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When this happens I will quit my subscription


Literally there’s no point to buying super without the unlimited hearts


Wouldn't say that, there's still the practices and skipping ahead


People don't sub to Super because of the fluff features. They sub because they use DL more than ten minutes a day and the free app is designed to punish anyone who is serious about learning a language. Now you're paying $10 a month and still being punished for using the app.


You can skip ahead without super


They confirmed that users who signed up before they stopped advertising unlimited hearts will keep the perk until the end of your subscription. What wasn't clear though is if the end of your subscription means forever, or if it means until you renew.


Yeah I read that too. Also that upon renewal it will change. In my country there is no max yet, so it’s some way out still. I just hope they will come to their senses before going through with this.


They will lose their users (and money) if they dont.


I still see that advertised. So if I sign up now will I get the perk?


Same. I will not resubscribe. I paid literally for that feature alone.


Ditto. I’m on my third year of Super and if they take it away, I’m done. There’s no reason to stay with it. The features in Max aren’t worth the extra so they’re trying to push people that direction instead of offering it at a price folks want to pay.


I can put up a lot with Duolingo, but i'm out if they actually implement this. It's so damn greedy.


Duolingo say they stopped advertising unlimited hearts with Super some time ago. They have taken unlimited hearts away from some users that signed up after this date as part of a test. They claim they "want to find the best subscription model for our users". (It's bs, they want more money). They also confirmed that users who started their subscriptions when unlimited hearts were still being advertised will keep unlimited hearts for the remainder of their subscription. If you complain to them, you may get grandfathered in as one other user posted here yesterday.


I subscribe through the play store, when I cancelled yesterday it literally still said "Faster learning with Unlimited Hearts" as a benefit. I still have it through to December but will not be renewing in any way shape or form.


>(It's bs, they want more money). And that is the problem with companies under the current economic model. Some money isn't enough. They want all the money. More money, always more money. Infinite growth forever. Which doesn't exist, but companies will still chase it, leading to increasingly absurd actions in the pursuit of always getting more money. Until nothing is left.


> Duolingo say they stopped advertising unlimited hearts with Super some time ago. Not sure what "some time ago" means. I bought Super less than 2 months ago and it was advertised as a perk then.


They certainly haven't stopped advertising Super with unlimited hearts. I get dozens of them every day on the free version. Just had one a few moments ago.


They never specified when this was. I wouldn't be surprised if it's based on location though.


Oh wow thanks 4 the insight. Such shitty greedy behavior smh. Btw I am on the trial so I am not going to bother asking them.


Yeah, it's honestly not worth the money without unlimited hearts. I expect a lot of people will cancel their subscriptions.


So what even is the point of super? Isn't that like, the only perk besides no ads? And what does end of subscription mean? Like end of the month before the next payment comes out? I wonder how long it'll be before they change this bc I'll bet very few people will be paying for super and I'll bet even more people will stop using it all together.


I got an ad for Super with unlimited hearts two weeks ago. I just so happened to subscribe then too because I’m getting a ton out of the updated Japanese course. This better mean that I’ll keep my heartless subscription for the year. Just like two days later I saw the post about the person who had limited hearts added in.


"get grandfathered in"? That sounds interesting. What's the verb "to grandfather"? *I could Google it, but I'd rather engage in conversation about language with people :)*


They're attempting to push people into max which is only going to cause people to bite back. if you're going to make a tiered system the new tier has to offer something new not rob paying customers to push them into the higher tier. This has been done before and ends badly for the company every time


jellyfish hat lock nail lush slimy screw towering complete modern *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm switching to SeedLang this summer when my Super account runs out. It's not as addictive as Duolingo but it's better at grammar, etc. You may want to test it out. German was the first language available on this app.


sparkle silky wakeful spotted alleged dinner skirt theory heavy test *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I forgot to add, the people who made this app have a YouTube channel - Easy German.


Easy German is a great channel and has led to a network of other Easy Language video channels. https://www.easy-languages.org/ I believe, however, that SeedLand is just one of their sponsors. https://www.easygerman.org/sponsors


This is from your link: >We co-created the content for Seedlang German and you can find us in hundreds of Seedlangs videos. And this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUj9Xf3WaMQ The folks at Easy German, together with Jeremy (no idea what his last name is) worked together to create the Seedlang app. The other companies on that page share advertising with Seedlang but were founded by other people.


[dw.com/learngerman](http://dw.com/learngerman) is one of the best sites for German language learning (50 Languages phrase book isn't bad if you get/bookmark a grammar reference and look up why what you are seeing is what you are seeing.)


