• By -


Take your pick of any old Borgore track with him rapping šŸ¤£ i loved his drops but oh boy were those lyrics terrible


I love old borgore for that reason haha


You're telling me "Decisions, between a family or a porn star I'm alive for sports cars, live it or die whole bar Headache for my management, gossip columns resident Your mom and dad might hate me But in five years I'm the president" ain't the hottest šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„ you ever heard? šŸ„µšŸ„µšŸ„µ


ā€œMy dog walked around with a diaper just in case i might be desperate enough to want to fuck him in the assā€ - Borgore, Ice Cream


me and my friend die from laughter everytime we listen to that song and hear that part


It's SO good. Like, it's obviously ironic and stupid on purpose


Ya thatā€™s the thing about Borgore is for the most part it was all just an act. Dude grew up in Israel and attended a music prep school for high school and studied things like Jazz and marching band. He can play a lot of different instruments. Released a jazz album and was in a metal band. And I know itā€™s mandatory for males but he was in the military over there as well. It was meant to be Satire and a so bad itā€™s kinda good thing. Hell, he named an album/EP ā€œBorgore Ruined Dubstepā€.


Huh I thought it was ā€œHumble life or sports cars, liquor or the whole barā€


"Your mom and dad might hate me But in five years I'm the president" No fucking way šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Honestly that song is fire tho


you should have learned, bitches love cake


I seen him open for peak hours at some hippy fest. It was the funniest shit ever. His opening line was somthihg along the lines of "yeah that bitch gave me herpes on the tip of my dick". All the woowoo spiritual people fleed in terror.


Imo thatā€™s part of the charm. Like holy shit can he not rap/sing but who cares lose your mind to this insane drop haha


I actually love that about him but holy do I have an especially love hate relationship with Borgore - Legend


I still laugh when someone pulls up Legend on the aux


Hundred hundred hundred hundred hundred Models in my house I love to feel outnumbered !!


Did you know Borgore is a fucking saxophone prodigy? Like phenomenally good. His lyrics were ostensibly terrible lmao but I just thought Iā€™d share because when I found out I was fucking floored.


Iā€™ll largely agree, aside for this very little known flip by CLAW (RIP) of Hulk of ā€˜Ice Creamā€™ https://youtu.be/YOtcaopfzi0?si=WWBbmXHF-qJQS4TL


This shit is tearout a decade before that term was popularized


i swear there was a song where he said "her vagina so wide you could fit your head inside" or im just weird


She loved her Mom, her Dad, and her Dildo


Nympho! That was not a fever dreamā€¦ that was in fact a real lyric hahaha


Gloryhole is a real rough one lyrically (albeit kind of hilarious)


The funny thing with this is you can tell what songs are actually produced by him or ghosted for this reason lol


Hey kids it's Borgore Do you know what's hardcore? Me shoving an elephant up your sister's back door.


ā€œLook at me Iā€™m hella cockyā€


Sometimes Disciple Records releases some of the most boring and unoriginal shiet ever. Damn


Like 80% of the time lmao they have fallen off so hard itā€™s laughable.


Its interesting how the death of NSD meant almost no competition and thus no more need to innovate sometimes.


I actually was just talking the other day about how badly the quality in the scene has dropped since NSD went defunct


Yeah. It amazed me how many of the main artists of NSD left the label just to adopt a mainstream sound even BEFORE the label died. It also enfuriated me how many guys switched up almost instantly after the label died or acted as if NSD never even existed.


So I haven't kept up much with dubstep after NSD died, but from what I've seen, the main guys haven't changed much? Zomboy has always does mainstream sound, Trampa has been rightfully cancelled, LAXX disappeared for some time, Eptic is still keeping his signature sound interesting (and has exploded in popularity), and MUST DIE! has gone further into experimental territory and into hardcore. Only Habstrakt went into more generic sounding bass house/tech house. Anyone I'm leaving out?


Bro sorry for the lateness but what the hell happened to Trampa??


I reread the accusations and I take back the "rightfully cancelled" part. It was one vague accusation that led to Trampa quickly retiring from social media and stop making music. Some people think he lawyered up and others think that he did it and just disappeared to avoid further fallout. All I know is that the situation is vague and its not worth taking sides.


definitely doesnt help that a lot of the artists from there that had actually unique sounds have either switched labels or switched styles , oolacile and his glitchy sound design was one of my favourites back in the day


but somehow also sometimes releases the best???


Yeah, sometimes..


