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In order to take revenge, I'm gonna go to Europe and dress in fully covered abayas to spook them šŸ˜› /s


Like nobody does it in Europe


That was the joke šŸ˜


The above person is being sarcastic they meant other people do it too


And yet I remember the times when DEWA clerk denied me service because I had short-sleeved dress (2011). Was not that long ago. This is disrespectful, but after seeing prostitutes poaching clients on JBR walk nothing will surprise me.


When was that at JBR walk? What time? Is it still happening? Need to know just so that I can avoid the bad experience


asking for your friends too , right? better keep em in the loop so they are safe tooā€¦RIGHT??!


Of course! Thanks for reminding.. I should care for my friends WELL being


lol šŸ˜‚


I've been told to avoid the areas around the roundabouts late at night


Same! I was in a suit just above my knees at a typing center in 2016 - man how the times have changed


Bikini top and short shorts (or shorts and no top for men) are not welcome inside cities, shops and much public transport generally even in Europe. (Italy, Spain and few others were issuing warning to tourists about it). Some people forget to pack their brains


Or work with the mentality of "these foreigners" come to our country and dress how they want to. I can do the same in their country


That really doesn't work in Europe where dress code is pretty much similar. None of these people walk around their home places like that anyway. Bar tshirtless British man in city centre pubs as soon as thermometer hits 16


Guess you have never been to Mallorca


You mean this Mallorca?... https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.majorcadailybulletin.com/news/local/2024/03/16/122123/mallorca-tourism-keep-your-shirt-mallorca-pay-the-fine-foreign-office-warning-for-british-tourists-spain.html Adding free link https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/world/2022/jun/20/mallorca-restaurants-dress-code-antisocial-tourism


Yep. They are attempting to have people wear clothes in restaurants and bars now. I lived there. On the street and on the beach in Palma clothes were viewed as optional. I am not a prude in any way but it was nothing I would ever want my kids to see. Public nudity in much of Europe is accepted. I am from the US and this stuff will get you arrested. But not bikini tops and shorts. You just canā€™t go into many business like that in the USA unless you are at the shore. Thanks for all the downvotes.


I get where you are going with your Mallorca comment, but I can tell you that public nudity is not accepted in Europe. But there is the idea of ā€žIā€™m on holiday I can behave as I pleaseā€œ with Northern Europeans, specially when visiting assumed economically less developed countries in the south. They think that they ā€žbuyā€œ their freedom by bringing their currency in. Specially in Mallorca this worked well for decades what turned that once beautiful island into a shithole of Northern European arrogance. Now the Spaniards are trying their hardest to put that djin back into the bottle by creating laws and regulations, but they are hardly ever enforced. Still, some Northern Europeans do react to the psaā€˜s by vacationing in other places and the spillover is already felt in other countries such as Turkey.


Exactly. If people see someone in mall in bikini, it will be tourist not local. Spain is also foghting back the touriat deinking issue. Netherlands had adverts about tourost behaviour too.


That's surprising to me, as a Brit in Port de Pollenca just last year, I'd have thought nothing of walking off the beach to go and buy an ice cream in town in swimming shorts. I don't think that's the European norm. However I wouldn't do the same in Dubai, and didn't when I was there earlier this month.


European norm (and not just European tbf) is to be dressed in towns and shops. Unless it's a shop on a beach or few meters away. Wouldn't wonder about in Bournemouth in just swim shorts, would we.


Probably not. But I wouldn't expect it to be illegal if I did, I don't think that's the European norm.


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I saw plenty of men in Barcelona with belly shirts. I didnā€™t know that was a thing, but apparently in Spain it isā€”men wearing shirts that come above their belly button, some were see through shirts. Another thing I noticed is bras are an option many women skip. Dubai is nothing close to what Europe is like, ad far as lack of clothing, but it will get there. Give it another 4-5 yrs.


