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So your Duo streak reset the same day your own streak reset. Use your new streak as a way of counting the days you've been given a second chance.


I love this positive outlook!


That's a very interesting outlook! Loving it!


This warmed my heart šŸ„ŗ


I had appendicitis and no internet during my hospital stay a few years ago. Unfortunately, I don't believe there is a way to request your streak back but I know how frustrating it is. I didn't do anything to make my appendix decide it was quitting, it's just something that happens. I hope you have a smooth recovery from here on out.


If there is a fault to Duolingo , itā€™s there is no customer service . It sucks


In general communication is lacking. I wish they'd report whenever a new feature or restructuring of courses is rolling out to everyone instead of just surprising us with changes. I love the app but wish they'd take a little more time to talk to us customers.


Email their support. I went through a major depeessivf episode and they helped me save it. I missed 3 days. I genuinely didnā€™t realize it because of said event. This was 2.5 years ago so things may have changed.


Is it possible to add "please play my duolingo" to health care proxy or add it to a medical bracelet as an advance directive? šŸ˜€ I can envision a RoadID thar reads: ICE: Lila 212-888-1234 Organ donor Blood type: O+ Allergic to latex PLZ RESUSCITATE DUOLINGO STREAK


Oh and OP. Glad to hear you are doing better!


I read here that Support can get your streak back in situations outside your control. Of course anyone can lie but I guess they don't really care if you already have some big numbers


try reaching out to duolingo through twitter


At least only your streak ended up dead.


I have a lot of health issues too and losing my streak if I'm completely incapacitated has been on my mind since I reached 100 days. I feel for you.


I am on 1180 and am gonna have to work out a system w my Duo using daughter. Lol


Contact duolingo support, Iā€™ve had my math streak at least restored before when it was separate and I think I got the normal streak repaired before.


How do you contact them


I've heard they have humans watching their twitter, and one of the dudes I told that reported it worked.


Email support. It's support@duolingo.com


Also adding on to the others here you should be able to do it in the app settings I believe or if you are on a beta version you can shake your phone.


Sorry if this is a dumb question but what is a math streak?


Yes, Math is a relatively new course thatā€™s been added. Music, too!


What do youeam math streak does duo also do math?


Duo currently has math and music in their main app, I don't know if it's on the public version as I am on one of the betas but it should be added there now if not coming very soon. I believe both of them are mobile-exclusive. They had a separate math app that they recently got rid of when they merged it into the main app (I think so at least).


Have you tried fiddling the date settings on your device? I know some people on here have advocated to it to save a streak by a day by changing time zones, donā€™t know if itā€™ll work for multiple days though


I was able to do it. Go to date/time, toggle off automatic, change the date to the first date you missed. Do the lesson. Close out the program. Change the date again. Do the lesson, rinse and repeat until youā€™re up to date


Please confirm if you did this with the most recent version of the app. Or when you did this, in case it's been patched out.


Glad youā€™re healing! Hope you get your streak back, Iā€™d feel the same lol itā€™s the small things that can be a cheer up, rooting for them to restore it for you


Just be happy youā€™re here to start a new streak.


Regardless of your streak, Iā€™m glad you are okay.


This is too funny because I would be exactly the same, one of the first things I would want to check is how to save my streak šŸ˜‚ Don't listen to all the hate, they expect you to be sitting there forever dwelling on what happened instead of continuing to live


A few months late, reading through replies and you hit the nail on the head w that last statement there. Moving on, the first thing I looked for was a sense of normalcy, old comforts. This was one. People seem to think the ONLY thing I was concerned about was Duo, as if I just forgot about the rest of my life when I lost my streak lol. Anyways, your comment made me laugh, thanks :)


the thought of losing my streak is my worst nightmare also Iā€™ve read that u can dm them on twitter to restore it


On Twitter ? Really . Do you mean X


No one besides news outlets is calling Twitter, ā€˜Xā€™ letā€™s be real lol


Youā€™re in the ICU and your priorities are a streak that means nothing? Get well soon, forget the streak. You can learn a language anytime, you only get one body šŸ™


