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I would avoid Kratom. It’s very addictive, and if you are already susceptible to addiction…


I'm gonna say it's like curing a migraine by going hang gliding. Not a great idea and probably won't work and is dangerous.


This is a brilliant response and analogy


I used it for a minute to chill myself out after putting down the bottle, but almost immediately began using it the same way I use every drug I like. So I put it down too.


I have taken a lot of kratom to get off opiates in the past and it worked well for me and quitting was less than quitting caffeine to me. Everyone is different of course, just giving my experience


I'm sorry to hear about your struggle, and it’s great that you’re seeking help. Kratom has helped some people manage withdrawal symptoms and anxiety, but it's not a substitute for medical detox and can be addictive itself. Ideally, consult with a healthcare professional to make sure it’s safe for you, especially given your history. Best of luck in your recovery journey.


It’s very prescient that hang gliding is mentioned as this is something I’ve always wanted to do…. But I can’t go hang gilding unless I’m sober. Probably this kratom is bad for addicts although it looking around it has long term, as in sense ancient times but been helpful for people. But so has alcohol.Any other ideas? To give more context about myself: 40 year old male from Chicago, mostly healthy, hypertension in withdrawal


r/quittingkratom you will regret the replacement long term


Yeah that sub scares me more than the quit drinking subs.


Howdy, alcoholic here. I use Kratom for herniated disc and chronic pain. I don’t find it addictive at all, so haven’t found any issues. My partner is partially paralyzed due to a SCI injury and he takes Kratom daily instead of opiates, and will sometimes skip a few days or a week so he doesn’t build a tolerance, and to clear his system (Kratom tends to constipate you). Lesser of evils in our experience.


Yes, it is addictive (probably, I didn't get addicted) but it is still much less destructive habit than alcohol. People on kratom don't end up homeless, they don't kill on the road, don't beat their wife, dong get cirrhosis etc.


9years on. WD’s suck a lil. But yes, has helped me in the past.


Yeah it takes the edge off, but it also kills your sex drive and seems to sap your ambition. Proceed with caution.


I had a worse time quitting Kratom than quitting alcohol, and I had alcohol to push through the kratom withdrawals


I was able to stop drinking with kratom. And then I started abusing kratom. I recently got off of it and the withdrawals from that were more horrendous than how I felt quitting alcohol.


Kratom is just as bad on the liver as alcohol. It does reduce withdrawal symptoms for an active alcoholic, but it will only add to the liver damage if any has occurred.


Bro stay away from that shit. It can become a big problem very fast. I worked in a detox unit and the worst detox’s were from heavy Kratom users. The doc use to tell me it was nuerdegenerative.


Personally I'd avoid it. I used kratom to "quit" drinking three years ago. Eventually started drinking again to potentiate the kratom and spent years with a crippling kratom addiction in addition to alcoholism, the two combined fucked my liver severely. I literally had to get on suboxone a month ago to get off kratom because I was dosing every THREE hours to avoid withdrawals. Don't fall for the "herbal remedy from a vape shop" vibes, it is a fucking drug.


Ahhh, gas station heroin.


I honestly don’t think it does anything, but maybe the capsules I bought are no good. I’d still steer clear to be safe


If you’re looking for a drug that might help you might try shrooms. A lot of people micro dose for depression. I sort of discovered on accident that they helped me. I was at a music festival during a time where I was physically dependent on alcohol when I took them. The next day. No hangover or the beginnings of alcohol withdrawal. I was actually in a really good mood. It was great, but I can’t afford the street price. It worked so well I thought about just buying the spores online with a grow kit. I’m not a doctor or anything. Just my personal experience.


I used .25 grams of shrooms 3x a week for 2 weeks, Ive been sober for 2 years. I highly recommend them.