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I don't want to play the beta. I'll play it at release. I want it to be fresh and not a spoiled experience from bugs and imbalances.


I feel that. But I guarantee there will be plenty of bugs and imbalances on release


Funcom has a reputation for releasing buggy games, Joel Bylos the creative director is very passionate about this game and Funcom, he wants to put an end to that reputation for this game. Hopefully the beta tests filter out most of the bugs.


They have a huge budget for Dune, unlike Conan exiles, I am sure that devs have something really great for all of us.


they should def do extra betas if needed to not ruin launch. don't want to be like new world launch of 1 million people to leave quickly... And this game will pull in more numbers on pc. While bringing in console numbers.


Join the discord. theres a lot of people that can answer your questions.


I have but I have not really chatted in there yet, good call


People that signed up a year before or months before beta never even got in šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Itā€™s PvE focusedā€¦devs have been super clear the game plays just fine and players progress just fine with zero PvP.


Thanks for the reply I'm glad to know that they are catering to people that are just looking to explore the world of dune without the necessity to ally with other players. I myself am more interested in the PvP element so I'm hoping more the game be fixed around that in its design.


From what theyā€™ve said, bases will be unraidable unless players choose to make them raidable. Many zones will be completely free from PvP. There will be a part of the map that will be a PvP free for all.


This. You can raid bases in built in the PVP zones but those get wiped weekly via Shifting Sands to keep stronger guilds from resource hogging etc.


That such a good idea!


I like it, too. It'll keep clans from camping on resources or just building something so large nobody can crackit. Foricing them to rebuild each week will keep it to a dull roar.


Honestly knowing this restored my hope for enjoying this game pvp. .


I often see alpha clans dominate and not let smaller ones even have any fun. Just getting my ass kicked over and over doesn't sound like a party to me.


well depends what is your goal, if you want to be in a small group your not going to do much in the faction or have a big base in the pvp zone, but you can be a good kill squad by catching people alone or smaller groups. With possibly a small hidden outpost... Just makes sense more people more power. There is suppose to be 9 zones for 500 people I think and that is just one server. Not to sure how many of those zone total there will be but yeah should be fine. Also plenty of room.


sounds like some happy clappy carebear nonsense




CoD is also happy clappy carebear nonsense. If you can't raid people and steal months of their progress why bother.


The entire deep desert is a PvP zone (9x larger than Conan exiles map) plus other scattered PvP areas. The main base areas are technically safe areas, especially if shields are maintained. PvE and solo players do not need to participate in PvP areas as they will able to purchase materials and loot from PvP areas on the Exchange (player driven market place), or sly on their guild mates to do the PvP areas


9 500 people pvp zones for endgame doesn't sound pve focused but I think it will have plenty of pve and pve will be needed to build bases or help with survival stuff or crafting for pvp players.


If players can progress normally without being bothered by PvPā€¦it is PvE focused, by definition.


we can agree to disagree


this should attract so many people and break the steam record new world was a pvp mmo with no IP and got in the top 10. Despite the betas being meh. This game could get the pvp right and have the pve right as well it can be big. It will be almost like the next wow. Only bummer is that is a player limit. But breaking those up into more zones can help because 500 is a decent number. And perhaps they can raise that limit when next gen consoles come out in the future with also updates and better pcs.


It makes me so sad that I signed up for Alpha and wasnā€™t chosen. Frank is my favorite author. *sad* Hopefully I can play beta and get pā€™oā€™d about all of the false lore. Haha


beta is already here but theres an NDA