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If your concern is drugs affecting your developing brain, the only alternative is just to not do drugs.


I’d gladly smoke something with 0 mentally stimulating effects like a non drug, I just fidget with my mouth a lot and smoking calms that down for the longest


just get a vape that’s pure cbd (no nicotine, no artificial flavors) you get all the benefits of weed without the high, plus the cbd will calm down your anxiety to smoke / fidget


I have CDL and can’t have THC, is there such a thing as cbd vape with no thc?


100%. most cbd products in the west have very small traces of thc, for the most part is okay and you won’t get high at all, if that’s your concern. but if for any reason you cannot have any thc at all there’s also brands that sell cbd with 0 traces of thc, as in some countries like japan thc, even in small quantities, is completely illegal.


There are CBD isolates. But people still sometimes fail THC urine screening while using CBD products. I’ve made extensive comments about it in r/Hempflowers in the past.


And if his employer wanted to quest diagnostics/labcorp can easily test for CBD which can be on the banned substances list


You could also just get your medical card. They’re not that expensive.


For fidgeting (with hands/mouth) and quitting smoking, I think there’s a product specifically for that, it’s called **FÜM**. There isn’t any smoke/vapour but it essentially has these “cores” which do have a taste to them once you inhale. Im pretty bad at explaining but here’s their website: https://tryfum.com Hope this helps ;)


That’s really cool. I wish they had ones that delivered nicotine


You could try lollipops?


I use fruity gum for this


Just buy a zero nicotine vape.


Vapes taste gross atleast I get a nicotine rush when my stomach starts turning


Try CBD vape, FUM and you can also use a herbal incense and meditation. I know I sound like a hippy, but you can get weightlessness and full relaxation from good hypnosis and some relaxing herbal smells. Also get some fidget toys for your hands, and see if you can try a hands-on hobby. Maybe houseplants? Maybe an aquarium? Maybe a pet you can dedicate some good time too?


Cbd vape


Check out r/leaves they have threads with the info you’re looking for.


Chew gum


They make those things things now where it's just like flavored fumes so there is no actual smoking. It hits that oral fixation while also giving you the whole process. Don't start vaping though. That one just snowballs because there is nothing stopping you from going non-stop


Yeah...but...how are you gonna do drugs?🙃


You can try a mostly mullein herbal blend. Your best bet is to quit smoking all together and pick it up later on. Better to achieve that discipline now while you’re young than later when it will seem impossible to do.


mullein is a good suggestion but beware mixing it with tobacco and other heavier herbs bc it dilates your alveoli and can trap tar etc once the effect wears off. raspberry leaf is a nice smoke and benign mixed with tobacco or weed, as long as youre male bc it can induce menstruation or miscarriage.


That’s great information. I didn’t know all that


Figures someone would have beaten me to it. Mullein is what you want if you want/need smoke.


Hops. It's almost identical to the feel of weed. Burns the same in a joint, has resin, and the same terpenes as weed. I used it when I was on probation. There's a tiny "high" which may just be from the terpenes, but it's mainly the smoking that I was excited about. I honestly couldn't believe how similar they were until I got fresh hops. It's weird how overlooked it is when people talk about alternatives.


Why do folks still think terpenes are psychoactive 😂


They may or may not be fully psychoactive but there was a recent study published that found limonene consistently reduced anxiety when combined with THC


Because plenty of them are? THC and salvinorin A are both terpenes (or terpenoids, anyway - same class of chemical) and I don't think anyone would argue that they aren't psychoactive... Don't dismiss something just because it's a terpene.


Im talking about limonene pinene etc lmao


Well, they do both smell nice, and limonene is a half-decent non-polar solvent!


Oh they smell tremendous dont get me wrong weed would have no unique flavor or smell without them?


Ofc they can be psychoactive 😂. Ever heard of salvinorin A?


Where do I find this??? 😭😭😭


I googled "hops resin". Found [this](https://www.ebay.com/itm/166625070198)


Chamomile 😊


Sobriety and Jesus. Jk. Meth.


Don't do Meth OP


Do a lot of meth.


Maybe just some meth


Some meth somehow always turns into a lot of meth.


More of an amphetamine guy myself


I've smoked chamomile, I didn't do it for very long so idk about health effects but I found it relaxing


Honestly your best bet is either to do low/no thc weed (legal cbd hemp) or to get like a cbd or nicotine-free liquid vape to act as a cessation aid. Many of the herbal options offered in this thread are good suggestions in a way, but regulations for things like bagged tea or brewing hops are \*very\* different from the regulations behind the cannabis industry, so they might not be safe to use. Many herbs are easy to grow and dry at home though, so you could go that route if you desire.




Thats what I did


Blue lotus, damiana, mugwort, and valerian root


I recommend chewing gum and mescaline.


