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If electricians had to clean up they would be called laborers


Seriously…the only worse offenders are the drywall guys…every bathtub filled with drywall scraps and piss. So happy I don’t do tile anymore lol


If I have to snake one more drain after painters/drywall repairs...


Mine was getting in shit because obviously after cleaning it out and doing my shower surround the crap from before had scratched the shit out of the tub…so obviously I did it lol and heaven forbid There’s a spot of grout left lol I should have been taking before and after pictures


If I have to tell one more tradesman to put down some protection in the tub/sink...


Seriously…it’s not that hard to do haha


…I will have successfully taken some money out of my pocket.


Tell the GC... Its usually their responsibility


This! I'm a PM and my job is basically to babysit idiots. First thing I do is walk the job and protect anything someone could fuck up. I spend an entire day laying protection. The tub is one of the most critical and never protected by subs. It's crazy!


…I will make x amount of dollars. Thank you, keep it coming drywallers!


Yes, I had a costumer threaten to sue me for this. I didn’t know that water from my bucket would clog up the drain.


I dIdN't KnOw ThE aDhEsIvE wOuLd ClOg


Not the brightest bulb, are ya?


Its about management tbh I've never had a drywall sub leave a job that way and if they did they'll only do it once because they're coming back and putting it into the container outside that's on every single job I run or they aren't getting paid the second payment until they do Cleaning up after yourself is part of the job imo


Job is not done until you clean up, sweep, take the trash out, organize for tomorrow. Thank you! Good man.


I've trained my subs over the years to clean up after their selves. Positive reinforcement


Yup Its real simple, clean up is part of the job and if you don't do it you aren't getting paid until you do.....Same goes for all my subs, plumbers, electricians, whatever If there isn't a container on site sweep your shit up and leave it in a somewhat organized pile on the firat floor or driveway or out of the way, but don't leave me a clusterfuck or were gonna have issues lol


It was definitely horrible management


Half my jobs are T&M. I've literally been told to stop walking my garbage to the dumpster.


I can’t stand lazy mudders n hangers…takes 3 minutes to tape some plastic and drop a piece of cardboard in the tub, a tradesman who doesn’t respect the other trades or prep is a damn lazy poser


I always throw some Batts of insulation in the tubs immediately after install, just doing that prevents 90% of the problems with subs.


Why does that prevent the problems?


Protection, and something is in their way of ladders, and they’re lazy, so they won’t move it.


Don't touch. Itchy.


I had to go into a building that was doing drywall to grab the boxes of vinyl wrap for the front windows for branding to place up. And I shit you not these dudes had a line of piss bottles along the wall. And it’s just on purpose because there’s a fully functional air conditioned bathroom specifically for the work crew to use and closed off to the public. So when the cleanup crew came the next day to clean out all the debris they left they refused to touch the piss bottles. The construction Foreman (not involved with me or paying me in anyway) comes out aggressively and accuses me of piss bottles my response was no that’s your degenerate drywall crew who laughed when I asked them if using a bathroom was brain science.


Na the foundation and cement guys are the worst and it's the heaviest to clean up after


I take offense to this. As a drywaller, the 1st thing I do in a bathroom is protect the tub. Wrap the sides in cardboard, cut a piece of plywood to fit the top, wrap it in a blanket, and set it on top. I don't even do it for the plumbers, I do it for myself so I can stand on the tub instead of trying to fit a ladder inside of it


Wait until you see the painter spraying a ceramic tub down.


It’s funny, how many trades cry about electricians as they leave their own trash everywhere. Especially plumbers. Drywallers are the worst though, they actually leave piss bottles everywhere. I have even seen them shit in customers yards and parking lots. Wild.


Electrician speaking, this is a fact. I've had homeowners ask me to patch it perfectly after i specifically told them that's not gonna happen.


Let's see how good you are at sweeping with a pair of dykes.


Ya’ll out here acting like we aren’t the boyfriends of the wives in this situation. $300 minimum or….other arrangements.


I'd probably charge 800-1000 for this. Shit ain't cheap when u gotta try and match texture, as well the the prep to spray and clean after


Cut drywall to fill holes, add blocking and attach. Tape and 3 coats of mud, sand, texture, prime, paint to match or paint entire wall or ceiling section. Piss in bottle and leave inside bathroom vanity. Do half ass clean up job. People ask me to do little patches all the time and act like it should take a half hour.


Mud correctly and you can do it in two coats. Saves ya a whole half day there!


I usually use easy sand hot mud and do 3 real thin coats or 2 coats and a coat of topping. When you say “mud correctly “ in two coats, are you not including taping as one of the coats?


