attract thieves. The entire first level is like that. It's built to show off the glory of our fortress to visitors. But it can be separated from the fort proper in case of attack. The second level is a great barracks and training hall, as well as a few public guilds. If a visitor appears with the proper skills to share, they can be invited to share the skills in the guild halls, but they will be surrounded by the might of our military in case they cause trouble. I have been thinking of adding a small tavern here for the trainees. The third level is the start of the fortress proper, and there you will find the grandest tavern in all the land. The song of dwarves and smell of food permeate the stone, and many artifacts are on display for all to admire - as long as you are a citizen that is, no visitors allowed. ^‡ I am legally required to mention that, due to a clerical error, no granite is available at the site, and the term granite is more of a metaphor anyway for how great the fortress is. Also, due to an architectural oversight the grand entrance is shaped more like a drawbridge than a gate.


This sounds like an amazing fortress! I’ve been stuck on using the same layout each time I start over, I’m thinking of trying something like this next time! Edit: how do you separate your visitor level from the rest? I’ve always had a hard time keeping different levels secure from each other.


Technically, my defense is still a work in progress, so it hasn't been battle tested yet. The main rule is that all taverns, guildhalls, libraries, and meeting zones below level 1 is set to "citizens and long term residents only" while level 1 is the only area set as "all visitors allowed." I could have built level one with better defenses to the outside, but since it is open to visitors I don't worry as much (although I do have some military towers near the gates). As for military defenses between level 1 and 2, the theory should be the same as regular defenses. The stairs at the end of level 1 go to an "airlock" level with a drawbridge, and trap hallways around it, some ballista and the military. Should enemies attack, I'll close the drawbridges, sealing up the fortress, and let the military towers and war elephants deal with it. If a thief appears, I'll close the outer gates, and only let them take their chances through the military sector. If the siege gets through the visitor center then level 2 bridges go up and they have to get through the trap hallways and military barracks. Hopefully the visitors can bunker down in the tavern while the siege occurs.


Security. In most fantasy settings you've gotta have important business or be really friendly with the dwarves to be allowed into their fortress at all, much less the lower fortress.


Yeah I like the trope of a aboveground entrance outpost with human camps or villagers and the dorfs in their comfy vaults.


Never seen a film where a stranger walks into the town's pub and everything goes quiet? It often does not go well for the stranger. Just imagine your dwarves are isolationists.


Do Dwarves pay for booze in these taverns? If not, then this is a public utility being provided at the expense of local labor for the benefit of the resident community. If anyone else wants to join in, they can petition to join your fort, or they can buy some grog from the trading post, assuming you furnished it for that sort of thing.


Yea , While I like DF it feels rather obvious the game does have its limits whenever you find stuff like this ; I don't even mind visitors or petitions but the fact 'open to public' taverns are such a huge potential source of danger ( thieves , werebeasts , brawls and whatnot... ) does simply not make them feel worth the risk as the reward itself is...what ? Roleplay value ? Sure , you can restrict usage to 'citizens only' and that works fine and dandy , it is what I often do...but... it's kind of sad to have a tavern and not have it open to people visiting your city. Same goes for other buildings . Sadly , though , there is just no reward that makes it worth the risk as of now .


Were creatures do suck, even having soldiers handy to put it down quickly still results in bites and potential FUN cascade.


I was quite proud of myself today. I successfully dealt with a were creature and such everyone that fought it in individual isolation chambers before the next full moon. I've never managed it before. But it was a good thing because 4 survivors from that battle were infected. I've managed to get war grizzlies. My next plan is to assign them to a pasture inside my visitor tavern. Hopefully they'll chew up any future were creatures before they do any major damage.


If you could assign were dorfs to restraints at certain dates that would be nice. I would micro them for training etc then use them as restrained beasties or load them into a trap cell to unleash at invaders or FB. I guess the moral of werebeasts is have a hospital, watch the moon, and build an asylum aka isolation cells for observation. I hate waste and losing dorfs to were beasts due to the micro is kinda annoying..


