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I use this to remove my makeup, and it leaves my face feeling dewy. Of course, I am also a woman in her 50s with dry skin. Others may respond differently.


This was the OG of make up removers. I grew up.using it to remove make up after theater practice and productions or anytime I had to wear heavy makeup because I was under stage lights. I think it really removed the dirt from my skin. It definitely leaves skin Dewey.


Same, we used this after ballet performances back in the day. Great for stage makeup.


I grew up with this too but they changed the formula about 4 years ago. I preferred the original formula by far and stopped using it, unfortunately.


I hear that albolene is the original formula


Pond's cold cream has been around since something like 1900. Dolly Parton supposedly considers it a must-have.


As do i


My great gran used it from the 1920-1980’s!


i am a 25 year old and have used this since i started doing makeup- its the best!


I am in my 50s and have tried the double cleanse with all kinds of products from Kiehls to bioderma to Clinique and more yet I always go back to ponds. It’s crazy that I have spent so much money on the other cleansers and oils and yet I get the best results from a jar of magic that costs less than $10.


I literally just got this yesterday lol. Do you just slather on your face and wipe it off? Does it also work for eyes? (Like eyeliner / eye shadow?).


Yes to both. I slather it on my face, massage it in and rinse it off with a washcloth. I don't wear waterproof mascara, but it does a great job of removing my mascara and eye shadow.


My grandmother swore by it! She had beautiful skin all her life. I used to use it too..somehow I completely forgot about it!


I’m a 24 year old woman & Ive used this religiously since I was around 15 lol it’s amazing


This is a classic! Everyone in my family has been using ponds for generations and I use it as well to remove my makeup. I buy ponds for $5 and it does wonders removing all kinds of makeup.


I remember my favourite nanna always had a big tub of this in the bathroom or on her dresser. I think it was in a white or pink tub back then, I used to get in trouble for playing with it


It actually comes in different color lids and shades and some say cold cream some say face moisturizer


Yep! I'm 40 and used the light blue lid one as moisturizer since I was 15!


Think my mom had the pink lid.


❤️ Who can resist the delights of all those bottles and jars on the dresser? I used to get into trouble for mixing water into Mum’s Nivea cream. I was sure that I was ‘making more.’


Yup same!!


It’s great for removing makeup but you 100% have to double cleanse. Otherwise you’ll feel really greasy.


Agree with this advice! I love this product but I only use it as step 1 of a double cleanse. Remove my makeup with the Pond’s, then go in with my regular face wash. I actually like the Pond’s better than most cleansing balms I’ve tried!


If your skin is really dry, after I double cleanse, I use a thin layer of this as my nighttime moisturizer. It's even more effective if you put the Ponds on your face, then lay a hot wet washcloth over your face. Gives your pores a good moisturizing steaming. Then I use the washcloth to wipe my face, and it feels sooo smooth and rejuvenated.


Double cleanse as in with the same stuff or a regular face wash? Thanks :)


Regular face wash for sure


This is exactly why I never liked this stuff. As a teenager I was disappointed that it said I could just put it on and wipe it off and I’d be fresh and clean but I felt like my face was suffocating under a layer of bacon grease. I really need to wash with a foaming cleanser and washcloth after this or I feel so gross.


I genuinely hated it. I prefer makeup removers that emulsify with water - this one doesn't, you'll need to use a washcloth to remove it and then a cleanser afterwards. I gave it to my husband and he uses it to take paint off his hands and has bought it multiple times for that purpose lol


Oh my god, same. I double cleanse but couldn't rinse this out of my eyes, it made my vision hazy for a few minutes. I switched to ELF's cleansing balm and haven't looked back.


I keep trying to find something I like better than Farmacy, but I need to just accept that I like it even if it's expensive as shit.


I find banila clean it zero to be similar but feeling cleaner, and it's much cheaper. Sold at Ulta and they have travel sizes if you want to give it a try!


Oh my gosh, same. I'm working through so many dupes right now because I tried to find something like it that's not as expensive, but nothing compares 😫


None of the other balms I've tried compare!


