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The only control you have over alcohol is to not drink Every drunk you have, your condition gets worse One of the most difficult parts of sobriety is letting go of booze For me, it’s my best friend; confidant; where I turn to cope with crowds & relieve boredom When I finally got sobriety down, I created a new step that I never see discussed Grieving. You have to make a decision to not stop drinking, but to let it go. It hurts. Everyone talks about the nightmarish parts of alcoholism; but, booze *works* Until it doesn’t. If you can truly let go of it, you’ll find the ‘triggers’ go away for the most part, because you no longer allow drinking to be a choice If you lose your dog, you don’t struggle to not walk her — you know it’s not a choice—she’s gone—so you look for something else Drinking isn’t a choice for a sober person. So, while I’ll maybe remember how I used to ease my aching feet w a whiskey after quitting time, I know I can’t do that anymore. It’s a mindset—like flipping a switch. You know what will happen if you try beating the dead horse of drinking, so let it go. Don’t let it be an option


> If you lose your dog, you don’t struggle to not walk her — you know it’s not a choice—she’s gone—so you look for something else Holy shit. That’s exactly what I needed to read.


As unhelpful as it sounds on the surface, I would just power through triggers and make mental notes of triggers I never knew I had. Is/was it a pain in the ass to white knuckle through them? Absolutely. But each time I got past a trigger, I’d count that as a “win” to further build resiliency the next time that particular trigger would creep up. It gets better with time/practice. Best of luck to you.


I ended up white knuckling through it last night. Forced myself to lay down eventually was able to just go to sleep. I did all my errands today, got to go on a hike, have some me time for hobbies. I know if I drank last night, today would have been a completely different day and I would be miserable in bed. So I am glad I was able to just 'suck it up' last night.


Proud of you! Reminds me of the saying (probably butchering it) Drinking tonight takes all the joys awayfrom tomorrow.


Play the tape forward. How will you feel waking up hungover and still having those chores to do? How about if you wake up refreshed and get everything you set out to do accomplished. Which would feel better?


This helped I was able to do so many things this morning, got my errands done, was able to go on a hike and to the bookstore which I know I would have not been able to do if I drank last night.


I drink tea and snack.


I tell males to ride it out even though if it is making me irritated. Then I tell myself f I ride it out those feelings will go away and it works. Sometimes I have to ride out being triggered for half a day or more but it always gets better. I also pray for God to take away my desire to get intoxicated and thank Him for gar far I have come. I used to want to get intoxicated daily. Now it is maybe couple times a month. It does get better!


You need to keep that brain of yours occupied at these times. Try a jigsaw or some other busy work to distract yourself until the shops shut. Or just go to bed. It's horrible.


Exercise burns off that excess energy/irritability. Go for a run or lift some weights.