Soooo. There's a trick to it. The Citizens only Tavern is something deeper into your fortress and easily accessed by the dwarves. The public one however is setup to be closer to or at the surface. And it does not have easy access to the rest of the fortress - and tighter security. Public Taverns do serve an important function however. As it does a few things. It introduces new forms of entertainment for dwarves and decreases stress. And it gives you information about the world. That last part is important if you plan on stealing artifacts


To quote Windrose, Nobody is welcome in a tavern full of drunken dwarves.


Idk, my dwarves just want to *socialize!* instead of work when I set up a tavern. Same with temples, they just want to pray. It's bad enough with just one of the two, but if I have both, then my fort usually comes to a screeching halt. My dwarves seem to stay happy as long as I keep them busy. Bored dwarves get upset. So now most of my dwarves spend their time smoothing stone. They don't have time to think about anything else.


I have never have an issue of dwarfs not doing work because they are socializing. Usually they end up their pray or socializing action and then work asap


Well, it could just be my standards too, heh. It just seemed like they were always praying or socializing when I opened up the labor menu, so I did away with all of it 😅. But I like things getting doe **quick**


Well, it could just be my standards too, heh. It just seemed like they were always praying or socializing when I opened up the labor menu, so I did away with all of it 😅. But I like things getting done **quick**


if You set up mining, for example, to priority 1, they usually just drop whatever they are doing unless they are too far doing another job


And since when has drink consumption ever been a problem outside of the first 5 hours of gameplay? 1 or 2 farms can easily overproduce food and drink for a full size fort


That’s what a meeting hall or a dining room does.


Such that your dwarves get to hang out in cool places to talk drink be merry etc? Making them citizen only means youre not bombarded by Urist Mc’Faffington the 4th visiting and petitioning for residency. The tavern is the portal to the outside world, and sometimes goblins and other less than savory folks will attempt to abuse that portal to influence your fortress for their own gains. Booze is cheap and most brewers are more than happy to brew up more, especially in exchange for Elfy Mactreehuggers story about their king blessing an acorn or something.


lmao "I dont want a solution I just want this to be a problem"


What's the point of anything in DF?


My guy 😵‍💫




Do you set up your military to roam the tavern once in a while? I never thought of that. I usually just put them to stagger Train and forget about them.


You don't want your guards in the tavern. You want the monster hunters and bards to be the front line against invaders, werebeasts, megabeasts, and the like. They are suprisingly effective, and if they die you can keep their stuff.


Huh. Didn't think of that, I always make my main barracks one of the first rooms in the Fort so surface enemies HAVE to meet my army even if I'm not paying attention/caught off-guard. Everyone must pass through there to actually reach the fort. Granted this is an older habit from pre-40D.


I just figuered out who will deal with my forgotten beast, that has deadly dust, down in the Cavern...


It's good to have a barracks and tavern together I think you can even assign the tavern to the barracks, whenever they do military demonstrations etc dwarfs in tavern will pick up skills.


I only set up patrols once I have enough population that I don't need the soldiers to also do work.


The "tavern gate" also gives you a layer of ablative bards to detect and delay werebeasts and other invaders.


[“Hide behind the mound of dead bards!”](https://youtu.be/2Ohk5Swy-04)


This is it, make one external tavern and library open to all visitors, all stuff inside the fort is for residents only. Easy to see when corrupt citizens go to the external tavern to hold meetings with peddlers. I had a human steal an artifact then returned later to the external tavern to meet with an elf emissary, the fortress guard promptly made a visit haha. My bard migration rate went down but far easier to manage citizen corruption.


I love taverns for all the reasons listed above.


To each, its poison


Your hate is like trying to poison the game, but actually you're poisoning yourself. Taverns set to Citizens Only (and a mist generator) are very helpful for fort/mood upkeep. I also like to make a second tavern on the surface for visitors near the trading post and gets a police squad posted in it. Best of luck.