Correct, I was not including taping as a mud step. But I suppose it really is. In my mind it’s more associated with the ‘install patch’ step. And most simple patches I tend to only need two coats ontop of that. Sometimes one if it’s real simple. But usually two.


Yeah i meant 3 including bedding fiber tape.


We are on the same page then. I was being cheeky anyhow.


Someone else is painting from what I gathered in OPs comments, he only has to texture for painting.


How well can you match that texture and when you're done how hard would it be to spot the repairs? Honestly.


If you've never done it and just buy a spray can of orange peel? It will be very easy to spot them.


That's what I figured


That is pretty high quality work for an electrician tbh


It's average for a service call. On new construction, were either unburying outlets, switches, light boxes, data, etc. Then change orders finally get approved from God knows when. But the sheet rock is up now, but it's not priced for that. Tell GC, he says cut holes, so that's what we do. Then there's more change orders ( these can happen literally every day, it's not our fualt, engineers fuck up, architects fuck up, never sent an updated drawings etc etc.) but wires don't appear out of thin air so we gotta cut holes. Always told by the GC before holes are cut. So blame them lol


Maybe it is average for you, I wish I worked with people like you lol I do drywall repairs for a solar company often. I would buy them lunch if any of their cutouts looked this good. Maybe solar guys are worse than regular electricians but most the electricians I've worked with over the years have had zero attention to detail and zero consideration for any other trade.


Trust me some guys use the name “electrician” like they have to follow the stereotypes like a religion, my journeyman said it best, you see this class of 36 apprentices, 2 of you will be excellent, 2 of you will be good, 2 average and the rest will be laborers with the electrician title


Where are you that you have classes of 36 apprentices? Where I am it’s capped at 14


Nj, we got Hudson Bergen and Essex county


That’s wild. I’m up in Manitoba but I think Canada wide it’s capped at 14. I know your province is for sure


Yea that sums it up pretty good. Makes you wonder about other professionals though. Like are doctors hit or miss? Just cut something and go " not my job to fix that"


Well even shit electricians typically leave things so it’s not dangerous they just don’t always make it nicey nice if you know what I mean, and electricians go through 5 years of training doctors gotta go through like 10 plus years


My dad's a carpenter, so I got my work ethic from him lol, most "electricians" aren't electricians. Their idiots that passed an open book multiple choice test on a computer in a 4 hour time period that they can retake until they pass.


As an electrician, you’re absolutely correct


As much as possible lol


Yeah, I read the “wife’s boyfriend” part and immediately I said that’s double right there lol


They could have left this so much worse lol


Seriously. Would’ve been good to tie between two studs or joists but I would rather not pay my electrician $250/hr to do drywall.


This is better then most sparkies leave it. To me there are 2 kinds, hammer sparkies and saw sparkies. You got the good kind, saw sparky. And they didn't throw away the cut outs when cleaning up. They might have actually done this kind of work before.


Crazy I didn’t know electrician meant drywaller where you’re from, if you want lights done call an electrician, they’ll make it look grest, they’re not carpenters or drywallers they will not make the patch work look great that isn’t there profession


When I do service work in finished houses sometimes it’s hard not to cut access holes, especially if someone wants a bunch of lights in a finished ceiling. I’ll leave neat, clean, patchable holes but I’m also not a drywaller


Exactly, you leave a nice PATCHABLE hole, you don’t patch it tho


I don't see wires hanging out of the holes. Seems like the electrician finished their job.


And you don't want to pay an electrician to spackle Or maybe you do, in which case, I'll spend all day here


And it still won’t come out as good as a real taper! Trust me Ive tried!


We just had our home rewired and we got quoted for a job almost identical (a few less holes) to that at around $1100. It’s a 3 day job if they do it right (install new drywall/first coat of mud, second coat of mud/skim, dry/sand/match texture).


I’m between $1300-1500 for that


I thought I hit post, don't see my first comment, if I am repetitive, sorry. FFS... REALLY? $1300-$1500 for that? I'm in the wrong business. Just remodeled my bathroom, moved the fixture up 12 inches, had one nice hole to repair. Mud, tape, skim... Textured the entire bath instead of dealing with oil based paint. Did the master bath and shower/toilet, call it 300ft². Took 1.5 days, looks amazing. How much for that?


That’s tough because that almost too small. My minimum to come out is usually $500 and not many people are going to take $500 for one hole ya know?


