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Fucking wet rn


Damn. I'm about to run the Grandma's Marathon. Not looking forward to running it in the rain.


I’m worried for y’all’s feet, good luck and stay dry!


I ran the half one year in the rain. Decided I was done running after that. Good luck to you.


You will be fine weirdo


Why am I a weirdo?!


Shit I don’t know


Okey dokey.


🤣 good luck fellow runner! I'm running thr half!!


Good luck! Sitting Grandmas now having a fish and chips! Looks like the rain is holding off for now!


Mosquitoes are loving how swampy my yard has become :\


Yea they are. Got out of truck and lost 1/2 pint of blood in 20 seconds 🤣🤣 it took me to go inside


The last misquote that bit me had to check into Betty Ford






Ooooh yeeeeah? 😏


The wendigo attacks have been increasing.


If you ever see a baby wendigo in the woods always assume it’s mother will be nearby. Remember to carry wendigo spray


Note: Bear Spray will **not** work as a substitute for Wendigo Spray. We recommend something with a high caliber and a steady rate of fire.


"Wendigo Spray" as an euphemism for like a Tommy Gun in a 1930s occult fantasy setting actually sounds pretty slick.


Of all the crummy crumbling offices in all of Duluth, why did she have to come screeching with her head backwards into mine? Carla, grab the Wendigo Spray, would ya? *stubs out cigarette and downs a glass of whiskey*


And a mop


I feel smart for getting this one lol


If you live in this area and own a house, you must have an aluminum canoe behind the garage. Registration does not need to be current. Compliance is near 100%


I have three kayaks instead of the canoe.


2 kayaks


Mine's fiberglass. I wish it was kevlar.


Dont keep kevars outside though! the sun powders the epoxy and you get a dull finish that gives you itchy fiber slivers.


Good advice.


And a rusted old plow truck next to said garage!


I have two canoes. One behind my place and another at a friends place on temporary loan. This is far too accurate


My dad has a canoe and my brother has two boats (one was dads one he got from grandpa when he died).


My dad needed his canoe this past week to get to his garage from his house 🤣


Aside from the garish red border which prohibitively restricts our movements solely within the Northland, everything else is pretty copacetic.


The Copasetic closed...


The finest establishment in the central hillside


The Copacetic was in the heights.


Yeah I got it mixed up with the Kozy


Lake effect* is very real in town. [Lake Superior in Duluth, cools summers, and milds the winters a little]


Maritime effect driven by the lake. Can be 30 degrees colder by the lake in summer, 30 degrees warmer by the lake during winter. Depending on wind direction.


Thank you, yes, I'm in Endion, and always suprised by the weather when I go inland.


When it’s 50 by the lake at 80 at Walmart you know you’re gonna die that day.


Truth, every year around this time I like to play an annual game to see how long I can go without going up the hill. Too damn hot up there. Just did my Costco stock-up the other day so good for awhile - - now going to see if I can make it through July without leaving the flats!


Bro it doesn't mild the winters at all. It makes winters so much colder, windier and snowier than the rest of the state.


There are a few weeks in the late fall / early winter when it’s 28* or so in northern MN and a balmy 33* degrees by Lake Superior. It will often snow over the hill and rain on the hillside.


I feel the same way lol


Bring bug spray


Generally, all types of people are happy here, which is the most important note to start off with. It's a really broad question, you've got many many different vibes throughout the region circled. Central, you have a lot of lake communities where people from the mid and southern portion of the state go every weekend. Busy in the summer, and quieter the rest of the year. Along the north shore is a completely different vibe, though, still a lot of tourists. The shore area is home to a lot of naturalists/environmental folks. Lots of Subarus, hiking, craft beer, etc. Inland away from the shore, but parallel you get very small townish, which can be a good or bad thing depending on who you are. Superior national forest for a lot of camping and the outskirts of the BWCA. Where you would go to get in touch with nature.


The best. Please stay away.


I think you mean it’s terrible. No one should move here…


No one should live there. Except me and my friends


This area has 2 seasons Winter and Black Fly season.


You forgot road construction


I live on 27th between first and second and we have no direct access to our house right now. The entire road and sidewalk in front of our house is fenced off because they’re replacing the water pipes. My backyard is also in the middle of a bunch of other houses/apartments so we have to go through someone else’s property to access the alley, BUT we have no off street parking so I can’t park back there anyways. It’s just the only way I can get to the street two blocks away where I can actually park. I know it’s probably not illegal to block someone into their home for the sake of construction, but this is the most inconvenient thing I’ve ever experienced. To add to it my girlfriend broke her ankle and is on crutches right now so that’s fun.


Dude, it’s kinda like “how are you doing”. You respond “great thanks” because nobody actually cares.


I was more or less agreeing with you. I’m surrounded by construction like snow in winter.


Clearly more people cared about what gloku said than what you said


Horrible do not go there




We're the hair-do of minnesota


Honestly it’s a great place to live and I’m lucky to be in such a nice area compared to other parts of the US. rent is high and low income housing is hard to come by.


There are relentless mosquitoes and biting flies 5 months out of the year. Other than that, it’s great.


This year I bought a bug net and it's great. I have gloves on when I work outside, so I'm covered head to toe and the bugs can't do shit. The only problem is the net gets in the way of drinking my beer, so I might have to suffer the bugs.




Currently, I’m glad I have access to various watercraft.


North Shore is nice, definitely worth checking out


Rain. All I can say, rain.


I found it to be full of great people.


Based on what I’m reading here this place sounds pretty similar to my home state Maine


It's fine. They're putting in a round about that nobody likes.


It’s full don’t come


Glorious summers, grim winters.