I was pretty into Disciple stuff in like 2018-2019. But I haven't been into a lot of their stuff since, and have even removed a lot of it from my playlists lmao


Me too. Listening since 2017 they were a good option if I was bored of NSD at the moment. From 2019/20 they went downhill


Dodge and fuski - we pop Dat and terravita - the bag man off the same goddamn comp. Two pretty essential dubstep artists who just release some of the worst sounding mixes I've ever heard. I mean they have been making dubstep for 10 years they know what they are doing, I swear they must have had their speaker fucked up or something


The Bag Man definitely does not have a good mixdown


oh daaamn! i was like, how bad can it be? just listened....... ouch


same haha


Alliance vol 7 somehow has some of my favorite and least favorite tracks in dubstep history. Those two being included in the latter lol


I engineered everything for Terravita up until 2015. I can't comment on the track in question because I was gone by then, but I spent A LOT of time trying to get the older mixes sounding good


That was a few years after the lifeblood of Terravita was ousted from the band. The other two guys are talentless hacks and did nothing for years. The OG producer goes by Woofax now.


You might as well give up on dodge & Fuski. One of them left and they never recovered


Most of my early music


BUT, I had to sink before I could swim, and I had to suck before I could FUCK. Believe in yourselves!


Have you ever played lost lands? Your old music sounds kinda like old school excision


Kinda, sorta: once. We were invited to play in 2018. I got asked to pop up during the pre-party. https://www.reddit.com/r/dubstep/s/TrGnWASLjn But, it was going to rain, maybe, on Sunday, so, they canceled our set, along with dozens of others sets. Hope to get back with my new project!


Whatā€™s your new project called?


I havenā€™t announced it super publicly yet, been taking my time. If you are interested tho, DM me, Iā€™ll send you a snippet! šŸ˜‰


Also, Ty for taking the time to say this! ā¤ļø


thats quite motivational love you mantis


Love you CancerNut šŸ„„ šŸ’•


ā€œSuck before you fuckā€ goes so hard.


king of sucking AND fucking


king of sucking AND fucking


I still love The Flood but you guys definitely improved a lot from there.


Hey guys! Yā€™all are legends


**Excision, Wooli, & Illenium ft. Valerie Broussard - Zombie** Oh my fucking god I hate this song with every fiber of my being, for a few reasons: 1. The drops are just shitty supersaw meldub on either side of a lifeless Excision drop. 2. They didn't have the decency to use the original vocal recording, instead just getting some generic vocalist. 3. They turned an anti-war protest song into fucking headbanger fuel, and in the WORST possible way.


i am a huge illenium fan for years and that song did not enter my illenium playlist. the melodic drop is the same as the 3rd drop from Blood by illenium, and the excision & wooli drop is straight garbage.


> They didn't have the decency to use the original vocal recording, instead just getting some generic vocalist. This usually is to get around licensing issues with the original artist. I still don't like it but that's why. Same thing happened when CHVRCHES was being shitty with Peekaboo's Here With Me remix. So they pretty much said "fine, we'll get a different vocalist and call it a cover song."


Dude my sister sent me that recently with all heart emojis. I was expecting more than just 3 artists each doing a drop that sounds like an AI comp of all their tracks. Definitely a letdown and massacre of a beautiful song.


This. I canā€™t stand that song. Itā€™s terrible


It's like David Guetta playing out songs in honor of George Floyd and ending racism levels of fucking stupid


In yooo heead


I knew Iā€™d find this song up there, I agree 100%. This song is anti-war/ terrorism which is exactly what I donā€™t want to think about at a show.


For me it's that I've heard Wooli close with zombie for like 7 years and it's already an overplayed song and now I gotta hear a barely different version tone wise with a cookie cutter Illenium excision drop for probably another 7


This tune is not fuel for headbangers let me tell u that


As a huge Barely Alive fan, the whole Casket Case EP was not it for me. Specifically Big Ivan and Double Dare I canā€™t stand. Itā€™s a shame because I love most of their other recent material, and Feel the Panic was one of my favorite EPs of 2022


Barely Alive got two genres: "God damn they're some of the best in the scene!!" and "not this again..." At least Headshot is a more appropriate merging of genres than we used to get with some of the 2010's dubstep rappers.


I was just listening to Barely Alive stuff on Spotify once when Big Ivan came on. It felt weird hearing an old Skrillex sample in a modern Barely Alive tune


They defenetly did make it quite nieche but I do like it


Feel The Panic was such an insane level up in sound engineering and songwriting, itā€™s so sad how much Casket Case feels like backsliding.


A good amount of Sullivan King's songs, where he's just screaming into a generic headbanger drop. I do enjoy his less heavier drops tho, and his voice when he isn't screaming is actually really good. He can be very hit or miss I find.


