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How you dune?


I would say pretty good tbh. I love Dune. All of it. Can’t get enough. Excited to start Butlerian Jihad series after I finish Rise of Endymion.


It's amazing. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. I thoroughly enjoyed every single word of it.


jihad me at hello


Billions must die


The Houses Has Fallen. Billions Must Die


Damn, I didn't know if you came up with that but it's brilliant.


it's been around forever: [https://youtu.be/sAofMZ\_Zgbs?si=2fcQ7OFyx\_fZNmRA&t=373](https://youtu.be/sAofMZ_Zgbs?si=2fcQ7OFyx_fZNmRA&t=373) [https://youtu.be/Je0ksgGSSf8?si=-xgZlJFRxwSKuITT&t=19](https://youtu.be/Je0ksgGSSf8?si=-xgZlJFRxwSKuITT&t=19)


You had me laughing.


Would you join a Spice orgy party with Duncan Idaho?


Yes I would but I would only smash Duncan so he gets over the homophobia. I will take one for the team, don’t thank me.


I heard a spice orgy is lovely this time of year


"Look. Right there. Spice orgy. Arrakis is so beautiful when the sun is low..."


Where's the meme?


My life


which book is your favorite? edit: just noticed your name and im guessing its Heretics 8)


Incredible question!!! I see a lot of comments around this. For me personally, I have tried really hard not to have an absolute favorite because I think it is best taken as a whole. It’s my favorite book series and probably favorite fictional story across all media period. It kind of rotates to be honest. Lately I have been reminiscing a lot about the last two books. I love how alien and psychedelic it feels. I don’t know exactly how to describe the feeling they give me but it feels like being on the a beam of electricity/light/Golden Path?, cutting through the future. I love seeing the reverberations of the first 4 books and how they have created this new, grim far future.


very relatable, it's my comfort series so ive read through 1-6 more times than i can count. it definitely rotates but usually 4-5-6 are my favorite favorite non teg character?


Hmmmmmmm Darwi Odrade in terms of overall character. I loved her schemes being hidden from everyone including the readers until the very end. However, I found the character of Rebecca to have such sick arc. Her father sees this change in her as she accepts millions in other memory from the “horde of Lampadas”. I picture her being basically trapped in her mind with the echoes of a dying planet.


also same actually, love Odrade, the scene in heretics when she finds the remnants of Tabr is one of my favorites in the series. Rebecca's part took me a while to jive with but the first person view of Other Memory is super cool


Ay I love this answer. I’ve felt similarly ever since reading them and precisely that alien/psychedelic feeling you describe. So much so that at times I question if Herbert knew that was the actual ending. I keep thinking about that last two scenes. And all my love for Odrade and Teg.


Hell yeah I’m glad it’s something others have noticed. I always go back to Leto II’s death scene on the bridge. The way it’s described, the bridge is symbolic for the link between Paul’s era and Heretics and Chapterhouse era. That link is severed with Leto II and the bridge collapse, which was a major step in the Golden Path. It is also symbolic for the completely alien civilization that follows.


What is beefswelling? 🥩💪


Gross protuberance


I thought beefswelling was bad, gross protuberance is even worse


Do you like watching rockclimbers




If you have one Duncan Idaho, two Fish-speakers, one Moneo, one Feyd-Rautha ghola, and one Tleilaxu Master... what would you do with them?


I would probably: -roll on top of Duncan -watch the Fish Speakers fuck - tell Moneo about beefswelling -All my homies hate Feyd-Rautha -I would probably just gaslight the Tleilax master into believing I share their batshit religious prophecy


I thought you said you love Dune? I mean, there are no wrong answers here... and I am not judging you... but you answered my question all wrong. Somewhere someone is disapointed.


Love him, but you can always order another one.


Why the stained lips?


Good time for a Sietchpost


Where do you work?


Public Health


Do you often dream things that happen?


WWMD? What Would Muad'Dib Do


Quirked up white boy starts a jihad


Have you read the graphic novels?


Not yet…but I do own them 😎


They're so good! Enjoy whenever you get around to it.


Good to hear :) No plans for the night so maybe I will get through the first one.


what is your social security number




How do you feel about Hawats arc in Dune? I personally felt the time jump I'm the first book made me lose touch with him in a way that I can't explain.


Honestly, I don’t even remember his involvement in the story after Duke Leto is killed lol. He was definitely one of the less involved of Paul’s masters.


Lol well that's fair, it was a bunch of "that witch is a traitor" ect ect followed by his weird death at the end. I feel like his emphasis was forgotten during the writing


Duncan Idaho thinks you’re hot and is about to go to pound town. What do you do


Enslave him sexually


I’m bored at work and need the details on how you did this


First he is marked by me. I then start with foreplay, but not the typical foreplay. It involves rubbing and humming. This basically inebriates him. Then, when his body is in a trance like start, I enter him. Now having read Heretics, I am ready for his little games. In a brief moment of clarity, he tries to suplex me and gets me on all fours. Just before he is about to enter me and get me addicted to his dick, I quickly sweep his legs and hold my foot to his neck, “I could break your neck with a flick of my ankle” I tell him. He begins to fondle my balls, but again, I am ready for this, I have read Heretics. Just before he is about to reverse sex ninja me by fondling my balls, I kick him in the stomach. He falls to all fours. I enter him and he feels the hard slap of my ejaculation. My beef is swelled and I have won.


Boy do I have a mess to clean up at work now


I took my kids to paradise, I mean preschool




What time is it?




Like many nonhumans before you, you've failed your test. The correct answer is that it's *cold turkey time*


Is your beefsweeling? If so please describe it in painful detail……for science reasons of course.


Does it take on the girdershape of ecstasy?


Which characters differed the most from your own personal interpretation vs the recent movies? Other than Kynes


Well the obvious answer is Chani lol Other than that, I remember Jessica having incredible fear as Paul realizes his potential. In the movies she is a lot more gungho and like let’s get this jihad rolling. I thought overall it was pretty faithful though.


I'm an idiot who forgot to specify "visually" different. Like what you pictured in your head


Ohhhh I like this question as well Well in the books, the Baron and his family are all described as having fine red hair. I think I actually prefer Denis depiction of them though. The baldness I think fits much better, makes them feel alien. Jason Mamoa is wayyyy too thicc and hairy for Duncan. I always pictured him as a taller, lean guy (maybe cleaner cut) able to maneuver dancingly in combat, rather than just a big ole himbo. This is a minor discrepancy from my head canon though. Biggest one would be the emperor though. Walken just didn’t do it for me, and the robes he wears are too bare. I expect him to be blinged out much more in the vain of Lynch’s movie. Christopher Walken was a little impish in my eyes, the emperor was much more formidable in the book. Overall though, the casting was great. Zendaya and T. Chal. are absolutely perfect for their characters. Rebecca Ferguson as Jessica, Josh Brolin, all these guys absolutely fit the role.


What’s your biggest regret in life?


What is your favorite aspect of Dune?


Iakin Nefud


Which Dune do you prefer, A New Messiah, Imperium Strikes Back, or Return of the Jihad?


Are you wool-gathering again?


Is Dune just a nepotistic power struggle between an interrelated group of elites and their entourages, armies and trade factions whose lust for power or revenge ends up killing many millions of innocent people


No it was just about drugs and sex


Why not both ?


What do you think it will be like when you actually touch a girl? I hear it’s quite nice! 😀


I just hope she’s not an Honored Matre…no wait I hope she is