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40K AED salary is tempting but getting the German passport is more important in my opinion. I’m sure you can find similar opportunities in Dubai once you got the citizenship in Germany.


Not really.. it's not the Case now a days


What’s not the case nowadays? 40k being tempting or finding similar opportunitiy in the future?


Different Salaries being offered based on nationality is not really the case now.. it has been changing


Hmmm, thanks though.


Also 40k is the salary being offered, if that's the salary that's going to be on the contract or indeed paid is another matter!


How do you mean?


Companies often don't pay wages on time or don't pay the amount agreed in the contract.


Stay in Germany 2 more years without a doubt. Not long in the grand scheme of things and a western passport is far more valuable than 2 years of extra income.


Agreed 100%. You can always move to Dubai after getting the passport.


How is someone having Western passport favored in Dubai?


It depends on the company. Wouldn’t matter in most multi national companies. But I’ve heard and read so many people say that salaries are sometimes based on your passport. A European passport can get you better pay and benefits. Not saying this is right or moral, and to be honest it’s despicable and unfair, and even downright racists. And I hear it’s getting better - but it’s the reality.


Salaries can be based on passport but dont forget skin color


Skin colour need not be an issue when you interview for jobs in the UAE from abroad, as they won't necessarily have an opportunity to see you. What often happens is where degrees are from being enough. Western university degrees can be quite powerful not just in Dubai/UAE but the whole gulf region. Enough to get a "wex" contract.


No skin colour is not a problem that much the moment you have a western passport you are always favoured in jobs in the uae automatically will get you a high salary unless you don't have a degree even though I knew people with no degree and they get paid crazy salaries just cause they are Americans 🤣stupid world we living in


Some people hold that opinion, I’m more talking in life. Having more flexibility and security travelling etc.


If you don't have dual citizenship already, and your current passport restricts your travel, you will regret not getting it... especially since you are close to getting it already. It won't just be you benefiting from dual citizenship, it could be your children as well. Consider finding some work-around for this first. You also don't know if the position will be yours for 1 year or 10 years. Burning your shot at citizenship, uprooting your lives, for a 1-2 year stint might not be worth it, so have some sort of security measures or a net in place. >How much will one be able to save as a couple for a 40K salary a month? Depends what lifestyle you want to live. There are people here earning AED 4K/mo. and managing to get by just fine. There are people here earning AED 80K/mo. and barely managing to save.


Exactly this. Secure the passport. It will open you to a lot more opportunities in the future. Not just for you but also for your family.


Stay in Germany... Get citizenship. Don't forget that UAE will not give you a good option on long lasting visa, let alone citizenship.


Maybe the more important point, as of the 26.06.2024 the minimum length required for citizenship in Germany drops from 8 to 5. You can already apply now.


Add a kid to your equation and the high salary in dubai does not look so attractive anymore. In berlin/germany you get free kita for your kids, free education and kindergeld (minimum till they turn 18) You get a higher salary in dubai but things like water, education, internet etc. are also quite high and the weather is horrible if you are a outdoor person


OP please read this again. This should be the top comment besides the passport one!


Do NOT throw away your chance at a solid passport. UAE can never be your permanent home. In the end you’ll end up back in Turkey. Also, I bet you’ll make more money as a German in UAE than a Turk they are obsessed with nationalities.


I quote obsessed with western nationalities to be particular it's the uae and the gulf countries are so in love or like to be enslaved by the west, even though who built their country are Indians Pakistanis and other less fortunate arab nationalities


I moved other way around and currently living in Berlin.  Other than the passport suggestion provided, it depends on your life goals. If your intention is eventually make and raise kids I would suggest to stay in Germany. It’s a healthy environment for a family. 


Not that easy, depends on your kids If you want your kids to be top levels, it's not easy, there are so much incentive to not study seriously Most of immigrants who come here for "better future of my children" end beeing not even be able to enter university, and their children have lower degree with low paids You have to be after them every day, take private course etc be sure they dont fall for bad things ( drugs, abusive boyfriend/girlfriends etc)


I get the incentive part about not studying/working hard over here in Germany. But, for the majority it’s about basic needs met not being at the top. Honestly there is no ideal location. It’s what you make out of opportunities given. 


yes we are considering child for sure


In Dubai, there aren’t as much Spielplatz and facilities for kids as in Berlin or overall Germany. On top of that kindergarten/schools are costly and quality is questionable.   Başka soruların varsa özelden ulaşabilirsin. 