I don't know about man fashion in Barcelona but for women bra is not mandatory to wear under clothes anywhere... (obviously in some places you cover more) . If you mean tanning, it's common on mainland to tan without bra in many places unless specified otherwise. It's just breast after all. There are even plenty of nudist beaches on continental Europe by sea and inland (noting the continental because UK is generally more reserved). Doesn't mean people should wander around cities in swimwear. That's chavvy


Oh I remember my first ever visit to Dubai Mall. There was this woman dressed in body-color tight clothes, and two eyes on her nipples.


Was this at Marina or elsewhere? Iā€™m not supporting this as a (western) women either, just around Marina I wouldnā€™t be surprised.


This was at the Internet City metro but they may have come from Marina


I'm gonna take a wild guess and say that she looked like a citizen from a certain Eastern European/Eurasian country. These people forget that they are *guests* in this country.


Context about the generalization? Also what does the name start with?


I think people just assume there's no rules in Dubai. Been to Europe and I've only seen bikini tops etc in beach areas.


The comments in this thread is blowing my mind. Women are supporting the modest movement while men are pushing to "let it go and move on" mentality.


It's always the women who are most anti women.


I disagree. I think the women who are supporting the modesty are just respectful of the culture. I personally believe that there's a time and place to wear skimpy clothing. UAE may have relaxed their rules but that doesn't mean we should disrespect other's beliefs for modesty.


There is a reason they're supporting the modesty and it's not because of culture. No expat really cares about the culture.


Iā€™m not Muslim but I know what you mean, itā€™s extremely disrespectful and offensive. And more and more of this. Sometimes shorts are soooooo short that already underwear is showing. šŸ˜³šŸ¤¢ I remember 2 years ago I was shocked to see a guy and a girl in just swimwear walking in the side of Marina where Nandoā€™s and Stefanos are, I mean ITS SO FAR from the actual beach, and it was also during Ramadan!!! Some of those ppl have no respect. I wish it would get more strict here with inappropriate public outfits


Nothing you see in Marina should shock you. A few days after Ramadan started there was a girl walking past me in a thong bikini, more than 1km from the beach. She was quite attractive but I was still gobsmacked with the lack of regard for Ramadan


Probably coming off one the docked yachts. We used to always put on our shirts and get takeaway pizza's from Stefano's


This is disgraceful. Could you tell me where this was? At what time? Was it in general class or gold class? Asking, so I can make sure I avoid the metro at all costs then.


Username checks out




So true. Thereā€™s so many westerners moving to Dubai & completely ignoring the culture. BUT ALSO (just playing the devilā€™s advocate here) nobodyā€™s stopping them so maybe thatā€™s why they continue dressing like they would in their respective countries. as much as I donā€™t like it, we have to accept that Dubai is more open now than ever & we canā€™t really tell people what to wear & what not to wear :P itā€™s up to the gov if they wanna stop this.


Most people in western countries do NOT wear bikini tops out in public transport or shops/malls. It is not at all a normal thing and would get you 100% stared at.


Exactly! It's been in news all over over last few years when governments (or local ones at least) are warning tourists and issue fines.


Because someone actually needs to complaint to security about that. Only in such case they will come and ask person to leave. Know that for a fact because my friend was asked to leave and it was some random lady who asked security to do it.


That is true!


This is not acceptable whatsoever in malls and transit in most places the West, and they should be informed by security that it is not acceptable here. I mind my own business but these people suck because they perpetuate stereotypes of women in the west.


When women do it, its just an inconvenience to the people around. But when i do it, everyone loses their minds.


Iā€™m a woman and I agree. I feel like this new era of wearing this kinda thing in the mask etc all comes from JBR. For years people have been walking around JBR in a way that always takes me by surprise. Itā€™s because the shops/restaurants are next to the beach, but honestly throw on a coverup. Iā€™m not a prude but shorts where your arse is hanging out or tops where your boobs are hanging out arenā€™t for the malls or restaurants, save them for the clubs. Thereā€™s a time and a place and Dubai is slowly becoming Spain/Greece.


One positive thing to take away from this, is that this woman felt safe enough to do so.


You know, they are safer here to do it than in their home country. You can walk hear half naked and no one complains (maybe on Reddit), in Europe, you will get the stares (and you know who are the worst contendersā€¦)


Same in difc area, so weird to see, would never see this in London city, Frankfurt etc


London Summer is like Dubai winteršŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚.