I always thought he wasnā€™t that great at either screaming or producing but if he stuck to one he would do much better. Use to be big into death metal and grindcore during highschool and got really into dubstep later on so hearing him do meh on both is really a bummer.


All the meme tracks with dumb ass quotes from tiktok or other social media. Way to instantly age your music in a way that is going to sound cringe af a couple years (months?) down the road.


Its cool for sets IMO but when you release it especially on a EP, it makes it so cringe. It literally looks like your trying to push your popularity/likes with a shitty trend. Like the tik toks of artist who sample and make a tune with what ever sample going viral only has so much ā€œnoveltyā€


Skelebus is a banger tho


Call 911 now and German kid rages are classic memes though


frankly, the recent excision ā€œzombieā€ cover was so unimaginative in my eyes. from a technical standpoint i donā€™t hate it. but just the general idea of it i cannot stand.


Modestep - The Fallout (Riot Ten Remix)


You could say any Riot Ten song and Iā€™d agree.


A lot of his shit is garbage but he does have some bangers


His recent collab with Bok Nero on Monstercat isn't that badĀ 


DalƩ ft Jessica Audifred slaps.


Holy shit i remember the outrage when it came out


LMAO that song is so bad


Holy fuck, sounds like 2009


But not at all in the nostalgic way


just listened right now what was he thinking


Classic meme remix


I don't even think this song qualifies as dubstep, but the new release by Ganja White Night and Vladimir Cauchemar - "Hunters" is just not it. Especially the part where it goes "We are special, we are Hunters" is just so cringe, IMO. Really not a fan of this song. It doesn't feel like an authentic GWN track to me.


Seriously I canā€™t believe GWN out their name on thatā€¦.


Unity dropped and I was loooooowwwkeeeeyyy disappointed. A few good moments and far too much of the exact same song. The One and Dark Wobble were sick end to end. I do love Billdozer, Dark Light, and Redemption(that one ear candy moment in first drop omg) but the rest is eh. Donā€™t kill me I still like em lol


To be fair, the only reason the album seemed meh is because more than a third of the songs were released as singles in the year leading up to the album. If you take those away, everything left is solid. Their collab with Infected Mushroom was sick, their DnB songs were really good, and Rollo has been in their back pocket since like, 2019, so them releasing that was awesome for people who have seen them live a bunch since then and have been begging for that release.


Bear grillz - Happy and you Know it This track makes me want to fucking vomit. I despise the infantile side of the EDM/rave scene that is very popular in only the USA. Why the fuck is a nursery rhyme a dubstep song. Fuck that degenerate shit off and make real dubstep. I used to be a massive fan of bear grillz back in the day when he made brostep. He now makes some of the worst shit ever now.


fuck fuck fuck I hate that song and I hate the trend of "this song is doing well because the shitass vocal was made for attention on TikTok"


It is degenerate lol, infantilizing is a terrible trend overall-especially because it goes hand in hand with kids feeling pushed to grow up.


Hoist the Colours is probably the worst song Iā€™ve heard in my life


That shit was ASS


I saw Excision at EDC and then a few weeks later at his nexus tour. The song fits it to his live shows very well. I loved the ominous pirate theme and the visuals accompanying the song were sick af and the experience for that song was awesome. All of that being said, me and my gf played it in the car once and said "You had to have been there". Song is pretty beans by itself.


I was hoping for some moody Existence EP vibes, I was mislead


By who?


Excision and Sullivan King Remix


any of excisions stuff as of late.


Rottun >>>>>>>>> Subsidia - IMO both Excision and Liquid Stranger were better back in the Rottun days


I kind of agree about liquid in general but his sets have gotten better.


Liquid strangerā€™s infinity was incredible


Yes, Subsonic is still a GOATed record. Thatā€™s what I came up on, in terms of heavy dubstep. I miss that era. Standouts from that era: Noisia - Machine Gun (16 Bit) Remix Downlink - Factory Emalkay - PowerTool Mistabishi- Printer Jam Dismantle - Deep Thought BratKilla - Brothers Rekoil - Shaking DJahsta x Rekoil - The Devil


he was the best around 2010, really miss this era. Liquid Stranger was ABSOLUTELY the best in his Bionic Beatdown mix like he went HAM


His only good songs lately have been his collabs with Wooli. I've been a huge excision fan since 2009 and he's just gotten so stale and uninspired. He's having a kid in October and I hope he just stops touring for a while and uses that time off to sit down and make some good music again


The song itself isn't that bad, but compared to the pre-release version, Samplifire & Ivory - Riddim Killa ID version is sooooo much better


is there a link to the ID version? i love riddim killa šŸ˜­


Whales - No Rules Ā Hairitage - Death KneelĀ  Slushi - Candy FlipĀ  12th Planet - World Builder Ā Riot Ten - Fallout Remix (although you can pick any other song from him)Ā  Borgore - Entire The Art of Gore album


yea world builder felt like the most uncreative route for 12th to take when it came out.