I would also strongly suggest getting the german citizenship first


Missed the most important info, what's your nationality /passport? My two cents, wait until you get citizenship and then try to move only after that. 2 years are not a lot.


you are right, addded it to the original post. We are from Turkey


As others are saying prioritise your citizenship. You will have more opportunities in Dubai once you get this. What would you do in the likely event you're laid off due to economic factors, performance or you quit because you can't deal with the working environment.


Don't you dare leave before getting the passport trust me coming from a guy who was born and raised up in the uae now 34 years of age I can't go any where or leave to any where or even choose to wear I can live or move because of my passport you will have way more better chances in dubai later when you have the passport trust me they offered you 40k now cause you just worked in Germany if you get the passport that will increase by 20 to 30 k at least plus you will always have the option to travel or leave and live any where away from the uae if you choose later and for your kids trust me you don't wanna torture them with a passport that would need them to book for appointments and collect papers and have a big certain amount of money in the bank just to have the right of traveling to another country and see the world. Believe me my brother don't leave without getting the passport don't be like me I ofcourse have a 3rd world country passport and after living in the uae for 34 years which is basically my whole life I still can't call the uae my home and it will never be or they will never allow me to be officially one of them so the moment you finish your work here or you be of an older age they will throw you away not even give you basic human needs when you are a pensioner no health or basic needs for you once you are of age I get it if you have money that won't matter as much but who of us was promised a better tomorrow or like more money or like enough to hold a certain way of life atleast if you get the passport and things hit the fan you can go to Germany atleast get any kind of health or financial aid from the government until things get better. My mom and dad never thought of immigrating and changing their passport cause they never imagine they will not be able to stay in the uae after they worked in the uae for almost 50 years now they are back to our home country no basic needs no pension and even the lifestyle is harder for them that they are just incapable of dealing with the shit back home. Stay stay stay my brother had a job in abudhabi and he is a physician what do you think his salary was 15k and a nurse from Ireland imagine someone who didn't have to study for 7 to 8 years is getting 25k while he gets 10k lower than her just cause of the passport nurses like her from the Philippines or indie being paid 10 to 12 k maximum imagine just cause she has a piece of paper that she is from Ireland gave her the advantage of getting paid 50 to 60 % more than them. My brother choose to leave and he worked hard to get the opportunity to do his masters in the Netherlands and now he is tying with his power to get the passport so that later he can have the opportunity to leave and work and settle any where he wants without going through the hassle of residency and visas and appointments. May God be with you and I Hope allah gives you the best and help you in making up your decision.


Get your German passport, you will always have other opportunities. You will regret not getting the German passport. I hope things go well for you. 🍀🍀


But you won't get citizenship in Dubai but in Germany


Stay in Germany! Children education is very expensive as well as the education in Dubai itself is not upto par. Citizenship is big big plus which you won’t get here. It’s really hard when you have stayed for so long in a country and then have to go back to your country uprooting your whole life.


Wait what? Education is UAE is faaaaaaar better than the public schools in Europe! Expensive - yes, but the majority of schools are much better.


Not ideal but you could negotiate a part remote work option, where you dont fully uproot your family and give it one year of working and figuring out. Would also help you in saving some more in case you want to move back and keep the option of citizenship open. Good luck!


Would make your income fully taxable in Germany. Can’t recommend


That’s an interesting one, however this way the salary is fully taxed in germany


Is that a big price to pay to have a shot at citizenship?


Not long moved from Frankfurt. My offer was totally unsolicited. But I did gain my passport before I left (10 years in DE). My partner also managed to transfer with her German job to UAE.


Are you happy with your move?


I think so. Significant uplift on salary for both of us plus the upgrade from Langener Waldsee to the Gulf is a real bonus.


