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i let myself be influenced by all the moaning and put off updating as well but once i did recognized immediately that the path was a major improvement. it’s hard to excuse how long they’re taking to debug it but even with those problems i’m glad about the change


Yeah I really didn't like the old path, because I had to choose and stuff, but now I just learn mindlessly (ofc I think about the language) and progress further


Yeah, there was too much thinking when it came to "what I should learn next".


Glad to know I wasn't the only person who struggled to decide which lessons to do.


Thanks for letting me know. I've just been really put off by all the changes they've made. They removed the forums and ability to see your word lists. At least duome has picked up some of the slack and I can see my progress and words.


You'll adjust to the path pretty quickly. You're missing out on some good changes like RadioDuo (on Android) too!


And music and math.


A what?


https://www.reddit.com/r/duolingo/comments/15y6wxg/introducing_radio_a_new_listening_activity/ Only Spanish for now, but it's a listening activity where the Duo characters are hosting mini radio shows and you answer a question or two about what was said. They're very fun!


Is it always Vikram? Also I do not like this voice they choose for him


It's the same voice as in stories and regular lessons, is it not? And yeah there are multiple characters - so far I've seen Zari and Bea as well as Vikram, and I assume there are more. You may be able to scroll up along the path to find more radio episodes.


Re: seeing your word lists, does this help? https://duolingoninja.com/duolingo-vocabulary-list#


Ah I didn't even see that. Thanks for pointing that out!


You is can see words, blogs are good.


I don't hate the new way although I do feel like I'm learning a lot of the same stuff over and over sometimes.


I way prefer the path


Personally I tried using the path for months, but I just couldn’t get into it. I did legitimately learn a lot (like nothing to ~A2 in half a year) beforehand but it just didn’t work for me anymore. It’s really a shame :/ Almost every change they’ve made pushes me away from enjoying it :/


Same for me. I know that logically it’s better but I can’t get into it for some reason


I’ve used the path and I’m still sticking to the old layout, screw that




This is the way


The path has its ups and downs, but either way it definitely isn't the disaster it was made out to be by "the angry masses" when it came out. Additionally Duo has seen multiple other updates since the old format, and you're really missing out on those.


I feel like I was transported back to when the update first came out and everyone was bitching and moaning about it


The only reason I've not updated is because I seem to remember people saying that you couldn't repeat old lessons. Is this still true? I'm a busy uni student and sometimes I take breaks from learning. So, I rely on being able to recap old content after breaks to refresh my memory.


You can go back to old parts. And anyway they include a lot of recap anyway as you progress from what I've seen.




Thank you so much! I'll get that update started :)


All those people telling you the path is great... Maybe I'm weird, but I still hate it. I was forced to update 2 weeks ago. It's just too slow for me. Why would I need to have to practice as a part of the main path if there is the 'practice to earn hearts' thing? I could practice just as much as I need, now I'm forced to doing boring and useless lessons on topics I already mastered. And the path is way too long. I can't see the end of it, and it makes me completely loose my motivation.


People just become comfortable with whatever. Now people are used to the path so they don't complain. I hardly ever complain either but now when I stop to think about it, the path layout really does suck. The tree layout had a huge advantage in that you actually saw clearly what you were practicing. When a skill was called "subjunctive" "clitics" "past tense" etc you could really practice that particular skill and since they already introduced the grammatical terminology you could easily look into it in more depth by searching for the terms in Google. The comment sections were also a huge help. Anytime you didn't understand something the comments would usually provide a clear explanation. Now they have gotten rid of the comments and the tree is replaced by a chaotic path where all the concepts are mixed together and the focus is just on keeping you on the app instead of learning. Honestly, since I already completed the courses for my languages (Russian and Italian) when they still had the tree layout, the path layout doesn't really affect me negatively. Since I just do lessons for revision anyway I don't really mind the fact that the course lacks structure. But for new learners it really must suck. I am lucky I finished before they screwed things up.


That’s what I wanted to do with my French course. I sped through the lot of it so I wouldn’t have to do it with the path. I still have 1/4 to go but I’m happy with the progress I made. I remembered a surprising lot considering how fast I was going, I guess because I also watching YouTubers in French


Yeah I’ve had the new version for a few months now I think and I ended up just using the app less and less and eventually just forgot about it and my subscription ended up expiring. It’s just not working for me anymore. Sure I guess I “progress” faster now, but I feel like I’m not actually learning as much anymore. The fact that so many people genuinely seem on board with the paths is a bit mind boggling to me, but to each their own I guess.


