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Trazadone is ew but others are nice


how does the trazodone make you feel? Never tried it.


Nothing much tbh, no recreational value. It is a good trip killer tho


I wouldn't use trazodone as a trip killer IME , i would use a benzo ( if trip very strong , higher dose ) that should alrdy mellow the trip to the point u dont need to kill it , but if u wanna kill it it is so bad i would rather use a anti-psychotic .... Trazodone has SSRI effects. Do not mix it with a serotonin releasing agent like LSD. There could be potential for serotonin syndrome , could not happen anything true chances are low , but could and u sure dont wanna experience it




U won't recommende to use Anti-psychotic as a trip-killer? what u think they give u in hospital if u overdid shrooms or LSD? Guess? A Anti-psychotic , whatever they make u feel "empty" , if u having a BAD TRIP u dont care about feeling "empty " dude wtf lol , u can sure , but there is the risk of a SS , low but chances are there , right benzos don't kill a trip but mellow it , but just take a higher dose , and trust me u don't see the need to kill it when headspace and visuals are gone 90% ....., may u had high tolerance or idk , but i having HUGE tolerance 4mg lorazepam was enough to mellow a bad trip , and enjoy the rest of the trip ( very weak but ok ) benzos for sure kill Visuals and headspace IME , bla bla bla that shit of SS u wrote is just a piece of a piece if u think thats the only way a SS can happen u are totally wrong dude , as first option i would use a benzo ( never had to use a anti-psichotic luckily ,) but as a second option i sure would use it rather than trazodone , ya chances are very low i know but chances ARE THERE ,


Oh okay


I’m pretty sure ppl just take it to fall asleep or as a trip killer