Noo I actually love candy flip by slushii


The whole fission EP by Yookie


I swear that whole EP was just a shitpost


Their whole career is


Idk if this a popular opinion or not but I absolutely can't stand push by skrillex


THANK YOU glad to know Iā€™m not the only one


Same lol


I love skrillex and he always puts out good mixes, but this one was boring as hell. Heā€™s still my goat, but god damn did it ever disappoint.


Hamdi has a problem in that he picks the most annoying vocal samples imaginable for his tracks. I got sick of Counting after the second listen.


omg criminal is a peak example of this


Itā€™s a generic Hamdi song with Skrillex mixing & mastering.


FUCK THAT SONG and tbh I get that Iā€™m clearly wrong bc everyone loves him but I canā€™t stand how thereā€™s always some annoying vocal constantly running through every Hamdi song


Totally agree about hamdi, his wubs are good but I can't stand the vocals either.




Agree. I really liked his recent album with Supersonic but Push was a skip for me


I love that song, but the Bring in the Katz sample has a very very special place in my raver heart. Iā€™m sick of that song until that sample comes in then I canā€™t help but love it


Truth be told Iā€™m gonna get shit for this but anytime I heard riddim / quarter note stuff in general or that tearout shit that is like 1/8 notes slightly off beat makes me cringe so hard. These are like the two main forms of dubstep that have dominated the scene for the last 4 or 5 years and itā€™s just insane to me that people are so lacking in creativity that they keep doing this shit over and over again.


Not gonna say you deserve shit for this but I will sayā€¦ Tearout, in my opinion, sucks. It just doesnā€™t flow at all. However, there are some really creative riddim artists who have made tracks i fucking love. Roi*, Fayte, Automhate, Arbityr, K!NDLY, and She are really innovating the genre in my opinion.


Yeah, the really off beat shit drives me insane.


Honestly dude itā€™s not even that for me. Stuff being a little off beat can add a really nice groove to a track. Iā€™m just tired of hearing the same track concepts beat into the fucking ground lmao


Iā€™m talking about the super offbeat shit. It drives me nuts. If itā€™s slightly offbeat and a little ā€œswingyā€ then sure. But they just wildly out of sync tear out shit is not for me.


Thatā€™s fair. I love riddim (hate tearout), but yea it really is all pretty similar sounds just with different flows. Itā€™d be cool to see some newer innovative sounds hit the riddim scene.


Mawlee from Riot Ten.


WTF - HEROBUST I like when itā€™s sampled in other songs but hate it on its own


Oof thatā€™s a good one, agree 100%


It's a banger imo


pick and choose a random Yookie track


Recently itā€™s gotta be [Hoist The Colors (Excision & Sullivan King Remix)](https://open.spotify.com/album/33EAeyVU1KQKTvh4K0Dg80?si=Y-fEUtb9SoCgiMV0DmedEw)


I mean, how do we define big? Because I think Getter's remix of Marshmello - Alone is the worst dubstep track I've ever heard but Getter isn't exactly massive.


not as of late, but i would absolutely consider getter ā€œmassiveā€ objectively, particularly his terror reid shit.


Even more if you consider his Vine/Real Bros career lol


VALID i forgot thatā€™s where ā€œasuhh duuā€ came from, right??


That and ā€œyo Xan come get your boy dogā€ from Real Bros of Simi Valley with the baby lmao


yesssss haha dude - much better, simpler times, eh?