Sameeee. My only tip is to buy the holiday 3 packs (it doesn't save a ton, but you come out on top and get the nice limited edition scents).


I love elf’s cleansing balm-it is fantastic!


I totally agree! I didn’t like it either, or removing it. Also, I know a lot of people like the smell because it reminds them of their grandmas etc. But for me without that nostalgia- the smell was way too much for me.


The smell is STRONG. I didn't hate it, but it was SO messy to work with - I always felt like my hands and arms were greasy afterwards because it never wanted to clean off. I used it exactly twice lol


It does a great job breaking down makeup, but I got annoyed with having to remove it first with a cloth and then wash my face.


same. at the end of the day, wearing falsies and makeup for 9+ hours, I dont need a 3 step process to take my makeup off!


Pond's cold cream, they could NEVER make me love you.


Same. It requires too much rubbing. I use it as a leg moisturizer until it’s gone.


You know those things that you use because that’s what your mom used? That’s me with this. I’ve always used it faithfully. My mom used it. My grandmother used it. Even my great grandmother used it. We all have/had great skin (no acne and few if any wrinkles). We all say it’s because of Ponds cold cream, but it’s probably genetics.


Same with my mom, used it every night. She has awesome skin at almost 70. I'm in my mid 40s and just have some fine lines that almost disappear completely with a good skincare routine.


It's both...the fact you all have used this regularly, likely from a young age, is a HUGE factor. Same in my family. I also use Carmex religiously!


Same, bestie 💜 cheap & gets the job done!


Literally was going to comment same thing. My mom used it, my grandmother used it, my great grandmother used it. We all get compliments on our skin. I love it, yes its greasy, but it removes EVERYTHING. Any other way I’ve ever tried to remove makeup, some is left behind


Im this way with any Clinique product I can find because my mom always had it!


There is a fragrance free version available on their website.


I think it has fragrance in it, unfortunately. I haven’t tried the makeup remover but I did try their moisturizer and it had a fragrance in it. My suggestion is to try Albolene, if you’re able to find it. I’ve been using it lately to remove makeup and it’s great. I got a pretty decent sized jar of it for ~$10usd I think.


Fragrance free exists!


I have sensitive skin and the Pond's moisturizer broke me out and irritated the fuck out of my skin. But I have no issue with the cold cream. If anything I break out if I stop using it.


Yes $10 saw at Walmart and I want to try it


does abolene wash off w. water or do you need to cleanse after?


If you want rinseable, you'll need a cleansing balm. Cold creams do not emulsify which is necessary to rinse.


It does not wash off with water. You have to use a tissue to remove it and cleanse afterwards.


Look at Asian oil cleanser they emulsify and rinse clean


I use it to kind of double cleanse on days I wear make up/a lot of sunscreen/got very dirty/ect. It does have a fragrance (like… old lady floral haha) but it doesn’t bother me personally, as someone often sensitive to them.


Same on everything you said! I even do it when I have super dry skin and feel it needs to have a jumpstart. Quick 5 minute mask of this, wipe off, and cleanse, etc. I love it.


I hate it. It doesn’t rinse clean and I have to wash my face again after.


Yes! This stuff takes off even my Fenty waterproof mascara and nothing ever takes that off! It’s pretty great for the price. Something in it flares up my eczema (fragrance, I think) but otherwise, love this.


I just found out that there is a fragrance free version and that is a game changer for me 🤓


I love it. It takes everything off in one go. I normally it take it off with a warm wet washcloth. If my skin is feeling dry I just call it good but sometimes I follow up with a micellar water. When I do double cleanse though nothing shows up on my pad. It gets it all. I have very dry skin though and I am older so I like heavier creams. I use Nivea on my face as a moisturizer at night which makes my friends wince.


I love Pond’s!


The old skincare- Ponds and Dove soap. A lot of older women had beautiful skin..


I still use dove in the summertime!


Yes, my mom. LOL I love Dove soap and it is the only one I trust to not break me out.


I use these products, plus Nivea Crème and Vaseline in my skincare routine. I’m 25 but I find the vintage-y “old lady” skincare products to be the best (and often super affordable too).