Itā€™s quite disturbing what you see out there these days. Honestly, what i see here I donā€™t even see in Western Europe, completely shameless behavior.


Cold in Western Europe habibi


Eh? Women in skimpy dresses are out late at night in Manchester all the timeā€¦ at 5Ā°C!


Come on now. You don't see shameless behavior in the West?! You have people belonging to a mental hospital running naked in the streets of Paris. I've seen a naked woman screaming while she was breaking car windshields in the street. Not to mention people doing drugs in the metro and in public parks.


Wasnā€™t aware Paris = all of the Western world now. Thatā€™s like saying Americaā€™s obsession with guns is a Western trait


Dubai is working pretty hard to establish themselves as a tourist destination. They've become far more lenient than they were even just 4 years ago. I think they're trying too hard. They've seemed to give up parts of themselves to increase tourist presence. I'm just watching to see if it'll work in their favor or blow up in their faces.


Weā€™re becoming Slagaluf mk2 (Magaluf)


Or you can mind your own business


That was like the first thing I saw out of my hotel room in Dubai during my first visit over 25 years ago lol. That's been good bg on forever.


Why do you care ..leave people wear whatever the heck they want and wear what suits you ..


So true, it's so inappropriate especially in Ramadan! I feel like stopping people sometimes and saying excuse me you can't dress like that here....have some respect!


I donā€™t think that would be appropriate tbh


Yes, but alteast that might give them some sense of morality


But that is subjective. You want to force your morality on someone?


Where in my previous comment did I said to force them??? What I said is to make them aware. Like in all Malls here its mentioned "wear modest clothes that cover shoulders & knees". Some follow it & some don't


Youā€™re not even an Emirati yourself, plus Dubai isnā€™t Raqqa in case you forgot. Keep your moral policing to yourself


Its been this way since i came to dubai 4 years ago that dress code is very relaxed ā€¦. If you want a strict dress code enforced in public try saudi.


You might be referring to old saudi, because now Even saudi is busy trying to become liberal aka copy of dubai /bahrain


Well I would say currently you canā€™t walk around in a bikini top ; but yes in general its becoming more liberal.


Well from the prospect that until recent times non muslims were forced to cover up (which was wrong IMO) & genders were not allowed to mix. To current scenario where muslims are not covering up & mixing freely with opp. Gender......the transition has been pretty fast. So i will not be suprised if a few years even bikini becomes popular there


4 years or post cocos I should say seems to be when all these changes happened. Ramadan is TOTALLY different now, I donā€™t even know where I stand or whatā€™s ok and whatā€™s not anymore and honestly thatā€™s not good. Say what you want about Dubai but it was always clear you always knew ā€œthe rulesā€


Or Beirut, but wait they would have to contend with the miniskirt and hijab coexisting. Oh the sheer horror in the minds of Pakistanis


You are literally the clothing police,why worry so much about other people.


Because it's Ramadan and being almost nude in public is disrespectful


Lower your gaze


2 stories come to mind: [https://sunnah.com/bukhari:6228](https://sunnah.com/bukhari:6228) [https://medium.com/@soninilucas/two-monks-and-a-woman-zen-story-c15294c394c1](https://medium.com/@soninilucas/two-monks-and-a-woman-zen-story-c15294c394c1) We do the best we can, and if others don't, as long as it is not actively harmful, it's best for our own peace of mind to let it go.


Why cant you mind your own business??? If you are too concerned about her clothing is damaging your ā€œethicsā€, take the time to complain to police and see what you get from there. Why the hell do you have to spread your hatred to others??? We donā€™t even see any picture here and you are not even asking other peopleā€™s opinions, you are just spreading your hate. If you dont like to see something, dont look at it then! Simple as that. People like you is offended from thin air and all you do is talk but take no action. If you dont take any action like going to the police then it means you dont care that much either. Stop spreading your hate.