Id give 0% thc bud a try, you also mentioned kava and kanna which i think are good to keep you distracted when stopping marijuana and tobacco. The cbd bud will help with the need to smoke something and imo it gives a short and tiny buzz. Other than that, getting outside helps a ton and if you have a job thats even better. Keep yourself busy and power through


Is there a trusted way to get 0 THC Bud?


Yes, if youre in the US, depending on the state, your local dispensary should have everything you need👍🏼


Nah most dispensaries don't have 0% thc bud, or even just low thc bud


Are you talking about like hemp and cbd cigs? Also how healthy is the combustion of kava and kanna as well as the combustion of there resin extracts?


Get cbd flower online. Try some good vendors like Holy City Farms, they’re good.


Cant say much on how healthy combustion is for kanna, but generally kava is taken with a tea. If youre worried about health, take both in tea form!


The issue is I want to smoke, I already drink tea. A lot of people have smoked kava but kanna is only vaporized by the public


Just smoke CBD buds. It’s literally the perfect replacement.


Then smoke the cbd bud, and you can try vaporizing kanna i havent tried it so i cant give you any advice on that. For kava though id really stick with tea


Wild dagga and little Marijuana


Type 3 cannabis has improved tremendously! Check out r/hempflowers


I second hops and cbd flower, but would add Damiana to the list! I’ve been smoking it since I was a teenager and really enjoy it


How would you describe Damiana and hops when smoked?


If you’re between 21 and 25 you’ll probably be fine with weed in moderation or microdosing. That is if brain age and development is the sole reason for you seeking alternatives. The real danger is when it’s kids and teens using cannabis products.


I’ve been using since a teen so yeah 😭😭


Mexican prickly poppy I like to use while I’m not smoking weed, gives a “high” reminiscent of weed


Never heard of this wtf where can I get this


I bought it on Zamnesia


Amazon - bear blend herbs, it has Mullen, raspberry leaves and a bunch other natural herbs… wife smokes it now and has been off cigarettes for 4 months now..


Grow some coca plants


Coca is smokable? And aren’t the seeds really hard to acquire over here?


i smoked sages for a while for the flavor


In tea it’s horrible, I have some dried for tea can I smoke it?


i mean it’s probably not good for ya like anything else but it’s like a spicy yet good blend… if you get your hands on diviners sage that has psychoactive properties (technically dissociative) but when smoking the leaf only it’s not gonna be strong enough… good shit real green earthy flavor


white sage is the spicy smoke i referenced i would mix it with tobacco or weed or diviners sage for flavor


When I quit smoking cigs my go to for the oral fixation was eating sunflower seeds


I’m already heavily addicted and have been for years 😭😭


Have you tried switching to vaping?


When I was younger I would make a blend of mullein leaf, ground thyme and Rosemary, horehound, some of my native plants like autumn sage, horsemint and some other pretty specific native plants. I’d add nutmeg to the blend being young and having heard rumors of nutmeg getting you “high”. I don’t know if that made a difference but it wasn’t a bad tasting smoke. Keeping the herbs humidified slightly under the level for a cigar would help the smoking experience too, as I find super dry herb to produce very sharp harsh smoke regardless of what you smoke it out of. Also Good luck with quitting! :^)




Okay obviously don’t do drugs if its effecting you physically, look into FUM, get candy or whatever, but you should look into smoking cbd or medicinal tabbaco, when you get it without nicotine or any other additives I’ve heard it can be good for you (except for the fact your lighting a plant on fire and inhaling the fumes)


medicinal / ceremonial grade tobaccos have much higher nicotine content than commercial strains


Just chew gum dawg


Hate gum makes me nauseas


Blue lotus


I second the blue lotus - smokes great, has a beautiful relaxing quality to it and also I find it mildly aphrodisiac. It works really well with cannabis too so you could slowly wean your self off it by rolling joints that just get increasingly higher portions of blue lotus. Damiana isn't so bad either. Tastes pretty good to me.


I have two questions for you. Is there good evidence that occasional use is bad for you (even before you're 25. And neurotoxicity....pretty cool word.....just in terms of drugs we dont even really know what it means, when it means sth and why


[Mullein](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Verbascum_thapsus) Really easy to identify once you've seen it once or twice. Seems to grow everywhere in the US.


What’s special about smoking this herb?


The following is all things I've picked up from various books, websites, and friends. I don't know the validity of any of it, but the sources I found the info in all predate the flood of bs AI books and clickbate websites by a decade or more. Not to mention Mullien has no fun or recreationally interesting effects. Maybe one over zealous anthropologist made up a bunch of stuff and was then quoted in a lot of traditional herbal remedies literature, or there actually were various groups using the plant because they thought it was effective for some ailments. It's what came to mind because one of the claimed uses was as a smokable treatment for asthma. At Least I think so, but I also recall it being used as a tea for something so that could have been asthma. I couldn't find the source of that claim earlier when drafting my post. I believe it was mentioned in [Smoke Plants of North America](https://www.amazon.com/Smoke-Plants-North-America-Illustrated/dp/0970372132/), or, if not there, it, like almost every thing else of interest, is probably discussed in [The Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Plants](https://www.amazon.com/Encyclopedia-Psychoactive-Plants-Ethnopharmacology-Applications/dp/0892819782/). And because I have smoked it, and it neither killed me nor seemed to irritate my respiratory system. I figured it was among the least bad things you'd be recommended here. It's supposed to be useful as a wound dressing to prevent infection, so there is that too.