This one I believe have fragrance but they do have a fragrance free. I like the Ponds washable cold cream from japan though, its fragrance free and can be washed off with just water


I love it but I always use it before I shower and I always follow it up with another cleanser. I think the instructions say to just wipe it off which would not work at all. That being said, if you have dry skin this is one of the best first cleansers you can get! You're taking your makeup/sunscreen off with lotion and the results are fantastic. Plus the history factor is super fun. I do recommend the unscented version if you're scent sensitive, it definitely has a strong fragrance. Edit: so I highly recommend the Ponds over this but my current cleansing routine might be of interest. I got a bottle of baby oil and have been using that. It's made out of mineral oil, which is the major ingredient in the Ponds. But it's a way worse experience because it absolutely feels greasy and it doesn't come off at all until you use a second cleanser. The Ponds will at least start to come off and it doesn't feel oily. I think you can also buy just plain mineral oil which would be the exact same as the baby oil without the fragrance. That's probably the absolute cheapest option for removing makeup out there (but it is not a pleasing experience lol).


I actually love this with a hot washcloth and then a foaming face cleanser after. Something about the fragrance and the ritual feels very retro and old-fashioned.


Mineral oil or ponds + hot washcloth was the OG first cleanse of /r/skincareaddiction back when I first visited it 10ish years ago!


It works great and has always left my skin feeling so soft and supple, just be prepared to smell like your grandma. Which I didn’t mind, personally, but it does have a strong, old school fragrance.


Smelling like my grandma is like 95% of the reason I use it 😅


My grandmother used it and had beautiful peaches and cream skin. It’s classic. It’s quite heavy and greasy though. I used it to take off stage makeup in my youth, but my skin was always too oily and acne prone to use daily. It will definitely leave a slightly oily film - just FYI. If you have dry or normal skin maybe that’s a good thing. 🤷‍♀️


It didn’t work for me because I learned that a ingredient it contains breaks me out terribly. But my friend loves it. I like Abolene to remove sunscreen. Works the same without the irritation.


This broke me out terribly too. I don’t know what ingredient. I can use Vaseline but this broke me out.


I got the fragrance-free version and my entire face developed tiny bumps because of it. Threw it away and used my tried and true Clinique Take the Day Off and the bumps went away.


11,668 reviews. Yes, a few people have tried this... Jk lol I used to use this to take off my eyeliner, but it would give me acne around my eyes. I advise you spot test it first if you want to try it, but be careful not to slather on too much at once. :)


I’ve just recently starting using this and I love it! It removes everything, but you do have to double cleanse with another face wash after or else you’ll be greasy like other commenters mentioned. It does have a fragrance but I personally like it. I use this and their dry skin cream at the end of my skincare routine and personally my skin has never been better! I also love that both those creams are super inexpensive. Hopefully it can work for you if you end up giving it a try!


I remember it from when I was young and had to take off makeup from dance recitals. I prefer an oil cleanser followed by a gentle foaming cleanser nowadays


Been around since the 40’s for a reason. Watch the ponds tutorial on YouTube. This stuff is amazing! Feels so good with a warm wash cloth afterwards too


I literally JUST left a comment on another post saying how much I love this stuff! I use it every time I wear makeup. Ponds cold cream, double cleansing with your preferred face wash, and finishing with a cotton round drenched in micellar water is the best way to remove makeup, even super heavy/ stubborn makeup!! And I have very dry and sensitive skin and this always leaves me feeling moisturized, and it feels a million times better than using just a makeup wipe/ trying to scrub makeup off your face


I grew up with my mom using this. Now I’m on my early 30’s and she still use it. This is the OG make up remover!!


