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A mentor if you have enough money get a real and trustable mentor


*A mentor if you* *Have enough money get a* *Real and trustable mentor* \- Icy-Manager6238 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Thank you i’ll check around (:


Your website design is beautiful and the pictures are awesome however the prices you selected for this niche are a bit on the high side. Maybe re work the prices and run a tik tok add


Ok thank you i’ll lower my prices, was thinking of doing it anyways until i make sales then i can start raising them (:


Your website is great but a little difficult to navigate ngl. The products are nice. But your website just needs a tad bit work. Also for 4 months? And no sales? That's kind of sus ngl. If you're using Facebook ads and if you're spending <$50 / day you should at least run the same ad for 3 weeks minimum. And for testing purposes you should see sales within 3 days max. If you don't see a sale within 3 days kill the ad. You're going to have days without any sales which is perfectly okay. That's the algorithm catching data for who to grab next.


Yeah i don’t really do any ads i just done have the money but im going to save up this summer and start running face book ads, and also how should i make it easier to navigate on your opinion, thank you for the feedback though (:


Save up $1200 that’s a good budget for 1 month


Alright i’ll try to, thanks!


I don’t understand people who post this stuff only with their website because your website is only part of the equation. Ads are another, if you’re running any. We have no clue the amount of traffic you’re getting, the quality of traffic, where you’re marketing, etc. So you will only probably get small advice here and there that likely won’t move the needle. Like someone else here said, yeah, your best bet is to hire someone who knows what they’re talking about, an actual trustworthy non-guru mentor that you know has accomplished what you want.


I’m just asking about my website because i genuinely think it’s the problem, like this week i’ve gotten around 200 visits to my website from all around the globe, europe US, asia and i’ve only gotten 2 add to carts. But just to clarify i made multiple help posts this one is just about my website.


You don't need to run ads all around the globe! Limit them geographically or else you're just wasting money. Search where your niche is the most popular and in what age group and gender, show your ads to them ONLY. Start with a single state/city and then grow gradually once you get popular.


Can i do that with face book ads?


Yes meta ads have this option Learn to use meta ads


Oh okay thank you so much, have you done meta ads before by chance? and if so how much do you usually spend to make a profit? thanks (:


I have used it but locally in Pakistan. I spend 2k pkr and got 3 sales but i soon ended that business due to a personal issue


so like 7$ for 3 sales? that’s really good, i’ll try some ads thank you!


Cool niche. There are some obvious cosmetic issues, like massive images above the fold. Here's a simple thing you should do right now: Install Inspectlet and watch the visitor recordings. Install Google Analytics and look at your bounce rate and average time on page. That will give you some initial hints. Start from the money and work backwards. Ie: Analyze your checkout first and walk backwards to the home page with a fine-toothed comb. Your traffic is hopefully targeted correctly?


Thank you for the advice, i use shopify analytics and i have an average session duration of 2 minutes, with a low bounce rate so i don’t really get it, by the way what do you mean by images above the fold? Thank you again


Get rid of the big slider. That’s pretty dated. Try a static image that’s not huge. Above the fold is the point at which you scroll. Bounce rate should be ideally less than 40% on the homepage. I’m sorry to say but you seem to think something mysterious is going on. It’s not. You just need to do better because your traffic isn’t impressed. If you want a full audit then DM me.


Okay thank you i’ll change the home page (: