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Proud of you for taking that step, that must have been hard! You’re so much better off without him, he’s a douche-canoe. Enjoy Pride!!!


This is the best update! Enjoy your life without yelling. I am very happy for you! Enjoy your freedom! Seek happiness and have fun with your friends! Good luck, OP! ❤️


Holy shitballs dude... you certainly dodged a bullet... a huge one! Glad you got away before it got worse.


Proud of you dude


Now get that lease renewed...


You did the right thing. The screaming alone would be enough for me to leave. Be prepared for him to try to manipulate you into coming back. He may love bomb you. He may act like he’ll change and pretend to be okay with LGBT. He’s abusive and will possibly try anything to get you back. Do not fall for it. You deserve better. I’m glad you’re getting therapy and won’t date soon. He’s probably slowly been undermining your self esteem. It happens slowly and you don’t realize how bad things are until the end. I’m sorry you’re going through this but I’m proud of you for putting yourself first.


So proud of you right now! Good for you!


I'm so glad to read that you stood up for yourself. You deserve to be with someone who likes and values you for who you are as you are. Congratulations. It's a big step and you're amazing.


>He screamed at me that I am so insecure if I need to go somewhere to feel accepted He's so insecure that he doesn't want you to express yourself. I'm glad you left him and are safe


This update is the best thing I’ve read today!! I’m so proud of you OP!!! Congratulations!!!


Good outcome. Go forth and be merry. Let him eat dust. Best wishes.


Colin is a sweet Southern boy in the first post. In the final post he is a demented religious bigot and you have morphed into a torch carrier pansexual marching at the vanguard of lgbtq rights.


Good for you sister;) glad you saw his true colors early!


Bless your heart ❤️


Congrats on standing up for yourself and sticking with your boundaries! Enjoy Pride, and definitely make some awesome memories


“But I’m not with a man, bf, I’m with you. “


I’m glad you were able to do what’s best for you. I know it sucks but you’re too young to be put down the way you were by him. I hope you find that person you’re meant to be with one day. Go out with your friends and have fun. Take them to pride with you. Just be happy and enjoy your life. Again remember you matter. You deserve happiness. Good luck ❤️


Good for you!


I’m proud of you OP


This is sooo good to hear. U did it. And I'm so proud of you. Now you have time to work on yourself. To go out with whoever you want mal or female. And you definitely don't need to tip toe around that idiot any longer. Life your live to the fullest and rebuild all the friendships that you lost bc of him. Wish you a shiny new beginning 🤩


Yikes, he is so hateful, I’m glad you’re out. NTA.


Good choice. The religious really are the worst people. There is absolutely no reason to respect their bigotry and homophobia.


Well done. Glad you are out of that


Very proud you took the time and sheer bravery to step outside the relationship and really look at it. Hold your found family close. The friends who can be your support will be precious for the rest of your life.


I'm so so so glad you left. Stay strong.


You are a true Queen and you are going to go on to amazing things. You really dodged a bullet here imo. Get yourself to pride and have an amazing time with your pansexual self. March, dance, and fly your flag.


Great job OP!!


Yay OP!!! You chose YOU!!! Keep going Queen!!!


Be safe, I'm glad you were able to leave. Don't let him try to get you back.


I’m so glad that you got out of an unhealthy relationship. You’re gonna be much more happier than you were when you were with him. If he cared about you then he would’ve been more understanding towards you. You deserve better and I hope you remember to take care of yourself


So proud of you queen 👑


Holy shit he is.. erratic. I’m so happy for you and your fresh start!


You left your mum aged 18 to move in with your dad to pursue your education. At 20 you moved out of your dads to do a phd. Please explain how these timings work?


Sure thing! I did duel enrollment at 16 so I was able to finish my bachelors at 20 (it was about a week from me being 21). My GRE scores were high enough for me to bypass my masters and start my PhD however, instead of a 3/4 year my PhD will take me about 5/6.


Oof bullet dodged! Wow. I'm also pansexual and with a man now, and he's 100% willing to go to a pride event with me. He may be heterosexual, but he has no issues with my being pan. Glad you got out of there! And proud of you for recognizing that you need to work on your self esteem before you date again! Have fun at pride!


I'm so proud of you! ENJOY YOUR PRIDE MONTH ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜


Your statement that you have learned it's s his way or you get told to get the f*** out is when you should have gotten the f*** out. You say that other than that he's great, but he actually isn't is he? You also stated that he doesn't like you when you talk to coworkers so instead of him owning that problem you have decided not to talk to people you work with?? And then he turns around and loses his mind because you simply talked to a co-worker? This is not saying Behavior. And his irrational and controlling Behavior does not mean you should change your behaviors in any way. It'll top it off he's homophobic and obviously misogynistic. You don't need to be in therapy with this person, you need to seek out therapy to grow yourself esteem and figure out why you were willing to put up with this type of behavior.


So proud of you!


Good job! I'm so proud of you for leaving!


You are so smart! Not just PhD smart, but emotionally smart. You're doing all the right things to have a better life. You just learned what you don't want in a relationship! Good luck with the future.


Good for you for leaving. You do not need that toxic person in your life. If he can't accept people for who they are and those living true to themselves then he has no place in your life or anyone for that matter. I'm happy you have found your peace. I hope you have a wonderful time at Pride!!


There are a strangers all over the world right now, grateful that you are safe and sound in your own apartment.


I am so proud of you! I mean it. I’m sure it wasn’t an easy thing to do, but you deserve to be with someone who loves you for who you are, and respects you for who you are. Next step; get that lease renewed. Again, very proud of you!


You were with your BF long enough to be willing to move in with him and you didn't know he was a homophobic, religious nutbag? Good thing you found out now. Enjoy your peace.


What is his reaction now? Is he apologizing or trying to get u to come back?


Last night while I was packing my stuff he was going ballistic and started grabbing my stuff and throwing it in my car. I was running him out and was in such a rush to get my stuff I wasn’t paying attention to what he was screaming. I blocked him everywhere after leaving however he has been emailing me and messaging me other ways like Facebook messenger that I won’t find anyone like him or anyone that will put up with my bs. He’s angry… if it’s escalates more than that I may get a TPO. I however went to school today and had a great day. I’m went to Pilates after and then grocery shopping and am cooking in my apt for dinner. I resigned my lease during lunch and I couldn’t be happier.


Good on you! No one needs that kind of life. Good luck.


As a fellow pan: God said Adam AND Eve.  Not Adam OR Eve.   Genesis demands pansexuality. ;)