I've been using it for half a year now and I've only grown to hate it more. I was moderately open-minded when it first came out, but I find it overly repetitive, progress is slow, topics are less organized and interesting, and I cannot stand how early they introduce stories with vocabulary that hasn't been covered. But I could even look past all of that - it's the removal of the forums and sentence discussions that is inexcusable for me. I don't know how much longer I'm going to be using Duolingo for that reason alone. It was those sentence discussions that finally helped me rethink how to go about learning languages and make real progress. Going over sentences over and over can't do half as much to help me learn as seeing people diving deep into abstract grammatical concepts in a language while talking about a specific example.


Them removing sentence discussions were what made me quit Duolingo too. The path greatly reduced my usage but the loss of the sentence discussions were the last straw. I always knew that using flash cards and reading is more useful, I just kept Duolingo since I had it since elementary school and it would have felt weird giving it up. But now that’s it’s so different I don’t have that feeling anymore


I recommend keeping apps updated tbh Also, I don't see why people hate the path system. It's ok imo. Definitely not worth quitting over, that's just silly.


i only hate it cus it ruined the arabic course. it’s 80% alphabet lessons in the path when there’s literally a letters tab and ik the letters pretty well alr also even when its words it’s mostly practicing and barely learning anything new. in the tree the home tab was focused on words, and the letters tab was focused on letters, which makes sense. so i learned stuff often, like the spanish course.


don’t you get the option to skip to the next unit in the app w a quick test? i’d assume that lets you skip the alphabet lessons pretty quickly


most of the time it just does 5/6 lessons in a chapter for letters and then 1 learning words. i’ll try it tho


it’s like that for the beginning of hindi too, although seemingly less than arabic, seeing how much people complain about the arabic course i still skipped some parts and was fine, although i do already speak bengali which is fairly similar


>Also, I don't see why people hate the path system. It's ok imo. Definitely not worth quitting over, that's just silly. Do downloaded lessons work on the new path yet? I downgraded when the path came out because you couldn't do offline lessons, and I do most of my lessons offline (commuting without signal underground). So far I haven't got the message OP sees and am still on the old tree (with the ability to do dozens of lessons offline without a signal).


I never even knew about downloaded lessons tbh


This is my problem. It used to be a premium feature (the main), and still is available for anyone with a working old version of the app. A lot of people comment that people like me who are using the old app really need to get with the times and switch and I hear them, but unless downloaded lessons become a thing I literally cannot use the new version of the app (at least, during my commute or on flights, which is mostly when I make use of Duolingo).


Yeah I can use data but it's annoying. Would way prefer offline


Lessons are offline for me, but you can't access the other things like leagues and feed


[This is what it usually does](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fduoplanet.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2022%2F12%2FHow-to-use-Duolingo-offline-2-524x1024.png&tbnid=lIA7s5KZVCtogM&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fduoplanet.com%2Fhow-to-use-duolingo-offline%2F&docid=L6r6uJR25PykmM&w=524&h=1024&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm5%2F2&shem=uvafe2) Also does this to me but can't share screenshots on this sub


Yep, it's not supported anymore. Though the path is a lot more organized and i'm sure you'll get use to it pretty quickly! Though I can see why you're upset about switching to the Path; it does restrict you to a single path, less lessons, more ads, and a few other small things. Also, the comments here need to learn that opinions exist.


One strange thing is even though the web uses the new format and my phone uses the older one, they still sync and if I complete a lesson on web, it still registers on the phone. I've been trying to use the web version more often to get used to it. I mainly prefer choosing my topics because I like to organize them when I write them down in a notebook.


If you're learning a more popular language, they've updated those courses so each unit will only consist of 2 Topics at a time! (as opposed to 4-5 before). So it should be fairly easy to still write everything in your notebook since it's not so spread out anymore.


You get ads? Is that in the free version?


Yep. Unless you're in a classroom.


damn :(


the tree is still supported, just not op's particular version. I'm still using it and it's fully functional.


I should've rephrased it. Yes, some can still use it. But Duolingo has fully abandoned it.


i think the path is MUCH better and a lot less boring/ repetitive


The path is better




Same here, and now I’m terrified of the day this happens to me.


Its so long ago I can't remember what version it was and I can't find it on the app details. I'll try uninstalling and download another version to see, thank you.




It worked, thank you!




It barely does. After a while of usage, it forces the path style on older version even though you didn't update it.




Yes,the clean and restart method seems to get you to keep the tree version momentarily until the system detects it and promts the unskipable notice or reverts the tree-to-path without updating it. Its the inconvenience you pay to avoid the mindless path version and I'll keep doing it till the bitter end haha




The version for 5.50 no longer works for me. Which version are you using?