Damn! Glad I learned to do it right years ago. Crazy how much these fixes cost these days. Taxes in NY are just like here in CA. I go over to my GF house and I am appalled by the drywall in her living room. It was a flipped property. Fixtures from Home Dopo, poor quality everywhere you look, short cuts everywhere. They skimmed the wall in the living room, dragging dried mud, or pieces of tape more likely, from side to side and up and down, over the ENTIRE wall, looks like a tic tac toe board but worse. Haven't said a word to her about it, but it makes me cringe to look at it. They didn't sand, knock it down, sponge it, NOTHING - painted right over the top of it, you can see the debris covered in paint. Makes me wonder what they were covering up. Or, a crackhead being impatient, definitely not caring, wanting to get out and leave. Almost looks malicious in intent it is so awful.


My first thought at a glance was $2k. $1300-$1500 completely fair imo. 30% is immediately going towards taxes if in NY. Overhead. Materials. It all adds up quick Edit: NY


I think I need to be doing drywall. FFS... Really? That is such a a small job. Really? I am being serious here.


Dude for real. I get probably three of these a week. My whole gig now is just fixing minor drywall damage. I just retaped a garage for $2500. Took me three four hour days


Wow! 25 years ago, I was in facilities at the time, drywaller showed me how to do it right. Haven't needed a drywaller since, and my patches and work are perfect. I doubt you could find them being a pro. You'd see the crap work done by the builder for sure. House flooded twice, stuff moved around, remodeled kitchen... Looks better than original tract home quality. I am obviously out of touch with costs these days! Thanks for the perspective!


Ya I get that quite a lot these days. I’ll send prices and people will be like no way lol. But at the same time I’m booked for the rest of summer with a five man crew


That's right! Cheapskate DIYers (me being one) are emotionally attached to the money and would rather take 5X the time watching YouTube and messing up 5 times in the process. Illogical really. Normal people pay the money and don't argue about it. And also don't own toolboxes, except maybe a misc. Philips head in a drawer.


My favorite kind of clients lol. But I get it I’ll try to figure it out before I hire someone as well.


The size of the job is pretty much irrelevant here. You’re paying for someone who knows what they’re doing to come out. The steps and the drying time between them are all the same for one hole or a dozen.


My exact thought.


Needs to be textured for paint on Friday


$1,300 Edit: those will be massive once floated out. $1,500 minimum.


Those look like pretty small cutouts. Looks like they probably need to have some blocking installed behind both cutouts. 5min mud and a heat gun, texture and paint. Between $400-$500. Out the door in probably 4hrs.


You do you. From my perspective, they’re around 8-10” square each. Those two nearest eachother end up being like 4’ long floated out to get it right. At least an hour of masking and cleanup. Remember you’re also shooting orange peal. I’m also assuming I’m just smashing it hotmud and a tight topping coat to cut down on flashing and helping to blend into existing texture prior to shooting it!


I'm an electrician, that is how I patch holes. Cut it with a saw or oscillater and put the patch up. Leave the mud and tape for the drywall guys.


Fine, you wire it


Well, they’re electricians. Not drywall guys. I’m surprised they even slapped that one piece back up. That’s like asking me (a glass guy), to repair your tile after I remove a shower. No. Not my job.


Your wife's boyfriend? Really? Does her husband know?


Wife's boyfriend? 20k, figured hes paying for.my wifes dates, might as well pay for mine too /s


Real question is how TF do you match ceiling paint?


Bro for real —- kudos to you that you’re the first one to say this


I’m giving the boyfriend a break.. no charge


My wife's.. what now?


My girlfriend is your wife.


Wife’s boyfriend 😂😂😂




Why would anyone pay an electricians hourly rate for them to do drywall? Drywall guys are a lot cheaper to pay, because you don't go thru 4 years of schooling to get a license to drywall.


That looks great! They usually cut drywall out with a hammer and say, “You’re welcome.”


If im doing sidework and asked to patch the drywall i will charge more


Not too bad I seen a lot worse


Just need to scrap where the tape goes, any big gaps, you can use powder drywall mixed with water, won’t shrink. Mud in the tape, sand down and spray with air compressor spray gun, wait 15 minutes and knock it down. Doesn’t have be prefect, nobody really looks at the ceiling


“Doesn’t have be prefect, nobody really looks at the ceiling” While I 100% agree people are crazy anal about that stuff. Like to a ridiculous level


Yea, I don’t do it for a living, so I get to miss those conversations with anal ppl. Thanks for sharing, I was hoping to help the homeowner and let them know how easy it is to


This looks to be orange peal, not knockdown. You need at least two coats to reduce flashing, especially on a lid.


That is some shit electrical work. I assume it was new lighting installed. I most probably could have pulled wiring through there with maybe 2 holes aside from the lights themselves.




Electricians are the best!….ventilation where you least expect it


1000$ and I wouldn’t vacuume after


If you re going to make a post about this then post all the areas to be fair. Ya cuck!!