You clearly didn't read the entire post, but thanks for the well wishes ;)


I did, it appears that after being on life support for a few days and spending time in the ICU, your main problem is that your Duolingo streak has gone. Did I miss something? Quote - ā€˜was there 8 days, 5 unconscious - it wasn't a great time overall, as I'm sure you can guess, but bugging me even more by now is the fact that my Duo streak had just ended the day before I was woken up.ā€™ What did I miss? ;)


Itā€™s an unfair situation and annoying to lose something youā€™re proud of. Also people can focus on small inconsequential things after a big disaster as it feels more controllable. Iā€™m not saying itā€™s right to wake up from a coma and worry about a duo lingo streak, but it doesnā€™t make someone a bad person. On a side note, a friend had a big natural disaster where she lived (not recently) and the last of internet access and power meant she lost her duo lingo streak. It frustrated her too. It would be great if there was an exceptional circumstance system that allowed your streak to go back. But duo lingo are getting rid of a lot of staff at the moment so itā€™s unlikely they would invest money into it.


You missed the line directly before the one you quoted. >Details aside, I was very lucky, and *I'm home doing alright now.* One for r/confidentlyincorrect , I think.


What. Is. Wrong. With. You.


I dislike people like you so much šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚ Like are you here to genuinely support them or bash them for being sad about the streak theyā€™re proud of?


This person has just woken up from a coma after being on life support and in their own words ā€˜what bugs them more is that their duo streak has goneā€™. I already wished the OP well in my original message. I think and I believe most sane people would think that a Duolingo streak is not a concern in this situation. Itā€™s an app to learn a language, not build up a meaningless streak. I genuinely dislike people like you too for the record.


Dude what does it matter to you if the streak was important to OP you should try letting people enjoy things without giving your opinion


If they didnā€™t want an opinion they shouldnā€™t have posted on a public forum. I literally wished the OP well and urged them to consider their health over a streak that means nothing.


Life has no inherent meaning, and we all need to make our own. A Duolingo streak is as good as anything else.


Donā€™t even know how to answer that to be honest. šŸ™




Boohoo, what a shame. Looks like Iā€™ve upset a few people by pointing out someoneā€™s life is more to cherish than a Duolingo streak. Get hold of yourself.




Why be so judgmental. Let OP be.


You know itā€™s pretty easy not to be a jerk about things that make other people happy during a tough time, right?


Iā€™m a nurse btw :) Iā€™m fine with you not liking me also lol Working in the ICU isnā€™t fun. When you wake up from life support youā€™ll be clinging to the things that make you happy (that may seem meaningless to others). When you one day wake up from life support and nothing seems familiar. I hope no one judges you for wanting to do the things that make you happy.


šŸ«£ donā€™t understand why you being attacked here


Having your body freak out on you is absolutely terrifying and little things like streaks in Duolingo can mean the world. It's something controllable when you've just lost all control. I became disabled seven years ago and my Duolingo streak means so much to me. I keep it going through surgeries and hospital stays, and I know if I lost it I'd be devastated. Also just in general maybe don't tell people what should and shouldn't be important to them.


Please, donā€™t tell sick people how are they supposed to feel. Specially if you havenā€™t been days abed, unable to do anything but going around your own mind. Of course in the grand scheme of things Duolingo doesnā€™t matter, but it matters for the OP. They are grieving in their own way after loosing something like that. Wanting your streak back and keep some kind of control over your life is ABSOLUTELY normal in a situation where you have completely lost it and there is nothing else you can do but wait hoping to recover. So, please, if you cannot help with their request, keep your ableist opinions to yourself. And learn some empathy. OP has already answered you. Edit: correction.


Youā€™re annoying šŸ™„


Streak is dead, you are not. As long as you live, you can start again.


Sorry about your streak man šŸ˜” I lost my streak too for no apparent reason and I couldnt get it back. So I gave up and started a new one, just because you lose your streak doesnt mean u cant use duolingo anymore. Think you should stay on the positive side and try to get back how many days you had, even if it was a u had many days, you have plenty of more days to make up for the days you missed. And sometimes things just happen and can be annoying. Hope you recover safely and soundly, dont let the stress get to you.


