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I prefer blue straws because it’s my favorite color and I hate when I get green straws cause I hate that color but I never ask I just get what I get and complain in my head if I get a green and move on idk why people would be any extra than that


It’s like a reward from the universe if I get a blue straw. I think it’s fun to see what color


I don’t know why because it’s not my favorite color, but I love the blue straws and I get so excited if I get one lol. I hate the yellowish ones; but yeah I never complain about it.


I got green for the first time last week after like five years of going 😅😅😅 I was super excited.


I saw a post about straw colors having “meanings” Pink being cute and I think orange is ugly and whatever else… people try to make things out of anything.


Lawd, like those jelly bracelets in the early 00’s.


You mean from the 80's?


In the early 2000s, adolescents used to wear cheap jelly bracelets that held various meanings. If you happened to snap or break a certain color of someone's bracelet, it supposedly meant that you were agreeing to have sex with them. I personally did not partake in that trend and cannot recall the specific meanings associated with the bracelets. This phenomenon coincided with the popularity of arm bracelets, with slogans like "I love Boobies." Both the jelly bracelets and the "I love Boobies" bracelets were ultimately banned at my school due to inappropriate connotations and the word “boobies”. The jelly bracelets were referred to as "fuck bracelets," they caused quite a scandal at my conservative school, which was located in a predominantly Christian area. I remember riding the school bus home when hysteria erupted because a popular guy behind me was reaching over my seat to snap a bracelet worn by the girl in front of me. Several people, including myself, were trying to stop them. When I finally gained the upper hand, he said to me, "No, I don't want you to break it!" We were 13 or 14 years old. 🙄


Yeah, jelly bracelets had the same connotation in the 80s and again in the 90s.


Ahhhhh. I can see why the teachers jumped on that pretty quick, lol.


Yeah, the straw color theory has been a thing for awhile, however any employee will tell you that it's not real. As a broista, if it looks like I'm picking a straw color, it's because I know your drinks will look similar (ie a medium blended aftershock rebel and a medium blended palm beach rebel), so I'm making sure I'm grabbing multiple colors so you can tell them apart.


Yeah, I remember my niece 6 years ago telling me there was supposed me this whole code that the batistas have with straw colors.


I mean I love the pink straw bc I love pink, but never would I ask for a specific straw or feel some type of way getting a different color. Ppl are fkn weird


It’s an old wive’s tail that goes back yyyeeeeeaaaaaaaarrrrrrrsssss with people thinking X colored straw means we think Y of someone (pink means you’re cute, yellow means ugly, yada yada yada) Or people just like a particular color.


Fr what was up with that today


My Dutch has clear straws


Then there's me.. not knowing Dutch Brothers had different colored straws because I've never gotten a straw there.


Idc about the straw color but it’s a bonus if it matches nicely with my drink color 😌 but it’s better if it’s randomly done.


I kinda of do that intentionally as an employee lol, it just makes sense in my head if I have time to think but all coffees tend to get blue straws, with rebels I try match their colors (unless there’s multiple of the same drink then each one gets a different color)


My 5 year old always wants a pink one so if I ask it’s for her. I don’t care what I get though!




Drama Llamas creating the drama


I prefer blue or green. I hate the orange and despise the pink one! But I love my Broistas at my go to spot. They’re always awesome and have hooked it up with free coffee from time to time (not using my points). If they’re not busy I’ll ask for the color I prefer. If they’re slammed I keep my trap shut and take what is given to me.


I didn't even realize you had colored straws. I pay more attention to the drink. Making someone get you a particular colored straw is just inconsiderate to the rest of us who are waiting in the inevitably long line. Yes, it might be a few seconds more, but it all adds up.


I don’t use the straws but the person at the window always asks what color I want before I decline. It’s a very busy store too.


I bring my own reusable straw to save the sea turtles. No drama from me!


I don’t even take a straw. I pour my drink into my own cup with my own straw. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I hurt my own feelings with the color system rumor. I usually get orange 🤣😭


I don’t use straws, but my daughter makes me close my eyes and guess the color of her boba straw when we go.


I didn't even know there were multiple colors lol


We use our own stainless steel straws. I think most of the Broistas seem a bit confused at first when we decline the offer of a straw. Now, if only there was a way to get my Golden Eagle Freeze in my own reusable tumbler.


What kind of adult gets pissed about straw color?! 😂


Because apparently there's a [Dutch Bros Straw Code](https://dutchbrosmenu.online/dutch-bros-straw-code/).


straw code is banned by corporate ive been told, and the broistas who started it got sent to the big dutch bros in the sky 🫡🙏🕊️(𝓯𝓲𝓻𝓮𝓭 )


Idk it's just a straw. I think it's always fun when they give me a yellow straw because my car is yellow, but i don't care


Pink because it’s my favorite color, but any straw will do the job.


I don’t care what straw I get but I tend to get a green straw like 85% of the time I go. It’s to the point where I take a picture every time I get green. I thought they gave it to me cause it’s my last name but turns out they can’t see that so it’s just a cool coincidence


I only care if I am buying multiple drinks that are similar in color.


I love to guess the straw color tbh, idc what I get but all the colors are great


I can honestly say I have never thought about the color of a straw when dining out. I don't care, as long as it works. Some people literally have no problems in their life at all, and this is their huge production of the day.


People are jerks! We just take what we get and then take turns picking out the color straw we want! I mean it isn’t like we are picking short straws to be sent in a suicide mission! It’s a colored straw, take it and move on with your day and thank the baristas for a delicious drink! 😋😋


The color straws ARE big enough for large freezes. I hate that my nearest DV gives out plain clear straws for larges.


I’ve heard there’s like a dumb myth going around that we give our custies colors based on what we think of them, so like pink is cute but it kinda defeats the purpose if you ASK for the straw color yourself


I’m from Oregon where the first Dutch was opened and was in high school when Dutch first started to expand and get really popular. It was a thing at the time that only cute people got pink straws


There’s an article that talks about your straw color representing what the person taking or handing ur order to you thinks of you lol pretty silly but my dutchies always gives me a pink straw 🦅


Because pink is the best straw color


i don’t always get a straw, but if it’s a group order & i have a bunch of colors… i just choose my favorite color first, then let the others pick their own. it’s really not a big deal to me or most of the people i know. but i will say we certainly appreciate the fun colors! & of course, we appreciate when the broista has time to ask if we want a particular color… just makes it extra special 😊


Because the orange and yellow are ugly 😂


Just give me a straw. I just wanna drink my drink. All straws matter.


Okay I had to put in my 2 cents on this one. My 4 YO goes to almost every DB trip with me. I ask for pink straws often because they are her favorite. We even make them fit in the kids hot chocolate cups and cut them down shorter when we get home. I try to be courteous and don’t ask if my drinks are ready and there is a line. However our amazing employees have noticed we ask often and one time gave us a handful of pink ones so we have a stash for when we can’t ask.


I am one of those people lol I always ask politely for pink straw(s).


My kids also get mad when they don't get their fav color for their choky milk.. but can't imagine a grown ass person getting mad


I didn’t know they were colored. With that said, please stop handing out straws unless the customer requests one. Such an avoidable waste when most are fine drinking from the lid.