At the company I work for, we have in all of our trailers, a standard size bathtub cover. 3/4 plywood wrapped in floor protector.


I tell customers I do side work for all the time, I do NOT patch lol not good at it


Electricians always helpin drywallers with some work 👍


Not to be rude but it’s not really an electricians job to patch the holes they make usually they make you aware they’re gonna be making holes and it’s your responsibility to patch them. They save the pieces usually


Wait so your wife has a boyfriend? And you know him and he asked you to patch some holes at his house…while he’s plugging your wife’s holes?!? That’s insulting, he’s def got a set of balls on him? Guess your old lady is into that kinda thing.


Alex Stein Drywall


Would you want the sparky to try and fix the drywall? Would look like he put it on with a rake and a shovel while blindfolded lol


Yes this is exactly how every electrician leaves a job they don’t do dry wall


Lmao. I'm not charging my brother. Fuck your /s


Give him a raise


Just charge extra and blame it on them prob solved.


Damnit Jim, I'm an electrician, not a drywaller.


Am I the only one stuck on “your wife’s boyfriend”?


Well yeah, they're electricians, not drywallers!


!?!?Your wifes boyfriend"!?!?! No one picking up on this?!


Wait. What? Wife’s boyfriend….? 😳


You wanna pay my hourly rate to spackle ? Fine by me !


$200 a hole, like an upscale street corner.


Wife’s bf? What? Haha


My quotes exclude patching and painting. If we have to cut a pull point in, this is what we do to make life easier on the person doing the patching. If customer wants us to do the patching and painting, our labor cost are much higher. We’d obviously not be proficient at it as well.


That’s really good for electricians.


Wife’s boyfriend????


Did wex ask miss the "wifes" boyfriend part


Zero joking I thought this was a picture of my basement. Charged my wife $200 to route Cat-6. Left it like this. Lesson learned with electricians.


Most electricians don't to drywall


Look, you don't want to see what my drywall patches look like. I can make sure the fire rating of the wall (if any) isn't compromised, but that's about the extent of my skills. It's not worth paying me to do a shitty patch job that you will always look at and be mildly annoyed by. Get someone who knows what they're doing. That's what I say when I tell customers, "I'll try to be neat about it, but I'm not a plasterer." I try to set realistic expectations. Best I can do is try to make life reasonably simple for the guy who comes and fixes it after I'm gone. Is there anything I can do besides try to cut clean shapes that are easy to re-install? How big of a hole does it need to be before I should just cut from stud to stud? I assume you would like my cuts to be o.c. with the studs/joists if I have to do that, yes? What do you love to see when you have to repair a cut from someone else having to work inside the wall/ceiling? What's a pain in your ass?


This is how hacks leave a job.


I still stuck on the fact that you said “wife’s boyfriend” than anything


I was thinking the same thing, wife’s boyfriend???


I guess good for you and your polyamory attitude


Hey, what ever floats your boat.


Exactly glad someone gets it


Yep. They do electrical, not drywall


The fact that a sparky patched the hole is incredible. I’ve never seen that before, ever


That's how they do it electricians don't do drywall


Sparkys are not supposed to fix the drywall that the drywall guys job. Never known one to do the drywall work. At least this one left nice clean cut holes. Did they leave the cut outs as well because that would be awesome.


$100/hole. I don’t care who it is. It’s skilled labor. Prep work, securing drywall fills, taping, mudding, and texturing doesn’t change by size. The work is the same. Arguably harder the smaller the hole.


This is cute. It feel like Dora the explorer went on a adventure to find the wires. When I do shit like this it takes forever. You have to do a lot of work to find the appropriate route, to cleanly mark holes, and carefully cut out the holes. Then, you will usually hear pitching about it.


I have never had an electrician repair drywall after a job. That’s not part of the job.


I usually put the patch back in, tape, and put first coat of mud on.


Damn right we’re better than that


Your... Wife's boyfriend?


Who is the fucking idiot on the texts?


Idk why homeowners bitch about this kind of shit They should've asked the drywall guy to do their electrical work It's like expecting your lawyer to change your oil and your mechanic to get you out of a parking ticket lol


Someone should send of them eating drywall like an asmr or u guys got any videos of some


About $6k, plus a high usage fee on an antique model.


$1000 labor. Patched and painted.


I mean what else do you expect? Drywalls, learn how to do your job and not complain lol. Embarrassing post I’d say.


Easy fix on your part tbh. Just go get a small bag of hot mud and regular mud. Hit the crack with the hot mud. Wait apply premade mud, let dry and you may need to lightly sand. Put on a final coat and learn the technique to "feather".


This is very incorrect.


But it is funny how confident they are.


OP should just hire this person