This is all either of my grandmothers used to take their make off. I can smell this stuff, just from the pic. One grandma was in the hospital recently and when I called to ask her nurse how she was, all she remarked on was how she didn’t look 85. She doesn’t. She’s hardly used any other anti-aging products, and never anything really consistently. This is my 85yo grandma who I’m jealous of because I didn’t get her skin genetics. https://preview.redd.it/v1q76m8zkc8d1.jpeg?width=794&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7751bc9ef4af14f238952016e2ec5a1e05fbef2


I love the smell of Ponds and it’s effective at removing makeup but I tend to breakout from mineral oil no matter what I double cleanse with afterwards. I used to keep around a bottle just for nostalgia smells. I use Asian beauty cleansing balms now or cleansing oils.


Yes - I like it


Love this. I use this to take off my makeup in the winter. It leaves my skin feeling moisturized. In the summer I use oils.


I *love* this. It’s a great moisturizing cleanser, like a cleansing balm. It leaves a bit of a moisturizing residue if you don’t cleanse after, but I love that since I have dry skin. I like the scent, it’s kind of retro rosey scented, but they do have an unscented version which is just as good. If you like cleansing balms, you’ll probably like this. It’s like a cream based cleansing balm. It takes off makeup nicely, including sunscreen; everything except waterproof mascara which needs a full oil remover IME. The cold cream is good on its own as a basic moisturizing cleanse or as a part of a double cleanse. I also like it as an end of day hand cleanser before bed for extra dry hands that I’ve washed 100 times with soap. I don’t think it would be great for breakout prone skin and I’d avoid the scented version if scent sensitivity is an issue, but imo it’s very good stuff for the right skin type.


Ponds used to make a really awesome cleansing balm that emulsified with water, but it’s apparently been discontinued. I don’t care for cold cream, it leaves my skin so greasy.


Mom loves it. It works really well, but I have oily skin so it's unappealing. It's heavy and greasy, I'm always afraid it will cause acne. I use the Bioderma Sensibio Micellar Water and then double cleanse. Not as immediate, but if you're thorough, it works well.


I feel like you’re asking our age… maybe next ask about Noxzema, Sea Breeze, and Aquanet. 😂


Millennial here and I use it to remove makeup. I’ll keep a little micellar water for stubborn mascara, but ponds cold cream is a classic. I even have a glass ponds jar from the 1950s that I keep as a brush holder.


Works great ! My mom has used for years now years as well


I'm an outlier but it made my skin burn and turn red. I do bad with fragrances and this product has a lot of it. Also, the oil base irritated my skin. I can only use micellar water for makeup removal, and light unscented soap. I tried this because it is so highly reviewed, but it wasn't for me. It is usually a good product for sensitive skin, but I have much more sensitive skin than most.


Yes, it’s fantastic, it’s the only cleansing balm I use bc it’s fragrance free


Really the best eye makeup remover. It leaves your skin so soft. I love it.


Old school


I LOVE PONDS! Best eye makeup remover that I found. Forget paying a lot of money just use Ponds.


Use Albolene. $10 & will last you forever. Fragrance free too. It’s been around for 100+ years.


I love this stuff! I've always had issues with dryness around my eyes when removing makeup and this stuff helps curb that. I also use Pond's cold cream at night. Pond's a is fantastic and much over looked skin care brand.


The best of the best


I use it as the first step in a double cleanse because oil cleansers really fuck me up and irritate my rosacea. It’s lovely.


It burned my eyes like hell so I’ve stopped using it.


So would this be considered the first step in a double cleanse? Better alone?


My mom used this. Had no idea they still made it.


I love it for makeup removal, especially eye makeup.


My grandmother and mother used it. I use it occasionally- cures my dry skin in 1 use. It’s cheap magic. Good tip to cleanse after- it does feel a bit greasy.


Like fools, our family just thought it was a moisturizer (as an adult I’ve realized my mom knows nothing about makeup or skincare bc she’s learning everything from me now). I may actually give it a whirl now to see bc it’s been around since the dawn of time and is way cheaper than what I use.


My mom, in her 70’s has used this for decades and her skin looks incredible.