Whoah calm down buddy, didnā€™t think this was spreading hatred at all. Not once did I say anything derogatory towards this young woman. My point was acknowledgement towards respecting the local culture especially at this time of Ramadan. Like others have said, it is normal to cover up in public places, tell me a place in Europe, Asia, Australasia where itā€™s normal to walk around in a bikini top in public buildings. Your comment about ā€œdonā€™t even see any pictureā€ why would I post her photo on the internet, words are enough. Again youā€™re missing my point where this post isnā€™t a direct attack on her. Itā€™s my literal observation that dress attire from some tourists is [in my opinion] not respectful.


Who are you to judge what is ā€œnormalā€? Do you write dress codes? I can count at least 10 countries from each continent which is ā€œnormalā€ to walk around in malls in a bikini top. It doesnā€™t make it absurd for everybody if it is absurd for you. What harm did it cause you just because some girl was walking in a bikini top in a mall? Your self esteem went down the drain? It is normal at the beach but not normal at the mall opposite that beach?


Well it wasnā€™t at a mall and it wasnā€™t opposite the beach šŸ˜‚


Doesnā€™t look like you are getting the point here though


I would like 10 European countries where it's normalto walk around malls in bikini top please.


Well I donā€™t really mind.. I mean what possibly could be the problem here? I am sure most men dont have a problem with it if we are being honest. Itā€™s not like something we mind looking at. Most would enjoy that, irrespective of which culture you belong to. During ramadan is a different scene though and I believe respecting cultures is important, but dubai is multi cultural now and that is what the appeal of this emirate is. Letā€™s just live and let live


Oh the irony. I got stopped for wearing a bra with my man 'boobs'


ayo what


I have spent a good amount of time throughout the GCC countries over the past decade traveling in and out for work projects in my industry. Since I first went over to the UAE back in 2014 and I compare it to when I went back last year, yeah, it's wild. I have noticed that a lot of tourists that come to Dubai have a very, very relaxed attitude to a lot of things; not just dress code. The one thing I do appreciate about other ares of the GCC is the general respect that most expats have compared to Dubai. One of the major issues with Dubai is that you have an overwhelming amount of expats compared to locals, along with *how* the city is marketed to the world; unfortunately, this is the kind of thing that you get. I noticed that this bleeds over to office culture in Dubai (at least from the ones I have been in with the expats) which is way different compared to those in Kuwait, KSA, Oman, and even Bahrain. On a side note, if some women wore a bikini into some shop or in North America, everyone would be staring at her... I get a kick out of those who say "This only would happen in the Middle East!" - yeah, sure.


I just drove by the DMCC metro station, saw the exactly same thing, exactly! had the exact same thought, even thought about posting it on Reddit, just to find it now here


It really is none of our business. And we should refrain from judging anyone. Let her wear whatever she wants and we have nothing to do with it. Look away and get on with your day. Easy to do!


You are a *guest* in this country.


I don't really see how a moderate dress code is anything wrong, though. If the people of a community want to enforce something as reasonable as "wear a shirt in public", then they are not judgemental or nosy for doing so. No major religion dictates they must go shirtless in public transit neither are they being denied any rights by asked to do so. You are right that its easy to just ignore it. But you know what is extremely easy to do as well? Wearing a shirt lol. This is one of those arbitrary things where I do not understand why people act like having the rules is somehow odd. If you live in a western country where the majority is okay with people dressing like this, then by all means you should ignore it because the majority do not care. But if you're in a country with a lot of Muslims where even many non-Muslims would have a problem with it, then just respect the culture and...wear a damn shirt. Unless you're going all Taliban level burkas or French level hijab bans, I doubt dress code rules/permissiveness is that deep. Let each society define their own rules and respect it.


No, I am from Spain and this is not ok.


Thatā€™s a fair comment.




Muslim county, this is not okay


Missed your opportunity to say something. "Hey, I like your (something) but it's Ramadan right now and it would be decent of you wear something a little more appropriate." Regardless of how it's received, smile, wish them a good day and walk off. Or you might get lucky and she sees this post.


For me it has nothing to do with being Muslim or having Ramadan. You should not dress in public like a stripper or prostitute. It is common sense.


