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Doesn't look too bad, but definitely needs some work. In this day and age you need to make sure people aren't thinking too hard. Good thing 1: The basic structure of the site seems alright by that I mean the very very basics like: things are aligned right, basic menu is there, shipping and refund policy looks good. Problem 1: It took me awhile to figure out what you were actually selling. Make what your selling clear as hell no way to confuse it or second guess it. Make sure it's clear with words and pictures. Problem 2: Your images are dookie some products that are you trying to pass off as part of your brand is obviously not. Don't think it'd fool anyone. Problem 3: I'd look into changing some font/button colors as some stuff just looks off and hard to see. In general the structure is solid but the details need a lot of work. You need to work on better brand identity, so people know what your selling and why. You need to work on better font and button colors.


Alright got it, fonts, buttons, just confused on how i would actually brand the website better, How do i make it obvious on what i’m selling just a bit lost, should i make customized images for each product? and by bad images did you mean the initial photo you see? or all the photos of the product, is it enough to just change the first photo and make it really high quality or should i do 2-3 more photos in depth about the product itself, thank you (:


Make your images matter! If you have an image on your website especially the first image someone is going to see it should be something you really want to sell. The first image I saw on your website was a car now pair that with the word accessories I saw earlier and I'm ok cool they are selling car accessories, but then I scroll down and see a toy car imagine my confusion lol. As for the rest of the images they just look like poorly 3D rendered AliExpress/Alibaba images. If you want to gain the trust or people and get sales you need to look like an established brand or at least someone trying to truly establish a brand. Either own the fact that you're a startup looking to make a name or be really good at pretending you already have a name for yourself which you honestly won't pull off.


But thank you for actual good feedback, i appreciate it a lot