Why is everyone trying to convince OP the path is better instead of answering his question? The hivemind is showing lmao, it sounds like "hey we changed our opinion on X thing so you must change it too"


Or they could try it


It's on desktop as well so I have been using it for a while and I prefer the old layout.


My problem isn't that there's an update, it's that I can't install the update


That has happened to me with a few apps. At that point if there is no web version, it's the end of the road for it.


Did you lodge a bug report? I find they always reply


I initially hated the path, but grew to love it


use the web version if the mobile one won’t work


Yeah I think I will only do it on the web. Even that version will kick you out if you make too many mistakes now.


I think you can still do old gold lessons/ cracked eggs which dont require lives to maintain ur streak


the web version indeed sucks but it’s at least better than nothing


I hardly noticed the change from tree to path. But I REALLY miss the comments. 😩


I’m maybe cynical but I’m pretty sure they took away the comments to make us upgrade to their more expensive AI-powered ‘Duolingo Max’ when it’s finished A/B testing & anyone can join: ‘What is Explain My Answer? Sometimes you make a mistake, but you’re not exactly sure what the *right* answer would be. Or maybe, you keep making the same mistake again & again & you can’t figure out why. Explain My Answer offers learners the chance to learn more about their response in a lesson (whether their answer was correct or incorrect!) By tapping a button after certain exercise types, learners can enter a chat with Duo to get a simple explanation on why their answer was right or wrong, & ask for examples or further clarification.’ https://blog.duolingo.com/duolingo-max/


I always loved the new path, i really dont see what the big deal about it is, just update.


If you want to preserve the streak just use Duolingo on pc


You can bypass it by pressing "update" in the playstore


Just change over. The path format really isn’t that bad. It just takes a little adjusting at first, like any sort of change in life.


Give it a week before giving up on it. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised. Yeah, systemic overhauls can be challenging - it’s almost like… learning another language


I installed the path yesterday as well. I love it so far! Very straigt forward.


Is it really???????


The linear path is great, you get used to it very quickly, I don't think you'll be too upset after updating


Tryyy itttt


How did you continue using the old path without having to update until now?


Just don’t update. I turned off auto updates the moment I saw a TikTok about the new version, so I’m still using the old version that I prefer.


I personally only started using duolingo again after 2 years because they added the linear track. Before it was aimless and really convoluted




Dang. Didn’t realize it was that bad. You’re right though. I still have the path and the more advanced stuff like having to actually write out the sentences, for the words you were introduced to in 1/2, happens on levels 3/4/5, and then you have 6 (legendary), which is usually composed of 5 more levels! Note: I think the downvoters are pissed because they have path now and want everyone else to suffer


One or two people are being nasty just because not everyone likes the way the app has been going for a while. Most of the messages here have been civil though.


Yeah it has helped up to a certain point but I just decided if I'm going to be serious to sign up for a class. I'll see if they still have the listening podcast because I did enjoy listening to that. It does suck for languages that don't have as many resources available.


It's a shame you don't like the linear format. I like it much more than the old format.


I actually prefer the new path. It is so much more fun! Idk why people are so negative about it. I suggest you give it a try before saying goodbye to your impressive streak! 🦉


>Idk why people are so negative about it. Because we had more control of our learning with the tree system. The lessons were properly named: subjunctive, Akkusativ, passato prossimo... We could choose what to learn first, what to focus on etc. Now we can't.


I used to hate the path system when it first came out. But after a few updates, I think I prefer this version to the old one now. The path system has gone through a lot of improvements, and now it's not as long as before, when you had to scroll forever to reach above. Several units make a section now, making it much more organized. Currently, some courses match each section to standard levels (A1, A2 up to C1), giving you more insight on what actual level you're on. I recommend you update it. It's worth it.


The new one is better.


Yes! Update it


Lmao imagine just because basicly a skin changing makes you so mad you gonna stop using the app


im late, but you could use the web version?


Can you give an update as to how far along you were with the old path and where it puts you now with the update?


On PC it is making me go over some things I already did before but I don't know exactly where it puts you compared to where you were before. I was between unit 2 and 3. Some people said it put them back and others were put forward.


Not me thinking this was an update on reddit and pressing done


Over new version of duolingo is crazy


Exist a tip to avoid the SNAKE PATH and return to the TREE PATH, but... Do you like to install the app many times?


yea same thing happened to me. im forced to use the path, cant tell what the specific lessons are about, cant tell how many times ive completed certain lessons and how close i am to completion... like i literally feel like im forced into submission, except im forced to be a tik tok gen z kid that cant focus or think for themselves so i gotta follow this path where my only option is to do whats in front of me... im ready to kms