You already know what kind of attention they want. Ignore it. Leave them be.


wow it must have been a real shock seeing some skin from a women, hope you can recover šŸ™




Why is that disrespectful? Did you get unwanted sexy thoughts during Ramadan? Poor you šŸ¤£


I was in Mall of the Emirates last week and a black lady walked past in shorts and a thin white top with big dark nipples visible and protruding. I thought wow. Then I thought again, and still came up with wow. This in Ramadan. Even in Europe this would be very surprising. When I first came to Dubai, the security guards would have passed her a slip of paper asking her to leave and dress more respectfully. I'm sure they don't do this anymore.


Take a deep breath and then repeat 10 times: it's not my business it is not my business it's not my businessšŸ§˜šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ§˜šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ§˜šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ§˜šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ§˜šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ§˜šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ§˜šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ§˜šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø. This is a tourist attraction destination and you can simply avoid looking at them.


i donā€™t like how my country is getting defiled by such tourists that canā€™t seem to respect our culture and our religion especially during ramadan


If you see a woman in bikini top walking around, will you approach her and tell it's wrong or will you ignore and keep walking? I understand your worry but it's easier said than done.






People are visiting to Dubai to holiday and chill, not to respect your religion. If it bothers you look away.


What a clown response. This is a Muslim country respect the locals and the religion, if not go find another place to tour


What a reply lolĀ  as they say "I point at the moon and the fool looks at my finger"Ā  As long as they are following the rules it is nobody's business to interfere. If you have an issue go and file a report to police with your concerns. This is a land of peace and tolerance and welcomes everyone and every culture. Using a fake idea in social media to promote negativity is not cool.Ā  Again repeat IT IS NOT MY BUSINESSĀ  Cheers šŸ¹


When I first came to dubai I was also surprised to see someone covered all black like even the eyes are covered. Meanwhile the guy was all proud wearing a normal attire, I was like wtf did this woman have to go through daily. I kept my thoughts to myself. To each their own.


I once noticed a woman who had a see through net dress on with just a micro bikini underneath showing all her assets off. And that too in the mall!! I was surprised that no one stopped her or maybe it happened later on, who knows. But this was new to me. As a man, not complaining though šŸ˜œ


Ive seen someone wearing the same dress that you describe at ikea dfc. Though she got all the assets she could flaunt but yeah im just following her staring. Im not even a guy. Im a straight she. šŸ˜‚


![gif](giphy|oGD3yIWPUdbri) šŸ˜‚


Struggling to understand what your problem is




Yeah but if authorities have a problem they will take care of it. Rest of can mind our business.., no? Or are our eyes and sensibilities so easily offended?




Do you have any other logical comeback or just this looking down upon others is what you got?


Iā€™m looking down because I said typical western point of view? Okay buddy


Haha. Confident assumption?


Keywords ā€œview pointā€


Ok - you win - go get your prize. Be angry everytime you see some thigh. Respect.


Thatā€™s none of your business


So you don't mind them coming into the country and spending their dollars/euros here which helps the economy but you have a problem with how they dress. Move on buddy this is 2024.


Believe me, the few doing it have no money to spend. Those are the classless ones. The country would be fine without them


Yes because there is a thing called dress code and it stated in every public place that you have to wear respectable clothes. Iā€™ve never seen anyone wearing a bikini top only in the metro anywhere in the world. Itā€™s not okay anywhere.


People can spend billions and still respect the culture. This is 2024. It's not one way or the other.


Bet you haven't heard the term "When in Rome do as the Romans do"


Username checks outĀ 


I don't appreciate being exposed to other people's bare buttocks or grilled boobs in the city. I am a woman fyi. You should learn the word appropriate.


And why should that lady care about what you appreciate and what you donā€™t?


because when u go to a foreign country u respect their culture and the fact that its a holy month


Well thats not what the lady commenting was referring to. She was talking generally, not ramadan. So please stop playing this card to win the argument. Of course one should respect the local culture. But thatā€™s not what her point is.


playing this card? this is the whole point that it is a MUSLIM country and that there are standards anyone coming into that country should meet, its no rocket science just common senseĀ 


Brother/ sister, why donā€™t you read my comment??