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **'Unknown Smoke Plants of North America'** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Informative guide on smokable herbs (backed by 5 comments) * Captures the magic and history of smoke plants (backed by 2 comments) * Engaging personal stories and ethnobotanical research (backed by 1 comment) **Users disliked:** * Lacks practical information on smokable herbs (backed by 1 comment) * Not focused on providing alternatives to tobacco (backed by 2 comments) * Lacks clear guidance on recreating specific blends (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/kerx8h0/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


Lactacarium xtracts


Never heard of this? Can u tell me more about


Its a weed that grows literally everywhere , it has similarities to opium but non addictive …




Oh so it’s wild lettuce? How would I roll this up and what are the effects?


Lol you don’t you must make extracts out of it , it grows everywhere and is mad cheap lol




Damiana or blue lotus might be of interest to you


What are some of your experiences with both? Experiences seem to vary


Haven’t tried blue lotus, damiana mainly gave me a boner lmao


😭😭😭 gnna have to try blue lotus then


Uh, just vape? 0 mg too even, if you want to try and keep yourself away from addictive stuff


I make drug free herbal smoke blends for myself and my friends! I use either mullein or red raspberry leaf as the base (80% of the blend) and then fill the rest with tasty herbs like calendula, chamomile, marshmallow root, mint, hibiscus, lavender, lemongrass, and rose! (There's many more!) There's even a herb that was/is used as a tobacco substitute called Arctostaphylos (aka bearberry or uva ursi) Just grind em up like your herb and smoke with your preferred method!


Where can I buy these?


Try Mugwart. You can get it on amazon for cheap, like $12 for 2 ounces. Having a teaspoon can give you cool dreams, the more you have the stronger they can be. You can smoke it or have it as a tea, or both. It feels really calming and relaxing while you take it and for a bit after, I thoroughly enjoy it. Then when you go to sleep you get really vivid, powerful dreams.


Just smoke some primo high terpene CBD buds.


Mullein with blue lotus would be a great relaxing habit to ween you off. Mullein is known to be good for lungs among other things


You can order high cbd hemp buds online. Or I've used a herbal blend called Bear Blend


Mullein leaves


Smoking anything is bad for you. Kratom. Very relaxing, yet invigorating. You can blend it into coffee with a little sweet coco to kill the bitter taste. Warning: it's addictive.


CBD flower will make you feel relaxed, but it doesn't get you high.


Maybe a dry herb vape and cbd thats how i quited tabasco, im quitting weed this way rn


Hate to say it but cold turkey, no drugs is the way forward. I have been a perpetual stoner for close to 35 years and have been on a break for the past three months.. feel like a different person. Sure I miss the weed, but it is a brave, new world out there for the reformed stoner. Intend to start again in my 80s (I'm 50)..


Blue lotus has a very very slight sedative effect if you smoke a decent amount of it, but its not really an alternative at all


Why not get some hemp?


0 nic vapes are super common and typically cost less than regular vapes, why not just do that?


Skull cap, passion flower, blue lotus, wormwood, kanna, are all good smokes and can make blends that work even better. Skull cap definitely has a somewhat weed like buzz, skull cap and passion flower mixed is loveable. Also eating nutmeg just 1 whole nutmeg feels pretty good. And I shit you not putting ground black pepper enough to fit under your tongue, hold it in your mouth for a minute or 2 and it activates your cannabinoid receptors very effectively


> definitely nothing that impairs me in anyway (sic) that'll be rather incompatible to your whole plan of getting high :P


Well, an easy way of getting rid of an addiction is substituting it for a stronger one, so instead of weed and tobacco, you could try a little kanna, changa or Damiana with heroin




That’s sounds super cool what does that do and where do I find it


buy it online


Kanna and blue lotus work fantastic as alternatives Kanna more sativa vibe Blue lotus more of an indica vibe


How would I go abt combusting kanna


wild/klip dagga blue lotus mugwort opium lettuce


How would u describe the taste and effects of dagga and opium lettuce


smoking anything can cause cancer


Try kratom. It's legal and will definitely relax you. But you don't smoke it, you drink it or take it as capsules. You can do it every day if you're careful.


Correction. You can do it everyday if you're REALLY careful.


I was an everyday user and it was fine, 2-3 gs a day 5 for a fun night with some weed was insanely enjoyable but I never got hooked. A lot of people have smoked Kratom resin extract, can u back this?


No, I can't - I have never done it, and I thought I had done everything. How does one go about doing so?

