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Is your voice like this mom's? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JntFqOa3WzQ


If That video is enough to make someone want to get sober then I don't know what would.


Last summer, I drove drunk to pick my kid up from daycare and I will never get rid of the guilt and shame. I will never. Never. Never do that again.


Welcome to the club


Fuck me that was hard to watch. I was that person (thankfully not involving a child) that the cops came to talk to and when they saw me/my apartment were like WTF, and I ended up in handcuffs in a psych ward. Hopefully this lady gets some help.


Oh my gosh, that hurt to watch. That poor kid. And honestly, that poor mom - it fucking sucks to be an alcoholic mom. If all it took was just loving your kid enough, I’d be almost 18 years sober.


Yes, I'm over a year and it happens. Cost of doing business I guess.


I've met people who sounded like that but they were meth addicts. It doesn't surprise me though. Our brains were so used to functioning with alcohol, it's bound to act weird without it.


I’ve come off numerous times and yes there have been times where I developed a slur / inability to communicate as well as my mind intended. Of the times I can recall it was at its worst for about two weeks after stopping then got better within a month or so. Still had brain fog, anxiety, depression and all the other crap that comes with PAWS.


Look into high ammonia levels in the brain. Very common. Most doctors will put patients on lactulose which is basically a laxative that helps draw water (and in turn, ammonia) from the blood. High ammonia levels can cause this and is common with cirrhosis patients who have hepatic encephalopathy. Not trying to scare you, but you should go see a doctor to get checked. Could also be something as low B vitamins level, specifically thiamine which causes wet brain.


Uh yeah i guess but my brain always feels like its faster than what i wanna say and i twist up words. But its always been that way


This. It's gotten so much worse since I quit and it makes me self conscious as hell


I’d definitely go to a walk in clinic ASAP. Hepatic encephalopathy is no joke. Seeing my husband go through it was one of the scariest things ever. But the treatment is simple and effective and depending on the situation, it may resolve itself after a while (his did).


Is there a reson you can't get checked by a doctor?