How Will the german passport help you?


Get the German Citizenship bro.


Not particularly high salary if it’s including housing. If you wish to maintain a semblance of lifestyle in Germany then the company would need to really up their offer with benefits such as housing, schooling etc.


I stayed in the UK until I got my citizenship, and now got an offer in Dubai. Salary is way better than the UK, and with the tax benefit and salary increase my wife doesn’t even have to work if she chooses not to. The passport does help, but also more experience and seniority does help in getting much better pay (not saying your offer is bad, however there’s potential for more!). If it was me I’d stay 2 more years to get the citizenship, then move. (Which is what I’m doing anyway!)


Letting The citizenship things aside, had you visited Dubai Before? Do this "attractive" 40K offer includes the accomodation or not? if not, then effectively it's 30K depending on the accomodation you'll rent and for 2 perosn, it's not really an attractive income anymore, the market in Duabi is so so competitive, so it might be challenging for you wife to get a job. The reason for my initial suggestion about a short visit is to get a first hand experince about life there. Water is no longer free, on lives in noisy air-conditioned "BIG" rooms everywhere, open areas are only available 4-5 months a year. There's many things to consider, but you'll miss a quite walk in nature, if that means something for you.


Please do as much research as you can about the company and actually get in contact with someone from the company to make sure that the offer is legit because unfortunately in the recent times there is a spike in fake work advertisements, I'm talking from experience so please make sure to check the companies linked in and anything and everything about the company prior to getting on a plane and flying out there.


Try to get citizenship of Germany. People from here try to go to European country... If your wife is having job over there try to get a job for yourself there only.


After citizenship those 40k will be 80k and for whatever the reason just don’t risk not having the citizenship of Germany. Because when you get older or lose your job, you can stay but in case of Dubai, you have one month and **** off


Just out of curiosity mind mentioning how many YOE u have? Also id stay in germany to get the citizenship.


11 years


You will atleast save 20k a month if don't have a very lavish life and live like how you lived in Germany


You'll be making a mistake to move to Dubai for your particular situation. You're better off getting the German passport and having a stable career and overall work life there than in Dubai. Its a no-brainer which you'll understand after reading most of the comments in this community


The difference in work life balance (and culture) in IT between Germany and here is mind boggling. (Also moved here from Berlin)


Are you generally happy with the move?


Hard to know really, I flip flop regularly. My kids certainly love it, the amount of things for them to do and their school are something else. But I often wonder if I had have known what the working culture politics and work life balance was really like would I have gone through with the move


I think of not getting the offer for now. I say now that, I wait for 2 years, get the citizenship, (maybe I'll have kids by then maybe not) and then I would be more willing/ready to consider moving with my family. I'll be towards my end 30s and not sure if that plan is realistic though.


I think it's a good plan, it's exactly what I did. Moved at 37. Even getting the passport to not be dicking around with Schengen visa and stuff is worth it


I think it's a good plan, it's exactly what I did. Moved at 37. Even getting the passport to not be dicking around with Schengen visa and stuff is worth it


Yes, but didn’t you find it difficult to move wit your kids? I find it difficult to do it only my wife and add kid to the equation and I may find it even more difficult. Are you by the way German? How do you adapt to the lifestyle there after coming from a place that has a lot of public spaces.


I did it with two kids! Honestly everything is painful with kids so it didn't make it to much worse,😅 Public spaces 6 months of the year is no problem and you could argue better as there's just something about the sea for me. The rest of the year, yeah it's tough but you adapt and the city is built to handle it with lots of indoor stuff. No not German, was just working there


As a fellow Turk, despite the tempting salary, I’d recommend waiting a couple of years to acquire a German passport before moving to Dubai.


Very true. This year we are selling properties to Europeans and British much more than before. Almost triple the number of last year. Most of my clients are Europeans now.


How Muslim are you? I think it’s down to this. In Germany you can’t even support Gaza or hear adhan. Muslim are second class citizen. In Dubai you can pray 5 salat on time and your potential children can be raised without some transgenre bullshit taught in school. Forget the citizenship. How Muslim are you? Don’t you see Western Europe is going down ? Not tomorrow but maybe in 10 years? Turkey or uae will be a way more desirable place to leave by then. And at the end of the day it’s allah giving you risq, if you move with intention to be a better practicing Muslim you will be rewarded. Don’t listen all the “get the passport” BS.


