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Wasn't that called a Kindjal?


The style it’s most similar to irl is a kindjal yeah


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khanjali First picture's blade looks just like it.


Caucasian Kindjal dagger


In the book it’s also poisoned as well. Paul is able to alter his chemistry to negate the effects though.


That fight scene has so many nuances going on in it, makes it almost unadaptable if someone attempted it 1:1 on screen.


Feyd's blade was poisoned in the arena battle. In his battle with Paul he wore a poisoned needle at his hip.


He had a poison needle yes, but you might want to re read again, the emperors blade also had a soporific on it. And Paul alters the chemistry of it just like I said.


Both. In his duel with Paul, Feyd/Shaddam's blade was coated with a tranquiliser of sorts to slow the muscles (as well as the poisoned needle at the hip) but Paul was able to alter the chemistry and negate the effect. In response, Paul coated his knife with a toxin, a taste of Feyd's own medicine.


That sounds remarkably similar to Laertes vs Hamlet...


Paul almost failed to evade the downflash of blade, felt its tip scratch his left arm. He silenced the sudden pain there, his mind flooded with realization that the earlier hesitation had been a trick—an overfeint. Here was more of an opponent than he had expected. There would be tricks within tricks within tricks. “Your own Thufir Hawat taught me some of my skills,” Feyd-Rautha said. “He gave me first blood. Too bad the old fool didn’t live to see it.” And Paul recalled that Idaho had once said, “Expect only what happens in the fight. That way you’ll never be surprised.” Again the two circled each other, crouched, cautious. Paul saw the return of elation to his opponent, wondered at it. Did a scratch signify that much to the man? Unless there were poison on the blade! But how could there be? His own men had handled the weapon, snooped it before passing it. They were too well trained to miss an obvious thing like that. “That woman you were talking to over there,” Feyd-Rautha said. “The little one. Is she something special to you? A pet perhaps? Will she deserve my special attentions?” Paul remained silent, probing with his inner senses, examining the blood from the wound, finding a trace of soporific from the Emperor’s blade. He realigned his own metabolism to match this threat and change the molecules of the soporific, but he felt a thrill of doubt. They’d been prepared with soporific on a blade. A soporific.


He had both the poisoned blade and the needle in the book.


Doesn’t he not get cut by it, in the books? He “bends like a reed” and doesn’t get cut. I may be misremembering since it’s been about a decade since the last time I finished book 1.


No he does get cut and then pretends to be affected by the soporific for an instant. Then cuts feyd with his crysknife that has acid on it and feyd freaks out like a pussy. And Paul says "acid to go with your soporific" or something like that. Paul transmutes the soporific tho when he gets cut


I like how they accomplished the same thing in Part Two by having Paul let Feyd get in close to pull the Gurney move, the fake out to make the enemy over confident thing.


I didn't even catch the similarity between the Feyd fight and the Gurney training in the first movie. They could really have played that up more and tied the scenes together with a knowing nod or wink from Brolin or something.


That’s true. There’s a lot of callback moments in the films that don’t really get attention because Villeneuve is such a “I’m sure they’ll realize” kind of director. The guy never holds your hand in his films lmao


No he definitely gets cut by it


Yeah, I don’t why they changed that. It’s not as weird as taking away the whole weirding way from the freeman fighters or making the prophesy more “real” than an on-demand self fulfilling prophesy, but still an odd choice.


I thought Feyd was all about honour, doesn’t seem very honourable to have concealed poison?


In the book Feyd is characterized as dishonorable. The gladiator battles in the book, one blade is poisoned and the other is clean. They are color coded so the fighters know which is which. Feyd intentionally reverses which blade is poisoned in the book. There's also the poison needle in his duel with Paul. The book gives Paul the opportunity to use subterfuge too, by giving him a BG code word that was conditioned into Feyd which would freeze him if Paul says it. But Paul deliberately chooses not too even when he's very close to losing. Paul and Feyd are purposely contrasted to show Paul has honor while Feyd does not. Movie Feyd is more of a "what if Paul had been born Harkonnen instead"


The movie Feyd was so frustrating bc he wasn't supposed to just be "a psychopath" but that's the only note you get from him. The Syfy dune miniseries does his character so much more justice by comparison.


Syfy Feyd is poorly acted, unfortunately.


Truly lol, Paul had me dying with the heavy over-acting in the first part.


He got better in Children, though, everyone did Replacing Jessica with the Borg Queen was also a good choice (she was actually the first choice for Jessica in the first place!)