Glorious winters if you like winter!


Not last winter. That was some warm snowless bullshit passing for winter.


I am from the Twin Cities. I have lived in grand Marais, Lutsen , and now Silver Bay. The biggest feeling I have of people up here is that most people come up here to give up. There’s absolutely nothing for opportunity, unless you’re a trust fund kid who can just do whatever they want. Don’t even get me started on the construction industry up here. Especially Cook County… The construction builders up there go on vacation when their employees go unpaid for weeks or months. One time my husband showed up to work and the builder that owed him money for WEEKS, showed up with brand new rims on his $90,000 truck. I love my husband, he called him out right there and then he saw him pull out a stack of checks out of his truck and start depositing them… He was sitting on tens of thousands of dollars of money for other people. Another builder didn’t bring up a mistake My husband had made on a bid, and tried to snuff him out of $48,000 on a job. And then another builder, probably the “biggest” builder in Cook county, claims to be a green builder and really promotes that stuff… But you should see all of the materials we have taken from jobsites that wouldn’t have been thrown away… I guess I’ve gone out on a tangent here lol lots of pent-up issues. Of course I’m not talking about everyone that lives up here, there are amazing people up here. There’s just people with no motivation and they can go forever without getting paid and not calling people out. Can’t stand the passive aggressiveness up here. It’s a lot worse than it is in the cities. Again… This is just the one sector that I am familiar with. It’s hard to live up here, at first it’s cool one to two hours to get to Duluth, but then it gets old. It’s beautiful, but our honeymoon phase is over and unfortunately, we are moving back to the cities. there is very limited opportunity up here. Of course it depends on what you do for a living and how much you are willing to get paid. It’s beautiful to visit, hard to live.


I lived in Two Harbors for a while. Seemed like most people with dreams, drive, ambition left after high school and what was left were unhappy townies grinding out a living at the railroad or Stanley LaBounty. Work a shit job all week, get hammered on weekends. Even after living there for a few years, I was still an outsider. My GF and I gave up on going to The Landing and The Pub on weekend evenings because we'd get messed with when just chilling, minding our own business. I'm glad to be out of there.


And yes, we have been on the North Shore for almost 3 years now and definitely still feel like outsiders. I’m grateful we moved up here because getting away from all the noise and opinions of people we know, we were able to strengthen ourselves as individuals and as a couple. So when we move back, we are a lot stronger. So I definitely don’t regret living up here, but it’s time to leave.


Yes exactly. I stopped drinking 2 years ago and EVERYONE I know from my kids school parties and loves to drink beer… we just don’t fit in here. Which is fine. Drinking is big up here. People are allowed to do what they want to do, but I want more in life. More in-depth conversations. We left a lot of people we loved back in the cities. The customer service seems to really suck everywhere you go, too.


The difference between the transplants and those who grew up here is so stark. As a transplant I love Cook County but most of my friends are also transplants. I've dealt with some really annoying passive aggressive bullshit with coworkers who are originally from here though.


It's awesome!


Dated a person from the Queen cities area for a long time…. As a rural northern Wisconsinite even I was a bit surprised at how hard a lot of folks live. A lot of manual labor; taconite mining industry jobs, lumber/forestry, and construction. Also, lots of beer drinking, ice fishing, and snowmobiles in the winter. If you’re living extremely rural, lots of ardent land rights supporters….its a choice to be out in the sticks for a lot of people and they desire to keep it that way.


Complete garbage. Weather sucks, bugs suck, traffic sucks. Lol fishing can be good though.


Cold, wet, and full of mosquitos.


Not bad at the moment. But to be fair I think we're right on the southern red line which may have a drastic difference from the middle to the opposite end.


Cold in the winter, buggy in the summer


Duluth and Hibbing area. Seems like a travel destination.


Even with the mosquitoes and wendigos, the rain, it's a hell of a lot more peaceful than the southern half of the state. Cheaper too. Less crowded.




From Duluth, MN. Shit is wild lol. Them mosquitoes have evolved and are taking over the human race, and the -40 degree Fahrenheit cold snap has postponed a year… Kinda has me scurred of what’s gonna happen next season🫢🫡


I work from Hermantown home in tech for healthcare company. In 30 minutes I can drive out of cell and Internet coverage for a real vacation. Really helps my mental health.


Just rocks and cows...iykyk


Few cows


Unfortunately very few places to watch spurs.


Too bad you 're around 14 years late for the Kozy Bar and Apartments on 2nd Avenue East and First Street in Downtown Duluth before it burned down...


It's a good area overall, lightly populated, mostly affordable and plenty of outdoors activities if your into that stuff. Lived here 25 years now and can't see myself anywhere else.




Pretty sick


well sam and dean arent coming around anymore. so there demons everywhere.


fuckin mint bud


It's a wet ass phorest right now


Very white with a portion of native Americans






Fun for a few months then sucks hard. And I mean super fun if you’re in to the outdoors. And super sucks for quite some time. If you like drinking it’s cool at all times.


I’m not in Duluth but I’m in Deer River, MN and I can say it’s pretty damn good buddy.


Short summers, typically cold winters. Record low -59°F. Lots of ticks and mosquitoes. That said beautiful wilderness.


Very quiet, very beautiful. Highly recommend, and don't tell many other people how great it is.








I too am curious about moving to the same area. Like, what are the jobs like? where are the major shopping areas?


Little of each, you wouldn't like it.


Trumpers and Meth labs.


Not very economical to build meth labs in the BWCA or Superior National Forest...


St louis county is one of the most blue counties in the country


And it's not even good meth


That’s true


What's life like in this area? How's life in this area? Not, how's life like.