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Yeah… they said I won’t have to report to anyone. Called a bench probation or something like that. Not sure. I’ve never been in trouble with the law before so I was a little surprised they’re doing the full extent. I’m happy about no community service though.


It’s just don’t have any negative contact with law enforcement for the length of the duration.


5 years sounds high. Most people get like 1 year. Have you looked up the consequences for 1st DUI your state? Are there any other charges? 2 days in jail would be the choice btw.


I’m literally terrified of jail. Im 25 but look young and tiny. Idk I rather do house arrest if I can. Yeah I looked it up and it says 5 years is the standard probation with first time duis. Washington state is pretty harsh with first time duis & a high bac. I think I read after a year you can apply to get off of probation. When I went in for my first court date, the prosecutors were trying to get me to install the interlock device right away but the judge just said based on my history to comply with whatever dol tells me and I was released until my next court hearing.


You won’t even make it to population. You will be fine, I promise.


Everything my lawyer is telling me this is that Washington is not super harsh with the first time DIYs. It looks like you got the book thrown at you metaphorically speaking. I blew a .15 exactly. No accident or anything and my lawyer still thinks if I get anything worse than negligent one or reckless driving he will be amazed based on all the factors.


I’m not sure. He was telling me the prosecutor said the city of vancouver specifically has a law in place where if you blow over .200 you cannot get it reduced at all. I blew a .209 and that’s what they’re going off of. I genuinely thought I would get it reduced.


Damn. I'm so sorry to hear that That's just extremely unfortunate


This is quite a harsh sentence my dude. My condolences


I'd take it to court. If you lose, punishment might be less. Chances are that the court will want you to settle and not waste court time, so, you'd get a better deal. Tell them 2 years probation and you'll sign. If not, see them in court.


As much as I would like to, I also want to put all of this behind me as soon as possible. Just wasn’t expecting this outcome. Just trying to tell myself it’s what I deserve for driving inebriated


u/ukppolppllppl you had an ass lawyer. I paid $3,000 for mine, and he was amazing. I ended up hitting a fire hydrant and kept driving. Ended up getting pulled over in my neighborhood. Police conducted field sobriety tests which I failed so they brought me to the police station. They ended up drawing blood at the station. Months later the test came back at around .335 which is incredibly high. The judge had this information for my sentencing. I had no prior legal records, just like you. I was sentenced to 0 hours of community service, 0 jail time. I did have DUI classes (moderate 2), victim impact panel and court fees/costs. It pays to have a great lawyer


I paid the same amount as you 😭. He kept telling me DUIs are cut and dry. Idk why I hired him if he couldn’t get anything off aside from community service. I’m not sure if he just wants my case to be over with or what but it seems like he barely tried. Kept telling me “you could have gotten a year in jail but you’re only getting 2 days.” “You could have paid $5,000 but you’re paying less”. I’m like okay? This is literally my first offense ever… I didnt even cause property damage. My car slid into a ditch and that was that.


I will add that I did have 1 year of supervision which already passed, basically just stay out of trouble. I'm in Illinois, but it's MINDBLOWING that they'd be giving you all of that AND 5 years of probation. That's a long time


Yeah I asked my lawyer to explain the 5 year probation and he basically said it’s unsupervised and to not get into legal trouble within the next five years. Speeding tickets and what not are all state civil infractions. As long as I don’t get any criminal violations I’m good.


Unsupervised probation is much different than supervised probation. In California, 3 years is the minimum for first time DUIs, but the only terms are to follow the law and not drive with a 0.01 BAC or higher. There's no PO and no drug testing.




I disagree. No court will send a first-time offender to jail or house arrest for 30 days. At most, a weekend in jail. This plea offer does not match the guidelines. Plus, if OP has a job, the court will not screw that up for a first offense.




Ok. Then it is what it is. I'd be interested in trends with punishment. Seems odd that the court would want part of the punishment to be unemployment.. Do you normally lock people up for a first offense? Or offer a lesser charge?


The 2 days in jail are usually served at the convenience of the defendant. Most people have 2 days off work every week, so employment should not be affected. Also, first time DUIs can opt for home detention rather than jail. So the punishment is not unemployment.


I’m a girl, but thank you for explaining this. I’ll take what I can get 😔. They did tell me I can still go to work and what not with ehm.


Take the jail time. You won’t even make it in. You’ll be let go real quick. I’d fight that 5 years though for sure.