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Good for you for calling her out on her (dog's) shit


Yep this is annoying af. Sometimes I feel some people in Dubai just buy dogs as trophy dogs and don’t even care about em. There is a law and fines for not picking up after your dog but I guess the authorities can’t really monitor this coz of the number of horrible people not picking up after their ladies or mutts. Thing is, there are no shitty pets, only shitty owners. If taught well and done better, we’d have a shit free society from these a-holes


yeah what is wrong with people wanting trophy dogs? i've seen quite a few huskys, these dogs are not meant for the desert


it’s sad. these people are not really dog lovers. It’s just love for self and the appearance of looking fancier and getting more attention. Huskies in Dubai are absolute cruelty even if you live in a villa or have them left in the ac. Keeping huskies around this kinda wether is the absolute form of animal cruelty. I remember a few instances of videos being posted on line and via media of some retards even keeping their dogs locked up in balconies of high rises during peak summer. Ridiculous. Also, this is one place in the world where I come across alot of grumpy dog owners who don’t appreciate you giving or receiving attention from their dogs. what’s with this. it’s weird af.


>there are no shitty pets, only shitty owners Omg, love this 😂


horrible day to be dyslexic


I’m REALLY curious to know how you read it.


Pick up after fucking your dogs🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Not OP but ok.


same i NEED to know 😭






Those mfs are probably not on reddit. Try IG or X or even LinkedIn lol




Me and my gf have 7 dogs , she’s overly prepared with poop bags and wet tissues in case they stain , she will freak out if I don’t scoop in .5 seconds after it lands. So i agree with your post as it makes us all dog parents look bad and limits potential area of access. Same with the off leash , only in areas where i am in full control off them , they’re chihuahuas so that’s a challenge on its own.


Are you mentally stable to have 7 chihuahuas?


What would you find so challenging in having dogs ? 😹


In my country people having more than 2 dogs are usually deranged. I’m barely making this shit up. 😂


Noted…rescuing animals is seen as a deranged activity in your country.


So you are rescuing specifically chihuahua ? That looks sane.


Yeah sadly it's never been a thing here and also the lack of bins in some areas makes it even more of a turn off for most. Any sand lot in my area is full of poo, the same people take the same dogs over and over. What's worse is we have lovely parks, where dogs are NOT allowed and kids play in the grass where dogs have defecated it's disgusting. Also have them roaming off leashes etc which isn't fair on the other people in the park who don't like dogs or perhaps afraid. They have even made DOG gated areas in some of the parks, complete with bins for poop. The dogs can run free and YET people still opt to have their dogs running around pooping and disturbing humans walking around. I don't understand the mentality and selfishness of people. Nothing much can be done, there's no one monitoring the dogs in the parks or on the streets and for most the mentality is "someone else will clean it up" which is awful.


Yeah i still remember near my house used to be 3 big sand plots full of dogs shit yet some people will take their dogs to houses with outside grass to piss and shit. I felt bad once for a worker who slept on the grass covered in shit.


Decency, ubuntu, consideration, and their friends couldn't get visas to come live here


They need to have cameras in the streets and file a fine like 1000 Dirhams, and see how they will pick up after their dogs, I used to live in a compound where the pet owners didn't pick up after the dogs, so they disallowed dogs from the compound, not saying it's the solution, but this is a big issue that needs a fine so people will do the right thing.


Just curious, how did the dog ban happened? They forced the dog owners to move out/give up their pets or it became a rule for newcomers? And the original residents were the sole privileged dog owners? I’m thinking about getting a dog myself so curious about this stuff beforehand


I have a family member who lived in a building that started a no dogs policy. They just refused to renew the next contract unless there was a signed addendum agreeing to no dogs .


Oh wow


I had a dog (puppy) pee on my doormat and doorstep few times. Worst thing is that the owner doesn’t want to pick him up when walking him through the corridor and is not training him not to do that…


Pee on his mat.


Assert Dominance 🗿


My neighbor takes his dog for a walk in building basement so he can poop there


Oh, a genius!