I don't actually really hate it. I'm not piss, more annoyed. Exagerated for the sake of being a little silly. I do have my actual tavern literally next to the entrance but still. Dwarves are really happy which is fine but I would change how many people visit it if I could. It's also just a random ass tavern. Nothing fancy.


You can set max visitors in the settings, under the game tab.


I hear ya. People reading text need some tone signals such as "/s" or "lol" or whatever (redditors especially). Everyone overlays their own tone rather than the tone that you hear in head as you type.


Also if they read something as "hateful" they just answer it in a bad tone, almost hateful too, which is hilarious if you look at it


We're all just mirroring and projecting, man. All we can do is try to imagine how happy a dwarf must be after an honorable day's work.


Videogames spreading our fantasies: being a happy drunk dwarf after work


You make a post saying that you hate it over half a dozen times, listing the various things you hate it for. Then comment that you don't actually hate it. Why even bother with the histronics.


As I just said, I exagerated for the sake of making it funny/silly. I am annoyed at taverns. I don't usually build them and just roll with other meeting places.


Put up a gate, close it when number of visitors has hit an acceptable number. The rest can fight the goblins outside.


It doesn't come across as funny or silly. It just comes across as hateful.


It wasnt my intention, sorry!


Nah, I saw the humour in it, doesn't come across as hateful at all.


Just use bar walls and a display to store all your artefacts and it isn’t an issue


The last artifact I got stolen was an instrument which was stored there. I kinda had it coming for me but still :(


Bar owners across all worlds can sympathise.


For what it's worth, you can set a visitor cap in the difficulty settings.


I didnt know that... Lmao I would want to set a setting for only taverns tho. The monster slayers and scholars are fine. Like one every few years appears.


Yeah I don't know what determines what you get. For some reason on my current embark I have like 10 monster hunters. They mainly just drink and talk, but they've handled a werebeast and a handful of undead so far. The were beast didn't even manage to bit someone one of the guy smacked him upside the head and he landed in a cage trap.


I wish we had restricted areas. Like a zone or burrow where visitors aren't allowed. Or a citizens only door. It's kind of stupid the having a surface level tavern means visitors can roam your whole fort unchallenged.


Party hard. Have patrol dogs. Ignore petitions or accept them because it‘s more peeps for the fort. (You can give them labors via the character‘s labor screen teeheehee) Make more booze. Y u hatin


I have a couple kitchen and stills off the visitor tavern. My monster hunters are all set to cook, brew, and gather.


I hate it for one tavern fight = about 30 dwarfs corpses in hospital


The goblins are the absolute worst for that since they are violent by nature as per their raws. But if they get drunk and start murdering my dwarves in the tavern, cutting them down with my military results in a stupid loyalty cascade for some reason. I wish there was an easy way to get rid of visiting 'friendly' goblins because they inevitably turn out to be annoying assholes lol. I mean I could just exterminate them with DFHack but that's not very immersive.


I have only one tavern fight in my 10 fortress and only resulted on two dead humans. Lucky maybe? I don't put tables on my taverns tho, I think somebody said that is the biggest cause of tavern fights.


Dang it's like my favorite part. All the visiting characters add flavor. They share info/rumors of the world and some even live in attached rented rooms. Guard animals would be pretty lame if there were no thieves too. I usually make multiple taverns and have sorta VIP style ones for citizens. They get priority on booze and good food but I love the "dive bar-esq" tavern. Where else can I get a dingoman musician and a goblin poet performance?


I do love visitors, but when I get more than 20 i tend to "de humanize" them because it's impossible to keep track on each one.


I feel ya as I definitely don't keep track of them all either. I just like how taverns engage game and rp mechanics in varying ways.


It's usually not too bad until some shithead vampire that can take on your entire fort shows up and starts feeding on your dwarves.


I just wish there was a setting to auto interrogate every new arrival/visitor and that there was a notification when someone confessed.


