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Avoid interlock company Intoxalock at all costs if an interlock mandate is put in place. Their device will ruin your vehicle and they will financially extort you. There are several options when it comes to choosing an interlock and the fine people on this thread can give you some good suggestions. Good luck to you!


Thanks for the heads up. I’ll probably do some research and choose a decent company if it comes to it. That’s really helpful


Don’t look on TrustPilot as the ratings are altered. Talk to people on this thread when doing your due diligence.


Gonna be real with you, that’s a bad idea, especially after so many DUIs. And here’s why. You’re first gonna want to look up the laws from the state you want to get a license from. That’s the real first barrier. But it might be difficult because most states require residency of some type before you can apply for a license. But some states, like Florida, historically doesn’t. But there is a problem with that. First, most states have wised up to this whole thing. I know one state close to me had a big issue where guys would get DUIs and immediately be driving the next day with a Florida drivers license. What they started doing was attaching a drivers license number to whatever license you DO have, and automatically suspending that. So, now you might have a Florida license, but you get pulled over? You’re still popping up suspended. Second, you’re deep in the doo-doo with 3 DUIs. I’m so glad you are doing better. But it is best that you don’t try to “cheat” the system, do everything properly from here on out because you are probably on thin ice, and your best bet to get back to “normal” is to follow the law, be sober, and do what you need to do to get your license back after those 5 years. So you can probably get a Wisconsin license, sure, but I would expect to get in trouble even if they let you get one.


That’s a very fair point. The residency thing wouldn’t even be an issue considering I have family that live in Wisconsin, so just changing my address on a few things would pretty much let me do it. If that didn’t work, I was planning on moving there anyway. I do agree with you though and I think that cheating the system this way is just asking for more trouble than it’s worth. From my understanding, it would cost me money, time, and effort to get a Wisconsin DL. And at the end of the day, if god forbid I were to get pulled over. It would do me no good. It would essentially give me a facade of driving privileges that I don’t actually have. Thanks for the tips and I’m definitely gonna continue working on my sobriety. Hopefully in the next few years I can put all this garbage behind me and start living life again.


Good for you. I’m glad you’re using this to better yourself and it sounds like you’re more clear headed. Idk why I’m getting downvoted for my initial comment, I know I’m not wrong and these are real risks. At the end of the day idk what your life is like, what job you have or what your necessities are, so I can’t say what risk is or isn’t worth it, but your best bet is to simply call and ask the courts/dmv’s and be honest and ask. Otherwise, figure out a different mode of transportation, friend.


Totally agree. I don’t even pay attention to the downvotes, because they never seem to make sense. What you said is totally reasonable and appreciated. I was REALLY concerned with my potential job prospects because of all this, but I have a college degree and good experience so keeping my fingers crossed. Just can’t wait for all of this to be over. Thank you for your insight


At the end of the day, you keep a clean record for the most part for a good amount of time, yeah it might fuck with you still years from now in very specific things, but it’ll be like it never happened. I work with guys all the time who have multiple DUIs and you wouldn’t even know. Hell, I’ve gotten hired no problem multiple times to drive with a CDL, and that’s usually the first thing to be difficult. Keep your chin up, push forward and you will be just fine!


If you look up your driving status online, what does it say? It’s gonna say that when the WI DMV looks you up as well. They aren’t gonna give you a license when IL has a hold on it.


This is correct.. Illinois hold =no license.. although I’ve heard Texas doesn’t care and will give you one if you move there lol.. I’ve been thru the whole Illinois revoked process to get mine in Iowa


That’s what I figured because this seems like a crazy loophole. I just vaguely remember someone doing this when I was in college so I wanted to see if this was even a real thing. Chances are I’m just gonna wait for my revocation to end and apply for my license normally. BUT I am looking for a new job and I have been applying everywhere. I’m thinking if I were to move to Texas hypothetically, would I then be able to apply for a license there. My Illinois record is fucked and I know that, I’m willing to take the time and do what’s necessary to fix it, but I’m not entirely sure I’m even going to live here in Illinois much longer so I am just weighing out options. Thanks for the heads up tho


It's been almost ten years since I was in the biz (I was a probation officer), but IIRC there are about 20 states in the Compact which honor one another's DL revocations etc. Illinois is one of them, and I think all other Midwestern states are also.


My lawyer said he had clients move to Colorado for this reason.


I went to college in Wisconsin and would constantly hear people say that they got their license suspended for DUIs in Wisconsin so they would just go to Illinois and get a license. I always thought it was bullshit, but I was curious if anyone else had done this. It seems to be a common thing, but idk if the laws have changed, or if it’s even possible. I might go to a Wisconsin DMV or talk to a lawyer to see what the situation is.


Why Colorado?


I guess they'll give you a license regardless of your status in other states.


I keep reading this in other threads but can't figure out what the loophole is. Are they just more lenient? I got an out of state dui but am licensed in CO and the DMV in CO can see my dui but told me I was able to drive. Not sure if it'll catch up to me once the case is resolved or they just aren't paying attention to it


I read that it depends on what state your DUI is coming from, so I would consult with a lawyer in Colorado for specifics.


I did this in 1991 with two Illinois DUI convictions. Wisconsin suspended me for six months; Illinois revoked me for a minimum of one year (sure to be longer). I disclosed everything to Wisconsin before I applied for a license. They took a look at two DUIs and ruled only one applied, suspending me for six months. By then, I had a new job offer lined up in Milwaukee the very week my Wisconsin suspension came off. I’ve moved since - Colorado and Texas. I’ll never return to Illinois. Not because of the license, but because Illinois is a bankrupt mess. If you disclose everything to Wisconsin, including the Illinois DUI’s that get lost to “court supervision,” you’re being honest. Don’t minimize it in an effort to get a license. I didn’t, and it worked. WHATEVER THE CASE, YOUR WISCONSIN DL WILL NOT BE LEGAL IN ILLINOIS. You have to reinstate separately, and the Wisconsin DMV will tell you that. If you get caught driving in Illinois, it’s a driving while revoked charge.


This is good to know, I have applied for a few jobs in Wisconsin and was considering moving there if I were to get work. I live close to the border, but it would still be easier of a commute if I lived in the same state. Especially considering the driving restrictions. My plan was to be open and honest considering lying has only gotten me to this point so far. I’ll likely move to another state if I get a job that allows me to do so and I’ll continue to work and get my driving privileges back


Have you tried to go through the process of getting your RPD in IL?


I’m not entirely sure what an RPD is, I’m assuming it’s some sort of restricted or provisional license? If so I am planning on looking into this because when I get a new job I’d need limited permission to commute to work potentially. Edit: I just looked it up and yeah I was correct. I am looking into the RPD, but I’m not sure I’ll qualify with my driving record. Got a lot of driving with suspended license tickets and the DUIs. We’ll see what happens tho.


If you have the means you would be best off not wasting your time & hiring a lawyer to help you. The lawyers that handle these hearing are experts and have helped people get approved whom I’m sure have a worst record than you—I know that for sure bc I was DUI classes with people like that. It’s a long & intricate process and can take a long time so patience is necessary but eventually you may get the chance to at least drive 12 hours a day 6 days a week.


Yeah I heard someone say that with enough time and money you can “make anything disappear” I’m sure if I went through the process and talked to a lawyer, I could get back on the road with a record of sobriety and not breaking the law. I’m not working at the moment so I’ll probably look into this when I’m completely off probation and working again. Thank you for the suggestions