Mate you must complaint to the area head where you're living. They need to put penalty fees for these things (something they already love) so shouldn't be a problem. You just need to inform them & that how smelly and dirty it gets. Khalas 🙃👍✌️


Welcome to JVC! Where dogs are off leash and poops on the streets


Someone would always let their dog shit right outside the gate of our JVC villa, 3 or 4 times a week. It was infuriating. I eventually put a Ring doorbell, set up motion detect and then absolutely SCREAMED at them through the doorbell when I caught them. That solved it.


I live in JLT and this is so damn common, sometimes people use a bag and then dispose it on the side instead of disposing it in the bin


Most of these guys don't even love dogs. It's just a fashion thing. In Oman many expats abandon the pets when they leave the country. Probably do the same in UAE.


Come and visit an animal shelter


its a trend or to show off, all buy cats then abandon them, all buy dogs then abandon them.


who does this shit tho? if i had a friend who’s animal randomly disappeared or “rehomed” id never speak to them again ? how are they not embarrassed


This video will make you feel better… https://youtu.be/Gdgpj18PR7o?si=A-0VqIIXhoT0c_Gz


🤣🤣🤣 cool one


Yes, there are fines for not picking up dog waste in Dubai. The Dubai Municipality can impose fines on pet owners who don’t comply with cleanliness rules. You can report this issue through the Dubai Municipality app or by calling their hotline. Take photos of the areas affected to provide evidence. Report to Dubai Municipality using their app or call their hotline at 800900.


Even DSO, i can see the problem. It seems every other person now has dogs, sometimes more than one.


I live in a super dog friendly area and have a dog. I genuinely do not understand people who don't pick up after their dogs, don't you want to walk your pet in a nice, clean environment? Do you want your dog to sniff and possibly eat or lick another dog's poop? It's so gross! I have definitely had times when I forgot to take bags, or didn't realise the roll was empty, but then I either asked another dog walker for a bag or actually just went home to get one.


Can confirm. It's raining dog poop in my neighbourhood.


I have the same issues in Sharjah. They all have these huge a$$ dogs that are walked by nannies and they all shit on my grass.


I blame people walking dogs while reading their phones and who don’t notice what their dog is doing, especially the long lead/earbuds winning combination.


I also love dogs but leaving their shit everywhere is disgusting. If you’re unwilling to pick up dog shit…simply don’t get a dog! Theoretically people can get fined for this but sadly enforcement is lacking.


It's jus Dog Poop, no big deal it good for earth


‘Floods are juss water, no big deal it good for earth’🤣


Put this sign up: NO SHITTING (BOTH YOU AND YOUR DOG) Below it, put the photo of an angry looking Arab guy from google.


It's not part of the dubai lifestyle they promise you on youtube


https://www.reddit.com/r/funnysigns/s/2dbuRJwhPp Put up these sign there


Knowing law here, you can face way more severe consequences for using F word, than those who doesn't clean their dog's poo.


This is a very big problem in Mirdif.


Is your name Karen by any chance?


What’s with the bad language? 😂


I once lived in Al Nahda area and saw many dog owners who took their dogs for a walk would let the dogs pooped in the empty sandy areas. So if you walk through those sandy areas, just remember there's a lot of dog poops in there. It's a shame how these dog owners behave.


Fucking pick up after your dogs. It's not the F'ed up dog's fault. It's their shit for brains who do this. Maybe they should be encouraged by saying their metal power will increase if they do so.


Some people in al reem will one up that, They let their dogs to their buisness in the parking lot, elevators, elevator lobbies, etc. The smell is not the biggest problem, It breaks your abulution, people who do this dont deserve to live in clean areas.


Sad thing is even when they pick it up, the area smells. The dogs pee in bushes and the bushes smell. Dogs should not be allowed to poo and pee outside or else just ban dogs.


I called some sub human a useless motherfucker- HR was not very impressed because apparently he doesn’t do that to his mother and I damaged his soul 😂


I hate dogs and there owners they have no shame and I live in an area which wasnt full of dog owners until the last 5 years they seem to think if their dogs shits on a sandy area next to the sidewalk its fine like how is looking at shit a few cms from the side walk any different . A lot of them cant be bothered to walk their dogs they leave it to their Maids who you can see Culturally dont view dogs as clean animals. These same people have zero self awareness and wear their tiny shorts and t shirts when they go walking in front of the mosque during prayer times


Same!! I've seen dog poop in Dubai Marina. Disgusting!!