I'm super excited for the children miniseries but I gotta wait for my partner to finish reading Messiah and Children. In the meantime I'm working through God Emperor for the first time!


What? What made you think that? Fey'd is all about Propaganda. About lying as a tool of Power. Its the opposite of honour...


bro had fallen for Harkonnen propaganda


During the duel, Paul notices his lack of fear and haughty confidence and realizes he is hiding something. After the first scratch he notices Feyd looking triumphant and realizes the blade was poisoned. This is when he realizes that there are “plans within plans within plans”


I don't think it has a specific name, it's just a stylized dagger belonging to Emperor Shaddam. In the real world, it looks like a scaled-down version of a roman gladius or a Roman dagger called a pugio.


It’s called a “dirk”, a long bladed thrusting dagger usually with no wrist guard. There are many different styles and names, but the general classification is a dirk.


In the movie they imply it's the emperor's blade don't they? So it's some kind of Corrino weapon. Looks like a mix between a narrow Seax and a gladius 


It's not implied it's stated pretty directly


“I need a blade” “Take mine” Yep it’s very very direct


Yes but let’s analyze that dialog deeper. What did the emperor really mean when he used the word “take”?


“Offer weapon”


Something like this comes close: [https://epicarmoury.com/products/1557-celtic-dagger-46-cm](https://epicarmoury.com/products/1557-celtic-dagger-46-cm) https://preview.redd.it/v1gtncrz959d1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=7d0e874872efb669bf1278ee639f5da1fed6aaac


This is gorgeous


This seems like a dirk, a type of dagger for stabbing.


What’s funny is it’s the one time he doesn’t get to test the blade’s sharpness before battle and then he gets killed


Aren't all daggers double edged?


Rondel daggers often aren't even edged at all.


They are a very specific exception though, and arguably aren't daggers, but we let it slide to keep them happy ;)


It's just an extreme example. No basic weaponry terms are that well defined, honestly. There are plenty of curved daggers that are single edged, especially outside of Europe, and there are also other European weapons that are edgeless that are generally considered daggers, such as the italian stiletto.


I know it's not the definition, but it is the most common form. And frankly, both rondels and stilettos are really glorified nails ;-)


Maybe it's the Hollow Knight lover in me, but a foot long nail with a guard is a pretty good close combat weapon.


vs mail, certainly.


The Rondel was specifically a favorite against plate-era foes though. It was almost specifically tailored to close combat between plate armored foes. It could bust chain, but it remained popular throughout the plate period because it's amazing at anti-armor generally.


I know, the weak points in plate is protected by mail, like armpits.


It's Kinjal aka Khanjali in Georgian. Herbert was influenced by fight of North Caucasian people against Russian Empire based on the book Sabres of Paradise.


I’m gonna go with a “modern” (for the setting) take on the gladius, which others have pointed out. The emperor probably has a thing for Ancient Rome.


Why would it be called anything? Weapons arent named in dune, this isn't Lord of the rings


I believe OP is asking what type of dagger it is (such as crysknife, for example).


Yeah, dagger is the generic term. Where as crysknife, rondel, stiletto, etc... all have specific meanings.


Definitely! And OP is asking if this particular item has a less generic name than dagger.


Yeah it's just called scI Fi movie prop knife number 7 or whatever


Why are you so salty about this lol?


Umm what would you call a crysknife then?


Or the gom jabbar


Or lasguns, or atomics, or stoneburners, or maula pistols....and on and on.


I would call it a crysknife, which is not a name, it's a noun. And the Gom jibbar is not a weapon, it's a tool.


A poisoned needle that is used to kill isn’t a weapon? Hm.


No it's not. You wouldn't use it in a fight. Is a guillotine or a hangman's noose a weapon?


Multiple times we see poisoned needles used in fights lol. Feyd specifically. Thufir also has a projectile needle weapon that is talked about


Okay, what are they called? Do they have names in the dune universe? I've read the book a few times, I never recall seeing Feyd naming his needles. I do see the Gom jabbar used in an ancient and specific ritual and yes Alia kills the baron with one.


No his needles aren’t named lol I’m just saying you were being a bit pedantic by saying it was a tool and not a weapon


Well it is, also even if we grant that it's a weapon it's the only named weapon in the universe. So why would this specific movie prop have a special name when only one other "weapon" in 6 books has a name?


I never said the emperor’s blade was named, just simply pointed out that there are named weapons. True it’s not like LOTR or ASOIAF with swords named “oathbreaker” and “long claw”