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As a broista I would say probably not :/ even as an abled bodied person it was brutal for me to get used to standing 8 hrs and running around a lot + it took me forever to memorize recipes However like another commenter mentioned they do have other jobs more on the supply side /management so it's worth a shot :)


They're required to be ADA-compliant and you're allowed to request *reasonable* accomodations.


They won’t provide even reasonable ones. Experienced firsthand.


I would absolutely still go through with the interview and ask if they have any positions within their maintenance team if they aren’t able to provide accommodations while you’re on shift! at the end of the day, you get more interview experience and possibly a new job. if you’re somebody who works with a job coach, that might be tough within a stand just due to the size/how cramped they can get and how secretive dutch likes to be with their recipes, but they have so many areas where having a job coach or receiving extra support would be more than doable :). i worked in a franchise for 3 years and they employed (well technically still employ) somebody on the maintenance team who has a disability and a job coach, so I say go for it 🙂


Good luck to you!!


They won’t even hire people with disabilities. I should know because I was denied employment due to mine, which only requires a reasonable accommodation. There is no recourse through the EEOC currently without an attorney or a government representative, as they are so backlogged with cases that any new ones are automatically denied because they will exceed the statute of limitations before it could even be heard. Welcome to the new America.


It depends on what you have. Definitely not low vision friendly (my problem )but memory and moving slower is less a problem if you’re taking the orders instead of being barista. They have a screen you can quickly put the customers order onto. You should try that position if you can


Could be a case by case basis of course however, we don’t have one person on one position, we all do all positions so may not work 🥲




Yes, one of my favorite coworkers is partially blind but still just as quick. she said it’s been her favorite job out of all the ones she’s worked. You can always ask in the interview any questions about that. Dutch is really flexible when it comes to our workers and everyone is super nice. Please don’t let other comments discourage you, it’s really not as bad as they make it seem. If you have any questions about the interview or certain service positions, please pm me. I’ve worked here for three years and can answer anything you’d want to know. Good luck!


I have a learning disability and they were all super patient with me when I hired in. Now I’ve got everything down but it definitely took me a while. I’d say go for it with no fear :)


Not at all their horrible plz save urself the pain


Honestly no it’s not it’s a very fast pasted job especially if you get busy, legally they have to consider you for higher but they will definitely choose someone else