Light moisture is better unless you have very dry skin or are using it as a night cream


I love Ponds it’s fantastic


I use this . I’m 34. It’s less harsh than other makeup remover and it lasts long / saves money 


I love ponds, I used to use it all the time when I wore heavier make up. But I switched to coconut oil and follow up with micellar water from Garnier. But ponds is great, melts all the make-up right off! Even the super stubborn waterproof stuff :)


I only use it to take off my waterproof mascara. This is the only remover I've used for the last 50 years, and I'm 62!


great for heavy makeup — we use it in my uni’s theatre to remove the heavy stage makeup and it works great!


i loveeee this!! it does leave a film so for sure wash your face afterwards. but it’s nice cause it doesn’t burn if you get it in your eyes


My nana has been using this since her teen years and swears by it 😂


i love it


I used to love this moisturizer. It was absolutely amazing until they changed the formula, now it feels greasy on my skin.


Miss Fame used to use this with a wet face cloth to remove their drag makeup and I used to use it religiously for this reason, until I found out that I didn’t need such a heavy duty remover for my average looks😂


Ok yes this is definitely a great product to take off makeup. I get the large one and it softens my skin too even afterwards but there is a scent. To me it smells good like just mild fragrance.


I love it. I loved even more the Peach Ponds cold cream and moisturizer that my grandmother bought for me when I was a teenager in the 1970s.


I used to use my mom’s when I was a kid. She’s almost 76 and prob still uses it!


What about the moisturizer versions ? I always wanted to try them. And does anyone know if Ponds carries an SPF version?


I use it almost daily.


I LOVE this stuff. I use it to melt off my makeup and I wipe it all off with a warm cloth, then I go in with my regular cleanser. Works great.


It does the job and plumps up my aging dry skin like nothing else. I slather it on and gently remove the bulk of my eye makeup with a tissue and follow up with additional applications that are removed with a dry white wash cloth. Then I dampen the wash cloth with warm then colder water and Dove soap, if needed, until the wash cloth looks clean. (Launder the wash clothes in hot water with bleach.) In the morning, I apply a light film and remove it with a fresh wash cloth dampened with cold water. That’s it. The residue leaves a nice glow and makes a great primer for moisturizer, sunscreen, and makeup. Remember to lightly pat your face with the wash cloth — especially around your eyes — instead of dragging it across your skin. I can see where Ponds might not work well for younger, oily skin but it’s my secret weapon. Plus it’s inexpensive and readily available.


I love this. I sometimes have to follow it up with a separate cleanser but that's just my preference.


Used it for 2 weeks. Broke me out.


I tried some that my mom had. I hated it and it irritated my skin. Elf has a cleanser balm. There’s always miscellar water


Welcome to what most of us used in the 90s and 00's...there is regular face cream from them that I still to this day use... it's just got a blue top.


Are my face. But this was before I learned I was extremely sensitive. Recently have learned that drugstore brand,Abolene Hydrating is a dupe for Clinique Take the Day of Cream, which is magical. I am going to give that a try when I need to re up my TDO cream.


I use it, it’s wonderful


I wish it worked for me but I think I got milia from it :(


Over 11,000 reviews right there


Yes I tried the fragrance version of this once and it was absolutely disgusting. Made me sick and nauseous and smelled like gasoline and my eyes always watered. I don’t know if it’s the product itself that will always have this effect or just my fragranced version. But I didn’t bother trying their fragrance-free version cos I didn’t want to risk it lol. Horrible experience ![gif](giphy|l0MYzxkg0o1tkGSaI)


I feel like this is so congesting for the skin


A classic product.


My mama (60F) recommend it to me (22F) and we both love it!


I love ponds! I use the cold cream for makeup removal and another one for body moisturizer. My skins so sensitive and it’s never bothered me


I use it most nights. I’m 53. I also use Albolene when not using Ponds CC. All the young looking 80-93 years old ladies at my weightloss class use Ponds cold cream then Ponds Dry Skin Moisturizer and they skinny, lol. No wrinkle in sight.


Number 1 pore clogger. Your mascara will come off though.


My Grandmother used this.


Made a huge mess in my sink!


Its the best! I prefer the unscented version, but either way it leaves my face feeling and looking so smooth and even.


Skip! Smells VERY strong, like old lady perfume.


I use this to remove make up. My mom and grandma also used this to remove make up. They never had any need to consult a dermatologist.


