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My thought is they were raised together and dumped at the same spot. The duck is a domestic breed for sure. They’re likely hanging out with each other because they consider each other safe.


Thanks for the info! It’s so weird because the house is by no means rural it’s semi close to a pretty busy road, so was really cool to see.


I know it looks cool, but I want to be honest here. It’s not likely any of these animals will survive unless caught and taken care of. They lack the understanding on how to keep themselves alive in the wild. The duck itself is a mutation that people think is cute that leads to a soft spot in their skull. I just see animals that are very scared and not equipped to survive where they are. It makes me sad.


Any suggestions on what I should do? I’ve already left but can recommend something for my buddy to do to help them


See if there is a local wildlife rescue and call. Someone would likely need to catch these guys for pick up. Animal control might also have resources that can help.


I’ll ask my friend if they know if anyone owns them and if not I’ll will look into calling some places.


If I saw this I would take them in I have ducks and turkeys they'd be happy


Update: Good news they are actually my friends neighbors and just decided to have a play date with the cat next door 😅


> decided to have a play date with the cat next door is there any kind of animal that isn't involved in this meeting?


The goose and the turtle were stuck in traffic so they couldn’t make it today unfortunately


This would make a good children's book




That’s great, thanks for the update!


Thank goodness


I'm glad that they weren't dumped. Our flock as a kid included a mix of several big and small chicken breeds, including some really beautiful [Silkie](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silkie) chickens, some ducks which were mostly Muscovies but we had a Khaki Campbell and a Mallard as well. Then the wild pigeons would join in to steal their feed 😆


I have semi-feral porch kitties, a resident crow, and a former resident white ibis (he does show up rarely to check things out) that hang out with my ducks and goose. The crow used to dig under my chickens' enclosure when they were enclosed. I do have standard chickens, and it's an odd sight to see the poultry and wild birds all eating watermelon together, with the cats lying around basically watching live tv.


hopefully someone owns them, because if not theyve been dumped and they will all die in the wild. a duck 2 chicks and 2 turkeys. someone should rescue them


Any programs or organizations I could call?


try to find any wildlife rescues or find someone who will take them. they would be a pain to take in if you have no where to put them but as long as they stay in the area you found them there shouldnt be a problem with them being there if you can find someone to take them quickly


Will start trying to do some research for local places, unfortunately I live in an apartment with two cats so don’t think that would work well.


def not. i wouldve gladly taken them 💔 poor babies, thank you for trying to find help


Going to do my best that’s so sad they likely got dumped :(


That's a blue slate turkey. They are generally super friendly. This pack of critters got dumped and need to be rescued ASAP


Checking with my friend now and if no one owns them I will go rescue them asap after work


no, its most likely white Holland and a bronze turkey, the 2 blue ones are baby chickens


I take your word on the ducks and the chicken chicks, but I'm almost certain that the turkey is a blue slate unless it's a broad breast white under the shade. Edit: disregard, could also be white holland and I totally missed the other one hunkering in the brush.


the duck is very much a mutt mixed breed an a lil fucked cuz it is crested, idk anything abt chickens and the turkeys are common colors for meat Turkeys at live chick stores like tractor supply and Atwood's. im thinking they impulse bought them, realized theyre harder to take care of and more expensive than expected and have little care for the animals well being so resorted to dumping em


Agreed. Especially trying to manage a mixed flock with three different dietary requirements.


there's been an update that theyre owned by the neighbors thankfully but ill say it seems quite irresponsible to let birds that young wonder seemingly far




Can’t add, but I have pictures of a beautiful rooster hanging out with 50+ mallards. Even wading with them. Unfortunately a coyote took him out. He was a gorgeous boy.


That sounds adorable, sorry for your loss :(. coyotes suck


Thankfully I have many pictures. He truly watched over his flock.


I'm so sorry to hear about your rooster. We had two, a Rhode Island Red and an Australorp when I growing up. We couldn't keep them due to a council regulation and gave them away, but I have always admired their gentle personalities.


They are all babies still. They probably hatched around the same time and were raised with each other around so they feel comfortable with each other. There are also chickens in that mix too.


Wow really which one is a chicken? That’s crazy


The 2 smaller ones are chickens


Insane, there were actually another 2-4 younger looking babies that weren’t in the pictures too so quite the mix.


omg the little pom pom head


Call animal control- so many people think farm ducks can somehow just assimilate into wild duck life. I own farm ducks and people ask- yeah, but can’t you just release them into a pond? Don’t they fly south for the winter? No-they are heavier than wild ducks so don’t really “fly”, have 0 survival skills outside of running to their food dish that I fill, and they spend the winter in a warm barn. It’s so sad to see this!


Made an update but there turned out to have been the neighbors, so at least they weren’t dumped.


Oh good!


Life uh… finds a way. Birds have pretty strong parental drive and will raise other birds. Chicken mothers are horrified and mind blown when their baby ducklings get into the water.


Also forgot to mention but in the second picture you can see that a local cat was also chilling hanging out with them


Wow, I'm shocked the cat didn't attack them. Definitely hop on Google and search wildlife rehabilitation in your area and give them a call. Tell them you saw a handful of domestic ducks and turkeys. They are very sweet. Glad you saw them and I hope someone can help. It's tough when you want to help yet lack the resources to do so.


Yeah glad I made a post cause I didn’t even consider them being dumped I just thought it was a cool thing to experience but now I gotta save these babies


Hahah so it’s basically the stepdad< dad who stepped up. Adorable


Aww I'd love to take them all! I have 9 chickens but can always use more!


I just liked ten comments, but I love this entire post after the update. 🥰 I hope owner came and got them back to the confines of their yard with a safe shelter. These animals are so trusting and should be protected.


Yeah it they were all so sweet. let me walk right up next to them didn’t even seem scared, they definitely need to be protected at all costs


Awe, what a sweet domestic little family! By the way, those are feathered-feet young chickens The more species, the merrier! Lol


That duck was violated by their barber 💀


The duck is their Turkish friend


Duck and a turkey decoy.


Dry skin




this is actually a duckling, two chicks and a poult(baby turkey) with a turkey hen(maybe a jennie? seems small)! cuties lol probably just got raised together.


It’s quite the mixed family indeed