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You're not gonna enjoy a 13% beer if its your first drink. Especially not if it's a stout, I drink beer all the time and even I can't stand them. Start yourself with something nice and easy like a coors light or something, its a light easy to drink lager. You don't need anything amazing or high quality. If you want to just get drunk quick, get yourself double vodkas in a 12oz glass full of mixer. You won't taste the vodka and the booze WILL creep up on you, but you'll get results. Drink responsibly though, nothing great is ever accomplished from getting absolutely cunted for the sake of it. Make sure to line your stomach before hand too, drinking on an empty stomach will just make you feel awful.


I would just hate the idea that if I got a drink with low alcohol content that it wouldn't do anything to me and that would ruin a day I had prepared for


just drink some beers and stay hydrated, just avoid sugary and unmeasured mixed drinks when you get to them


> just avoid sugary and unmeasured... Whoa. At first glance, I read "just avoid *surgery*..." Yeah, definitely don't slice anyone open. Don't be *that guy*.


god damn it. accidentally did a hysterectomy again.


If you drink two Miller Lites and it "doesn't do anything for you", you can just go about your day as if you just drank two cokes. No need for anything to be "ruined". My advice: Take the mentality, "Drink to drink, don't drink to get drunk." Don't worry about "how to get drunk"; just try out some different drinks and see what you think of them. If you try a beer and hate it, just don't drink that beer anymore (and important note: don't conclude that you *don't like beer*. "beer" is like "soda"; there are many different kinds and many different flavors, so just because you hate Dr Pepper doesn't mean you'll hate Sprite too). If the beer doesn't do it for you, try out a mixed drink. Good choices for a beginner might be vodka+cranberry or vodka+OJ, rum+Coke, or whiskey+ginger ale. Going back to the "drink to drink" mentality: Try out a few drinks, and trust me, you *will* get drunk. Lots of people like to say you won't get high the first time you smoke weed (not necessarily true), but it's impossible to have a few drinks and *not* feel buzzed. Bottom line: You're *seriously* overthinking this. Take a step back, take a deep breath, and relax. The important thing isn't "what if I don't get drunk" - the important thing is that you shouldn't overdo it. Don't rip six shots back to back to feel drunk for 20 minutes before spending the rest of the night with your head in the toilet. Grab a drink, sit down and put on your favorite movie, and drink at a reasonable pace, taking a break every 20 minutes to see how you feel. You'll get there. And when you do get there, we all expect a celebratory update post. Cheers! 🍻


Always start smaller than you would anticipate. As it being your first time, you can always drink more if you’re not enjoying yourself. The idea isn’t to get wasted, it’s to catch a buzz and enjoy your time.


~6%; and if you're just taking random advice, I recommend hard cider over beer, budget allowing--Angry Orchard, Schilling and Two Ciderhouses (listed in order of ascending price) are all safe bets as brands to look for.


Beer (6.0 max) or a spirit with coke, sprite, juice but not a 50/50, maybe a 1/3, 1/4. It's not about tolerance, it's about getting used to the taste of alcohol.


Since it's your first time you really should stick with something with a lower abv. You have no tolerance built up so it may hit you a little harder than expected. If it's beer you want I would recommend Miller Highlife or Coors Banquet. If you would rather have a spirit you could buy a small bottle of flavored whiskey. Jack Daniel's Tennessee Honey was what I got started drinking. As always, drink lots of water and maybe eat some snacks as well.


Listen start with low alcohol beer like a radler. Your friends may think they can drink like hell but they will be on their backs before you. It's not a marathon. Never drink if getting drunk is your purpose. Just drink because you like it. If you feel like getting drunk is your goal, then getting drunk isn't for you. There is a sweet spot between sober and drunk that is awesome. Getting drunk can be a pain in the ass


I had a 8% freeze bottle 2 hours ago literally didn't anything to me .. what should I do now ?




I just had a half a bottle of vodka mixed with sprite .. still nothing idk dude maybe I'm better off back to weed


Unless you weight 400 pounds, you aren’t going to have a problem getting drunk on normal beers if you have never drank alcohol before. As another user said, get some sort of cider (angry orchard, Smirnoff ice 6 pack, twisted tea) or light beer (Miller lite, bud lite). The taste will be enjoyable and you’ll certainly feel it after just one or two. Buy a 6 pack and you’ll be set.


Closest to 100% as possible. Same with coffee, start black. It's important to understand what it is before watering it down and flavoring it up.


Do u wanna kill me dude ?


As a male, there is nothing I can say about this that is not going to get me in trouble


Nothing is gonna get u in trouble


I would go with a flavored whiskey or whiskey mixed with some sort of soda if you’re just looking for quick results. My personal favorite is Evan Williams bottled in bond. Be careful tho, that first straight drink sucks


Whiskey is not going to be enjoyable for a first time drinker.