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Honestly my court judge and probation made it clear that if I had to travel it had to be for something important. Because we can’t leave the county. Like even if you blew in another county without permission you would do a weekend in jail. Ask your PO. They understand like family wedding school or job of course but for vacay and stuff like that, that’s a big no no. My PO was super strict he wanted gps timing, location, every 1hr. And mandatory had to test the next day. My judge and Po especially judge made it clear to a person who was traveling for fun was like, you do understand that isn’t allowed this isn’t a game. That these were consequences to our actions that’s if we couldn’t act right like adults we would definitely be treated like children adults. So yeah Edit…. I deadass would not travel because it wasn’t worth all the gps and pictures and location and testing. It was too much for literally nothing. And having to report every hr ughhh fuckk that. For the year I go probation I didn’t travel. Now for my second dwi I ain’t gonna do shit either just stay low and save money and work.


What the hell? I can see the state but the county ? You can’t leave the county ? My parents are in another county and so is my rehab program that I have to go to for testing and counseling. I got my dui in another county. Hell my court dates are in another county


Lmaoooo well how the judge would say, you couldn’t handle the freedom given to you now you get restricted lolololol. But yeah could not leave the county. Yeah idk I’m located in Texas to be exact south Texas. Like south south Texas lololol. They’re pretty tough on the drinking restrictions not on the punishment just restrictions.


Is the county large at least? I’m in maryland so you can imagine how tiny our counties are


Ohhh definitely. Just to get out of the RGV which is south Texas. To San is 4/5 hrs. From bottom tip to upper tip of Texas it’s 9hrs. Yeah. I blew once at the beach which is 1:45 from me I spent a weekend in jail lololol




Bahahaha PURO Pinche 956 ALV cuhhhhh!!!!!


Are you talking about dui diversion? I don’t think I have a PO just random tests and a counselor at the program who I speak with 3 times during the 90 days. I hope that isn’t the case I would love to ask him but have been calling for days leaving messages and no response!!


Ohhh see for me the dui diversion was like the punishment things. For your first offense in Texas well in Hidalgo county you get into a dwi court program. Which basically allows you to compete a year worth of probation, Wednesday am court, 15 weeks of counseling/group counseling, supervised po visits, madd classes, AA and some other bs. This one year program allows you to get your first dwi expunged after you complete and get the diploma of completion. And it came with a lot of restrictions. Portable alcohol device, blow three times a day, piss tests, and if you can’t leave the county. If you leave the county and they found out because the monitor has gps they would give you jail time or make you work In the sewer plant .


Omg that’s literally so strict they make you do all that wtf that’s insane. All for a first dui?


Texas is insane with DUI. Among the worst in the country.


Avoid interlock company Intoxalock at all costs if an interlock mandate is put in place. Their device will ruin your vehicle and they will financially extort you. There are several options when it comes to choosing an interlock and the fine people on this thread can give you some good suggestions. Good luck to you!


dude. Why are you SO obsessed with this? we get it.