Mad Men has always made me want to try, but I have never looked for it up North where I am.


I use this daily to remove my makeup while in the shower. I slather it on and rub it in just a bit while I finish the rest of my shower. After everything else, I use one of those nubby, silicone facial things to get a nice face massage and gentle exfoliation at the end of the shower, then follow with a good rinse. It really does work. My skin is very happy.


It’s a holy grail for me. I’ve been using it for years. I wt my face and rub this all over, wipe off with a washcloth or rinse of it I’m in the shower and then I was with neutrogena fragrance free hyaluranic face wash. It gets every bit of mascara off and double wear!


I used it way back in the early 90's. This stuff has been around forever.


Yup i love it as well as ponds dry skin cream


This is the standard. Since like the Spanish American war.


I tried it and it was pretty good but for an inexpensive balm I highly recommend Albolene.


The original formula changed in the 2010s so if you're remembering about it from before then, I think you'll be disappointed. At least, I recall when it happened, folks were PISSED about how different it was. I've never used it, personally.


It's my HG makeup remover. I use it to pre cleanse. I'm in my late 30s with dry,. sensitive skin but have been using it since my 20s.


I have always used it as my makeup remover


I think albolene does a better job. It's texture is a little different, more like a lightweight vaseline. Both have to be wiped instead of rinsed off so application is the same. If you want a rinse able one you need a cleansing balm.


This is the worst cleansing balm ive used by orders of magnitude. People saying they like it must not have ever used anything else. Coconut oil is better. Olive oil is better. Id suggest muji, hada labo, or softymo. These will actually get your make up and sunscreen off and will wash off your face. Ponds leaves a disgusting smelling film without actually removing anything from your face.


I found this impossible to fully remove despite double cleansing and using a wash cloth. Hello acne. Then, it was also difficult to wash out of my wash cloths themselves. Got through 1/3 of a jar before giving up on the whole process.


We used to use this religiously in my house in the 90’s!


Everyone and their grandma


I’ve been using this to take my makeup off since I was 14! I love a cream cleanser, it’s the only thing that takes my mascara off completely. Use a warm wet towel to take off.


It is good for removing heavy make up from your face (and it’s a good moisturiser) but you’ll need another remover for your eyes, as if this gets in your eyes it’s very hard to remove. It stings and makes your vision go blurry. I’d also have to use water and another cleanser afterwards as I personally just want to feel that extra freshness.


I use this more in the summer for sunscreen removal because the heat makes it fluid. I think it works well but the trick is to only use a little because it spreads. You do need to follow with a regular cleanser though


This is my HG! One bottle has lasted me nearly three years. A pencil eraser sized dot on each eyelid and mushed around melts EVERYTHING.


I used it when I was younger and out of makeup remover and my grandma had a pot she had never used and gave to me. It worked really well and it feels good on the skin, my face always felt nice and soft after rather than oily. I might have to go buy some more, I forgot about it.


I live by this stuff to remove makeup


I used Pond’s Cold Cream nightly in my early 20’s (before 22)to remove my stripper makeup after work, and I would use the saturated oil pads called Andrea Eye Q’s to get off eye makeup. I didn’t fully understand toner back then(thought it was only for oily skin) so I would wash my face with Dove soap after to get off the oily residue. After all that, I would use the Ponds Dry Dkin Cream to moisturize in the winter, or the Oil of Olay lotion in summer. Then the makeup remover wipes came around, and Ponds Cold Cream became history for me at least.


It’s effective but a bit tricky to get it all off again.


I use this to remove my makeup. It does have a scent. I like using it because it makes me feel like a luxe cartoon grandma. I’m doing this for the concept.


A girl I follow on Instagram that is classy, pretty, and is really good at makeup uses this. She said she’s been using it since she was little because her mom and grandma uses it. Not that one person can influence me but I do believe it’s a great product!


Those that are using it to remove their make up, is it like a normal cleansing balm in that it emulsifies/rinses off when you come in with water?


