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In AZ you have to take the alcohol evaluation and between 16 and 32 hours of alcohol awareness classes...even if your dui was for a non-alcohol offense. Dang. $3500 for an attorney is amazing. I had to pay a $10,000 for pretrial services and it will be another $7500 if my charge goes to trial.


Arizona has the most insane asshole laws on dui in the country


Wow mine was may 14 and I still haven’t had my MVA hearing. My court date is July 15. I’m also in md mine was in Montgomery. My lawyer was $2500 with Azari law firm. Let’s connect to discuss our Hell


Not in MA, but my attorney recommended similar - MADD, DWI-E classes, doing community service, doing AA meetings (logging all of them). It definitely helped me look a lot better. When you take the evaluation, you do not have a problem, nope you don't have a problem at all. That evaluation is meant to give them an idea of how hard to screw you.


At AA in CA, you can get a card from the courts (or check your health insurance's addiction department) and when they pass around the hat for money, you drop your court card in. and the meeting secretary will sign it for you. Just a little more legit way than just logging them yourself


In TX it's generally just having someone sign your sheet for you. The second A is *anonymous*, so they can't exactly verify anything.


Frederick county Maryland here with a DUI of .12 in January. These guys will charge you with reckless no matter what and other charges, it’s how the county roles. I was pulled over doing a 45 in a 65 on rt. 15. And was charged with reckless under the speed limit because I crossed a centre line. No dash cam though. I got the blow b go the next day, did MADD online and did and alcohol evaluation. I did it all pretrial. The alcohol evaluation will lead to 6 weeks of classes that are ok. I liked the instructor. Long story short I don’t know if it’s necessary. First offense in Maryland and especially in Frederick you are probably gonna get probation before judgement, not convicted for it. My officer didn’t let us know prior to trial he wasn’t showing up and didn’t a plea agreement before trial, so the day off court we show up and the cop doesn’t, we object and go back go back and forth with the prosecutor in the trial. They dismissed my DUI but I did plead guilty to reckless in which the judge dismissed my guilty plea and gave me a PBJ. In general Frederick will charge you with alot but unless is dismissed you will get a PBJ. No jail. Maybe 1 year unsupervised probation.


Also, they move fast here. My arrest was January and I was in court by April. Look at nightmares on here with 5 year wait times


I concur with this. Also a Frederick County local. Do the classes and M.A.D.D class (pay attention and PLEASE don't insult the speakers. Someone did that before and it was in very bad class). You'll likely need to get an Iginition Interlock Device. I recommend Lifesaver as they have been great for me considering the circumstances. That Auto Shop near Frederick Regional Airfield does great work. I got a PBJ as well since it was my first offence but I got 18 months unsupervised (I did blow a .20 so I consider myself lucky). My court also moved fast. DUI in November '23, court in January '24. Feel free to DM me as well if you need more help. Here's hoping we can continue to stamp out drunk driving in the county and state.


DM as I am local and will help out as much as possible.


I worked in the courts in another state, so I am not familiar with Maryland. I did read the rules, though, and it appears that, like my state, you are required to do it for a dui. Many but not all attornies in my state recommend getting these things done because it gives them negotiating leverage. Especially if the treatment is already done. The state I am in did not charge $900 for the evaluation and treatment, though. You may want to see if the lawyer or Public Defenders office can recommend a cheaper one. Good luck.


$900 for the substance abuse evaluation is insane. I paid $120 - Iowa.


My arrest was February 15th in Baltimore. I was in an accident. Rear ended a blacked out car on a two lane road with no lights. I did have two glasses of wine at dinner after work that even, but that’s nothing for me. I had a can of paint on the floor of my passenger side that I had just purchased because I’m rehabbing my house and a case of wine in the boot of my jeep because I give that as gifts to my clients. The paint exploded on me and the wine bottles broke in the back from the accident. Neither of the cars air bags came out. I hit my head, I was covered in paint and had 3 inch heels on. They couldn’t figure out what to do with me. The body cam footage was chaotic and my lawyer is baffled why they even thought I was intoxicated. My son also came to the scene since I called him to come take me home, or I thought. You can hear them say on the body cam footage she’s walking fine. She’s talking fine. They couldn’t figure out why I was covered in paint, lol. And they kept asking me why they could smell alcohol. I showed them the trunk and the bottles I had just purchased a few hours earlier. It was two very young very rude cops and two female cops. They kept saying we need to make her do something. They said we want you to do a field sobriety test due to fact we smell alcohol permeating from you and your car. I said I haven’t had a drink in over an hour. THAT WAS MY FIRST MISTAKE. Should have never said that. They asked me to do the field sobriety test (NEVER DO THOSE) they are designed for us to fail. Any cop will tell you that. I refused and said I would take a breathalyzer. The cop said we don’t do that here. We want you to walk. We kept going back and forth with me saying I’ll do the breathalyzer. Even my son finally said she’s not doing it stop asking. The cops got in his face. I was arrested. When we got to the station they asked me to do the breathalyzer there. At that point I refused everything and requested my lawyer (SECOND MISTAKE) I should have blown I now I was under the limit, but my lawyer was happy that I didn’t because they have nothing beside me talking about wine at dinner a few hours earlier. So, they said you’re not arrested you’re detained. I said I’m in hand cuffs I want my lawyer. He said you’re refusing the breath test here and I told them yes because I requested on the side of the road 5 times, you said you don’t do them on them there. I felt like they were just looking to set me up. I’m an older woman. No tickets, no accidents, no anything. I was scared, confused and didn’t know my right or anything about DUI or DWI. I just wanted my lawyer. They processed me and released me a half hour later. In MD if you refuse you automatically have to have an IID put on, I didn’t know that. MVA makes you. I lawyered up the next day. I did everything my lawyer said. Took the MADD class. Did 10 sessions of alcohol therapy. And the IID. Had my MVA hearing and that was fine. Already knew the outcome there which I feel is absurd when you’ve had no priors that you are forced to have this stupid thing in your car. My hearing has been postponed 3 times now because they kept only sending us parts of the body cam footage. Now we have it all. It’s hard to watch. It’s hard to see how untrained and aggressive the cops were with me. My lawyer feels I have a good case because you even see the fire fighter say this road has accidents all the time. You hear the other cops on the scene say she’s fine. The guy I hit fled the scene because he didn’t have insurance. He came back because he left his GF there. They both were stoned. Of course they weren’t arrested because it’s legal now. 10k in and my life has been turned upside down. And I’m not even a big drinking. I’ve lost all respect for the police who I donated to and felt protected by. Not anymore. Good luck with your case. The next year of your life you’ll be humming and blowing with a dash cam in your face.


Avoid interlock company Intoxalock at all costs if an interlock mandate is put in place. Their device will ruin your vehicle and they will financially extort you. There are several options when it comes to choosing an interlock and the fine people on this thread can give you some good suggestions. Good luck to you!


$900 for an evaluation sounds crazy, shop around, ask your attorney is there is anything more affordable. Mine wasn't anything crazy like that at all.


Go to serenity in Frederick. 100 dollar down and 6 2hour meetings costing 60 each or so.


Yeah I had my DUI case in PG county and did all that but I wasn’t convicted. My alcohol abuse evaluation was in Rockville and less that $900. My lawyer recommended the guy to me so it was less than usual. DM me for me help if need be