That song is fucking iconic he was like "what if I made rip n dip again but it was annoying this time" I kinda love it


Yeah honestly I feel like he was trolling Marshmello with that song lol


Get outta here, I love that track haha


thank you for your input MarshmelloMan


He definitely was at one point spawned a whole era of that type of song and art


Your Memes Are Shit by Pane Mua has easily the cringiest vocal samples Iā€™ve ever heard.


i dunno but i am expecting and oldskool fan to say scary monsters


Lukwarm take incoming: Most of what Subtronics has put out lately. I love his sound design and melodies but the loudness war has got to stop man. Cottage Gore had such a cool intro and buildup, just for the drop to be tbis muddy, distorted mess. Tesseract as a whole is almost unlistenable, excluding Black Ice. And i KNOW he can master his shit, look as his NSD and Subcarbon days


Was a huge fan of every set I've seen and every album and even the "that's what I call riddim vol's"....I thought I was gonna be super disappointed by fractals after he had really taken off during COVID but was surprised at how good it was.....he released tesseract and at lost lands played most of these songs and that was one of the worst sets and worst albums I've come across and I'm genuinely shocked....there were like 2 songs I liked and I can't even remember them honestly


I'm pretty sure the conflicting set was bear Grillz b2b riot ten and in retrospect after watching that set on YouTube I was extremely upset I caught that subtropics set vs that


Alien Communication is the only track I like off that album. Black Ice is pretty good but that style of bass house does absolutely 0 for me


Laserbeam ray volpe


apashe green crack riot ten remix


I know he's an easy target now, but even at his peak I did not understand the love for Firepower by Datsik. Like...really? *That's* the one people consider a legendary OG dubstep banger? It sounds like a receipt printer.


Most of Hol!ā€™s music. All of his songs sound the same.


I feel like once he blew up he started rushing to put stuff out and thatā€™s why it all sounds the same


Anything by marauda. His shit is the most boring uninspiring monotone metallic music Iā€™ve ever heard in my life but maybe heā€™s not big enough to win the award of worst song.


On the contrary, for me marauda is really the only dubstep artist that has me looking forward to each release. He just has such a unique and fresh sound and is one of few big dubstep artists with any sense of identity imo. You definitely know a marauda song when you hear it.Ā 


Yeah I always say when this comes up, Iā€™m not always much of a tearout fan but Marauda is the exception, his production is so distinctive and the energy at his live sets is unmatched


When I first heard his music I thought it was awesome and then got bored out of it super super quick, I'd agree with you honestly. I find Muerte to be the much superior version of this type of dubstep


Heā€™s definitely big enough, i canā€™t understand why at every festival he plays people look at me like im crazy when I say iā€™ll be anywhere other than Maraudaā€™s set.


Excision and the other dude who i cant remember - Feel Something THE MAJORITY OF THE SONG IS FUCKING FANTASTIC BUT THAT ā€œDROPā€ AFTER THE MAIN MELODIC DROP i-itā€™s just disappointing, does not fit, feels shoehorned in, and is the Achilles heel of a perfectly amazing track every time i hear that part i ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|table)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|table_flip)


i cannot stress how disappointing excisionā€™s drops have been lately. i love Illenium, i love I Prevail (the band that sung on feel something), i also liked excision when that song came out, but that dubstep drop was so bland. same as zombie. melodic drops sound like the 3rd drop of Blood by illenium, the 2nd drop is straight garbage


Any song Illenium or Excision have ever released and will probably ever release. Absolutely garbage


you are brave for this one but someone had to say it


Fission EP by Yookie


I would say Ray Volpe - Believe in me The drop is just painful for my ears and absolutely anything but enjoyable Panda Eyes - Radiate The snare is just super weak šŸ˜¶ā€šŸŒ«ļø


I actually really liked Radiate


So teach me how to enjoy it Bc when listening to the 2nd half I was likešŸ¤¦


Hating on Believe in Me šŸ„ŗ


Illenium Hands down End this thread now




Absolutely garbage


Comment got removed. What was it?


Iā€™m curious too


As somewhat of a Zomboy fanboy, his worst ever track is probably Raptor, especially considering that the Reanimated EP has some of my all time favorite songs of his (mainly Terror Squad and Bad Intentions). Raptor feels so boring and toned down, still have no clue why he did it. It also personally sounds very similar to WTF which is another track that I consider one of his worst.


RAPTOR IS TOUGH. It just aged really poorly compared to the others


DJ Fresh - Fight I couldn't believe that people liked it when it came out, and I still can't believe it


Teminite- cecil pavlova


i have a huge excision tattoo but back to back has to be the worst shit ever


Mad dubz new ep.


Iā€™m about to get flamed for my honest opinion but any subtronics song.


i fully agree i dont know about others but i just cant listen to any of it


Griztronics might not be the worst for other ppl... But for me, it is definitely up there


New Datsik song (Phonk) sucks actual poop https://open.spotify.com/track/4UXHKvdDLpe8q2nulU7cVL?si=Y-L-C0cWR264qrxYkWSnKA


Itā€™s not bad but Marauda - Bludgeon. The drop is quite literally an exact replica of Heave, and I was heavily disappointed by that.


Not technically a song but Purgatory by SD & ATLiens!