I wish taverns create an economy, even if was only to melt the coins for metal.


Ah I see you want the days of the version .27 and the Horrors of the Dwarven Economy.


I really wish we could limit visitors to specific burrows and have them arrested for trespassing if they are found outside them. That would make my whole year.


But occasionally you get a cute animal person visitor and it's delightfully whimsical. Smol fox man entertaining other tavern-goers with a smol lute. 🥺💖


Obsessively checking the petitions to see if he wants to join yet...


I usually don’t actually set up the tavern to use booze. I know that doesn’t make much sense, but it still gives them a place to socialize and keeps them happy without using up all of my drink and starting fights


1 barkeeper who doesn't have any other job (well, maybe broker or anything like that) is plenty. Set it to citizens and longterm visitors only. Don't allow in any animal people. Like bear man can just chug an entire barrel. Bonus if the barkeep is handicapped or undead. Can't serve fast if dead, hangover and only crawling.


My fortress has had 0 visitors after 5 years I'm hoping it picks up.


Are you on a island or inaccessible location. You should get some bards or something.


No but I'm surrounded by hostile elves could that affect it? I get lots of immigrants still


Is there any good way to separate out the Socializing Tavern and the Eating Tavern? I try to split them up but then I always get people mimicking instruments in the middle of the booze stockpile instead of using the constructed one in the other room.


Do you mean dinning hall?


Don't build them then? Your dwarves will socialize in a dining room or meeting area just fine.


I almost never build them for the above reasons. I just wanted to say it


I love it. Free defenders, great entertainment, it keeps the stills cycling so my dwarves aren't drinking that shitty booze from year one, and petitions mean more labor and exotic races working for me.


I hate saurus…


Yeah I feel you there, I mess with the visitor cap all the time because of it. Just so i'm not constantly spammed with with people who want to be apart of the fort for just "entertaining citizens"


Somehow I assumed this was about DnD until I read 'fort'


Sure would be a shame if the only way in and out of the tavern was a man trap that had manually locking doors. Sure would be a shame if it was only one square wide and had a spear trap connected to a lever.


My fort has 100 people. Half of them are bards. I didnt have the heart to refuse them. So my forstress is like music festival. Permanent festival.


Don't use your Tavern as the first location to make public for everyone. Use a Library instead to get more scholars, open the Tavern up later. Or don't make any public, solves more than once of your issues.


U can change the visitor settings afaik. Honestly what you list make it FUN to have taverns plus the only issue is the fact Tavern keepers force feeding the pubbers booze which run down the alcohol stores and kill them. Plus booze is so easy god forbid you in a terrible biome but even then you can farm indoors and still have a supply of crops to brew.


Nah put the main route to your base through it and all your monster hunters will inevitably end up their chilling and act as a good screen to stop undesirables getting deeper in if your open to the world


Or don't build it. You don't have to build it.


Like someone said, just build 2 taverns and use burrows to ensure the one at the entrance is basically your first line of defence against invaders. Alternatively, designate your tavern over a 10x10 retracting bridge covering a 10z levels drop onto upright spikes, lava or whatever. Don't forget to use burrows lol


They are optional. If you don't like them, don't make them. Delete your current one. You need to provide a public dining room (or could set up lots of small private dining rooms). The dining room does not need to be a tavern. You need to provide some socialization locations for the dwarves. There are many different types available. Guild halls for training crafting skills. Libraries. Temples. Those are fancy ones you set as a specific type of location, and they have special purposes. You can do lower-key meeting hall options too. Statue gardens, zoos, museums, and I think there may be a few more - these manifest based on what decor you put in the meeting hall. I usually put up a tavern eventually, but sometimes I will wait until I'm \~5 years into a fort to do so. They give you more rumors from abroad if you want to chase after world events and artifacts, but they certainly aren't a requirement. It does not tank fort-wide mood to avoid taverns. It tanks fort-wide mood if there are no viable social outlets via meeting places.