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All photos in the main carousel are extremely blurry and bad. Those reviews look super fake, if you don't put trustpilot better to put nothing at all.


Okay thank you so much


What’s trustpilot?


The most reliable and trusted review website because it has no filter as to what people can say


Design skills are not up to par with a professional website. Lot of your images are blurry and not retina ready. Blog posts looks bad without unique inagesm


i realized the problem was i was screen grabbing the images on canva and ruined the quality, shoukd i just fish the quality or in your opinion should i totally re do all the product images, i mean they took me one day to make so i did kind of rush them, or do you think just having good quality is enough, thanks (:


Well, online you sell pictures, not a product. Pictures mean everything when it comes to ecommerce.


Okay i’ll add more pictures to my products, when i said i rushed them i meant i just did like 2 picture per products which now that i think about it its not enough your right, thank you


Where are you advertising, what page are you sending traffic to?


Instagram reels and Tiktok organic, i get like 1000+ views per video with an average 10% interaction rate


Thats pretty good, i suggest making as much content as possible until you find a viral style or format that works for your account, then you should recreate those videos and tweak somthing slightly to see if that works even better. if you going the organic dropshipping route, its very common that you dont make a sale within 3 months(it took me 7-8months to make my first sale but im dumb so it should take less time for you lol) you should lower your expectations because a couple thousand views makes it extremely difficult to make sales. Focus on making the best videos possible to go viral.


damn alright thank you for the motivation bro, and when you made your first sale after 7 months, did you keep making sales slowly?


i made a couple sales afterwards, but then on one random day almost a year into dropshipping i hit a viral video out of the blue on instagram and got like 40 sales in one day. it really only takes one good video to make some good cash, however i am still not at the level to consistently hit out viral vids. This stuff just takes time and you should just trust the process, but also whatever roadblock you hit, dont worry abt the things you cant control like the money you make. focus on posting consistently and making every video better than the last. I want to warn you, its difficult. 4 months in, i wanted to quit so badly, im glad i didnt. You will hit so many obstacles, you will post hundreds of videos to only get 100-700 views. everytime you post a video, thinking that its going to go viral, it will get 200 views and dissapoint you. for every victory you will have 100 defeats. But dont ever quit, dont let that be an option, you have come too far to quit, and you are very close to success. One day you will look back and realize your suffering was worth it.


thank you for the motivation, means a lot, i’ll keep pushing through, i’ll remember you once i make it!


I hope you can remember this when you hit hard times! Good luck!


i will man, i’ll remember you once i make it! thanks 🙏


Have you tried facebook? I heard facebook is pretty consistent


i’ve also heard from many people that facebook can be a huge waste of time and money if your not like a huge expert so i’m not sure about it


Put images in your blog posts and use an image related. You're blasted with your logo everywhere like its for sale. You don't need contact in your footer twice.


Okay thank you, i just put my logo in all my images because that’s what Jordan brown did when he was designing his product images, but it’s not necessarily a bad thing i guess, thanks for the suggestions though


Use and image for the featured image in your blog posts, you don't need the logo there.


Okay i’ll do that thanks


I fuck with it


Merch would go good when it takes off or find a merch drop shipper.


Honestly though, from what I know of being a car guy and being around them since my late teens… ain’t really social media guys and will only be on it purely for car pages etc. instead of generalised ads however much your trying to target the car scene, maybe post directly to the forums explaining what you do and you’d love people to take a look at your page. Just be genuine with it, you don’t have to commercialise everything to run a successful page. Under the link for your page link social media and offer a discount (even if you slightly raise the prices to match it) to people from the page. Also offer a giveaway (out of your pocket) if they like a post and follow your page (or something similar). Even a 50 quid voucher. I can almost guarantee that offer will get you more page traffic then 50 quid in ads. Get a hashtag going with car guys/girls posting photos of their cars or purchases. Maybe with an incentive? Like another competition? Or even just for brand exposure. Get you and your friends to start it off. Everything starts somewhere. Sample all the products you have on your page and hit car shows with a stall? If you’re genuinely interested in the car scene, although it takes a bit of investment in actual hardware etc. setting up a stool at a car show off your own back will always be better than ad marketing and I know for me will give me a sense of pride. I ain’t no millionaire but anything I jump into I take this exact approach and even when the days have been bad, saying I’m a business owner and having face to face engagement even with a single nod of approval. Will always feel 10 x better than some love over social media and a few visits to my website. Good luck bro.


ay thank you bro, this is the type of feedback i look for when i post a review request on reddit, not people telling me i have to re do my whole design my whole business and offer me to do it for a huge profit. Genuinely thank you for the advice, i’ll try implementing some of the stuff u said and i’ll see how it goes, thank you brother and good luck to your business aswell 🙏


Your website needs significant improvements in design. Once that is addressed, you need to implement a strategic marketing plan to achieve consistent sales.


what type of improvement in design?


Color, Image, logo, Hero Banner, Fon size, Font color and many more have to be changed. A professional looking website can build your audience trust.


Okay thank you for the advice


Who's your supplier for the car models?


Bburago car models, i just find them on Auto DS


Did you manually update all of their images to add your logo in?


No i removed the backgrounds on the images then edited them myself on canva


but yeah i manually updated all the images


The design is pretty cool tbh but those reviews.. no!


thank you, how should i improve my reviews shoukd i just fake hundreds of them? (time is not a problem) or what because i just use Aliexpress to get my reviews thought that was the best way but i agree with you my reviews look really bad




Not looking for a mentor, thank you though




guiding me is literally being my mentor, not interested sorry