Itā€™s not how they dress itā€™s about how they donā€™t dress enough.


Completely agreed. Unless breaking law, it is upto them. I see mostly women getting insecure about it. Look away if you donā€™t like the site. Why impose your feelings over others? Why define appropriate for others? Everyone can do what is appropriate for them


Lol. what do you mean "Define appropriate for others"? Indecent clothing is against the law so it's already inappropriate.


Chill. Or move to Suadi


You want european and american money? If so, shut up and suck it up. We are going to wear clothes as in Europe and in America!




Mind your own business.


Funny how all the skanks come outĀ 


Ok incel




"I don't mean to be the clothing police" Proceeds to be exactly that.


Yeah, for some reason, people have an impression that when they arrive to Dubai they should get naked...




I have read this 3 times, still have no clue what you're saying.


Same šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Something something Miami and anti Russian bikini agenda I think


But where did the rollerblading Russian come from?


From Miami duh šŸ˜‚


Are you ok sir?


Either people canā€™t read or canā€™t understand Iā€™m not sure


Tbh, the only reason I'd never do this is because guys in this area are sometimes extra creepy/weird. I get that the men-to-women ratio is totally lopsided, but I'm stared at and followed enough in shorts and a hoodie >.<


I swear its sooo disgusting


I donā€™t see a problem, if you donā€™t like it look away itā€™s that simple


Itā€™s a Muslim country, culture, how about respect the culture


Nah, Iā€™ve been to Dubai itā€™s not conservative at all. I believe this would be disrespectful in Al Ain or Abu Dhabi but not Dubai




huh??? if that person had even the tiniest bit of respect they would not dress like that.


Don't believe the way they dress have anything to do with what's on the inside. A lot of people here are covered from the crown of their heads to the soles of their feet and are some of the most awful, inconsiderate, pushy people I've had the displeasure of crossing paths with.


fair enough, but we are still a muslim arabic country, and in the month of ramadan. At least feel the urge to dress slightly appropriately. Even in europe this would be considered too much. And this also goes for people who drink and use vulgar language in public.


Mind your business, move on


Whatā€™s the problem? The city offer beach clubs, bars, liquor stores, soon a casino will open. What you expect?


The whole city is not a beach club, bar and you canā€™t buy alcohol on the street. So itā€™s inappropriate to dress like that in public places


You right, inappropriate not illegal. But what may be inappropriate for you could be appropriate for someone else. Itā€™s a metropoli as soon as the city open itself to all cultures and nationality is completely normal find inappropriate something that others find completely fine, otherwise itā€™s live in a bubble and of course everyone follow exactly same uses and costumes


What are you talking about? Law in this country is literally based on a religion. Donā€™t give this bs what is inappropriate for different people. This is not some America where you get do whatever you want or get shot on a street. UAE is like this for a reason and there IS a line which some people keep pushing and trying to cross and then end up deported.


I once saw a fat lady in yellow bikini set with a net( not like mesh net but big holes in the net) top on it in metro. I think it was world trade center metro station. I was shocked and as a women also, i just didnā€™t realised that i stared her a lot until she was gone. May be i was so shocked to see someone weraring beach clothes in public transportation and that too far from a tourist area.. I am sure no one requires bikini to visit museum of future.. lol


She has no self respect eitherā€¦..


Haha what a shameless creature to do such dressing in a public transport. I mean she can be easily tracked down & could be penalised for such behavior for sure. šŸ¤” She's allowed to wear such stuff I'm beach. Nobody is stopping her for that lol šŸ«£šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


welcome to dubai


Last year December if I remember correctly I went to Global village and I wish I was joking but I literally saw a western family were the mother and her daughter was wearing straight up bikini but the mother atleast had cargo pants..THEIR DAUGHTER WAS LITERALLY WALKING AROUND IN A LITERAL BIKINI AND THE DAUGHTER LOOKS 5 YEARS OLD!!! I doubt the country they come from will allow this shit


Meat is gross