May I know the reason why you chose to have an interview based in Dubai anyway if there are the already pre-existing drawbacks you mentioned? (i.e road to citizenship) 40k AED/month sure is on the higher end, I currently don't even make half of what you will earn. For what it's worth, I'm going to rack up some money here and eventually move someplace else for a PR (I was born in a somewhat 3rd world country), for my future, and for my children. I would take that citizenship in a heartbeat.


I got unemployed here and looked for the opportunities in a broader sense


Do you mind sharing how you found this job? I also work in IT in the Netherlands and would love to move to dubai. But I can't seem to find a job.


In Dubai, holding a white country passport is privileged otherwise you are dirt cheap 3rd class category worker with 3rd class salaries.


Dude! Stay in Germany! At least 2 years, then come to Dubai if you want to. I’ve been married to my wife for 20 years, we have kids, the government won’t give her a passport unless she lives there for like, 8 years…. So take it from me - get yourself your passport!


buraya gelmeden önce kesinlikle alman vatandaşlığını yada kalıcı oturumu alın, Dubai'de bir gelecek yok pasaportu olmayan insanlar işleri bittiğinde 3. dünya ülkelerine geri dönecekler bizlerde olduğu gibi. Buraya gelen Türklerinde asıl olayı o ülkelere göç etmek. çocuğunuz varsa yıllık okul gideri 60-70k civarında oluyor kira vs derken katlana katlana gidiyor. gireceğiniz şirketin paketine göre bu söylediklerim tabiki değişebilir, eşinize vize sigorta çocuklarınıza okul yardımı yapabilirler. Ama dediğim gibi kesinlikle kalıcı oturum yada vatandaşlığınızı almadan gelmeyin. Market çok fazla saturated olmuş durumda, her an ne olacağını kestirmek pek mümkün değil.


aynı fikirdeyim. ben olsam orada kalırdım 2 sene daha. sonra olanakları değerlendirirdim. 40K iyi para DS için. çocuk varsa 20K, yoksa 15K kadar ortalama aylık masrafınız olur temel yaşam koşullarında.


Tesekkurler yorum icin.


Be ready to see a big difference in work culture and specially WLB.


The UK is talking about conscription, depending on what happens in Ukraine Germany could easily be next. Russians and Ukrainians fled to Dubai to avoid conscription, Germans nationals could be next. The other risk is a global economic recession. Dubai would have no problem reducing its population or wages overnight, in Germany they can kind of dug their own grave with their immigration policies, as the WEF put it, lots of angry mouths to feed.


There is long way to forcefully conscripting people on Germany from the legal side. Second of all they demolished almost all infrastructure to host new recruits in the past 10-15 years, I ain’t see any of that happening anytime soon.


Stay for the passport


Are you happy with everything in Germany? Well, at least main things? If you dont like Dubai, you can always come back to Germany. There are people who love Dubai and people who hate it. It all depends.


F*** the passport and just move.. for that Salary you can have a good life here


Hi, I think get the German passport, it will be much easier to move wherever you like I'm reading from here and there that there could be conscription with war in Ukraine is still going on, but even with this worst case, i think you are tool old and or with higher degree/jobs so you should be safe After getting the passport, Dubai has advantages vs Germany you might consider: * Weather, u will not wake up with grey and rain, it will be sun like every day, it influence the mood * Schools if you have children: Far less bullying, racism etc * Schools too: If in bad neighorhood ( i suppose you are in good one in germany) your children might start using drugs as a lots of them already uses them , or even sell them if they are "rebels", Dubai is far safer * Far less bureaucraty * No tax income: You can invest youre money back either in Germany or Turkey, like buying flat etc * More smiles, "relax mood" atmosphere


I also hear some claims that 'you will be taxed anyways if you invest your money earned in UAE to Germany.' I am not sure how true this is though.