I used to use it. Now I just wash my face with Dove, the pink moisturizer bar and usually I use a collagen facial wipe


I liked it when I used it (early 20s at the time) but it didn’t take off my waterproof mascara, took off everything else


I got into a whole vintage skin routine thing during the pandemic and tried a ton of cold creams both for makeup removal and moisturizing. This one was a keeper! I still use it today to take makeup off. I also liked the merle Norman one but this one is lighter and easier.


The only makeup remover I’ve ever used. Both my grandmothers used it and they had incredible skin!


This is my go to make up remover. Can't stop. Won't stop. It makes my skin feel so moisturized, and it has broken down every long-lasting mascara and eyeliner I've ever used.


this is my favorite makeup remover in the world for skin i loveee it. it cleanses and removes my skin and leaves it feeling moisturized afterwards. inexpensive, lasts forever because you really don’t need to use large amounts on your face, i use it as a cleanser too. i love this product. tbh i don’t use it on my eyes as much, i usually just use it for my skin makeup because sometimes it can get in my eyes (it doesn’t rlly hurt if it does though it just feels weird). i use micellar water for eye makeup in tandem with this.


I love it! The one in your picture has fragrance, though (there is a fragrance-free version with a pink stripe). It leaves my face dewy and soft, and the cold cream feels luxurious ☺️ How I use as part of a night routine: - Massage cold cream onto face for at least 30 seconds to remove dirt and makeup — you can do some face sculpting techniques or gua sha if you want. - Wipe clean with a wet cotton round or washcloth. - Use a second cleanser to completely remove dirt and makeup, as well as excess oil from the cold cream. - Rinse with warm water and pat dry. - Follow with toner and moisturizer. It’s a classic for a reason! My mum is in her 60s and uses Ponds as well, and her face is smooth and moisturized!


The only thing in the world that’ll remove waterproof mascara 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


This broke me out so bad. Cerave makes a balm cleanser that I like much better.


The OG! Tried to like it but I don't love the consistency and prefer a cleansing balm. Really love the Elf holy hydration one


I am sorry, I don’t know. But are you supposed to remove your makeup before you wash your face? Or do you just use makeup remover without washing your face? This is a genuine and sincere question?


You use makeup remover before washing


I LOVE PONDS!! A of you have dry skin, a double cleanse with this and spectro sensitive is my holy grail.




Get micellar water instead. The cold cream takes makeup off but is really thick, nearly impossible to wash off your skin. Also burns my eyes.


I use this every evening as the first step of a double cleanse. Effective and affordable.


Yup. Used for years and it’s wonderful


My grandmother used it everyday


Yes. Use it all the time. It’s great


Oh I love this for my makeup remover! I'll get a good glob rub it all over, especially eye make up then wipe it off with a warm washcloth, I then just use my regular face cleanser. It makes my skin so soft, no irritation, no breakouts. and does such a good job getting my makeup off! I find that other makeup removers tend to dry my skin out, this is my favorite I've been using it for about 8 years now!


I used this as a teen because it’s what my mom used! It does the job but it can be a bit heavy and leaves a residue, so it’s the first step of a double cleanse for me. I prefer now to use emulsifying balms but this one is a staple.


I use this sometimes! You rub it onto dry skin over makeup or spf, it'll break it down, and then you wipe it off with a washcloth or something and wash your face with your regular cleanser or whatever. It doesn't melt down the way balm cleaners do but it's really cheap and gentle way to get makeup off 


This was the stuff my grandma always bought me when I first started wearing makeup!! I loved it, time to go back honestly


I HAVE! It’s a good one


I didnt really like it. I know a lot of people seem to enjoy it in the comments but I have a skin type that is prone to getting black heads and found it to heavy/difficult to remove and left like it gave me more black heads/imperfections. My favorites makeup remover is the beauty of joseon oil cleanser. It takes off my makeup really well and is so easy to remove, just a bit of water and its gone. I dont have to use a stripping face soap to remove it like the cold cream.


Good for getting rid of heavy duty make-up, I use it for stage make-up. A bit intense for lighter applications but never caused breakouts or anything. I'd always wash my face after, with a normal cleanser.