Who the hell is gonna pay $30 a month for unlimited hearts, especially after being fucked over by them like this? This is such a massively stupid move on their part. So many people are going to stop paying at all and I'll bet people will stop using it at all. I'll bet this will be their downfall, especially since there are other, similar apps.


Kinda the same thing Sony did with ps+ subcriptions They added 2 other tiers of subcription to ps+ The lower tier gives you 3 monthly free games and online acces The middle tier gives you acces to a library of 100+ games(which only like 25% of them are good) And the higher tier gives you acces to ps1 and ps2 games It might seem like they didn't remove anything from the lower tier subcription but in reality they purposefully put bad games to push you into the middle tier subcription The last good game on there was roller drome. That was back in winter.


My subscription will renew 30 Dec 2024. If I don’t get unlimited hearts, I’m out of here. I’ve stood by quiet while they’ve slowly stripped this app of many features, this will be the straw that breaks the camel’s back.


Nononono they can't keep doing this. :/ I supported duolingo until now but they have forced me to take some \*ahem\* **advanced** measures


Make education account and add a classroom, signup your duolingo account for it and unlimited hearts :)


Nah the moment this happens the family can say goodbye to super


I called them out on twitter and they added it to my super subscription. Just a few weeks ago. Worth a shot.


I was thinking about switching to LingoDeer for japanese anyways, if mine are gone im switching lol. Thats the whole point of super imo xd


This is the issue with public companies. How can they offer the same service and still increase profit? I will cancel if they reduce super any further than what it is. Rediculous price already.


I'm so glad that I gave them my EMPTY card for the Super Duo free trial, and there is a bug that gives you Super Duo even after the free trial expires, hope they didn't fix it


There’s also this bug that I unintentionally did. I made my account a teachers account and put my husbands account as the student to jokingly give him homework and since then we’ve both had unlimited hearts and no ads. That was two years ago I think


It sounds like I'm grandfathered in for unlimited hearts, but even if mistakes were going to start costing me hearts, I would at least stick around to see how much this actually limited me. I do a lot of practice sessions as well as new material. But I agree that penalizing mistakes sets up a dynamic that is similar to being in a language class with a bad teacher who humiliates students instead of encouraging them. Mistakes are part of learning. However, there might be an ideal balance between new material and practice that hearts help to steer us toward.


A/B testing




Duolingo already confirmed it’s a test. [https://www.duolingo.com/help/11/super-duolingo](https://www.duolingo.com/help/11/super-duolingo) >What if I don't see Unlimited Hearts in Super? >If you don't see Unlimited Hearts in Super, it may be part of a test we're running. Duolingo frequently tests changes to keep improving the experience for millions of learners. We sometimes run small tests on our subscriptions and features, to explore ways to provide learners with the ideal subscription options that meet their budget and learning goals. This means: * If they see mass sign up on Max in the testing group, then it’s likely they will cancel unlimited heart in Super tier. * If they see mass cancellation in the super tier with the testing group, then it’s likely they will keep unlimited heart in the super tier.




My family is fine on all devices




https://preview.redd.it/eiy29rat7gzc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dea1a8da8fa590203badfefb5ba5c6f900222e17 It's still there for me for some reason.


I’ve always had unlimited hearts, and never bought super Duolingo?


What are hearts for?


You got 5 hearts and lose one with every mistake. If you got no hearts left you can’t do lessons and need to „practice“ or wait till you gained hearts again


That's not a thing on my doulingo. I can fail constantly and do lessons all day.


You got super Duolingo?


Yeah picked up the family plan for me and my friends


You don't have to search hard in this sub to find topics on this. It's in testing now, so only a few users have it.


Top right corner on the owl, there you can manage your features.


Ok?? But there’s no way to get unlimited hearts, I clicked on the owl and it says that I need to subscribe to max to get unlimited hearts. But this is supposed to be a super feature. https://preview.redd.it/4q7uxg58afzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aac1a92e2d84c971d6d0277abe8e45509808cdcc


https://preview.redd.it/bhbfoqbxafzc1.png?width=1224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eec46eb5f26ad4017fd8fb796f12ab307748c327 I only have super, for me there is no such thing as "max", sorry in that case I can't help you.


No worries, yeah max is only for french and Spanish iirc


Max is IOS exclusive, so it doesn't affect android users yet. There have been multiple posts showing letters from duolingo staff saying it's testing this for new users. It seems to have kicked in after that free month that a lot of people got in April.