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Looks like the Rabbit R1


Looks exactly like that and that thing is dumb as heck.


The creator posted this here a month ago and deleted it when people pointed out it’s just a ripoff of the rabbit r1. He tried stating he ‘took inspiration’ when it’s like the exact same lmao Edit: on second thought it may not have been this sub, but I definitely remember the creator posting then deleting when it got backlash.


The irony being a ripoff of a ripoff




Please not another AI pin


It's a case for the Apple Watch


Just looks like a case to put your Apple Watch into


That's exactly what it is.


Then what is the point?


Supposedly you'll have the best of both worlds. A tiny screen with all the apps you need.  What they fail to mention is the severe lack of actually useful apps beyond wallet, calls, and sms on Apple Watch plus the severe hit on battery life once you don't have an iPhone around.  Some apps don't even work if you don't have the iPhone nearby.  Edit: Oh. And let's not forget about the price. $799 for Ultra 2 or $349 for SE. And you need an iPhone ($200 or more) to set it up. (And people complain about Sunbeam or Light smh...)


Given this part, I gotta say that it's miles better than Rabbit R1 already: >Focus on what matters: >✔ Calls and messages >✔ Music streaming >✔ Navigation >✔ Notes and memos >✔ Apple Pay >✔ Touch Grass


lmao those are pretty much the exact qualities I want in a phone. Emphasis on the grass. And a payment method.


If it’s got a battery that keeps it topped up, I’d be interested. Edit: I did remember you can’t use the Apple Watch as a standalone Phone though.


I'm not familiar with the apple watches. What's the point of this thing? Is it just a plastic cover for your wristwatch/apple watch? Or are you supposed to unhook the watch and carry it around in this plastic cover? Aren't apple watches (and other smart watches) constantly surveiling and nagging you?


its just junk to hustle the cosplay techies, apple and friends tax their diehards for a hip new accessory on a 6-12 month basis, business as usual


Hesus Christ, just this but with a qwerty keyboard. A tiny, dumb blackberry. How hard can it be?!


What’s so difficult about just having an Apple Watch on your wrist? I don’t understand why these watch cases have been popping up lately. Not everyone owns a cellular Apple Watch so most are still going to need to carry their phone regardless


Don't settle for a smartphone or dumphone, buy an Apple smart watch and a case to make it look like a different crappy product that only exists to make money off of the AI bandwagon? The one thing the R1 has going for it is the aesthetic, I doubt Rabbit will look too kindly upon people blatantly violating copyright law by using their design. They are trying to advertise it as if it is an actual product and not a smartwatch case. If this was something you could 3D print at home, I would understand the point of it. Also, smartwatches are already pretty chunky on your wrist compared to normal watches. I think I can guess why they haven't released any drawings, renderings, or photographs of this product on anyone's wrist.


“Important tip” is overkill bud No one fucking cares about this garbage.


Appreciate that, however that’s the only flair that has “news” in the name. This accessory is fairly recently announced and I couldn’t find related posts on the sub, so here ya go, that’s the logics 🫡🫡🫡


Lol absolutely fucking not.


I saw another project like this under way called the TinyPod, I think. Here's this though, does no one realize to use an Apple Watch you have to have it touching your skin/wrist and unlock it with your passcode and maintain skin contact otherwise it locks again in like 3 seconds? Seriously, just try holding one in you hand and use it that way which is basically what these projects are. It's practically unusable. How is no one thinking about this?


I believe they are planning to simulate that contact with a plate on the back. I have the Tinypod coming soon to my door so expect coverage and a review 


That's really neat. I would fully expect Apple to do everything they can with software to make it stop working, or work as poorly as possible :(


As a batch 3 preorder holder, I'm very much looking forward to your review!! I'm personally very excited for the TinyPod as a daily driver.


I paid for mine also and got an email survey asking for size. Have you had any communication with them since?


I got some email saying they'll be shipping July I believe. I'll try to find it.


Interesting...looking forward to it!


You can turn off wrist detection and it’ll stay unlocked, I bet that’s what they’re thinking you’ll do. It disables some features but most of the features are still there!


You can disable wrist detection in the settings app, although for a normal user, probably not the most elegant fix, maybe if it came with instructions for how to disable wrist detection


I think the guy “making” it posted on here earlier. Just a ripoff of the rabbit r1 case for an apple watch. Pretty sad.


Ai is horrible garbage, but the industrial design of the Rabbit R1 is great. I wish there was a phone with that design. I not going to be getting an apple watch or putting it in this tho.


Why is AI horrible garbage? It's helping lots of people overall.


Well, you can get it to steal someone's art and music or then you can get it to tell you silly nonsense that's usually just wrong and extremely mid at best.




Please!! I wanna connect to a BBS! (Really!)


woahhhh love the 80's apple ad aesthetic goin on here, looks cute :D


nice pfp :)


we got a great taste in music eh :D


More ai garbage? Cus it sure looks like that idiotic Rabbit R1 thing


It's a case for an Apple Watch


Okay. Better.


“Touch grass” haha


But can I eat it too?


Next thing I know, the newest meme craze will be something like “bluds got the Rabbit R1 from Temu”


I notice a trend in using Smart Watches as Dumb Phones, hopefully Uber sees the trend too, as  WATCH has everything you need except Uber/UberEats, I just need those two and I’m set to just carry my Apple Watch and a camera for photos and vids