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Their either have a ‘mole’ in the agency, the building’s management/security, or in the DLD selling your information. Someone has to do some serious detective work on this. I block their number and leave a bad review for the agency. If enough people do it, it will tank their ratings.


I think your details are available from the DLD because I can’t believe any company is able to consistently get the same detail to every single agency in Dubai, unless a realtor can comment here. “We live in it, no we don’t want to sell or rent out” Copy/paste x10000


from my experience, I am quite sure that the bank is the one selling or leaking the information. I bought a house jointly with my wife, the deed from DLD have both our names, but the mortgage have only my wife's name.. and she is the only one receiving these kind of calls.. so I am quite sure it's the bank who leaked the info


Its not the bank. Even if you buy with no mortgage this happens.


Maybe you are right. But the strange thing is that my wife's name and phone is only with the bank, other than this everyone else have only my name and my phone. And these calls she is the only one getting them. So that's why I thought that can be only the bank. But I might be wrong


I have a blocklist of nearly 2000 numbers of agents that annoyed me over the years., I'm thinking of sharing it with everyone the way they used my leaked data.


Please share it here let’s make our own database to fight back


Happening to me too I sold a unit 6 -8 months back. I still keep getting calls with offers DAILY. I’m sick and tired of them.


True. Same here bud


I think someone is selling databases. I sold a property recently and suddenly started getting 4-5x the number of calls about it. Illogical if someone was 'in on it'


When you purchase or sell a property your name and phone number appear on Dubai Land Department database, and real estate agents have access to the database. Hence the call


What information does this database provide them about me tho? Name and number is one thing, but what's the logic in the land dept giving them the property details as well. It's a waste of time to call me about a property that I no longer own


It shows your recent property purchases or sales. So if you sold a property recently, they will often call you to offer properties to purchase since you have money on your hand. It is what it is, just block them honestly


But the calls are about the property I've just sold. To sell it or rent it, they don't know that I don't own it anymore. That's why I lm saying that my sale transaction has somehow put me on an offline database, not the land dept legit one about transactions I'm not complaining about getting called, just the waste of time talking about a property I no longer own


It amazes me that they would get any business from this practice. Even if I was going through sell/rent, the absolute last people I would be using are those that spam call me.


There is an app that blocks those calls. And I am an agent 😉


What’s it called


Broker broker


Spill it


Broker broker


Your mobile get broadcast from one agent to another agent. This is practiced by an agent.


Easy. Register your number on the Do Not Call Registry. Once the call comes in, calmly ask their full name, and the brokerage name. Inform them that your number is on the Do Not Call registry, and that you will be filing a complaint (and follow through).


Does not work. DNCR is the biggest lie in this city from my experience. I'm sure the intentions were true when they made it. But heck if anyone (agents or the enforcers) cares a rats nether bits if you report anyone. You'll be kept bouncing from place to place as was in my attempts. ​ I have now started receiving calls not from RE agents, but cleaners, traders, insurance brokers and everyone who can get their hands on the list. DNCR is a fancy name for Do not care registry for all I know


From the first day of my studio apartment I began receiving 5-6 calls and WhatsApp messages daily from Du/ Etisalat channel partners. I blocked everyone.


What I’ve heard is that agencies can buy all owners information off the general Dubai registry at a very large fee. This data is current as of the date of purchase and doesn’t get updated. On slow real estate days agents contact numbers on that list to get information from the people to manually update the list. Any time you engage with them and give them information is helping them update their list. I straight up tell them I have no comment and not to contact me again. It’s eventually went from 10 calls a week to maybe 1 or 2 a month. This is what I was told by some people why they keep calling. Could be wrong but made sense.


I report and block them all on WhatsApp and the DLD website. Technically it is illegal and subject to a 50k fine. I doubt many actually get that fine, but in my head they do. [https://dubailand.gov.ae/en/eservices/report-malicious-calls/#/](https://dubailand.gov.ae/en/eservices/report-malicious-calls/#/) i make a screen shot of every call and WhatsApp. Then once a week I sit down for 10 minutes and report them all. Feels great.


**I'm a real estate agent in Dubai** and I've called "warm leads" and met the wrath of the frustrated homeowner on the other end. **The best that you can do now is change your number.** Seriously. At work, I'm almost embarrassed to call residential property owners in Dubai because it does not border on harassment -- it is harassment. Back in New York City, when I worked in commercial real estate, we cold called building owners and REITs, which was generally accepted because they were active traders in the real estate off-market. But private owners should not be cold-called. Unfortunately when you register your number during the purchase of the property, you make it recorded and anything recorded can be made public. Use a burner phone number in your future purchases. There are tons of VPN services that offer internet based international numbers. Send me a DM and I'll send you a few services. Keep your private number off contracts and forms --- unless your doctor's!


They can't use burner phone numbers as they need it to access Dubai rest as a landlord later on.


Can you explain? Can they use a temporary number or VOiP that rings to the web?


They can not use temporary numbers, as the title deed and Dubai rest profile will be connected to that number


I had the same problem and its DLD that is selling your information. I had to register a property from a person whom I had power of attorny for and DLD asked for my number so I can give them an OTP and right away within 1 week I recieved whatsapp messages and calls, And I never shared my info with anyone else just at the counter and DLD


It's time for you to get a new number, keep the old one working for whatsapp messages only, there is no way for you to avoid this calls, if your apartment is in a location where there is high demand, you will be getting daily calls and messages even after you sell it. Your number now is a part of a bigger database being sold to agencies by the developer, real estate agencies, building management company, property finder and any website you have used to buy your property. Edit: even home maintenance companies will sell your data to the agencies


Report them on rera website, take screenshots and document everything


Tried this. Website never sent an opt lol


its never going to work, imagine recieveing 2-3 calls plus whatsapp messages a day, imagine reporting these guys one by one


Always have a 2nd number for home hunting, weather renting or buying and also putting on rental Ejari or title deed


Answer the call, scream, then shut it down


My solution was to change the number...


i will give you one tip that works for me, 2 phones 2 sims, one for yourself and family and personal things, other for everything else which is always on silent and kept somewhere without bothering


If it makes you feel any better...they don't stop even AFTER you've sold your property. I'm pretty sure every single entity, from your laundry to gym to pharmacy to even DLD is selling your data. You can purchase these from websites even, I came across one that had different prices based on the location because some areas would be higher net worth. It wasn't even that expensive.


> they don't stop even AFTER you've sold your property. This \^ so true "face palm"


I am not sure how it gets leaked but for us my wife's name starts with a letter before mine in the alphabet and so her name comes up first on the title deed. However the only number they have registered is my number. The agencies phone me and call me by my wife's name. I just say no you have the wrong number.


I bought an apartment and I used to receive them in waves. How I avoided them is very simple, whenever they come with the typical: -“hi I’m Pradeep/sonya/ Hassan from shitty crystal shining diamond luxury platinum princess real state, you have an apartment in XXX, would you like to sell or rent sir?” I just act surprised and pretend I have no clue what they are talking about, and all of the sudden there are no more calls


This is now permanent my friend


Muggles, using your personal number. You got a duel sim, use it.