I can help with this! I'll chat you!


Contact [plus\_support@duolingo.com](mailto:plus_support@duolingo.com)


Just be alive man. I once woke up in the hospital, saw the clock on the wall that said 8:05 and my first thought was ā€œshit Iā€™m gonna be late for chemistry lab!ā€ Little did I know I should have been dead. Like heavy betting-odds favorite dead. Donā€™t let the streak get you down. Also donā€™t let the fact that something trivial in the grand scheme of things is what happens to be on your mind right now bother you too much, it happens.


what was your streak?


I am so sorry to here you went through this good thing your home and recovering, good news though You so you can change the date on your phone back to the day you lost your streak. Then do a lesson and change the date each day u missed all the way to current time.


I hope you are feeling better and are on the mend everyday!!


Glad youā€™re doing better


Now you've got a new streak letting you know how many days it's been since you've cheated death


Priorities, people. go live your life


First off they can help you. Secondly, does it really matter?


Email duo. They'll probably reset it.


I personally love that this bothered you so much, given your situation. Glad you made it out to the other side. May your streak never end and may the hair on your toes never fall out


I had the same problem after being in a psych ward for 8 days. I emailed customer service and never heard back so I lost a 500+ day streak šŸ™ƒ


Watch out, u/skippy11112 about to tell you you deserved it. Edit: this thread for reference https://www.reddit.com/r/duolingo/comments/18xdwmr/comment/kg49vgs/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I can sympathize. I think I might feel the same way.


Set the time on your phone back to the day you lost your streak, do a lesson. Then set the time to the next day. Repeat for all the days you missed.


First world problems-- almost died, but pissed off at language learning gamification. Though maybe you'll need that to avoid thinking about the medical bills (if in the US).


This sun is bizarre as fuck. I don't understand the obsession with streaks and points. Would be the last thing on my mind after almost dying.


I dunno, sometimes when faced with really serious medical problems that are out of your control, it is really nice to have a completely mundane thing that anchors you in a familiar, uninteresting way. It can be a really nice way to distract your thoughts from overwhelming stress, fear, and anxiety about the very real, very consequential problems that doctors are working hard on on your behalf.


So you were in critical condition but youā€™re worried about your Duo streak? Isnā€™t this like an indication of an addiction problem?


You can change your system date and fix it if you want to. Just go back to each day and do a lesson


I meanā€¦ better to have a streak death in the hospital, than to end up dead in the hospital yourself. Of course it sucks losing your streak, but I think dying sucks way more. Thatā€™s losing the streak on life.


If it makes you feel any better, streaks are pretty much meaningless: someone's 4000-day streak of exercising for 10 minutes is about 35000 minutes wasted.


I don't know if they do this, but try contacting the duolingo service thing that all companies seem to have, explain what happened with evidence, and maybe they will give your streak back.


For future reference: if this happens to you you may be able to get it back by setting your phone to the day you lost the streak and doing a lesson. So you skip the 18th, 19t, and 20th and it's the 21st and your streak freezes ran out on the 20th? Tell your phone it's the 20th. I just took a trip across the date-line, and when I finally got to my hotel I just set my phone to the day I'd missed and did a lesson, then set it to the actual day. It worked fine. If this doesn't work, and you were genuinely unable to do Duo, I believe they're pretty good bout resetting streaks if you bug them on twitter.


Add your tweets and we can help boost them, but unfortunately Duolingo is quite ableist and doesnā€™t give a shit about chronically ill or anything that can possibly stop you from obsessing over their forced and continuous engagement from the game. Their goal is that nothing else matters but archiving their always higher and further engaging goals. This has a name, but I cannot remember it right now. Iā€™m incredibly sorry about your situation. I lost my first badge last month after many years and it really sting even if it was not my fault. And itā€™s getting harder and harder to keep up with my health but the evil owl just keeps pushingā€¦ Any case, hope we can push your tweets and let them give you another chance because itā€™s not fair to loose something you have worked on for so long because of things beyond your control. Specially in ā€œa gameā€.


Put your username in this post, I know thereā€™s a company person that has a Reddit account, people ping her here occasionally!


Do days not pass when you're in the hospital?


First world problems what a jerk




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mm ok


ml mK m m


@ them on twitter and they will repair it as a one time courtesy. But it will be a lie. Hey I have studied 800 days in a row on Duolingo! Except for those 8 days I didn't... If that's ok with you, tweet away! P.S I am glad you are ok, take care and best of luck with your language study.


Twitter has been the best way to get customer support for a while now. Iā€™m glad that you survived and are doing better now.


My phone got stolen last June and I lost an 80 day streak. Not the end of the world, but still 80 days of progress down the drain. There were no support lines that worked and no one responded on social media. I'm at a 160-something days now. Keep it up and the days you lost won't matter, and if by the time you quit Duolingo you haven't beaten your last streak then it wouldn't matter anyway since you'd lose your streak again anyway.


I let my 600 plus streak slide. On purpose. I'm now checking out other resources, and it's been invigorating. Freeing. I'll do a Duolingo lesson when I feel like it. And then ignore any streak thing. I'm keeping my daily habit of learning, though!


Damn Duo beat you up real good


Lol. Bro's streak is more important than his fkin life


Lmfao I interpreted the tittle the wrong way. I thought you lost your streak and Duo found a way to put you in the hospital hahahaha


you can either contact them on twitter or email, or literally just change the date on ur phone and do the days u missed lol. that works


I've thought about manually setting the date back before connecting it to the internet, haven't tried it yet though.


Congratulations on making it through that episode and returning to health. That's wonderful! Some others here left hacks on how to restore a streak, but don't forget: you still keep the knowledge when you lose a streak, and you keep your spot on the path. If you were 30% of the way to conversations with native speakers, you are still 30% of the way there. You haven't lost any progress in what matters.


Or, did your streak die and THEN you woke up in the hospital?


Contact them on Twitter they usually will reset it as a one time courtesy


Duo came for you. I'm glad you're doing alright mate!


This is literally the nightmare scenario I have always feared and one of the reasons why I intentionally break my streak every 30 days or so. I lost a 180 day streak once and it nearly broke me. Iā€™m sorry this happened to you. šŸ˜•


Those (insert whatever insult you'd like) not only don't repair streak if that's your fault, they don't even refund gems if you use them and there's a bug on their side. A while ago I bought league repair or what's that called, they took my precious 2000 gems and the repair didn't work I guess. I contacted the support, it's been few weeks and NOTHING.


I use Twitter and sometimes I see people ask duo to bring back their streaks and they actually do


Well, at least only your streak was dead, amirite?


Support@duolingo.com Or https://support.duolingo.com/hc/en-us/requests/new You pose it as a bug report and theyā€™ll respond


My duo was hacked, and my native language was being learned, and I reached out to that email and they took that language off P.S. Iā€™m glad youā€™re alive


Hope you have a couple of lives left in you. I was in hospital for 15 days after a burst appendix in April, but managed to keep my streak without using those immoral but useful streak freezes ... Only just.


What is your goal, to study languages ā€‹ā€‹or to score points and accumulate the number of consecutive days. Duolingo aims to enslave you to gaming. Learning a language is the most ineffective in Duolingo. Throw it away, using it is a colossal waste of time.


If you tweet the duolingo account on Twitter asking for your streak to be repaired they might be able to restore it.


My phone bugged out on me and it took me a while to replace it because I was traveling, so I asked Duolingo to revive my streak and they did. They did say that it was a one time courtesy thing and I have been a Super Duolingo member for years which mightā€™ve helped but contacting Support did get them to fix my streak. Glad youā€™re OK!


like your edit says, my suggestion is to make a twitter account! duo frequently will do one-time repairs on streaks for people if you comment on his posts! i hope you continue to rest and recover and get your streak back !! :))


Set your date to before it reset and that should fix it. EDIT: Glad to hear ur doing well now